![Analysis on Cultural Factors in the Process of International Contraction Projects](http://www.cnmhg.com/e/data/images/notimg.gif)
![Analysis on Cultural Factors in the Process of International Contraction Projects](http://www.cnmhg.com/e/data/images/notimg.gif)
Analysis on Cultural Factors in the Process of International Contraction Projects
- 期刊名字:吉林画报·新视界
- 文件大小:300kb
- 论文作者:王尚雪
- 作者单位:天津师范大学
- 更新时间:2020-11-10
- 下载次数:次
066New.Horizo ht://ww shengshiweiye.com 0科技动态王尚雪天津师范大学, 天津30222[摘要) There are many culural diferences in intemnational contaction projects, which have a profound inluence on the pro-jects development. In this paper, the author takes personal experience as an example to analyze the cultural differences and their in~fluences in every phrase of intermational contraction projects (bidding, negotiation, designing and construction)●This study com-bines two disciplines: intermational cooperation and intercultural communication, which provide some suggestions for CrOSs cultureconstructions in intemational contraction projects.(关键词] Intermational Contraction Projects Negotiaion Designing Construction[中图分类号] G2[文献标识码] A{文章编号] 1007- -4309 (2011) 03- -066-2.5Analysis on Cultural Factors in the Processof International Contraction ProjectsI. Cultural Analysis of Bidding inshould be arranged in advance. And then during the proceas of ne -Intemational Contraction Projectsgotiation, everyone should play well one' s own role.Bidding phase is the initial phase o[ one intemnational contrac-Secondly, the negotiation programs should be prepared in ad-in prjects, and the conceptions towards bidding are diferent be-vance. Based on the negotation meeting agenda, the program ofcause of the customs of bidding and different culural barckgrounds.reaponse to each item and the malerial and data supporting the issueSince the modes of bidding can be divided into open biddingshall be prepared suficiently.and selected bidding, 80 the intemational contraclors may have dif-The Differencea and Specialties of Intermational Contractionferent understandings towards bidding based on their previous bid-Prijectding experiences. There is a large percentage of selected hidding inThe dilerences, which can also be called the specialties ofintermational contraction projec:t, since the intemational contractionnegotiation of intemational contraction prmject, actually ane theprojet i actually a kind of cooperation between two counties, 90comprehensiveness of intemational contraction prnject, which shallsometimes the contractor Wa just under the naming of govemment,be stressed on.therefore their atitudes towards bidding and document preparationsFinstly, intermational contraction negotiation covems a long ne-for bidding are 80 much diferent.gotiation process. and all the items discussed shall be in consis-N. Cultural Analysis of Negotiation intence to each other. So someetimese negotiator may be tranferredduring the negotiation procas. therefore the work turming over willNegotiaion ig an esential part of international contraction pro-ecome one problem to pay attention to. And from culural per-jects. which ecovers a lot of cultural factors in it, and also the cul-spective, the perrceptions toward keeping rcords are diferent inNegotiation Strategies in Intemational Contration Projectrecords i not so favorable, but Japan is a country which can wellNegntiation strategies ame very important not only in intema-record all the neesary proolf during every phases of negotiation.tional contraction projects which ane under discussion, but also inWhich can help to pmovide: necesary evidence in cae there is anall kinds of negotiations. On one hand, negotiation stategies shareunexpected divergence occuring.some common point 酷the other forms of negotiations. On the otherSecondly, China is a county which i likely to boast and showhand, they aiso hold some specialties in intermational contractionof their capacity through enough persons involved in negotiation.projects.Taking the example of negotiation between China and Philippines,there are more than 15 people in Chinese party, wheneas there areNegotiation stralegies shall be prepared in advance when a ne -only 3 people in Philippines' 8 perty. From Chinese point of view.gotiation is ging to happen, the specifie stralegies will not be ad-preparing all中国煤化工the merting ean bedresaned here, but the following points need to be paid atenton:helpful when:1HCNMH G no he solved by theFinstly, negotintion tram should be well organized, who willteam speaker, .roumI w UHUIO members. But the dis-be be leader. who will be the stalcgist, who will be member,advantages of this organization are the chaoe of negoriation. Actual-New Horizon htp://www.shengshweiye.com 新视号 067ly. the unclear issues shall be clarified and prepared ahead, whichviewing of design. for sometimnes, the contractor may have theirshall not be discussed during negotiation. If so,the negntiationown design team, but sometimes, they may suheontraet the designshall become a chao. and at the meantime the negotiation shall bephase to other professional design intitutedelayed, because dicusion on site in time consuming. which shallHowever, the biggret cultural factor in this phase in the differ-leave a bad impresaion on the counter party.ences of designing codes, since most of the deigning work in inter-Thirdly, since 90 many third parties involved in one project,national contraction project shall adopt American Coden, which isthe expresions and viewpoints in terma of one ssue, shall be con-already become one of the common knowledge in intemational con-sistent to each other, 80 all the documents of every negotiation shalltraction project, but since the design codes of China is histricallybe well examined and studied by each party in order to avoid theadopted Chinese Codes, 80 there are a big divergence between twodivergeoce.Although China' 8 technologien in designing railway haveNegotiation Courteay in Intemational Contaction Prijectbecome one of the world-leading countries, but the unconnectedNegotiation courteay in an obvious cultural factor in intemation-design codes with international design code i still another big proh-al contraction project, which is a truly reflertion of one' 8 countrylem. And even the worse. the design codes which are peifed inculure, and also it will affect the counse of intemational contractionthe contract documents are both of them. which means the design-prject. For example, China ' 8 courtesy in addreasing a speech.ing of this priject shall conform not only to the American Coden,Usually at the beginning of a negotiation, the Chinese engineers,but also the Chinese codes. Just because of thal. the design workexcept for the professional negoiaton, tend 如exchange a longcauses a lot of unfavorable isues during the design phase.greeting, and then they will address their capacity in doing intema-One of the biggest ise here ins the language difrerences here,tional pmject, but Bctually. to a certain extent, it is to boast theif the design team fllow Chinese codes, the consulant companyperformance and ability in doing the intermational contraction pro-will not understand some of the design diferences. and at thisjecet. The inluence of this king addressing should be examined fromtime, they need to study Chinese codes firstly. and then hased ontwo perapectives, finsuly. if the project in under the prceas of bid-their understanding to review and check whether the designing iding. a moderate exaggeration is proper, because which can addreasonable and qualified or nol, but when the Chinese engineersup t0 contractor' 8 capacity. Secondly, if the project is under thehand out their design codes. the consultant can not underntand thephase of after -bidding, the contractor shall well evaluale whetherlanguage, and they need the tranlation. Tranlation the relevantthe exaggeration is appropriate, the over exaggeration may cause theChinese codes into English is not only a cotly work but also aowner’ s asking for the same advanced technology for their pro-time- consuming work, and the translation shall be on which partyject.is another problems. So sometimes the design clarification meetingshall hinge on the translational problem, at last the design scheduleNonverhal language may be is not obvious culural factor. buthas been delayed.it in also an important cultural factor in intermational contractionAesthetic Deign in Intemational Contraction Project .projeet. Towards the same gestures, expresions and movements,Acathetic design actually is one of the cultural level issue, al-diferent people from different countrien may conceive diferentthough it is not a 80 big issues鸥the design codes. yet this problemmeaning, 8uch a shaking hands in Chinese culture meaningis commonly can be seen in moet the design process. Chinese de-showing friendlines, but if you shake hands with Gemany, it maycauRe a big panic to them.consuling company. Bared on the comparison between China'sI. Cultural Analysis of Designing indesign and other countries design work, such a Japen' 8 deaignIntemational Contraction Projectswork, we can also sense that, alhough Bometime this in not admit-Designing phase is one of the momt important phases in inter-ted by our engineen. The cultural differences can he seen from thenational contraction prmject, whose lating time of this phase is veryfollowing aspects.long, and the technical requirements of this phase is quite high. AArchitectural Designlot of cultural factom are involved in this phane.In moet of the intemational contraction pmject, epecially con-Standardization of Deign Code in Intermational Contractioncemed with constructional work, building design always orcurB, 80Prnjectthe arcbitectural design i another cultural fact. Chinese enginerSince intemational contraction project has the feature of inter-denign in baned on th中国煤化工agination of rnationality, it will cover several parties in one prmject, for the spe-chitect have been cYHCNMHGre given by thecific denign phase, at leant there ar three parties in it. One partystructural enginoer. While in westemn cultural, archite:tural designis the contractor, the other party in the owner, and the third partyis in prior to structural denign, 的o architectural fierce can occur眭shall be the consultant company, which is responible for the re-any time. Herein, the architectural denign shall conform to the068 New Horizan ht://www shengshiweiye .com心科技动态温艳蓉福建师范大学, 福建福州350108[摘要]采用文献法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等,以百度和谷歌为搜索引擎,以人民网、新华网、东南网和晋江新闻网200)7- 2009年晋江市体育 报道为研究对象,揭示网络媒体视野下晋江城市的体育形象。[关键词]网络媒体;晋江;体育形象[中图分类号] G8 [文献标识码] A(文章编号] 1007-4309 (2011) 03- -0068-4.5网络媒体视野下晋江城市的体育形象城市形象指一个城市在其经济、文化、生态综合发展过程进程日趋加剧的今天,一个城市要想获得可持续发展,必须重中,逐步形成并不断发展的整体风貌及其在公众心目中形成的视自身形象建设。城市作为一个经济区域体,其形象的雅俗已印象和看法,由物质与精神两方面诸要素构成。在世界城市化经成为现代城市参与市场竞争、谋求更多发展资源的重要手aesthetic requirements.meet aall the requirements of design, they do not pay more attentionThe deep factors behind this phenomenon, in my opinion,to the construction details during the construction process.shall he the respect to art, for which we still have a long way toWhen the pmject was still under the design phase, it ever oc-gocurred that a construetion test. The test was implemented by theDrawing Format Designconstruction team, picking up one small chainage of the assignmentFrom all the documents which are delvered hy the consultants,to do emhankment tet,since the complexity of that area of soil,from all the documents which are delivered by the local subcontrac-which needed the special treatment for the emhankment. Before thetoms, we can see the heauiful and aesthetic design format, but wetest put into implementation, this situation had heen aware by con-seldom pay atention to that, which has ben ignored by Chinesestruction team, but since they usually treat with this condition, inengineer. All of these stalen one cultural factor, we do not have theChina based on their experiences, as the regular tmealment, so theyrespect to art, berause in the listed fartors of all the influencingjust simply finish the treatment of embankment based on Chinesefartors of intemational contraction projecl, respect to art have notcustom,but after the consultant companies cherk up. it was whollyheen listed in, because in most of the Chinese eyes. this factor iovertumed by them. which also caused an unpleasant situation. Alnot a infuential factor, but actually it is, it is a concealed factorsthat time, the action of Chinese construction team had left a badthat mayhe the inartistic design will drain up the consultant toler-impression in the owner and consultant' 8 point of view. which ledance for Chinese deign.to the pause of ronstruetion o site, event the wone, all the eN. Cultural Analysis of Construction inquipments trasferret from China to site by construction team wasIntemational Contraction Projectsjust laid on site, which causing a big loss of construction team.Construction phase is a very important phase of intermationaland later, it has a claim between the contractor and sub- contractor,contraction project.which is actually the construction team.Standardization of Construction Code in Intermational Contrac-Communication with Construrtion Supervisortion PrjectIn every intemational prmjecet, especially the constructionalCultural cnlicts in this phase mainly on the fllowing aspect,project, construrtion Bupervisor is actually very important, which isthe person who can shall guarantee the safety and make eure theBased on author' . understanding, China is a country holdconstruction well conform to the approved design. So constructionthe masrulinity tendency. and Philippines hold the felinity tenden-cy, alhough it will he a litle bit diferent from previous scholar' 9 projet. And between the construction team and construction super-studies. The difernce of these two kinds of tendency may result invisor, there area lot of communication, the smooth and effectivediferent atiudes toward one constuction methodology. the consul-communication can ensure the procas of international contractiontants and engineens from Philippines party who is feminist oriented中国煤化工will more concem about the details of construction method, they.MYHC N M H -----------tend to be perfect in construction, but whereas Chinese engineenwho in masculinity, their atitudes towards construction are differ-[作者简介]王尚雪:天津师范大学外国语学院。ent,they focus o the resulh, as long酷the real contuction can
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