Application of analytical instruments in pharmaceutical analysis
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- 更新时间:2020-11-22
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INFORMATIONIILCMS-IT-TOFHigh resolution & High precision in MS"measurementThe LCMS-IT-TOF is a new type of mass spectrometerThe stable high-resolution spectra achieved throughout athat combines QIT (ion trap) and TOF (time-of-fight)wide mass range and high precision MS data are derivedtechnologies. When combining QIT and TOF, the greatest from the DSR: Dual-Stage Reflectron and the use of BIE:technological challenges were the efficient introductionBallistic lon Extraction.of ions into the QIT and the simultaneous ection ofThese instrument advances can strongly assist in the usetrapped ions to the TOF. Here, we introduce the newlyof MS for predicating accurate structural details.developed technologies used to solve these problems. Thesouree design, desolvation capillary and reduced cllision High Throughpution focusing Q-Array were adapted from Shimadzu'sIncreased amounts of information are obtained forsuccessful single-quad HPLC mass spectrometer. Theeach measurement enabling much higher reliability inOctapole Lens can introduce eluted ions from the LC tostructural analysis. High-throughput analysis can bethe ion trap by CII (Compressed lon Injection) methodrealized with the world's best performance hybrid MSefficiently. The ion trap QIT gives an efficient MS"used for structural analysis in terms of high-speed masscapability with our new cleaning technology. In addition,spectrum measurement and high-speed ion polarityBIE (Ballistic lon Extraction) technology, providesswitching.high resolution/accuracy for all MS, MS ... modes.The temperature control of the fight tube gives a massHigh Sensitivitystability with stabilizing the length of the ion flight andHigh-Sensitivity detection of low concentration samplesion acceleration voltage which affects the mass derived through the use of Compressed lon InjectionDual-Stage Reflectron gives an excellent resolution with(CI) within the ion optics, allowing for the ions to beoptimizing energy absorption and time convergence.placed eficiently into the ion trap.田SHIMADZUSolutions for Sciencesince 1875LCMS-IT-TOF”Published papers by using LCMS-IT-TOF1. Qundi Liu, et al. High-speed counter-current chromatography preparation and separation of naringin, meranzin hydrateand isomeranzin from Exocarpium Citri Grandis. Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2011, 31:831-834.2. Hong Chang, et al. Isolation and identification of anthocyanins in the fruits of Prunus Humilis Bunge. Food Science,2011, 32:59-63.3. Naoko Yoshinaga, et al. Fatty acid amides, previously identified in caterpil中国煤化Igryllustaiwanemma and fruit fly drosophila melanogaster larvae. Jourmal of ChemicaYHCNMH GJ Pharm Anal hpt/e elsevier con/jpaJ Pharm Anal Vol 2, No 6, December 2012IVNEXERA UHPLC Systemoptions enable a wide variety of system configurations,including 2D, method development, and applicatedNexera is an all-round LC system like no other and issystems.truly worthy of being called a next-generation UHPLCsystem. It uses revolutionary technology to offer high-Reliability & dependabilityperformance ultra-high speed LC analysis and theEngineered using the core competencies of Shimadzu'sflexibility to allow configuring systems for a wide rangeexperience, Nexera provides superior data quality,of applications, such as systems for general-purposerobustness, and long-term performance.analysis or green LC systems that reduce the usage oforganic solvents.Published papers by using NEXERA UHPLCSystemThe Only no compromise UHPLC system1. Szabolcs Fekete, et al. The impact of extra-columnHigh speedband broadening on the chromatographic eficiency ofHigh-speed injection, extra-low gradient delay volume5cm long narrow-bore very efficient columns. Journalcombined with the lowest carryover without rinsingof Chromatography A, 2011, 1218:5286-5291.enable ultra-high-speed cycle time.2. Tamara P. Kondratyuk, et al. Resveratrol derivativesas promising chemopreventive agents with improvedHigh resolutionpotency and selectivity. Molecular Nutrition & FoodWidest pressure/flow range (130 MPa up to 3 mL/min)Research, 2011, 55(8):1249- 1265.allows for the use of long small-particle columns to3. Michelle L. Colgrave, et al. What is in a beer?maximize peak capacity.Proteomic characterization and relative quantfication ofhordein (gluten) in beer. Journal of Proteome Research,Flexibility & expandability2012, 11(1): 386-396.Modular design, pre-treatment autosampler, and valve田SHIMADZUSolutions for ScienceE:中国煤化工YHCNMH GJ Pharm Anal htp:/
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