The analysis of Hengkelong Supermarket Management Behavior
- 期刊名字:新农村(黑龙江)
- 文件大小:118kb
- 论文作者:林晓霜
- 作者单位:东北师范大学商学院
- 更新时间:2020-11-22
- 下载次数:次
2010年第8期XINNONGCUNThe analysis of Hengkelong Supermarket ManagementBehavior林晓霜(东北师范大学商学院,吉林长春130062)Abstract: With the development of local retail industry, Hengk elong Supermarket win fat profit. Yet how can it maintain itsbusiness advantage in the fierce competition with foreign business giants? This paper analyzes the management behavior oHengkelong Supermarket, intending to give relevant policy recommendations.Key words: management behavior; local retail development; strategy1. Hengkelong's operating statusenhance staff loyalty and a sense of belonging in the longAs China bas fostered the policy of reform and open-run. Hengkelong regularly let the staff know its profits,ing to the outside world, local retail industry is developingpurchase, sales and price situation as well as the invest-rapidly. Retail areas in China began to open to foreign in-ment, joint venture etc. The location and service are not sovestment in the 1990s. Changchun also enjoys rapid growthgood that the supermarket become too crowded during hol-in sales. However, when the foreign business giants enterediday.CC(short for Changchun), the sales of retail business was at3. Recommendationsthe top, much higher than the local retail industry in CC.a. Focus on strategic guidance. Local retail enterprisesFacing the powerful crash of foreign business giants, howshould use the dynamic strategy and tactics (AMC) tocan Hengkelong highlight its business advantage? Thus wechange their passive position on the market.conduct a survey of Hengkelong Supermarket managementb. The importance of communication. Communicationbehavior and offer relevant policy recommendations.regularly contribute to effective management system mak-2. Questionnaire Analysisng employee behavior gradually accustomed to companyFirst we have eight indicators on Hengkelong' s Man-culture and enhancing a habit of continuous behavior.agement Behavior including strategy, communication,c. Salary improvements. Enterprises should establish aworking conditions, production, personnel relations, salarystimulating business development strategy consistent withand the framework of management. Through the prelimi-the pay system.ary studies, we conclude that the average of strategy,communication, working conditions, production, and per-sonnel relations indicators are low, which means employ-ees are dissatisfied with current status. While the salaryand the framework of management are higher than averageReferences:and the higher standard deviation indicates that employees[ 1] Shang Ming. Wal-Mart' s incentive everywhere.have different evaluation because of the sense of unfair-Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs, No. 6 of 2005, page62口65.Hengkelong supermarket has a clear framework of[2] Zhang Xia, Cheng Xiaojua inefficiency of enterprisemanagement. From the perspective of incentives. the mean,system hierarchy, the vitality of enterprises, 2004 (5)standard deviation, and mode data of authority and incen-[3] Chen Ping Wu. Enterprise Management in the role ofpage66-67.tive tell that the employees have high degree of satisfactioneffective communication .modern enterprise education,on these two factors.Hengkelongmainly rely onshort-term material incentive methods to improve perfor-February 2008, page 42.mance of employees regardless of relational returns which[4] Yu Shiying.breaking quiet. Business Times, 2002, No.233, page9-10.中国煤化工MYHCNMHG145
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