Analysis of College English Teaching
- 期刊名字:都市家教(下半月)
- 文件大小:365kb
- 论文作者:黄舒曼
- 作者单位:湖北生物科技职业学院
- 更新时间:2020-11-22
- 下载次数:次
课改前沿Abstract: There has been much debate must make the speech and explanation in class[摘要]本论文针对多个命题变项利on the topic of College English teaching in systematical. The teacher must make the aimofthe|用 真值表法、等值演算法、主析取范式求解China. With the development in college English teaching material clear.繁琐、运算量大的问题,制作了命题演算演teaching, high standard teaching is essential.I stateb, To Make the Group Work Relevant示系统,并对该系统进行研究。a lot of problems that exist in the university. IStudents must perceive the group tasks as[关键词]命题逻辑;真值表;主析取also put forward some suggestions learned from integral to the course objectives, not just busy|范 式the two theories to improve the college language work. Some teachers believe that group work isteaching quality and make students achieve the most sccessful if it involved the work with making需求分析balance of language competence.judgment on the part of the students. For example,(1)可行性研究Keywords: College English Teaching;in an engineering class, the teacher gives groups可行性研究的目的是用最小的代价在尽Existing Problems; Deal witha problem to solve: determine if the city should|可 能短的时间内确定该软件项目是否能够开purchase twenty five or fty buses. Each group发,是否值得开发。可行性研究实质上是要1. An Analysis of进行--次简化、压缩了的需求分析和设计过College Engl ish Teaching group is randomly seleted to present the group' s|程, 要在较高层次上以较抽象的方式进行需in chinasolution to the clas. The approaches used by the|求 分析和设计过程。Unbalanced development various groups are compared and discussed by|本系统采用C/s技术并且结合当前主流的exists in our college English the enire cass, then the whole class comestoa|开发技术进行开发, 为了方便教学演示,提teaching. Students entered decision.高教学的工作效率和简便性,为了适应新形colleges with greatly diferentc,Making Full Use of Network R esources势的发展,我开发了这一系统,只能说是初’English basie skills, evenMake fully use of network resource. Teacherrs| 步的开发探索。希望它能够students of difrent elleges or can seek for and choose some net friends or hail-|在现代的数理 逻辑方面的教same grades of same colleges ellow classes of equivalent English level and|学中发挥快速 ,便捷的作用,计have enormously different roughly the same comnmnication purpose from the|希 望可以减轻教师繁重的教expectations of English. relevant information of electronie forum providedby学 工作量。用户仅需具有基算湖Especially after enlarging the homepage of website for casroom communication.|本的电脑操作能 力即可。所recruitment scale of ordinary Through discussing together, they can make|以使用 者不必担心在使用该机university, some studentsrequests for communicative activitiese, make clear|系 统时可能出现的困难,所with poor English basie skills the objective of their cooperation and respective|有 的教师都可以熟练的操古数中转poured into colleges. Some plan, discuss some sociocultural problems, so as to|,积students don' t have a system understand pragmatie communicative rules under(2)专业知识的需求轻理业of language knowledge; even dfferent circumstances.范式是对含n个命题变some are still very poor in3. Conc lusion元公式的标准表示形式,就职逻院grammar and pronunciation.We all know that English teaching now|像一 元二次方程是方程的一Though colleges and teachersadvocates “thinking in English" , which refers种标准形式。范式有析取范辑舒have spent a lot time on to understand values, code of conduct and way of|式和合取范式两种。 由于析学English teaching, the aetual thinking in English culture by using eross social|取范式 和合取范式不唯-系results are not effeetive. ability. Therefore, the purpose of ellge English|所以使用起来很不方便。 为亏Students’language skills teaching is to cultivate studens' social abiliy and|此, 我们引人主析取范式和统can’ t fit the actual needs of to meet modem society' s requirements for cllge| 主合取范式的概念。当命题 丹social development. College students’ foreign language aptitude.变元的顺序确定以后,主析的DEnglish teaching is to set up aTo haveood English is becoming a very| 取范式和主合取范式是唯一探high的。析取范式和合取范式的teaching atmosphere in the reserches have been made abroad and in China.|基 本成分是简单合取式和简English class to make students This study utilizes questionnaire as the researchtool单 析取式,而主析取范式和究take part in the practice Thus to get some useful finds. But owing to the limited主 合取范式的基本成分是极we can culivate their abilities, resources and time as well as the researcher's| 小项 和极大项。极小项和极大项是特殊的简which are the final teaching capability, there are several limitations in this|单 合取式和简单析取式。全部由极小项构成aimn- -developing the students’study, such as: the scope of the sample should be|的析取范式, 称为主析取范式。任何命题公English intercomnmunicativeextended, participants in this study are limited, the|式 都存在着与之等值的主析取范式。利用主ability.results can not represent the general situation in|析取 范式解决生活中实际应用的逻辑题非常2. Strategies to College English China, and the methodology adopted in the studyis|容 易。Teachingsingle. Therefore, They are needed to be improved(3)命题逻辑推理理论a,Teacher Should Make Better Waysin future research.人们在思维过程中,总是根据已有的知In English teaching and learning process,Refer ences:识,反映更为复杂的事物之间的联系,从而sometimes the materials offered by textbooks[1]Krashen, s. Second Language Acquisition|扩 大认识领域,获得新的知识。如,人们根are not sufficient enough. It is necessary to and Second Language Learning. Oxford:d:| 据气象分析,可以做出天气预报。这是一-种supplement the text with other materials,which Pergamon Press. 1981 Bibliography:由已知推断未知的思考活动,反映这种思维is relevant with the text students are supposed[2]Swain, M., & Lapkin, s. Problems in|活 动的思维形式就是推理。推理是由-个或to learn. And also,the teacher can use some output and the cognitive processes they generate:|几 个已知命题推出新命题的思维形式。tactics to facilitate language learning and make A step towards second language learning. Applined个排理规句令差两部分的命题:一部it more efective. Making full use of limited class Linguistics, 199中国煤化工惟理的根据,叫做推time is very important. At the same time, if[3]Yao Wenzhen & Ma Shenghu. I.MYHCNMHG"此而推导出的命题,the teacher incorporate useful characteristicslocabulary Learning in Communicinto a communicative lesson pattern,it will beApproach[M]. Beijing: Foreign Language这里的推理与传统数学中的定理证明不better. To improve language teaching,teachers Teaching and Research Press, 2003: 26.同。在传统数学中,定理的证明实质上是由都市家教166
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