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![Modeling of polishing process for electric stainless- steel kettle](http://www.cnmhg.com/e/data/images/notimg.gif)
Modeling of polishing process for electric stainless- steel kettle
- 期刊名字:重庆大学学报(英文版)
- 文件大小:311kb
- 论文作者:WU Chang-lin,XU Zao-kun,FAN Qi
- 作者单位:Mechanical Science and Engineering Institute,School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
- 更新时间:2020-11-11
- 下载次数:次
Vol. 10 No. 4Journal of Chongaing University (nglish Edition) [ISSN 1671-8224]December 2011Article ID: 1671-8224(2011)04-0191-05Todie tis anide: WU Changtin, XU Zao kun, FAN Qingrong, GUO Min. Modeling of pising proces for eletic stnetstlettle [4. J Chongqing Univ.Eng Ed([SSN 17182241. 2011, 104): 191-195.Modeling of polishing process for electricstainless- steel kettleWU Chang-lin 1t, XU Zao-kun 1+, FAN Qing-rong 1, GUO Min 2'Mechanical Science and Engineering Istute, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074. P. R. China2School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Wuhan Instituto of Technology, Wuhan 430074, P. R. ChinaReceived 27 June 2011; received in revised form 16 September 2011Abstract: The market of stainless electric steel kettles is growing significantly, but the main mechanism for polishing ketles viatraditional handwork operations limits the growth of electric kettle manufacturing. Based on the successful multi-tool automaticpolishing system for elecric stainless steel kettles, regression analysis and orthogonal tests were employed to construct apolishing process model, with a 'purpose to improve the automatic polishing technology for electric stainless steel kettles. Themodel reveals the relationship between the surface roughness and processing parameters including gringding depth, abrasivetangent speed, workpiece rotating speed and axial feeding speed. Simulation and experimental results are in agreement,whichshows that this modeling method is fcasible in practice, and it can also be used as a guidance for planning automatic polishingprocess of electric stainless- steel kettles.Keywords: polishing process; regression analysis; ortbogonal test; simulationCLC number: TG580.1Document code: A1 Introductionautomatic polishing technology for electric stainlesssteel kettles is scarce, and the existing equipment stillWith the improvement of people's living standards,cannot meet the polishing requirements.fashionable and convenient electric stainless steelmost of the domestic enterprises still polish the kettlekettles are becoming popular family appliances, andby handwork, which is associated with a lot ofwill contributeimmense market value to the servicedisadvantages, such as unstable quality, low efficiency,provider. Polishing is the last working procedure inetc. In addition, much dust and noise given off duringstainless steel electric kettle's manufacture,'o it canpolishing process are harmful to workers' health.not only reduce the surface roughness but prettifyTherefore, research on automatic polishing technologyexterior quality of the workpiece." The materialfor stainless steel kettle becomes particularly important.NTKD-11 stainless steel is frequently used toThe efficiency of automatic polishing depends on twomanufacture kettles, which has the characteristics ofactors: one is the design of automatic polishinglow rigidity, high toughness, less thermal conductivityequipment; and the other is the planning of theand thin wall, so it's hard to be polished by anautomatic polishing process. Based on a succesfullyautomatic polishing machine. '”Besides, research ondeveloped automatic polishing machine for stainlesssteel kettles,l10-n in this work we proposed novelmodels for the polishing process using regressiontwu Chang-lin (吴昌林): chwu@mail.hust edu.cn.analysis and orthogonal test which avail the selection ofrequired parameters and interpretation of the*Corresponding author xU Zao -kun (徐造坤):relationships_ between. Drocessing Darameters andzk _xu520@yahoo.com.cn.polishing qua中国煤化I greed well withMHCNMHG91.C. L. Wu. etal.Stainless-steel kette polishingspeed, approximately in direct proportion. Fig. 4 showsthat the influence of work piece rotating speed is notTable 2 Orthogonal test results of surface roughness R。withobvious, given that the lower the work piece rotatingtest factors grinding depth ap, abrasive tangent speed V, workspeed the less the surface roughness. Fig. 5 shows thatpiece rotating speed nw and the work piece axial feedingthe surface roughness increases along with the increasespeed Vr at 3 different levelsof axial feeding speed.Level of test factorSerial No.-R.0.075[_g_”V10.0832-22m0.070中35rmin-120.080w 35rmin0.0820.065,Experimental valuo0.085Simulation volue0.0760.060.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.0120.079a /minFig. 2 Relation between the grinding depth ap and the surface0.084roughness R, with the work piece axial feeding speed VF0.081.0.15 m min-, abrasive tangent speed V=22 ms', and workpiece rotating speednw=35 r min~'0.0780.075 [◆Experimcotal valueThe results of regression coeficients of Eq. (3) wereobtained as follows: bo= 0.91521, b-=0.01284, br_0.070Simulation value- -0.101 06, b;=0.007 09, and bz=0.088 877.Eq. (3) can be rewritten as0.065 ta= 0.006 mmWr= 0.15 m minr'y=-0.91521+0.012 84x -0.101 06x, +加=35r min'0.007 09x, +0.088 877x.(50.0605102550W(m川)Consequently the empirical formula of roughness R。Fig.3 Relation between the abrasive tangent speed V andissurface roughness R。with the grinding depth ap=0.006 mm,(6work piece axial feeding speed Vr 0.15 m min^ , and workpiece rotating speed n =35r min~^4 Simulation and experiment0.075「a- 0.006 mmVe= 0.15 m min'The orthogonal test indicates that the best polishingquality was achieved with ap =0.006 mm, v:=22 ms',K=22 m 5nw= =35r min', and V7-0.15 m min~'. The single factorexperiment was performed to verify the feasibility of◆Experimental valiethis model and simulation was conducted following- Simulation valuoEq. (6) to compare with the experimental results. Theexperiment equipment and work pieces are the same as35456575 85those in the aforementioned orthogonal test.nM/(r minm1)As we can see from Fig. 2, with the growth of theRclation between work piece rotating speed nw andgrinding depth, the surface roughness increases only asurface roughness R。with the grinding depth qp=0.006 mm,little; whereas in Fig. 3,the surface roughnesswork piece axial feeding speed V= 0.15 m min~', anddecreases with the increment of the abrasive tangentabrasive tang中国煤化工"TYHCNMHGJ. Chongqing Univ. Eng. Ed. [ISSN 1671-8224]. 2011, 10(4): 191-195193C. L. Wu, et al.Stainless steel ktle polishing445-450.0.075[a" 0.006 mo[2] Walker DD, Beaucamp AtH, Doubrovski V, ct al. NewV=22ms1results extending the precessions process to smoothing咖-35 rminground aspheres end producing freeform parts [].Proceedings of SPIE [ISSN 0277-786X], 2005, 5869:0.065◆Experimental vn luo58690E- 58699E.[3Guvenc L, Srinivasan K. 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