The Analysis of the Characteristics of Business English Translation
- 期刊名字:海外英语
- 文件大小:807kb
- 论文作者:王瑶
- 作者单位:沈阳师范大学渤海学院
- 更新时间:2020-11-22
- 下载次数:次
zwwh@overseaen.comISSN 1009-5039htp://www.overseaen.comOverseas English海外莫语Tel:+86- -551-5690811 5690812The Analysis of the Characteristics of Business English Translation王瑶(沈阳师范大学渤海学院,辽宁兴城125105)Abstract: Timeliness is spoken -language translation of the most prominent features. Foreign Affairs is a high quality translation work. For-eign Affairs translators must have a solid basic knowledge of foreign languages, master the wealth of expertise, to be qualified for this job. Thelanguage is a communication tool, the most fundamental cause of language is aimed at communication between man and man. Because of thehistory, the role of racial diferences and geographical environment, among other factors, countries around the world, the various different na-tional customs, all have their own features and language and culture. The language does not make sense to each other, mutual communicationprocess, always without a medium, such is reduced without increasing exchanges between the two sides not intent media is the translation.Key words: business English; oral English; translation中图分类号:H315文献标识码:A 文章编号 :1009- -5039(2011)12- -0162- -01the carrier of culture. Translation is an information exchange activi- quirements should be immediately put both sides is talking thingsties across the national language and culure, is also in line with theand discuss the issues clearly, not sluggish, the thought. Oral trans-logic of cultural infomation transfer, These enhance the dificultieslation process, always around fixed program operation. That is thein translation. And people who like western films won't understandthem quickly when they see them at the first sight. Yet, if transla- oral translation their own inner laws. The success of the oral transla-tion is good enough it can help them to master the essence and tion, can not only promote the communication and exchange of infor-imagine the plots of the film. And it can arouse their desire to seemation, and to coordinate the relations of negotiation, and balance.In the chat in the process, can make both parties don't think theirtranslate creatively., but translatons subjective comprehensive use thoughts, ideas and even between emotional communicationthe language and cultural knowledge, and realize the different lan- through intermediate media due greatly afected or ohstacles. But af.guage culture system embodies the ability to switch. From the cate-ter translation personnel's communication, both sides feel almost ingory of translation work to see, one kind is the oral translation, anddirect dialogue. Friendly conversation, both parties are sincere de-the other is the words witten language translation. Although two lighted, sincerity; Exchange ideas, is their views clear, essence andtranslation work have a lot in common, but because the work envi-correcl, focused, to the final solution to the problem.ronment and requirements of different, so also have their own char-2 Requirements of Oral Translationacteristics, only now is oral translation work characteristics and re-quirements of doing the simple test in this paper.The spoken language translator should have ateristic and its intemal laws, making full use of the language founda-1 Main Features of Oral Translationtion, familiar with basic items in oral interpretation, try to use theirThe spot effect immediately is the main features of oral transla-knowledge of two languages translation skills, expertise and knowl-tionedge of language and culture, improving the ability to improvise.strictions, the situation would not let the oral translation researchers Business oral translation people, must in all sorts of different occa-of weighing wording, deliberate, the requirements in the given peri- sions directly involved in foreign relations, whether visit abroad orod of time, the parties must be expressed understanding of languagethe reception guests visit, is inseparable from the translation work.thoroughly, mind rellect information, instantly want to use anolherTherefore, the translators have relatively strict spoken of the re-language expression comes out. This request oral translation person- quirement of the specifications. Due to the nature of the job needs,nel should be the thought is agile, with short-tem memory abilit, the foreign afairs oral transation personnel must perceptive,is good at in short time, slilfully use two kinds of language expres-thought deep, mind quickly. Facing to the things should have cer-sion way, hold the two different language and conversion. Transla-tain analysis ability, good judgment. At the same time want to betion is the standard according to the properties, characteristics of good at the actual work according to the characteristics of identity,the decision. Our modem translators yan fu once put Mr Works ofcontent and character of the atmosphere of the diferent, in terms ofliterature translation standards for "faithfulness, expressiveness andthe contents of the translation ideas based on nature, fully mobilizeelegance". The present age oral translation standards, can be re-their intelligence, the proper use of translation skills, promote theduced to "accurate, smooth, quick" six words, which reflect inter-communication and exchange of sino-foreign parties. Businesspretation for the quality and speed of unity. Speaking of the generaltranslation work, is a comprehensive subject.(下转第179页)中国煤化工YHCNMHG收稿日期:2011-11-05修回日期:2011-11-30作者简介:王瑶,辽宁抚顺人,本科,研究方向为商务英语。62 /睡觋/11111111 r y,栳睛任编辑:渠书.2011年12月Overseas English 海外美语nationality lays emphasis on line thinking. Chinese people are ac-meanings, or use negative form to indicate positive meanings. In or-customed to ilustrate something from another aspect, context andder to deal with this situation efectively, we are supposed tobackground, and finally point out the key points, while, the western-achieve the conversion between positive and negative.ers are accustomed to the logical thinking with ancient Greek -stylePositive and negalive conversion, refers to the exchanges be-when expressing ideas, they like to point directly to the main ideas .tween positive and negative under the premise of without changes ofDifference between these two kinds of thinking manifested in lan-their original meanings by changingguage tells us that we are supposed to adjust the structures of the forms from positive to negative or from negative to positive so as totwo kinds of languages. For example:match the expression habits of the target language. For example:The foreigner came to Zhengzhou from Shanghai through Nan-5) This is the last place where I expected to meet you. (P- -N)jing by train last week.6) No mail can have too much knowledge and practice. (N一English translation must follow the follow- -up habit of think- P)ing, talk about where they amived first, then by where etc, for exam-Translation is a creative art, emphasizes flexibility, 8o whenple:finding the positive translation poor, we are expected to reverse4) It is common experience that a certain amount of regular ex-thinking from positive to negative one, which will often enhance theercise improves the health and contribules to a feeling of well- -be- effectiveness of translation.ing whether or not exercise adds to the length of life.3 Conclusion"The health and contributes to a feling of well" is the sen-tence focus. In English the sentence focus should be translated intoTo sum up, thinking is the basis for translation activities to beChinese in accordance with the expression habit of Chinese of "it"conducted, but differences in thinking also exert a great influenceon the accuracy of translation. Therefore, as the translator, it is nec-should be adjusted to the end of the sentence.essary not only to strengthen Chinese-English bilingual attainments2.4 Positive and negative conversionbut also give full attention to language factors concemning the think-Diferent nations, having oberving the phenomenon of certain ing modes 8o as to strive to overcome the negative itererenee tothings, usually hold different and even opposite perspectives .JIt is translation and further improve translation quality. Only by exten-the same with language when we buried ourselves in it for example:sive and intensive comparison from the form of thinking, can we dis-the Chinese often "you (rt) Please", while, the English habit of tinguish the personality from the eonmonality shared by varied na-saying it is "After you"; "after the story" is translated into "ahead of tions, and only by the way can we make English-Chinese transla-the story ", rather than literal translation as "behind the story ",tion more accurate, more natural."cold" may be translated as "warm" (winter clothes into w- -clothes);References:"shallow" may be translated into "deep"(8kin light as skin- -deep),etc. less atention to it will result in mistranslation. Besides, Einglish[1} Jui hua.Comparative study of English and Chinese language andand Chinese thinking sequence differences when they observing areculture[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Education Printing Co,Ltd,2010.often relected in their perspectives. For example: Chinese "Ju Wu [2] Nuanyu new .Cross -cultural Communication Studies[M].Shang-Zhe", which can be translated in English into" five percent dis-hai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Publishing House,count", Chinese focus on the remain left behind after the actual pay-2008.ment discount percentage, while the English focuses on the dis-[3] Lian Shulan.On the Way to Chinese and Westem Thinking[J].count to go off, which are exactly the opposite perspectives. In addi-Foreign Language and Foreign Language Teaching, 201 1(2).tion, the Chinese say "diet", westemers say "ood and dink";Chi- [4] li Ao.the atudy of TaivanjJ.China Friendehip verion of thenese say "blood and flesh", English says "fesh and blood"; Chinesecompany 2009(8).say8, "Tian trail", and English says the "track and field" and s0 on.Also, the English like to use positive forms lo indicate negalive(上接第162页)litical, economic, and understand understand science, technology,3 Methods of Oral Translationculture and art; Both have social science knowledge, As far as thetranslation process itself is a work hard, seriously sum up and ex-In the daily practice of oral translation work, we should ac- plore the research process. Improvement of translation, also by vir-quire proficiency in rules and techniques of oral translation at thetue of her learning of perseverance, the thick product sends thinly.same time flexibly used them.Business translation work required参考文献:translators foreign language basic solid, Quent Chinese writing pru-dent, familiar with etiquette, this is only the most basic require-[1]林莉兰英、汉习语的文化内涵及其翻译[]安徽农业大学学ments. In the intemnational situation complex modem times, need to报(社会科学版),2005年6期.foreign afairs oral translation personnel known as the foreign rela- [2] 叶子南.高级中国煤化工请华大学出版社,tions national policies and principles, not only to undersland the po-TYHCNMHG栳目责任编耩:渠书I烫179.
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