Study on the New Grinding Fluids of Oils on Water
- 期刊名字:东华大学学报
- 文件大小:609kb
- 论文作者:魏源迁,钱怡,中村隆,松原十三生
- 作者单位:College of Mechanical Engineering,Department of Science and Technology,Department of Mechanical Engineering
- 更新时间:2020-07-08
- 下载次数:次
16Jourmal of Donghua University(Eng. Ea.) Vol.20, No.3 (2003)Study on the New Grinding Fluids of 0ils on Water5月WEI Yuan-qian (魏源迁) *Collge of Mechanical Engiering, Beijing Unieriny of Ternology, Bejing, 1002QIAN Yi (钱怡)nd Technology , Zhengzhou Intiue of Technology, Zhengzhou, 450052Takashi Nakamura (中村隆) , Tomio Matsubara (松原十三生)Dpartment of Mechanical Engineering , Nagoya Insiue of Technology, Nagoya 466 - 85555 , JapanTo fufill a zero-emission in the process of grindingFor this method, its applications to cutting were sccessfullyand thoroughly eliminate the influences of thereportedand also its applications to grinding wereconventional grinding fluids on the eco-environmentinvestigatedi2.4. In this study, the used grinding fluids areas well as save up electric energy and reduce inwater mist, emulsion flooo coolant, and six sorts of boranicproduction costs, the new grinding fluids of botanicoils. A large number of the grinding experiments are cariedoils on water were developed, in which a lot of tinyout on a precision NC plain grinding machine. The goindingwater droplets attached with micro oil films wereforces, surface temperaure, surface roughness and surfaceblown to the machining area by a compressing air-jethardness of the ground workpieces as well as the material-so good as to produce lubricating and cooling roles.removal volume , the wheel-wear volume and grinding ratios ofIn this study , grinding performances of the new fluidsthe grinding wheel are measured and compared.were investigated by comparison to the conventionalones such as emulsion on the plane NC grinder.Experimental Setup and MethodKeywonds: Eco machining, Zero emission, Eco-environment ,Grinding fluids,Botanic oils, Emulsion, Grinding experiments,The supplying principle of the machining fluids of oils onCrinding characteristicswater (OoW) is shown in Fig. 1. Many small water dropletsabsorbed with the thinner oil flms are sprayed by a compressingair-jet on the grinding region, and hence they play lubricationIntroductionand cooling roles in the grinding region. The essence of theprinciple is that a small arnount of water and botanic oil is usedWhile grinding, a lot of abrasive grains in the grindingto oblain the eficts of the machining fluids and realize a zerO-region are doing high-speed cuting and friction, resuling inermission, resuling in zero burden to the eco-environment.very high grinding temperature, which makes the groundGrinding wheelsurface bumt, the grinding wheel worn, and the machiningaccuracy lowered. To decrease the temperature, the researchand development of grinding fluids with three efects oflubrication, cooling and washing are necessary. Meanwhile, toproduce lubrication between abrasive grains and workpiecesurface,and to cool and wash grinding region, a large amountGrainWateriOilfim!of grinding fluid is used. For high. efciency grinding,grinding fluids with additives are indispensable. However,because of the latest emphases on the eco-envronment and thecurrent factories pursuing for an eco-machining age, theresearch and development of the freshly supply forms ofWorkpiece .grinding fluids are more necessary to meet the requirements ofzer-emission production.Fig.1 A spplying method of oils on water (OW)One of the authors had suggested a new supply method ofmachining fluids which is called as cutting oils on water(OoW)!1-*. That is, many small water droplets on whose2. Grinding forces can be measured by an octagon strain gaugesurface cutting oil flms are absorbed are sprayed into the(dynanometer). Grinding terperature of the ground surfacesmachining region so as to meet the above-mentioned needs.can be also measured by a temperaure sensor. The surfaceCoreppondence should be adessed to WE1 Yuan-qian, Associale profcese中国煤化工:YHCNMHGJourna! of Donghua University (Eng. Ed.) Vol.20, No.3 (2003) 17profiles of the grinding wheel can be duplicated by usingadditives make the temperature increments of the groundgraphite specimens (size: 38 x15x 10 mm), so the grindingsurfaces smallest and smaller, respectively. Moreover, thewheel-wear volume can tmeasured. The experimentaltangential grinding forces of No.4 ands (OoW) are smallerconditions are listed in Table 1.than that of No.1 ( cutting emulsion). It is easy to sce fromFig. 5 that the lubrication of No. 3 (OoW) is prior to that ofGrindingNo.1 (cuting emulsion), and that of No.2 ( water mist) isWheelthe worst. The micro-bardness ( Vickers hardness) of theground surface is measured and demonstrated in Fig. 7. It isunclear to see a distinction from grinding fluids._WaterORa■ RmaxWorkpiece.DynanometerNozzleStrain0.5Gauge - .Magnetic ChuckTypes of grinding fluidsTable FeedFig.3 Surface roughness (SCM435)Fig.2 Experimental setup图SCM435国SUS304Tabel 1 Experimental ConditionsGrinding wheelWA46HV(305 x38 x 127 mm)Grinding conditions Air pressure: 0. 1 MPaAir nowing rate: 120 1/minOoW flowing mnte: 20 VhWater mist flowing rate: 1.21/hEmulsion flowing rate: 600 VhDepth of cut'Total depths of cul: 1 um/100Tyes ofginding AuidsμmFig.4 Increments of surface temperatureDressing: one time ( 10 μm/ time)WorkpiecesInner diameter: 6 mm, fixed angle: I0C ,60「distance to grinding point: 100 mmA日Fn]Steel; SCM435 ( < HRCSS), S45C ( <20一HRC25) ; Stainless scel: SUS304Grinding fluidsSize: 50 x30 x 30 mmI: Emulsion flood coolantE 402: Water mist3: OoW (Polysulfide)04: OoW ( Pentarythritol ester + 2%Polysulfide)Types of ginding fuidsS: OoW ( Pentaeryhriol ester +2%TCP)6: OoW ( Econa frying oi)Fig.5 Crinding fores ( SCM435)7: OoW ( Econa cooking oil)8: OoW (Salad oi)Grinding modePlunging grindting60厂20 tExperimental Results and DiscussionsAs specimens are SCM435 and SUS304, the depth of cutand its sum are set as lμm and 100 μm, respectively. Thesurface roughness , surface temperature and grinding forces ofTypesof ginig luisthe ground workpieces are shown in Figs. 3 ~ 6. Withingrinding fluids, the uses of No. 1 and No. 4 or5 with 2%中国煤化工304)MYHCNMHG18Journal of Donghua University (Eng. Ed.) Vol. 20, No.3 (2003)45073.8295%reliablei 65.97 .400s0 t44.4746.5130033.7029.05250[B81S 1883ili200Typas of ginding fuiuisTypes of ginding luicisFig.7 Surface vickers hardnss (SCM435)Fig. 10 Comparision of grinding ratios (S45C)As the workpiece is S45C, the depth of cut and its sumare set as 5 um and 1mm, respectively, and also grinding timeConclusionsis about 400s. Thus, the material-removal volume and thewheel-wear volume are described in Figs. 8 and9. Because ofTo improve the eco-environment, the new machiningbheat expansion, the machining forces and the wheel wear, influids of oils on water were developed. They are suitable notspite of the same depth of cut, the changes of the material-oly to cuting'".3J but also to grinding [2, 4]. Theseremoval volume are in correspondence wit those of grindingexperiments have further shown that various OoW have goodfluids. Grinding ratios are calculated according to a formula oflubrications and high grinding ratios compared with emulsionthe material-removal volume divided by the wheel-wearflood coolant and water mist.volume. As shown in Fig. 10, the grinding ratios of No. 6and 7 ( OoW) are bigger than those of other grinding fluids.References1000968.29[1] T. Nakamura, et al. Study on the new machining fluids of oils950945.8936.86935.46on water under the emphases on eco-environment. Proceedingsof the Vemal Meting of the JSPE, Tokyo, March, 1999,900 868.98 86.61884.55p. 550 (in Japanese).48.42] T. Nakamura,et al. Grinding characestis of the new850■..|I 1;machining fluids of oils on water under the emphases on cco-environment. Proceedings of the Astumnal Meering of the800123JSPE, Sentai, October, 1999. p 89 (in Jepancse).3] T. Nakamura, e1 al. The spraying conditions and machiningTypesof ginding fuischaracterisics of the new machining fluids of oils on water.Fig. 8 Materal.emoval volume Z ( S4SC)Proeedings of the Vemal Meeting of the JSPE, Tokyo, March,2000, p 308 (in Japanese).604 ] T. Nakamura, et al. Sudy on the new grinding fluids of oils on45.97water. Proceedings of the Aulumnal Meeting of the JSPE,40 t3256.Nagoya, October, 2000, p. 194 (in Japanese).28.7321.07n 201.49 13.41Typas of gindirg fuoisFig.9 Wheel-wear volume Z'( S4SC)中国煤化工MYHCNMHG
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