On large increments of a two-parameter fractional Wiener process
- 期刊名字:中国科学A辑
- 文件大小:653kb
- 论文作者:ZHANG Lixin,LU Chuanrong,WANG
- 作者单位:Department of Mathematics,Department of Statistics
- 更新时间:2020-11-11
- 下载次数:次
Vol.44 No.9SCIENCE IN CHINA( Series A)September 2001On large increments of a two- parameter fractional WienerprocessZHANG Lixin(张立新) , LU Chuanrong(陆传荣}& WANG Yaohong(王尧弘)1. Department of Mathematics , Xixi Campus , Zhejiang University , Hangzhou 310028 , China ;2. Department of Statistics , Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics , Hangzhou 310012 , China ;3. Department of Statistics ,Tunghai University , Taizhong , ChinaCorrespondence should be adressed to Zhang Lixin( email : lxzhang@ mail. hz. zj. cn)Received February 12 ,2001AbstractIn this paper , how big the increments are and some liminf behaviors are studied of a two-parameter fractional Wiener process. The results are based on some inequalities on the suprema ofthis process , which also are of independent interest.Keywords : fractional Wiener process , increments , liminfs.1 Introduction and main resultsLet {Z(t ,s );t ,s≥0}be a mean zero Gaussian process with Z(0 0)=0 a.s. andEZ( t; si)z( t2 s2)={It|2a+ 1t2|2a- It2-t|2a }{|s|2a + Is2|2a-Is2- sμ|2a }/4. Itis called the two-parameter fractional Wiener process of order a(00 ,there exists θo= 0( ε ) such thatlimsup8δo/8d+1≤1+ε,for1<θ≤θo,(1.2)h→∞then1116SCIENCE IN CHINA( Series A)Vol.44lim supsupδr | W( R)1= lim sup supδr | W( R )|= 1 a.s.( 1.3)R∈ipT→∞R∈4Furthermore ,if( ii)lim{log T/ar)+ log1 + log br/ / ar )}loglogT=∞,thenlimsupδr|W叭R)1=limsupδr|W(R)|=1a.s.(1.4)下∞R∈LR∈年Lir 2] and Zhang'’ 41 studied the liminf's when condition( ii ) is not satisfied.Almost all results of Csorgo and Revest 11 on the increments of one- parameter W iener pro-cess were extended to other and more general one- parameter Gaussian processes( cf. refs.[ 5一8 ]). Also , some authors tried to extend Theorem A to other two- parameter Gaussian processes( cf. ref.[9]). But to the best of our knowledge , there were no pioneering results actually in-cluding Theorem A. Especially , the equalities in( 1.3 ) were not obtained for other two-parame-ter Gaussian processes. The purpose of this paper is to extend Theorem A to a two-parameterfractional Wiener process of order a. Our results read as follows.Theorem1. Let0< ar≤T and br ≥V T be two functions of T. Suppose that br isquasi-increasing ,i.e. for some co ,br, ≤cobr, for all T≤T2. Thenlim sup supδrZ( R )= lim sup supδτ | Z( R )|= 1 a.s.( 1.5)R∈lFurthermore , if condition( ii ) in Theorem A is satisfied , thenlim supδpZ( R )= lim supδr | Z( R)I= 1 a.s.( 1.6)Remark.In our Theorem 1 , conditions( i),( ii )and( 1.2 ) in Theorem A are not used.Also , the functions ar and br may be not non-decreasing.If condition( ii ) is not satisfied , we have the following result on the liminfs.Theorem 2. Let0< ar≤T and br≥V T be two non-decreasing functions of T. LetYτ = {2af( log( T/ar)+ log1 + log br/↓ar ))- logloglogT )}-1/2.Assume that Yτ and ar/ T are both non- increasing , and Yr satisfies condition( 1.2 ) , and thatlim inf.log T/ar)+ log1 + log br/V ar))= r>1.(ili')logloglogTIf r= +∞or00 , thenlim inf supYrZ( R )= lim inf supYr 1 Z( R)1= 1 a.s.R∈Take br= T and ar= T. From Theorems 1 and 2 , it follows thatCorollary 1. We havelim supZ( T,T)= lim supxy山_1a.s.V 27a loglogT一∞中国煤化工Z(x,y)CCH.CNMH G)1lim sup。sup= 1 a.s.y=T" / 472a loglogT°0∈x y≤" V 472° loglogT功≤Tlim inf sup=liminfsup.| Z(xry)II∞0σ≤ε≈°V 2 T2a loglogT0≤xvi≤T√2 T2a loglogT可=T炒y≤7The石凉整据Theorems 1 and 2 are based on the fllwing propositions.No.9ON LARGE INCREMENTS OF A TWO-PARAMETER FRACTIONAL WIENER PROCESS1117Proposition1. Let L* ={R=[x| x2]x[ y1ry2]:R∈Lj ,0≤x1≤x2≤VT }.Assume that0< ar≤T ,br≥V T. Then for any δ>0 ,there exists C= C( δ )> 0 ,such thatp{pz(?)E uais }呀}≤p{supZ( R )≤uaiy }≤exp{{-c(1v(2kexp{ --20u2}( 1.7)for any k large enough. Furthermore ,if0 0 , i.e. for some constant Co ,d(x )x≤co( y Vy" for all 0< x≤y. Then for any given ε >0 ,there exists C= C(ε )such thatPtsup | X(R)|≤ud(ar)}≥expT(1 + log,67)(1-<2+e)川},( 1.10)ar+.01小。for all u≥1 0
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