![A dynamic analysis of water footprint of Jinghe River basin](http://www.cnmhg.com/e/data/images/notimg.gif)
![A dynamic analysis of water footprint of Jinghe River basin](http://www.cnmhg.com/e/data/images/notimg.gif)
A dynamic analysis of water footprint of Jinghe River basin
- 期刊名字:生态经济
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- 论文作者:Geng Yanhui,Min Qingwen,Cheng
- 作者单位:Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Graduate School,Lanzhou Climate Center
- 更新时间:2020-07-08
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Ecological Economy (2008)4:161-171) Empirical StudyA dynamic analysis of water footprint of Jinghe River basinGeng Yanhui 1.2, Min Qingwen 1 *, Cheng Shengkui,Wan Xin 3,Yang Yanzhao'1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, P. R. China2. Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, P. R. China3. Lanzhou Climate Center; Lanzhou 730020, P. R. ChinaAbstract: Water footprint in a region is defined as the volume of water needed for the production of goods andservices consumed by the local people. Ecosystem services are a kind of important services, so ecological wateruse is one necessary component in water footprint Water footprint is divided into green water footprint and bluewater footprint but the former one is often ignored. In this paper water footprint includes blue water needed by ag-ricultural irigation, industrial and domestic water demand, and green water needed by crops, economic forests,livestock products, forestlands and grasslands. The study calculates the footprint of the Jinghe River basin in 1990,1995, 2000 and 2005 with quarto methods. Results of research show that water footprints reached 164.1x10*m',175.69x 10*m2' and 178.45x10*m' respectively in 1990, 1995 and 2000 including that of ecological water use, butreached 77.68x10'm', 94.24x10'm',, 92.92x10'm' and I11.36x10*m2 respectively excluding that of ecological wateruse. Green water footprint is much more than blue water footprint; thereby; green water plays an important role ineconomic development and ecological construction. The dynamic change of water footprints shows that blue wateruse increases rapidly and that the ecological water use is occupied by economic and domestic water use. The changealso shows that water use is transferred from primary industry to secondary industry. In primary industry, it is trans-ferred from crops farming to forestry and animal agriculture. The factors impelling the change include developmentanticipation on economy, government policies, redjustment of the industrial structure, population growth, the raiseof urbanization level, and structural change of consumption, low level of water-saving and poor ability of waste wa-ter treatment. With blue water use per unit, green water use per unit, blue water use structure and green water usestructure, we analyzed the difference of the six ecological function districts of the Jinghe River basin. Future ecologi-cal construction may infuence on blue water use of District V and District VI at middle and lower reaches. At lastsome suggestions cre given for effective water resource use.Keywords: Water footprint; Blue water; Green water; Dynamic change; Inftuencing factors; Jinghe River basin1. Introductiondirect use of rainfall and soil water originating frominfiltrated rainwater. It is useful to build comprehen-Water availability in arid and semi-arid areas may sive databases on water use and water deficit, and webe the main constraint to poverty alleviation, public call the database water footprint. In 2002, the waterhealth, economic development and environmental footprint concept was introduced. The water footprintimprovement ". In such areas, freshwater supply is of an area is defined as the total volume of freshwaterthreatened by local consumption patterns resultingthat is used to produce goods and service consumedfrom both agricultural and urban use (21. Agriculturalby the people of the area. Not all goods and servicesuse consumes the largest proportion of freshwater consumed in one particular area are produced in theneeds”. At the same time urban freshwater use is same area, and the water footprint can be divided intoincreasing in magnitude and complexity 4. On theof two parts: uses of local and outside water resourcesother hand, more researches are focused more on the. The water footprint of an area is a water use in-use of surface water and ground water than on the dicator related to goods and service consumption andconsumption style. Apart from the water requirement,Received Aug.24, 2007; Accepted Nov. 28, 2007it can show that the regional consumption would in-* Corresponding author. E-mail address: minqw@igsnrr.ac.cnfluence natural water resource and environment. TheAutor: Geng Yanhui (1977-), female, PhD candidate, special-form and development of the water footprint conceptized in resource ecology and regional development.is an analogue of the ecological footprint concept.中国煤化工161MHCNMH G.Geng Y, et al. / Ecological Economy (2008)4:161-171Whereas the ecological footprint denotes the area for agricultural use (mainly used by crops, economic(hm) needed to sustain a population, the water foot-print represents the water volume (cubic meters per mestic use (rural and urban domestic water use) andyear) consumed. Water footprint can be divided into ecological use (mainly used by forestland and grass-blue water footprint and green water footprint.“Greenland) in 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005 respectively. Thewater" and“blue water”are two different types of ecological water use in 2005 was not calculated forwater source.“Green water use”is quantitatively area data of forestland and grassland in 2005 was notdefined in the current papers as the volume of water got. Data of forestland and grassland in 1990 was nottaken up by plants from the soil insofar it concerms got either, so we took data in 1986 as that in 1990.soil water originating from infiltrated rainwater.“Blue The purpose of this paper is to compare water usewater use”refers to the water taken up by plants from patterns in different times in the Jinghe River basinthe soil insofar it concerns infiltrated irrigation water in northwestern China through calculation of water7. More generally, we can take water use originating footprint. At the same time, we specially ask two re-from rainwater as“green water”, and take water use lated questions for comparison: (1) Which social andoriginating from surface water and ground water as land use variables are correlated with footprint area"blue water”". That is to say, domestic water demand, in different times? (2) Do the water footprints haveindustrial water demand and agricultural irrigationsome differences in different ecological regions?water demand, and livestock products water demandare met by blue water resource, and part of crops wa- 2. Survey of the Jinghe River basinter requirement, part of economic forest water require-ment, ecological forest water requirement and grassJinghe River is one of the ten major tributarieswater requirement are met by green water resource.of the Yellow River, and a main stream in the loessGenerally speaking, water footprint in a region plateau. It is a mountainous basin in the northwesternincludes two components: internal and external water China covering 31 counties of 7 cities in Ningxia Huifootprints. The internal footprint is the sum of the to-Autonomous Region, Gansu Province and Shaanxital water volume used from the local water resources Province. The basin has a total area of 74,128.88km2.in the area's economic development and ecologicalThe main land use categories are cropland, forestlandconservation minus the volume of virtual export to and grassland. The basin has a total population of 9.48other areas embedded in the exported locally pro- million with 82% of rural residents in 2005. About 11duced products. The extermal water footprint is equal categories of crops, including winter wheat, summerto the volume of virtual water imported into the area maize, potato, millet, beans, vegetable, are grown inminus the volume embedded in re-export of imported the area. The Jinghe River basin is a transitional areaproducts. Like most economically backward north- from arid to semi-arid and humid areas of the coun-west area, such as Gansu Province , the ability of try. The precipitation is unevenly distributed. Waterforeign trade is limited in our study area - the Jinghe shortage has been restricting the economic and socialRiver basin. In total products consumed, the percent- development. On the other hand, the Jinghe Riverage occupied by the exported and imported products basin is facing serious river pollution. In 2006, someis very small. In this paper, this part of water use is sections for water quality monitoring, such as Panxu-not considered. Traditionally, internal water footprint an Road Section, Pingzhen Bridge Section, Jingchuanshows three columns of water use: water withdrawals Section, Changqing Bridge Section and Qingyangin the dormestic, agricultural and industrial sector re-Section, were worse than Grade V. Soil erosion hasspectively 5. As people pay more and more attention been increasingly becoming a serious problem in theto ecosystem service and ecological conservation, basin. About 91% of the entire basin is affected bysome ecological requirement researches are done.soil erosion. Since the end of 1999, under the govern-Ecological water use should be taken as the fourth mental policy of conversion of arable land into forestcolumn of water use. This study is based on the 4 and grassland (Grain for Green) for environmentalcolumns and makes a division for blue water and protection, ecological forests, economic forests andgreen water. We examine the consumption of water grassland have been expanding. For soil and water中国煤化工62MYHCNMH G.Geng Y, et al. / Ecological Economy (2008)4:161-171conservation, based on others' works, according to per 10,000 yuan of industrial production value (WU-the natural and social economic characters, we dividePIV) and total industrial output value, we estimate thethe Jinghe River basin into six ecological function volumes of industrial water use. Based on the ruraldistricts. They are water conservation district in east (urban) domestic water use quota (QUR, QUU) and(District I), water conservation district in west (Dis- population, we estimate the volumes of rural (urban)trict I), soil and water conservation district in north domestic water use. Based on the irrigation quotas(District II), soil and water conservation district in (IRR) and the area of guaranteed irigated cropland,south (District IV), farmland protection district (Dis-we estimate the volumes of agricultural irigationtrict V) and ecological conservation and farmland water use. It is difficult to get WUPIV, QUR, QUUprotection transitional district (District VI) (Fig.1,and IRR of every county in 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005.Table1).Those of the 5 cities (Qingyang City, Pingliang City,Xianyang City, Baoji City, Guyuan City) in recent3. Data and methodsyears can be found from Gansu Province Water Re-source Bulletins (1995, 2000, 2003), Baoji Ciry Wa-3.1 Data sourceter Resource Bulletins (2002, 2005), Xianyang CirtyWater Resource Bulletins (2000), Guyuan City WaterThe area data of forestand and grassland is ex-Resource Bulletins (2000). We take these quotas asacted from 1:100000 land use landsite TM data ofthat of the counties which belong to the city. And we1986, 1995, 2000 year within geographic informa- take those of the counties in other two cities equal totion system software Arcinfo8.3. Other data used in those of the city close to them. The quotas are shownthis paper is obtained from (1) statistic yearbooksin Table 2. Because most waste water including in-of country, province, city and county, (2) the Yel- dustrial waste water and domestic waste water is notlow River Conservancy Commission (YRCC), (3) treated, and irigation water unabsorbed by crops isHydrological Bureau of relative counties, cities and polluted by chemical fertilizer and pesticide, the wa-provinces, (4) Water Conservancy Stations of relative ter unused cannot be used again. So we consider thecities and counties, (5) Statistic Bureau of relative water rate is 100%.cities and counties and (6) State Meteorological Ad-Based on the virtual water contents quotas (m' /ton)ministration.and the output of livestock products, we estimate thelivestock products water use. The quotas of eight cate-3.2 Calculation methodsgories live animals have been calculated, based on thevirtual water content of their feed and the volumes ofAlthough it is preferable to use the actual water drinking and service water consumed during their life-volumes of agricultural irrigation water use, domestic time by Hoekstra 5.6 major animal production cate-water use, industry water use, obtaining these data is gories are involved: pork, mutton, beef, poultry meet,very difficult. Based on the average water use amount milk and eggs. We calculate the volumes of greenTable 1Characteristics of 6 ecological function districts of the Jinghe River basin in 2005AreaPrecipitation Population density GDP per capitaID Topographic characters(km2)(mm/year)(per km2)(yuan)Soil and stone upland12,557.99596.57224,3942,915.74556.22055,439II Loess upland and ravines29.225.44374.38174,920IV Loess upland and ravines7,806.03617.21)95,308Alluvial plains and loess scalariform areas6,943.63555.58957,513Soil and stone upland, loess upland and ravines;10,590.01523.08849,226alluvial plains and loess scalar form areas中国煤化工16MYHCNMH G.Geng Y, et al. / Ecological Economy (2008)4: 161-171water use for vegetation (crops, economic forest, eCo-for 11 categories of crops in the yearbooks: winterlogical forest and grass) with quota- area method too. wheat, spring wheat,The green water per unit consumed by per crop or beans, sugar beet, hemp, cotton, oil plants, and veg-per economic tree in per county has been calculated etable. The economic forest area is the total of fruitby Yang Yanzhao (9. We calculate the green water use tree, mulberry and Lycium Chinese. The green waterwatershediNAYanchi CourtyDingbian CountyHuan CountyHuachi CourtyGuyuanCountyQingyangPengyangHeshui CourntyZheryuanXifengJineyuianCourntyZhengningCounty-。JingchuanCourtyFHuating gChongin 车LingtaiCountyBirCountChunhukeLong CountyLinyou 1 ongshouy n CountyFrn uTongshou| Liquarn Jiney-ngCounty Cournty \CountrI Water conservation district in eastII Water coneervation district in westIV Soil and water conservation district in southV Farmland protectian districtVI Eecological conservat ion and farmland protection transitianal districtFig.1. Ecological function districts of Jinghe River basin中国煤化工164MHCNMH G.Geng Y, et al. / Ecological Economy (2008)4:161-171use per unit of 4 major categories of forestland havebecause with the croplands reducing in the course ofbeen calculated: arbor land, shrubbery land, scatteredGrain for Green, local peasants increased irigationforest land and other forest land“. The green water input to croplands. Though there was not enoughuse of three major categories of grassland has been input on irigation infrastructure facilties whichcalculated: high coverage grassland, middle coverageresulted in the reduction of effective irigation area,grassland and low coverage grassland ”. The green Grain for Green impelled the use efficiency of pres-water use per unit of forestland and grassland are es- ent irigation facilities which increased from 58.50%timated with average precipitation (PR) and the waterto 89.56%.requirement (WR) of every kind of ecological forest(2) Water for industryland and grassland per county as follows. The waterThe volume of water consumed in industry de-requirement (WR) has been studied by He Yongtaoveloping is 0.19x 10'm, 0.91x10'm', 1.61x10*m2 andand Min Qingwen3.19x 10*m' respectively in 1990, 1995, 2000 and2005. Among the 31 counties, there are great differ-PR (PR≤ WR)ences. In 2005, the volume of water consumed by theGWPU =\WR (PR≥ WR)first 10 counties accounted for 86.32%. There wasalso a difference of average water use amount per4. The dynamic analysis of water footprint in the 10,000 yuan of industrial production value among theJinghe River basincounties (see Table 2).(3) Domestic water4.1 Blue water footprintThe volume of domestic water use was1.18x10*m3 in 1990 and 2.07x10*m' in 2005. It in-4.1.1 The dynamic volume:es and implication factorscreased by 3.82% per year averagely. Urban domestic(1) Water for rrigationwater use accounted for 23% in 1990 and 45% inThe volume of irrigation water use continued to 2005. With this speed, in 2008 the domestic water useincrease from 1990 to 2005. The total volume of irmi-will be more than rural water use. The rapid incrgation was 5.11x10*m', 5.66x10*m, 5.84x10*m' and of domestic water use had close relations with three7.72x10*m' in 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005 respec-factors: rapid population growth, increase of urban-tively. The increased volume of irigation from 2000ization level, the increasing difference between urbanto 2005 was 2.57 times of that from 1990 to 2000 water use quotas and rural water use quotas.Table 2Water use quotas in 7 cities in the Jinghe River basinNumber ofWUPIVQUR ( L/person'day)QUU ( L/person'day)IRRCitycounties(m/104 yuan) (1990,1995) (000, 2005) 1990 1995 20002005 (m/hm2)Qingyang)935407276176182,468Pingliang1184(1161804,491 .Xianyang615122,802Baoji824C150162,400Guyuan5,23542126Wuzhong56s5“Arbor land: natural forest and artificial forest with coverage rate >0.3; shrubbery land: coppice land and shrub land with coveragerate >0.4 and height <2m; scattered forest land: with coverage rate 10%-30%; other forest land: with coverage rate <10%。”High coverage grassland: natural grassland, improved grassland and cut grassland with coverage >50% most of which have goodwater condition; middle coverage gasland: natural grassland and improved gasland with coverage 20%-50% in most of whichwater is short. Low coverage grassland: the grassland with coverage 5%-20% in which water is short.中国煤化工165MYHCNMH G.Geng Y, et al. / Ecological Economy (2008)4: 161-1714.1.2 Integrated analysispercent of industry water use is 57.71%, the highestproportion of the volume of irrigation water was78.86%, 71.83%, 62.26% and 59.48% in 1990, 1995,4.2 Green water footprint2000 and 2005 respectively. Before 2000, the volumeof domestic water was more than that of industrial 4.2. 1 The dynamic volumes and implication factorswater, but in 2005 the proportion of industrial water(1) Water for cropswas 8.63% higher than domestic water. Now with theThe amount of green water consumed by 11 spe-industrial structure adjustment in eastern coastal ar- cies of crops did not change a lot from 1990 to 2005.eas and the development of the west project in China They were about 60.36x 10'*m3 in 1990, 61.44x 10*m'going on, some factories consuming much water and in 1995, 59.91x10*m3 in 2000 and 60.94x 10'm3with high pollution may be transferred into western in 2005. The percentage of green water consumedarea including the Jinghe River basin. Then the quo- by food crops decreased from 85.99% in 1995 totas will increase, which bring not only more serious 75.91% in 2005. The green water consumed by foodwater shortage but also more serious water pollution.So it is important to make reasonable industrial poli- consumed by economic crops per unit increased bycies in the Jinghe River basin to answer these chal- 20%。 There are two factors that caused these changes:lenges.one is the differences among green water quota ofThe six districts have different blue water use every kind of crops and the other is crops structures.characters (Fig.2). We calculate the blue water use The area percent of winter wheat, beans, potato, sum-per unit: the average is 1.85x 10*m'/km', the maxi- mer maize, millet, oil plants and vegetable to that ofmum is 7.79x 10*m'/km2 of District V, the minimum the 11 crops is more than 99%. Therefore, this paperis 0.40x 10*m/km2 of District I and 0.91x10*m/km2 focuses on the 7 main crops (Table 3). The area ofof District II. It is 18.48 times of District V thanwheat and oil plants which consumed less water thanof District I. It is 1.46*10* m/km2 of District IV, others decreased. At the same time, the area of veg-2.39x 10*m2/km2 of District VI, 2.50x 10*m'/km2 of etable, potato and beans which consumed more waterDitrict II, which is about the average. That meansincreased. This kind of area changes result in the totalthe middle and lower reaches use much more bluegreen water consumed and the green water consumedwater than the upper basin. For blue water use struc- per unit increased.tures, in District I, the domestic water use accountedThe crop structures adjustment have close rela-for nearly 50%, much higher than other districts; in tions with social and economic development. Firstly,District II, the irrigation water use accounted for the food crops yield per unit area increases. So not81.60%, much higher than others; in District IV, the only the consumption demand for grain was satisfied,100%90%0% F40% t209%tP% L10n口Domete Ingaion DInastyFig.2. Blue water structures in 6 ecological function districts of the Jinghe River basin in 2005中国煤化工166MYHCNMH G.Geng Y, et al. / Ecological Economy (2008)4:161-171but also more cultivated land could be used to plant product 26.7 7%, eggs products 21.27%, mutton prod-economic crops, such as vegetables and oil plants,uct 9.17% and others 14. 17% respectively. In 2005,which can bring more benefits.the water structure of beef product was 36.78%, milkSecondly, it's the need to low down risk. Thereproduct 23.26%, pork product 14.21%, eggs productare differences among the satisfied proportions of13.06% and others 12.69% respectively. The con-green water, which are the proportion of quota of sumption pattern change is the main driving force.green water consumed to quota of green water re-(3) Water for economic forestquired. The satisfied proportion of green water of po-Calculation results show that the volume of greentato and of beans is high, so increasing their planting water consumed by economic forest is 4.86X 10'm',area can reduce risk and increase benefit.11.83> 10'm', 10.43x10*m' and 15.18x 10*m' respec-Thirdly, it's driven by consumption style andtively in the four years, which fluctuated and wascomparative benefit. People's consumption style is increasing. It is the same to the area of economic for-changing after their grain need was met, so vegetable est. Grain for Green is the important reason why theplanting can produce high economic benefit. Indus-economic forest increased from 2000 to 2005.trial chain on potato is more and more perfect, so(4) Water for ecological forestlands and grass-planting potato can bring more benefits.lands(2) Water for livestock productsThe volume of ecological water consumed byThe volume of water used by livestock productsforest and grass is 86.42x10*m', 81.45x10*m',continued to increase from 1990 to 2005. It increased 85.53x10*m3 in 1986, 1995 and 2000 respectively,from 5.98x10*m’to 22.26x10*m' and averagely as shown in Table 4. Compared with that in 1986, theincreased by 9.16% per year. The volume of watervolume of water changed ltte in 2000, But in the peri-used by dairy product increased faster than others. od from 1986 to 1995 and from 1995 to 2000, the vol-At different growth speeds, the water use structures ume changed a lot mainly because of the area changeof livestock products changed (Fig.3). In 1990, the of medium coverage grassland and low coveragewater structure of beef product was 28.62%, pork grassland. The factors causing these changes includeTable 3Quotas of green water consumed and area change of 7 main crops in the Jinghe River basinVegetable Oil plants Summer maizeMilletPotatoBeansWinter wheatQuota (mm)513.64300.52404.85405.75380.60332.71Satisfied proportion of62598858375green water (%)Area change (%)+324-9.784-5+138+1763020200199190%P%0% 3040:P% 60% 7080% 90% 100%DPoxk■Muton OBef OPoulry ■M证 0EeFig.3. Structure change of water used for 6 categories of livestock products from 1990 to 2005中国煤化工167MYHCNMH G.Geng Y, et al. / Ecological Economy (2008)4:161-171governmental policies, market demand, personal economic development. In the Jinghe River basin,are the primary driving forces behind changes in land ter volume absorbed by crops was 2.45x10*m', 2.72use 012, I91. The land is in degradation status. The main x10*m', 2.80x 10°m’and 3.71x10*m' respectively.categories of forestlands and grasslands - medium Combining the volume of green water consumed bycoverage grassland and low coverage grassland - to- crops, we find that the proportion of irrigation watertally accounted for 75.37%.absorbed by crops (blue water) to the total volumewater consumed by crops was only 3.90%, 4.23%,4.2.2 Integrated analysis on green water footprint4.47% and 5.73% respectively. That is, the propor-Green water resource is one of the most important tion of blue water use was very small. Including thecontributors to ecological construction and economic52% irigation water loss, the proportion was 7.81%, .development. For green water use, the volume of 8.44%, 8.88% and 11.24% respectively, which wasecological water was nearly equal to that of agri- also small. So the rainfall is very important to cropscultural water. For green water used in agriculture,planting in the Jinghe River basin (Table 5). The wa-more water was consumed by crops. The propor-ter deficit volume of crops was 16.05x 10'm', whichtion of water for crops to agricultural water use was accounted for 83.9%. It is necessary to adjust crops84.78%, 71.15%, 71.71% and 61.94% in 1990, 1995,structures to increase irrigation area and to raise2000 and 2005 respectively, which was continuing use efficiency of irigation water. The water deficitto decrease, while the proportion of economic for- volume of forestland and grassland was 1.5x10*m',est water use and the proportion of livestock product which accounted for 7.85%. For the water deficitwater use both continued to increase. The ecological volume of forestland and grassland, the water deficitwater use in 2000 was more than that of 1995, but volume of grassland accounted for a small percent-still less than that of 1986, which shows that the lo- age. So in the low precipitation area of the basin,cal people ignored ecological construction duringplanting grass needs to be given more prominence toTable 4Green water consumed by forestlands and grasslands from 1986 to 2000 in the Jinghe River basinAverageGreen water consumed (10*m2)Structure inquota (mm) 19861995 2000Change of 1986-20002000 (%)Forest .473.137.72 7.17 7.770.059.08Shrubbery400.7514.1212.54 13.80-0.3216.13Scattered forest308.686.50 6.77 6.28-0.227.34Other forest0.60 0.80 0.720.120.84Grassland with high coverage270.655.390.286.63Grassland with medium coverage189.4644.18 35.94 43.47-0.7150.82Grassland with low coverage132.627.9113.13 7.83-0.079.16Total86.42 81.45 85.53-0.89100.00Table 5Green water and blue water consumed by crops in the Jinghe River basinIrrigaGreen water consumedIrrigationTotal volumeIrrigation water absorbedtotal(10*m2)efficiencyvolume (%)19905.1160.360.4862.813.9019955.6661.4464.1620005.8459.9162.714.4720057.7260.9464.65中国煤化工168MHCNMH G.Geng Y, et al. / Ecological Economy (2008)4:161-171than that of forestland.15.79 times during 15 years. Except for industrialThe green water use per unit and the green water water use, the growth of livestock product water useuse structure of the districts in 2005 are shown in and that of economic forest water use was faster thanTable 6. The average of green water use per unit wasany others. And green water use by crops increased26.23x 10*m/km?. The largest is 48.16x 10*m/km2 ofthe most slowly. So the water use structures of lifeDistrict V, about two times of the lowest one which and production changed. Fig.4 shows water use waswas 16.44x 10'm/km2 of District I.. These districts being transferred from the primary industry to theshow a big difference in green water use structure, secondary industry, and in the primary industry, thejust like in blue water use structure. For example,water use was being transferred from crops farmingthe percentage of ecological water use of District V to forestry and animal agriculture.was 13.41%, the lowest of the six districts, while thepercentage of economic forest water use was 21.93%,5. Conclusions and discussionslarger than others. District V and District VI consumemore water on crops production.Study on water footprint is an effective way toknow about the regional conditions of water utiliza-4.3 The water. footprint change and industry structure tion and to analyze the relationship between wateradjustmentuse change and socio-economic development. Resultsshow that much more green water was consumedThe water footprints in the Jinghe River basin than blue water, while the volume of blue water con-were 164.1x10*m2 in 1990, 175.69x10*m2 in 1995 sumed grew rapidly in the Jinghe River basin. So, theand 178.45x10*m' in 2000 (taking the ecological Jinghe River basin faces water shortage both due towater footprint of forestlands and grasslands in 1986 water resource scarcity and pollution; it also faces theas that of in 1990). If the ecological water footprints problem that the ecological water use is occupied byare not included, water footprints were 77.68x10'm’economical and domestic water use because of thein 1990, 94.24x 10*m' in 1995, 92.92x 10'm3 in 2000unharmonious relationship of human and land use.and 11.36x 10'*m' in 2005. It consumed much more Efforts should be made to protect and improve thegreen water than blue water. However, the proportion ecological environment, especially grassland restora-of green water consumed continued to decrease. Iftion. So the increase of the ecological water require-the volume of ecological water is calculated into the ment of forestland and grassland needs to be consid-volume of green water, the proportion of green water ered into the water resource allocation in the Jinghewas 96.05% in 1990, 95.51% in 1995, and 94.74%River basin. Socio-economic factors are very impor-in 2000. Otherwise, the proportion was 91.66% in tant in determining water use activities. The factors1990, 91.64% in 1995, 89.91% in 2000 and 88.34% include development desire for economy, governmentin 2005. Comparing the growth speeds of different policies, readjustment of the industrial structure,water use sectors, we found that industrial water population growth, the improvement level of urban-use increased faster than others, which increased by ization, structural change of consumption, low levelTable 6Green water use per unit of 6 districts in 2005 (10*m2/km)I1III\/IAverageFood crops.538.433.946.4315.96096.Economic crops.911.870.871.734.54.442.1Cash tree2.030.320.2.942.17Livestock products.834.375.2210.683.643.15Forestland10. .Grassland8.8610.928.78.187.918.13中国煤化工169MHCNMH G.Geng Y, et al. / Ecological Economy (2008)4:161-171of water-saving, low level of waste water treatment land, and the water requirement quota of grassland isJinghe River basin show a lot of differences in blue forest and grassland, especially in sloping arable landwater use per unit, in green water use per unit, in blueand deserted land, can inverse the trend of soil ero-water use structure, and in green water use structure. sion and arable land desertification. At the same time,The result shows that the middle and lower reaches economic forest and ecological forest should be in-consume much more blue water than the upper of tegrated and economic structure in village should bethe Jinghe River basin. Ecological construction will optimized. (3) Adjust the crops structure. (4) Adjustincrease the volume of green water use and decrease industrial structure and develop circular economy.the runoff. So if the surface water supply of DistrictSecondly, it is necessary to strengthen water Sus-V and District VI can meet the need of production tainable Water Management (SWM) based on basin.and life, it should be taken into account.SWM involves a brand new way how we use ourThe study result shows that to get reasonable precious water resources. The International Hydro-water resource allocation, we need to integrate waterlogical Program, a UNESCO initiative, points out:“Ituse structure optimization, land use structure optimi-is recognized that water problems cannot be solvedzation and industrial structure optimization together. by quick technical solutions, for solutions to waterIt is urgent to optimize the water resource allocation problems require the consideration of cultural, educa-patterns, to strengthen water resource management tional, communicational and scientific aspects. Givenbased on the basin, and to establish a water-saving the increasing political recognition of the importancesociety and enhance the infrastructure construction of water, it is in the area of sustainable freshwaterof water conservancy. Firstly, it is necessary to adjust management that a major contribution to avoid/solvewater use structure and to optimize the allocation of water-related problems, including future conflicts,water resource. We can adjust the structure at 4 lev- can be found." [141 As for the Jinghe River basin, weels. (1) Adjust the water use allocation among indus- need to share lessons and experience. Meanwhile,try, agriculture, living and eco-environment. It is not we should publicize policies and guidelines, facili-practical to only pay attention to the eco-environment tate cooperation on water issues and address issuesconstruction while ignoring the economic develop-of knowledge generation, management and enhanc-ment. But persistent deterioration will aggravate theing skills, etc. We need to strengthen water resourcecountry's poverty. So we should find a balance point management based upon the whole basin includingto promote the sustainable development of economy, the water exploitation, usage, governance, allocation,society and environment. (2) Adjust the structure of economy and protection, as well as water and soilforestland, grassland and cropland. Crops consume a conservation, etc. We need to take a unified measurelarge percentage of water in the study area. The water in water planning and allocation, water use permitsrequirement quota of crops is close to that of forest- extending, water resource fee collection or water20200195020%6080%100%口Cops podicior(goeuwaer)■ Calhforestgenwater)Fig.4. Water use structure of life and production from 1990 to 2005 in the Jinghe River basin中国煤化工170MHCNMH G.Geng Y, et al. / Ecological Economy (2008)4:161-171volume and water quality governance 5.rity. International Joural of Water Resources DevelopmentThirdly, we need to pay attention to water saving.[4] Fitzhugh TW, Richter BD Q Quenching urban thirst: grow-2001; 17(4): 539-554We should change extensive manner in the course ofing cities and their impacts on freshwater ecosystems. Bio-water use. And through cooperation between China'sScience 2004; 54(8):741-754east and west, we can help the latter introduce ad-[5] Hoekstra AY, Chapagain AK. 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