A Rhetorical Analysis of Advertisement Language
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- 论文作者:祝丽丽
- 作者单位:菏泽学院外国语系
- 更新时间:2020-11-22
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科技信息人文社科A Rhetorical Analysis of Advertisement Language菏泽学院外国语系祝丽 丽[Abstract ]Advertisements are penetrating into our daily life. Rhetorical stategies are always employed for persuaion in advertisements. Thearticle analyzes the advertisements from the rhetorical angle mainly using the theory of‘communication triangle' '. It is very interesting to seehow the advetsement applies the appropriate strategies to atain the proper targets.[Key words]nhetoric ethos pathos logos advertisemeit1. Introductionpersusion" by Aristotle. He thought“when trust to the speaker is producedPerhaps the most prevalent, most ubiquitous form of persuasive discourseby delivering a speech in the audience, the persuasion gets a realizationin today' S world is advertising. w hether in the visual medium or in the soundthrough personality' . Genaeally, no matter what the topic of discussion is, themedium, advertising is inescapable. Ads are primarily the forms of spoken orperson of justice always wins our larger trust more quickly. If there is no accu-graphic discourses (or combinations of spoken and graphic) that try to get therate knowledge conceming the discussing topie and 8 a result there still existsreader or the listener to buy a product or service. Generally speaking, a gooddoubt, such a speaker will win our complete trust. The trust to the speakeradvertisement should possess the function of attracting attention, deepeningmust come from the speech, instead of the view about the speaker 5 personali-memory and inducing purchase. Rhetoric is generally considered 8 a tool thatty which has already existed before the speech. Rhetoricians should establishcan be used to construct arguments in, expectation of a. deaired outcome.their credit and authority on intelligence, morality, justice and profession toAd- -writes are some of the mokilfulthetoicians.They may never haveof persuasion. Rhetoricians must show theinspiring person-achuevethe Bpoat o Per8suasioD Rthectoncians ust sno”ality to win the reepect and trust of the audience and take advantage of thisancient art to influence the ttitudes and actions of those who are exposed toprestige to effect the audience' 's decision. Just because of the important func-the ads that they compose. The analysis that follows will point out some of thetion of individual personality and prestige on rhetorical action, advertisingrhetorical strategies used in advertisement language.rhetoricians always appeal to ethos.2. Rhetoric, persuasion and advertisemnentWe usually see some products select some healthy and popular publicIt can be seen from the westemn rhetorie history the close relationship be-person as the image spokesperson because the personal charm of celebrity cantween rhetoric and persuasion. Persuasion is the process in which through thebe transferred to the advertising products. Film stars and social celebrities aredelivery of symbls the idea or activity of others is inluenced in a nonviolencealways the people atracting publie foeus. All the publie know about theway to atain an anticipant purpose. James Herick thought the history ofelebrities is their perfect sides unless there is some news afecting their per-theoric art mostly concentrated on making use of phonetic symbol system tosonality. To some extent the personal prestige possessed by the celebrity en-attain persuasion. Pluto thought rhetorie is the art of winning the soul by dis-dows the advertisement authority and increase its persuasion. There is anothercourse. Aristotle defined rhetoric 日the faculty of observing in any given casereason that the public have litle knowledge about the new product. As a re-the available means of persuasion. Cicero simply defned thetoric as thesult, their decision depends more on the rhetoricians they trust. In celebrity. speech designed to persuade. Burke, the representative of new rhetoric, be-adventisement, public' S trust on the product comes from the celebrity theyasic function of rhetoric is the use of words by human agents tolowe. And they are influenced and persuaded unconsciously.form atitudes or to induce actions in other human agents. enerally speaking,, celebrtry adver-tisements, such as Jackie Chan' g shampoo ad, Jet Li's apparel ad, Jay Chou'sways to infuence other' s cognition, atitude and behavior, which is in accor -food ad and Yao Ming's ad. All these ads make use of the popularity, gooddance with what business advertisement pursues. For moving and persuadingimage and credit of celebrities to increase the sale of the products.consumer to notice, understand, believe, like and eventually purchase the2) Pathos, as the sentiment appealing, has a closer relationship with theproduct or service advertisement promoted, advertising companies have toaudience.think to the utmost the ways to win consumer. Just because of the conmon tar-Aristodle said, pathos is“putting the audieince into a certain frame ofget and pursuing, the westerm rhetoric that has a long history can providemind". He thought people make diferent decision when they are in sad, hap-abundant and available resources for the design of advertisement. Only bypy, friendly or hateful state. It is because people are not absolutely sensiblecentering around the consumers and adopting homologous rhetoric strategyand they are often controlled by emotion. Rhetorician can use some rhetoricalaccording to the specific situation, can advertising be placed in a beneficialtechniques to put the audience in the most advantagous and suitable frame ofposition in the interaction and contact with consumers.mind. Through establishing reliable personality rhetorician can inspire audi-3. The rhetoric strategies used in advertisement persuasionence' s amicable mood 80 as to make preparation for the next persuasion.Acording to Aristotle, there are two kinds of argument:Different audiences have different psychological features that are also1) non-aristic or non- technical arguments or means of persuain: notconnected with the audience's sex, age, acquirement, character, interest andreally part of thetoric. Orators did not have to invent these; they had merely tocircumstance. It i important to control audience' s peychological mechanismuse them. Aristole named five kinds of non- artistic profs: laws, witnesses,that can improve the communicative ffciency of language. If rhetorician ig-contracts, tortures, oaths.nores the group psychology of the communicating objects or doesn't have2) artistic profs:“artistic" in the sense that they fell within the provincecomplete knowledge about their psychology, the communicative ffct can beof art of rhetoric: rational appeal ( logos), emotional appeal ( pathios), and ethi-infuenced. Therefore it is important to understand and satisfy audience's s0-cal appeal (ethos).cial and culural psychology in ad communication.According to traditional rhetoric, the fllowingl diagram can captureNestle Coffee appeals to the popular message "the taste, is great" torhetorical appeals:arouse the emotional resonance from the audience. As the famous advertise-subject- matter (logoa)ment goes“A diamond is Forever , diamond is expensive and not life necessi-ty. So customers are very cautious when buying it As the hardest and most ex-pensive precious stone in the gemological family, diamond is best known as thevery iconic symbol for etemal love. What customers think a lot is its symbolictextspeaker/writerlistener/readermeaning. Therefore, advertisement designers give prominence to the eternal(pathos)(ehos)digam shows, to infuence the listener or the reader, three中国煤化工son. Harving a logos ppeal al-80 enhus the speaker lo knowledge-able aCNMH(C Jing impressive logos to the au-cian's use of non-logical appeals to put the audience into a frame of mind thatdienceTna; knowleageaple on mne lopic, rhetorician can better persuadewill make them less hostile to his arguments; logos, the logical or rational ele -the audience to understand the theme of topic.ments of the discourse.Rhetoriceal syllogism put forward by Aristotle is regarded a the core of1) Rhetorician' s character was regarded 8s the“most efective way ofprobable argument. It is made up of a premise anda (下转第 158页)-156--科技信息人文社科被译为英语break的可能性。实验结果表明实验对象根据直觉对17个综 上所述,在第二语言习得过程中,母语迁移是不可避免的,并受句子的“可直译性”或“可迁移性的排序与他们对“"breken"各语义的“核到多种因素 的制约。而关于母语迁移理论已经在研究方向,研究领域及心性”或“典型性"的排序成正相关。Kellerman 因此得出结论:(1)二语研究方法等方面取得了重大进展。母语迁移已经从行为主义和心灵主学习者对母语语义典型性的直党可用来预测母语形式的可迁移性。(2)学习者对母语可迁移性的直觉不受二语水平和认知能力变化的影响。的研究;从对母语作用的孤立研究拓展为在多学科交叉领域内对其进(3)学习者在潜意识里遵循一种迁移原则,即不迁移非典型性的母语形行研究;从对比分析法发展到认知法。目前,认知理论框架内的母语迁式和语义移研究仍然处于探索和发展阶段,相关理论尚不成熟。但是,这种研究3.心理类型对母语迁移的认知制约超越了纯语言学研究的范畴,将认知和心理因素引人进来,这就为母语母语迁移也与母语和目的语间的距离有关。Elis指出,语言距离可迁移的进一步研究提供了全新的视角。以视为是一种语言现象,即两种语言间的实际差异程度;也可以视为是-种心理语言现象,即学习者自己认为母语与目的语间的差异程度,这参考文献:就是Kellerman (1977)所称的“心理类型"(psychotypology)[1 ]Eckman, F. Markedness and the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis心理类型反 映了学习者对语言距离的心理认知。但是心理类型和[J]. Languge Learming, 1977, (27).语言距离没有特定的联系它可能会与语言的实际距离存在差距。是心的空际所存在差跑。是心[2llis,s R. TheStudwofSecof Second Language Acquisition[M l.Oxford:理类型(而不是语言距离)激活或抑制迁移的发生。换言之,如果学习者Oxford University Pres 1994.感觉到母语与目的语之间差别很大,而且母语的结构又是有标记的,即[3]ellermnan E. Now you see it, now you don't [A]. s. Gass & L.这个结构或是不规则,或是不常用,或是语义模糊,那么迁移就不大可Selinker.(Eds), Language Transfer in Language Leamning[ C]. Rowley, Mass:能发生。反之,母语迁移就可能会出现。Newbury House, 1983.一方面学习者会根据自己建立的心理类型来决定是否迁移,另一[4 ]ellenman,E.Towards a Characterizaion of the Strategies of Trans-方面学习者的这种心理类型会随着第二语言水平的提高而变化。这就fer in Second Language Leaming [J].nerlanguage Sudies. Bulletin, 1977,意味着在二语习得过程中,学习者可能会随时迁移母语中的某些形式,而不会迁移另外- -些形式。在Kellerman所做的实验中,以荷兰语为母[5]Odlin, T. 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Designing Tasks for the Comnunicative Classroom适当点评,大部分同学的叙述、讲解、论述、讨论及应变能力都有不小的[M] Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.提高。此外,作为交流的辅助手段,学生在制作课件和使用其它展示方[2 ]Nunan D. Task- based Language Teaching[M ].Cambridge: Cam-法的过程中充分运用其它学科的相关知识,极大地发展了他们的创造bridge University Press, 2004.性和综合素质。[3 ]Wll JA Framework for Task- -based Learming[ M].London:Loman,3.综合能力显著提高1996通过对比,,不但学生的综合英语成绩有所提高,而且学生在学习过[4]程晓棠任务教学法[M].北京高等教育出版社2004.程中还提高了发现问题、解决问题的能力,培养了合作意识,提高了独[5]苏秋萍任务教学法模式与综合英语教学[J]国外外语教学,立性和自信心。205.4);35-42.Generally speaking, persuasive strategies in westem classical thetoricsion. In most ases, either the premise or the conclusion is omited. To achieve still possess practical value nowadays. I we can understand its basic operationrhetorical goal, it is usual to pensuade the audience to acept the rhetorician' 8 mechanism, use flexibly and then can certainly obtain satisfactory result. Theviewpoint. Comon belief, value and atinde are necessary.three kinds of persuasive strategies are closely interrelated. When one strategyIn some ads we can see the power of rhetorical sllogism. Because some is used, the other two are still in operation. Of course, rhetoricians will try theirthings ceannot be priced by money, we atach more attention to safety - -Auto- best to conceal their strategies. So audience should be alert to the possiblemobile Advertisement. It is self- evident that safety is more important thanmisleading intention and possess the ability to judge corretly.money. This is the common value shared by the rhetorician and the audience.Safely can' t be priced by money. So it is advisable that we atach more atte-Referencestion to safety. This is most people' s expectation for automobile. By the identi-[1 ]Rhctoric.Aristotle.Translated by W.Rhys Roberts.New York.Thefied value audience and the automobile set up a relation that shortened theModemn Iibrapdistance between audience and automobile. As a result, it is easier to achieve中国煤化工色[J]南昌教育学院学报,the aim of persuasion. Moreover, Freedorn, democracy, equality are the ap-2001(3)pealing ways that are often used.上HCNMHG育出版社2002.报/社会科In Marlboro Cigarette Advertisement west cowboy appeared to present4]打丈明,厂西价确研九小郑川机工工业管理学院学the unconstrained and freedom. In Haier Electrical Household Appliance Ad-学版),2006(6).vertisement, the Haier brothers represent kinship and the utmost solicitude.[5]吴永异.广告说服中的西方修辞策略[].外语研究2006/11).4. Conclusion一158一
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