- 期刊名字:致富时代(下半月)
- 文件大小:507kb
- 论文作者:廖桂苓
- 作者单位:西南财经大学经贸外语学院
- 更新时间:2020-09-18
- 下载次数:次
www.fsdzzs.comE-mail:zfsdzzs@126.com经济记坛·简易英语分析n Analysis of plain English口磨桂苓西南财经大学经贸外语学院Abstract: More and more organizations and people begin to focus on plain English due to its easier and clearer communication.In the present paper, plain English is mainly analyzed through its definition and point of view, applied areas, current situation and itsKey words: Plain English; language; clear; easy: simpleDefinition and Point of Viewpopularity of plain English has come slowly and painfullyA most popular definition of plain English is stated by Later, a numberorganizations further promote theRobert Eagleson (1990), "Plain English is clear, straightforward development of plain English, such as Scribes, Clarity, theexpression, using only as many words as are necessary. It is Plain English Campaign and Plain Language and etcnguage that avoids obscurity, inflated vocabulary andconvoluted sentence construction. It is not baby talk, nor is itAs English becomes a language world widely with morea simplified version of the English language. The purpose of and more and more people require clear and easylain English writer is to make the reader focus on the communication, the prospect of plain English is becoming quitessage itself instead of the complicate language. According to bright. However, since plain English is not as simple as weBryan Garner (2001), plain English is typically quite imagined, we have a lot to learn and still have a long way tointeresting to read. It's robust and direct-the opposite of go. Besides, due to nature of technical language, and differentgaudy, pretentious language. "Plain English is defined by its people have different understanding of plain English, the brightresults -easy to read, understand, and use. In other words, in future could not take place in a short timeterms of plain English, you can use the simplest words, phrasesConclusionand way to express your ideas and opinions, while avoiding theFrom the analysis above, it is easy to find that plainfancy ones,. The plain English writers heglish is clear, straightforward expression, using only as manwriting that has no confusion about meaning, is free of words as necessary. It is language that avoids obscurity, inflatedry jargon, and is easy to understand. There is no vocabulary and convoluted sentence construction. Plain Englishright"or "wrong"way to express an idea and every thought movement was first promoted in law language, and thencan be expressed in many different ways, which means English expanded to the govemment, the business and the sciencethat is plain to one set of readers may not be plain to others. Nowadays, quite a lot of organizations have been engaged inApplied Areasromoting plain English and more and more people begin toPlain English has been applied in many areas including realize its features and advantages to achieve much clearer andthe govermment, the legal profession, the business and the easier communication. But it will take a long time for plainare manons, technical Englely, due to nature ofterms and complex sentences, which bring difficulty to the professional language, different people have differentreaders especially the public who have no background understanding of plain English, and many people still stay theinformation. Plain English is applied in these areas, mainly stage that they only know some thing about plain English, butaiming to provide the people a better understanding and clearer couldn't use it in practice. In all, the prospect of plain Englishcommunication. However, since plain English is not as simple is bright, but still has a long way to go.as we imagined, it still not widely used, even in some areas,Bibliographyer oned May 25th, 2010put into practice.fromhttpc//wwwplainlanguagegow/whatispldefinitions/gamerefmCurrent Situation[2 Eagleson, Robert D.(1990) Writing in Plain English.Since in 1946, writer George Orwell from UK wrote an Canberra: Australian Govt. Pub. Serviceessay to criticize the dangers of ugly and inaccurate[3 Gerald Lebovits. (2008). Plain English: Eschew Legalese.contemporary written English, and in the 1970s, the US began New York State Bar Association Joumal, 80 (9). 64. RetrievedtheplainlanguagemovementvariouscampaignsandmovementsMAy25,2010,fromhttp://worksbepress.com/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?Plain English”,inarticle= 131&context=gerald_ lebovitsbecame popular in the legal community(Gerald Lebovits, 2008)[4 Using Plain Language in. Retrieved May 25, 2010, fromQuitealotofscholarsbegintowritearticlesandjoumalshttp://www.plainlanguage.gow/usingplindex.cfMabout plain English. Then the movement has expanded, but the(编:ZL)(上接第207页)生思维的涟漪,把课堂的温度建立在思维的深参考文献:主度上。这就是课堂提向的魅力所在。它是教学中不可或缺的一个罗卫东浅谈课堂提问的艺术圓辽宁师专学报(自然科学重要环节,是启发学生思维传授基本知识控制教学过程进行版),200课堂反馈的一个重要手段。它贯穿于课堂教学的始终,直接影响中国煤化工哈尔滨哈尔亲着课堂教学的成败。可以说,没有好的提问就不会有成功的教工业大学法,也就达不到理想的教学效果。因此慎重地对待课堂提问应YHaCNMHG3题中国教育创所该是每个教师义不容辞的责任,切不可把提问当作课堂教学的新,20103点缀,只求表面上轰轰烈烈,而不讲求实效。(编辑:ZLL
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