![COMPLETE CONVERGENCE THEORY OF THE CONTACT PROCESS ON Td Z](http://www.cnmhg.com/e/data/images/notimg.gif)
![COMPLETE CONVERGENCE THEORY OF THE CONTACT PROCESS ON Td Z](http://www.cnmhg.com/e/data/images/notimg.gif)
- 期刊名字:数学物理学报
- 文件大小:757kb
- 论文作者:贾淑梅
- 作者单位:School of Mathematical Sciences
- 更新时间:2020-11-11
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2004,24B(4):513-518M ahentaCta 2intia数学物理学报COMPLETE CONVERGENCE THEORY OF THECONTACT PROCESS ON Tax Z 1Jia Shumei(贾淑梅)School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, ChinaE-mail: shmjia@hotmail.comAbstractThe author considers the contact process on a branching plane Td x Z, whichis the product of a regular tree Ta and the line Z. It is shown that above the second criticalpoint, the complete convergence theory holds.Key words Contact process, Ta x Z, complete convergence theory2000 MR Subject Classification60G071 Introduction and Main ResultsBefore 1990, the contact process was mostly studied on the d-dimensional cubic latticeZd. The ergodic behavior of the contact process on Zd was completely characterized in thefundamental paper by Bezuidenhout and Grimmett[1, Interest in the behavior of the contactprocess on trees was raised by Pemantle[2]. It was shown by Pemantle[2} and Stacy[3] that thecontact process on homogeneous trees Ta(d 2 2), where every vertex has exactly d+ 1 neighbors,has at least two diferent critical points and between them the system can survive in a globalsense, but not in a local sense. From that papers on, a lot of papers on the problems on treesappears. In particular, Zhangl4] and Salzano & Schonmann[5] solved the complete convergencetheorem on trees with two diferent methods. But little has been known for graphs other thantrees and lattices. Cayley graph is another graph we focused on. Some conjectures on thecritical points and the complete convergence theorem have been made on it. But none of themhas been proved. These are the motivations for us to study the contact process on the branchingplane Tdx Z, for it is a Cayley graph but different from Td and Zd.A vertex in Tdx Z is denoted as v = (u,z), v∈Ta,z∈Z. Two vertices v = (v,z) andv' = (v",z') are connected by an edge, if one of the following satisfies:1) U and v' are connected by an edge in Td; z= z';2) v=v'; z and z' are connected by an edge in Z.The distance |v1 - v2| between two vertices v1 and V2 is defined to be the number of edgesof the shortest path between them. If |v1 - v2| = 1, we call V1 and V2 are neighbors. Forsimplicity; let |v| denote the distance between v and the root. Let (0,0) be a distinguishedvertex of Ta x Z, which we call the root. Correspondi中国煤化工!rootofTa..1 Received July 16, 2001; revised June 11, 2003. Research waTYHCNMHG; G1999075106 fromthe Ministry of Science and Technology of China.514ACTA MATHEMATICA SCIENTIAVol.24 Ser.BLet G be any connected infinite subgraph ofTa x Z. Without confusion, we shall also use Gto denote the set of vertices of the graph G. The contact process on the graph G with infectionparameter λ > 0 is a continuous time Markov Process with state space {0, 1}G. Elements ofthis state space are called configurations. We will denote by (5G. : t≥0) the contact processon the graph G starting from the configuration n. The vertices in ξc .t are thought of as infectedand the system evolves as follows:(1)Ifv∈ξG.t then v becomes healthy at rate 1.(2) If v∈ζGe, then v is infected at rate入times the number of occupied neighbors.IfG = Tdx Z, we denote ft,t = 542. More specially, we are interested in the process ξt andξ{0.0), where ξt is the process with ζb = Tax Z and≤{00) is the process with (0.0) = {(0,0)}.Setλ1 = inf{\:P(lξ{°)|≥1 for allt>0)>0},λz = inf{\: P(0)((0,0)=1 for an arbitrary larget) > 0}, .where入1 and入2 are the critical values for the global survival and local survival of the contactprocess, respectively.Let 8o be the measure concentrated on the empty configuration, that is, all the vertices inTd x Z are uninfected. Clearly δo is a stationary measure. Following from a simple argument(see Liggtt(6l), we know that ξt > ξb, where→denote weak convergence, and ξ is anotherstationary measure. It is another stationary measure. We call it the upper invariant measure.For both Zd and Ta, δ and are the only two extremal invariant measures when λ >入2;and there are graphs whose extremal invariant measures are more than δo and ξ战when入>入2(M. Salzano & R.H.Schomann[7). For the branching planes, we showTheoremWhen λ > λ2 the complete convergence theorem holds, i.e., for any A∈Tax Z,ξ$→P(r^<∞)+ P(r^=∞)5 as t→∞,where rA = inf{t:5A= }.Before our proofs, we shall make some introduction to the standard graphical constructionof the contact process. We associate each site v∈Ta x Z with d + 4 independent Poissonprocesses, one with rate 1, and d + 3 others with rate入. Let {Ty,k :n≥1},k = 0,1,2,...,d+3be the arrival times of these d + 4 processes, respectively; the process {TY,0 : n≥1} has rate1, the others have rate 入. For each v and n≥1 we write a δ mark at the point (v,Ty,0) toindicate that a death will occur if v is occupied; while ifk≥1 we draw arrows from (v, Tyk)to (v(6), Ty*) to indicate if v is occupied then there will be a birth from v to v(k), wherev(k),k: = 1,2...d + 3 are the neighbors of v arranged in some arbitrary order. We say thatthere is a path from (v, s) to (y,t) if there is a sequence of timess= So < 81... < Sn < Sn+1 =tand spatial locations v = Vo,V1..,Vn = y so that for i = 1,2,..,n there is an arrow fromVi-1 to Vi at time 8i and the vertical segments {v;} x_ (Si,Si+1) do not contain any δ for. i= 0,1,...n. We will say that the path is inside G中国煤化工utained in G.Given a tree Ta, we inmerse the graph Z+YHCN MH G2,} and edgesconnecting points which differ by one unit into the tree. The vertex i in z+ is an arbitraryneighbor of i- 1, and diferent from {0,..,i - 1}. Removing one of the neighbors of the root,No.4Jia: COMPLETE CONVERGENCE THEORY OF THE CONTACT PROCESS515we define the remaining connected component which contains the root as Td . We supposethat the removed vertex is not the vertex 1, so the set of sites {0,1,2,..} is contained in Tt .For any U∈Tt, if we remove the vertex who is adjacent to u and stays nearer to the rootthan U, Td is broken into two parts; we denote the connected part which contains U as Td (v).The distance |U1 一v2| between two vertices U1,V2 ∈Ta is defined to be the number of edgesof the shortest path between them. And |u| is the distance between U and the root 0. LetB(x,N)={v∈Tu:|u-x|≤N}. We use the abbreviation B(N) = B(0, N). For a branchingplane Tax Z, we use B(x,N) to denote B(x, N) x Z, correspondingly B(N)= B(N)x Z.2 Complete Convergence TheoremDeine Un = P((O)((n,0)) = 1 for somet≥0). From the inequality Un+m≥UnUm; itfollows that limn- +oo(un)1/n = a= a(λ) exists.Define Yn, = P(there is a path from ((0, 0),0) to ((n, );s) inside Tt x Z).Lemma 1 There exists a sequence (s(n))n21 such that limn- +o(Yn,s(n)1/n= a.Proof It is clear that for any sequence s(n),lim sup(Yn,s(n)1/n≤lim sup(un)1/n = a.n→∞Define .Vm,k = P(There is a path from ((0,0),0) to ((m,0),t) for some t≤k inside B(k))= P():((m,0))=1 for somet≤k).Clearlylim Vm,k = Um.(2.1)k→∞oNext defineWn,k = P(there is a path from ((0, 0),0)to ((n, 0),t) for somet≤kn inside Td x Z)= P(Ex:((n,0))=1for somet≤kn).We will argue nextWn,k≥Cm,(Vm,k)[n/m]-1,(2.2)where Cm,k is a positive quantity which does not depend on n. To prove this, we set I =min{i∈Z+ : im > k} = min{i∈Z+ : B(im,k) C Tt). Consider now the sequence of sitesx1 = Im,x2= (I+ 1)m,..,xJ =「n/m lm. Define Ti as the first time that there is a path from(xi-1,0) to (x;,0) after Ti-1; Let πo= 1. Clearly, the random times {Ti : i≥1} are stopping .times. Suppose that all of the following events occur:A. There is a path go from ((0,0),0) to ((x1 ,0), 1) without exiting Tt x Z.B. For each i = 0,...,J- 1, there is a path from (x;,0) to (xi+1,0) beginning at time Tiand ending at time Ti+1 that does not exit B(x;,k), al中国煤化工Since the times Ti are stopping times and the ev:0HCNMH(_non-overlappingparts of the percolation structure, it follows by the Ul alslaoll livarlauice of the graphicalconstruction and the strong Markov property of the underlying Poisson processes that the516.ACTA MATHEMATICA SCIENTIAVol.24 Ser.Bprobability of the existence of a path from the root (0,0) to (xJ, 0) is at least Cm,e(Vm,k)[n/m1-',where Cm,k is the probability that A occurs. HenceWn,k= P(0:0) ((n,)= 1 for somet s kn),T xZ;t2 P(°2;(([n/m]m,))= 1 for somet≤krn),≥Cm,(nm,x)Tn/m1-1.DefineWn,k=。max. P(there is a path from ((0, 0),0) to ((n,),t)0≤jSnk-1inside Tt x Z for somet∈[i,j + 1])=。max. , P(2(,0))=1 for somet∈[,j+1).0
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