![Target Situation Analysis and Present Situation Analysis in Planning an Oral Presentation Course](http://www.cnmhg.com/e/data/images/notimg.gif)
![Target Situation Analysis and Present Situation Analysis in Planning an Oral Presentation Course](http://www.cnmhg.com/e/data/images/notimg.gif)
Target Situation Analysis and Present Situation Analysis in Planning an Oral Presentation Course
- 期刊名字:科技信息
- 文件大小:198kb
- 论文作者:颜佶琰
- 作者单位:无锡职业技术学院
- 更新时间:2020-11-22
- 下载次数:次
科技信息Target Situation Analysis and Present SituationAnalysis in Planning an Oral Presentation Course无锡职业技术学院颜佶琰areas in the televant needs analysis: target situation analysis and prescnt situation analysis.[Key words. ]arget situation analyis present situation analyis ESP oral ptesentarion course1.1 ntroductionTeaching oral presentation playsn mportanltoleimanEsrconlexi断hece competence of making an effertive preernlalion is essential for manyForeanple inEngliahmedium ingtnuetionitigquitecommon forEAPstu-imnlrammalicalatnthuresnmes renpionallafwhichcanaecilitaedents to make oral presentations of their research work. Cererally speaking.the audlienre to underland well. On the rontrary, the fpatures of written lan-there are three possibilities in tearhing oral presentation in n ESP rontext:guagr are designed to be read rather than to hr heard. It contained extendedand complex sentence sinurtures, lower frequency vo-abulary, ltte repti-tion and greater informnation density. all of which increasen the difieulty ofdigesting in real time. 0n this account, in view of the obaervation in manyect. In order to ensure the satisfarlory leaching and learning outcome, thepresentation, the: audience is eaily to‘'fade away" if the presenlation iteacher or the course designer should do some needs analysis at the planninggivrn bhy reading the script.stage. This paper will focus on twn specife issues related with needs analy-2)Another concem in that if the presentation is read, the naturl proso-sis in planning an oral prpspntation coursPly found in torma! speech can be destroyed. leading to an unattractive2Two specinc issues related with Deeds analysismonolone. As a resul, audience may feel dull and lose ttrntion.In preparing an oral preuentation counse in an ESP rontext, the first3)A successful oral presentation should get the audience involved, thattep that the leacher should do is lo do need analyxin. The following ilus-is, there should he some intemartion between the presenter and the audiencerates two speifr areas hat the leacher should bear in mind.by eyr rontart. Hotevr, reading form the script makes eye contact dificult,2.1 The potential oral presentation ceontext-- target siuation 8nalysinresuling in speaker isolated fom the audience.Oral preapntations take plare in vanious rtings. DHferent srtings have4)There is no question audio-visual aids can enliven a presentation.diferent conventions. Cenerally speaking oral presentation sttings can beHowever, it is difcrult to ue thero suessfully when concentrating on aclasified into two categories: academie onea and buiness onen.witten text.First of all, diferent styes in these two stlings are delermined by dif-5)Timing is one of the key elements of eccesful presenations. If theferent purposes of the presentationg. The main purpose of the fomer is toprearnter rears the scripl, it is dificul to adjust the presentation to the tineprovide the information of certain reearch while that of the ltter is to pre-left at his digppsal.ent or promote a certain prodluct or company " 8 imnage. Therefore, the speak-Nevertheless, there are two exceptions. One i that sometimes the lowing style ol the first is mainly informative while that o[ the second is persua-laguge proficiency of the L.2 presenler may ale his or her confdence.ve..The other is that the topie of the presentation is a complex technical topie.Secndly, diferent stylee depend on diferent cultural expectations that Inder these two circumstances, reading a seripr aloud can be an esentiadthe audience bring into these two settingy. In arademie and s irntific do-main, the philosophy is to respect the sinifie community, the slandard ofTherefore, the point here is that 5 a teacher of onl presentalion, it iaevidence and the suhject. Thereforr, the style that the presenter exhibits neressary to do present situation analysis 10 know the students' present lan-ehould be ohjertive. In lems of linguistics, there may be greater resource to gunge pmofirieney. The nral presentation courses are typirally short 即that itepistemie moda! expressions and a less drpree of persnnal inwolvement in is impossible to improve the student ”者profirieney of spoken language dra- -expression. However, in business rontext, there is less presure to present a metically. Therefore, if the student is weak in spoken English, then to把balanced judicious or objextive style that is well ruppor1ed by evidence. quire thr student to speak from the noters is not realistie. What sug-sted isConsequently, more enmotionuad and ealorful languagr can be involved. For to instruet him 10 write the seript in spoken language, making the place oferample, humor can be employed in business context to arouse the audi-enee' 8 interest while it shouild be avoided in academic conlex on account ofBesides, when designing presentation practice tasks, students' lan-it consrienious scienific atituries.guagr proficiency sthould alao bp lakep into acrounl, For examplr. if student'The intitulinnal contexi nf the presentation in another important factor8 langeage proficiency in low, the tanka deigned at the beginning should beatributing to the form, language, conient and preparation nf the presentation. easy. As time goes bhy. when their language competence has improved, theitFor example, in confrnce context, an oral presentation is always limited to confidence in puhlic speaking is incrpased. Therefore, thr lasks practiced15 minutes plus 5 minutes for qurstions or discussion and the conderence could be more challernging. Meanwhile, appropriate Language input in neces-usually compises several presentations given by diferent presentrrs while ary to ensure the rurcessful prpspntations for those leamners whn have lowin business contexl, the presentation i ually "one of" event with only language compelence. What can be ineluded. in the language input are蹋one presenter and tine avaiable is not的limited, ully 20 to 30 minutes. fllow !) vnice worlh, Ruch pronunriation, itonation pausing pace, vol-In view of the ahove, it月neressary for the rourse. designer and the ume 2) signaling wornls and fommulair expression 3) vocabulary and grammarteacher Ito do target situatin analysis at the rourse planning Alagr. For ex-As disrussed abhove, in order to arhieve the bheat outeome of the counse,. Inialeroundintwilthaymatinathenrintaoy Whawilbuarnen .in the situation hefore and afier their talks? Berause all of these will affect3 .Conclusionthe style, and the langiage used surrounding the presentation. Only by theTeaching oral presentation plays an important rmole in an ESP rontex豳prerise analysin of thr polential oral presentation rontext that the studentethe rompetenre of making an elrertive and surcrssful prreapntatinn is essen-will face, can appropriate materials and teaching activitiee he srlected be- tial for many ESP students in their presenit and future aralermic or orrupa-fore trarhing begins. For example, at presen1, there are many commercial tional contexl. In order to ensure thr satisfactory trarhing and leaming out-books offering a lot of guidelincs on oral presentatinns. But these books are comp, the potential orl presrntation context and the leamer'目pofirienry ofmainly designed for the buaines community and in the light of the above language arp twen important areas that the teacher or the course designerconsideration, these prinriples may not be perfectly appropriate for academ =should bear in mind.ic and srirotife setingy. Therefore, if leaching studentas in academic and中国煤化工ientifc domain, tearhers can not instrurt hese prinriplen dinmtly to thestudents. Instrad, they should seleet carefully and adapt them lo academieMYHCNMHG.2.2 The learmer's proficiency of language- present situation andyisIn teaching nral presentation. the leacher usually advisps the studentsReferencesto speak by using note. rather that read direly from 日scrip. Various rea-[1] Schmit, N. (1997) Commeot: Don't read your papens please!sons are provided bhy Sehmitt (1997).FLT Joumal, 51, 1I)ccording to the studies on witten and spoken discounse, there ure一167-
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