首页 > 化工知识 > 【图像检测】基于区域生长算法实现对焊接孔隙检测matlab代码


时间:2021-12-11 来源: 浏览:


原创 天天Matlab 天天Matlab



收录于话题 #图像处理matlab源码 286个 内容

1 简介


2 完整代码

clear all, close all, clc f = imread(’defective_weld.tif’); imshow(f), title(’原始图象’) figure, [counts,x] = imhist(f); bar(x,counts), title(’原始图象的直方图’) S = 255; T = 65; [g, NR, SI, TI] = regiongrow(f, S, T); figure, imshow(SI), title(’种子点图象’) figure, imshow(TI), title(’阈值测试后的图象’) figure, imshow(g), title(’8连通性分析后的图象’) bw = edge(g, ’canny’); figure, imshow(bw), title(’边缘图象’) ff = f; ff(bw) = 0; figure, imshow(ff), title(’叠加图象’)

function [g, NR, SI, TI] = regiongrow(f, S, T) %REGIONGROW Perform segmentation by region growing. %   [G, NR, SI, TI] = REGIONGROW(F, SR, T). S can be an array (the %   same size as F) with a 1 at the coordinates of every seed point %   and 0s elsewhere. S can also be a single seed value. Similarly, %   T can be an array (the same size as F) containing a threshold %   value for each pixel in F. T can also be a scalar, in which %   case it becomes a global threshold.   % %   On the output, G is the result of region growing, with each %   region labeled by a different integer, NR is the number of %   regions, SI is the final seed image used by the algorithm, and TI %   is the image consisting of the pixels in F that satisfied the %   threshold test. %   Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins %   Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004 %   $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2003/10/26 22:35:37 $ f = double(f); % If S is a scalar, obtain the seed image. if numel(S) == 1   SI = f == S;   S1 = S; else   % S is an array. Eliminate duplicate, connected seed locations   % to reduce the number of loop executions in the following   % sections of code.   SI = bwmorph(S, ’shrink’, Inf);     J = find(SI);   S1 = f(J); % Array of seed values. end TI = false(size(f)); for K = 1:length(S1)   seedvalue = S1(K);   S = abs(f - seedvalue) <= T;   TI = TI | S; end % Use function imreconstruct with SI as the marker image to % obtain the regions corresponding to each seed in S. Function % bwlabel assigns a different integer to each connected region. [g, NR] = bwlabel(imreconstruct(SI, TI));

3 仿真结果

4 参考文献

[1]孙太生等. "基于改进区域生长算法的焊缝图像分割." 现代焊接 2(2012):2.



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