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时间:2022-06-02 来源: 浏览:


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第一作者: Chao Yang
通讯作者: 李晓岩
通讯单位: 香港大学土木工程系
论文 DOI :10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.129212


电催化氧化是一种很有前景的处理水和废水中有毒有机污染物的技术,但传统的钛基阳极往往使用寿命短,应用效率低。基于氧空位(OV)的缺陷工程是提高电极电催化活性的有效活化方法。 最近, 香港大学土木工程系 李晓岩 老师团队在Journal of Hazardous Materials 期刊上发表题为“ Oxygen-vacancy-enriched substrate-less SnO x /La-Sb anode for high-performance electrocatalytic oxidation of antibiotics in wastewater 的文章。在这项研究中, 作者 通过将La 3+ 定量掺杂到阳极的SnO 2 晶体结构中,实现了在独立式SnO 2 -Sb阳极表面可控形成OV,用于高性能电化学废水处理。 所得的SnO x /La-Sb阳极在30分钟内降解了近100% 的莫西沙星(MOX,10 mg·L -1 ),能耗低至0.09 kWh·m -3 OV密度为1.09%的SnO x /La-Sb阳极具有最高的降解速率常数(0.226 min -1 ),是SnO 2 -Sb阳极的8倍,是现有状态的16倍。 最先进的硼掺杂金刚石阳极。 La 3+ 掺杂诱导的OV通过促进界面电子转移和•OH生成(增加 103%)激活阳极表面进行电化学 反应。 新型3D可渗透SnO x /La-Sb阳极在连续流通处理系统(通过阳极<1分钟)中也表现出显着的稳定性(预计使用寿命为59年)和高倍率性能(>98%)。


1. 材料和氧空位的表征

Fig. 1. Morphological and structural characteristics of the SnO 2 -Sb and SnO x /La-Sb anodes: (a) photograph of the freestanding pristine SnO 2 -Sb anode and the SnO x /La-Sb anode; (b) SEM image of the surface of the SnO x /La-Sb anode; (c) TEM and (d) high-resolution TEM images of the SnO x /La-Sb anode; (e)  XRD patterns of both anodes; (f) crystal structure of SnO 2 ; and (g) high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) imaging and the corresponding EDX elemental mapping of the SnO x /La-Sb anode.

Fig. 2. High-resolution XPS spectra of (a) Sn 3d of the SnO 2 -Sb and SnO x /La-Sb anode; (b) La 3d of the SnO x /La-Sb anode; (c) schematic of O V  formation in the SnO x /La-Sb anode; (d) XPS spectra of O 1 s; and (e) EPR and (f) PALS spectra of the SnO 2 -Sb and SnO x /La-Sb anodes.

2. 阳极的电化学性质

Fig. 3. Electrochemical properties of the SnO 2 -Sb and SnO x /La-Sb anodes: (a) UV–Vis DRS spectra and (inset) band gap determination; (b) EIS Nyquist plots; (c) LSV curves for determining the OEPs; and (d) results of the accelerated service life testing of the freestanding SnO x /La-Sb anode in comparison with the conventional 2D SnO 2 -Sb/Ti anode and freestanding SnO 2 -Sb anode ([H 2 SO 4 ] = 0.5 M,  j  = 200 mA cm −2 ).

3. MOX的电化学降解

Fig. 4. Electrochemical degradation of MOX by different anodes with the same surface area: (a) MOX degradation; (b) pseudo–first-order degradation rate constants  k  and energy consumption  E EO  (conditions: [MOX] = 10 mg L −1 , [Na 2 SO 4 ] = 0.05 M,  j  = 2.5 mA cm −2 , pH = 6.5); (c)  k  and  E EO  for MOX degradation as a function of current density; and (d) cycling tests of electrochemical MOX degradation by the SnO x /La-Sb anode.

4、 分子探针COU和OA的电化学氧化

Fig. 5. Electrochemical oxidation of the molecular probes by different anodes: (a) COU removal by •OH radicals and (b) OA removal by direct oxidation on the anode.


Fig. 6. Relationship between O V  abundance and electrochemical performance of the SnO x /La-Sb anode: (a) effect of the La 3+  doping amount on the MOX degradation performance of the anode; (b) relationship between the pseudo first-order rate constant and O V  density of the anode; (c) •OH yield on SnO x /La-Sb anodes with different O V  densities; (d) quenching tests of the electrochemical MOX degradation process using  tert -Butyl alcohol (10 mM) as scavengers for •OH, methanol (10 mM) for both •OH and SO 4 •− , and  p -benzoquinone (10 mM) for O 2 •−  (conditions: [MOX] = 10 mg L −1 , [Na 2 SO 4 ] = 0.05 M,  j  = 2.5 mA cm −2 , pH = 6.5); and (e) EPR spectra of the SnO x /La-Sb anode-based electrochemical system using DMPO as the spin trap.


Fig. 7. Proposed pathways of MOX degradation during electrochemical treatment with the SnO x /La-Sb anode.

Fig. 8. Schematic of the mechanism of electrochemical organic (MOX) oxidation on the O V -enriched SnO x /La-Sb anode.

Fig. 9. Flow - through anode for electrochemical  wastewater treatment: (a) schematics of the electrochemical system in flow-through configuration with the porous and permeable SnO x /La-Sb anode; and (b) MOX degradation by the flow-through anode in a single-pass operation (conditions: [MOX] = 10 mg L −1 , [Na 2 SO 4 ] = 0.05 M, cell potential = 3.8 V, pH = 6.5, flux = 108 LMH, treatment time = 12 min in the cell and 0.8 min through the anode).
通过一步烧结没有Ti衬底的金属氧化物,然后通过将La 3+ 定量掺杂到SnO 2 晶体中,在独立的阳极表面上产生OV,制备了一种新型的富含氧空位(OV)的无衬底SnO x /La-Sb阳极用于高效电化学处理抗生素污染的废水。Sn 4+ 与La 3+ 的可控取代导致在独立阳极表面上形成大量 OV。PALS光谱还表明在SnO x /La-Sb结构中形成了许多小的中性La 3+ ˗OV缔合物。与原始 SnO 2 -Sb阳极相比,SnO x /La-Sb阳极表现出显着提高的电子转移效率和•OH产率(增加 103%)。SnO x /La-Sb阳极在30min内降解测试废水中近100%的MOX(10mg·L -1 ),能耗极低(0.09 kWh·m -3 );因此,开发的阳极比SnO 2 -Sb阳极(56.7% MOX降解)和最先进的BDD 阳极(34.7%)明显更有效。OV密度为1.09%的SnO x /La-Sb阳极的MOX降解速率常数最高(0.226min -1 ),是SnO 2 -Sb阳极(0.027min -1 )的8倍和16倍高于BDD阳极(0.014min-1)。OV-阳极活性火山图以及•OH生成测试的结果表明,SnO x /La-Sb阳极中的OV是通过改善•OH生成和有机氧化的界面电子转移来提高其电催化活性的原因。此外,SnO x /La-Sb负极在 0.5MH 2 SO 4 溶液中在200mA·cm -2 下表现出>300h的显着稳定性,是传统二维SnO 2 -Sb/Ti负极的150倍。此外,多孔且可渗透的SnO x /La-Sb阳极成功地用于流通配置,其中在 108 LMH的过滤通量下,在 0.8min的处理时间内通过阳极降解了>98%的MOX。基于分子探测、自由基猝灭测试和UPLC-QTOF-MS中间体鉴定结果,阐明了可能的电化学MOX降解机理和途径。SnO x /La-Sb阳极有效降解复杂实际废水中的抗生素,在10min内实现了二次出水中MOX(10ppm) 的近100%去除。总体而言,本文报道的富含OV的无底物 SnOx/La-Sb阳极的开发和潜在的OV工程机制推进了高性能电极的设计和制造,用于经济高效地电化学处理废水中的有毒和新出现的污染物.


Chao Yang , et al.  Oxygen-vacancy-enriched substrate-less SnO x /La-Sb anode for high-performance electrocatalytic oxidation of antibiotics in wastewater , Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022


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