Inoculating Microbes Effect on Composting Process of Dairy Manure Under Low Temperature
- 期刊名字:东北农业大学学报(英文版)
- 文件大小:739kb
- 论文作者:HUANG Yaxi,XU Xiuhong,SHAO Hon
- 作者单位:Resources and Environmental Sciences College,College of Resources and Environment
- 更新时间:2020-11-11
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Sep. 2010Joumal of Northeast Agriculural University (English Edition)VoL.17 No.3 24-28Inoculating Microbes Effect on Composting Process of Dairy ManureUnder Low TemperatureHUANG Yaxil", XU Xiuhong'", SHAO Hongtao', JIAO Xiaoguang', LU Yuncair, MAO Zhicheng', and GAO Wei?2 College of Resources and Environment, Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150080, ChinaAbstract: The compost of cattle manure was inoculated with complex microbial agent lower than 5C to explore the application ofbeneficial microbial agent and maturation acelerator aiming at acleraing the process of compostimg under the low temperature.Results showed that adding the maturation accelerator accelerated the process of composting and increased the nitrogen contentof composting products. Inoculating the microogannic maturation agent made the composting temperature rise quickly and thematuration become better.Key words: cattle manure, composting, extemal microorganismCLC number: S141.4Document code: AArticle ID: 1006-8104(2010)-03-0024-05changing features of temperature, total nitrogen, etc.Introductionwere investigated in order to provide a theoreticalfoundation for disposing the cattle manure and otherWith the rapid development of intensive poultry in-waste of high fiber livestock effectively.dustry, a quantity of livestock manure is producedevery day. By the end of 2007, the number of dairyMaterials and Methodsand beef cows in Heilongjiang Province is more than5 484 000, and the yearly cattle manure is productExperimental materialsabout 30 000 000 tons'"!. As the cattle manure cannotThe cattle manure used in the experiment was frombe disposed and used reasonablely and effectively, itHarbin Comprehensive Pasture. The cornstalk waswill pollute the rural environment badly. Composting used as water-regulated material, which was 3-5 cmis an effective way to dispose the livestock manurelong. The initial water content was adjusted to 65%which is the most commonly used at present2l. Butand CN ratio was regulated to between 25 and 30.as Heilongjiang Province is located in northeastermThe basic physical and chemical properties of testedalpine region, the low temperature is an obstacle for materials are listed in Table 1.disposing poultry waste. How to carry out the com-posting of cattle manure effectively has become anExperimental designurgent problem. In this study, the complex microbialThe experiment set three treatments, and was repeatedagent was inoculated under low temperature and thethree times. T, (control, without adding any maturationReceived 24 May 2009Supported by Post-doctoral Management Office of Heilongiang Province (LBH-Z06161); Key Lab of Utilization and Protection of BlackSoil (GXS08-1); Speial-fund Project of Harbin Scientific Innovation Talented中国煤化工- atio Talented Person)( 2009RFQXN098)HUANG Yaxi (1968-). female, Ph. D, asociate pofessor, engaged in the research ofIYHCN M H Gmircbiology. Emal:●Corresponding author. XU Xiuhong, professor, supervisor of Ph. D student,howard2857@hotmail.comE- mail: xuebaoenglish@neau.edu.cnHUANG Yaxi et al. Inoculating Microbes Effect on Composting Process of Dairy Manure Under Low Temperatureagent), T2 (inoculating the microbial maturation agent plex microbial agent which has been optimized in thiswith the weight ratio of 3/1 000), and T, (inoculatingstudy. The microogannic maturation agent E2 is athe maturation agent E, with the weight ratio of 3/1 000,kind of complex microbial agent produced by Bejjingmeanwhile, adding the maturation accelerator with the Fertile Soil Space-Earth Biological Technology Co. Ltd,total weight ratio of 3/1 000), respectively, in whichand it was consisted of photosynthetic bacteria, actino-the microogannic maturation agent E, is the com.mycetes, lactic acid bacteria, yeast and other strains.Table 1 Physical and chemical properties of tested materialsRaw materialsOrganic carbon (%)Water (%)ptTN(%) .CNCatle manure8.318Comstalk38.05.0.676surface of the pile to measure the temperature at 10: 00The compost's technological parameters anda.m. and 5: 00 p.m. everyday.qualitative indexOther itemsCornstalks were used to regulate the water contentpH, water content, total N, total P and total K wereof the fresh cattle manure to 65%, the CN ratio wasdetermined by methods of GB6920/86, GB/T8576,between 25 and 30, and the ambient temperature wasGB7173/7, GB 9837/8, and GB 9836/8, respectively.5C. The material was well mixed and made intoGermination indexa pile with length, width, height of 1.5, 1.5, 1.5 m,Germination index (GI) is a common indicator torespectively. Static windrow composting system wasevaluate the composting maturity, and it represents theused and the turning was conducted by mixing everybiological toxicity of composting indirectly. Generally,layer of the surface, the bottom and the middle untilGI index, being lager than 50%, represents that themature. During the composting, samples were collect-composting products are almost of no toxicity, anded on the lst, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, and 16ththe compost is maturel3.6. In this paper, 10 Zhengbai 4day by the quartering method.cabbage seeds were germinated on filter paper soakedThe indicators for the ending of the first fer-with 5.0 mL compost extraction (water: compostmentation were no odor, the reduction of volume byextraction=5:1) in culture dish under 25C for 48 h25% to 30%; the removal rate of water was 10%; andwithout light. Ditilled water was used as the controlthe CN ratio was between 25 and 20.to replace the compost extraction. Three repeats wereconducted. GI was calculated by the formula below.Determination of projectsGI (%)=(Number of germination of the samplexrootSampling time and methodslength of the sample/Number of germination of controlxThe experiment was conducted in November, 2008root length of control)x 100%and the duration was 16 days. The samples werecllected at 10: 00 a.m. and the weight of each sample Results and Analysiswas about 200 g. The ftesh samples were kept in therefrigerator at 4C. pH value and the water contentChanges of the temperature and pH value ofwere determined within 24 h. Other items were deter-the fresh cattle manuremined later.The中国煤化Ithe macroscopicTemperaturerefled|YHCNMHGess,andisalsoThermometer was inserted about 25 cm under thean important factor influencing microbial activityhttp: /publish.neau.edu.cn.26.Joumal of Northeast Agricultural University (English Edition)Vol. 17 No.3 2010and the composting process". The temperature in-that inoculating the microbial agent under the lowcreasing is resulted from the heat accumulation pro-temperature had obvious effects on increasing theduced by intensive metabolism of the compostingtemperature and shortening fermentation period. Thematerial8]. Inoculating the complex microbial agentfavorable temperature for the general aerobic fer-under the low temperature could accelerate the de-mentation was around 50"C, generally the main pro-gradation of the organic matter, make the compostcess of fermentation is over when the temperature wasproduce heat quickly, and keep the proper high tem-below 40C, which could ensure the hygiene indexperature to kill the pathogen, worm eggs and grassof the compostingl0!. According to this standard, theseeds and it could also act as dehydrate. Then the de-fermentation duration (11 days) for treatment Tz wascreased temperature could facilitate the formationthe shortest, treatment T;, and T, were about 14 daysof humic acid and release of nutrient9. During theand more than 16 days, respectively (Fig.1).composting, in T, and T2, the temperature reached toThe statistical analysis showed that the compostingabove 50^C on the 3rd day and maintained for about 9time for treatment T2 was significantly shorter thandays. However, the temperature of the control reachedother treatments. The biological toxicity detectionto (18.6-43.4)C from the 3rd to the 12th day, notshowed that the germination index of T, was signi-reaching the needed high temperature stage, indicatingficantly higher than that ofT, and T; (Table 2).807060s0◆τ4030士T2010Time (d)Fig, 1 Changes of the temperature in the composting process under dferent treatmentsTable 2 Changes of main nutrients in the composting process and index of stabilityTime ofLoss rate of totalGrowth ratc of totalGrowth rate of totalGerminationTreatmentcompostingnitrogen (%)phosphonus (%) (P20) potassium (%) (KO)index (%)r116aA0.24aA-0.15aA- 0.10aA66.33aA[211bB0.24bB-0.23bB-0.14bB93.67bBr314cC-0.06cC-0.09cC72.33AThe ltters represent the results of Ducan test. Capital ltters represent extremely significant dfference (P<0.01), and small ltters representsignificant diference (P<0.05).The original pH had some influence on pH of thethe requirements of composlng standards. Tz treat-fresh cattle manure fermentation and raw productsment held the lowest pH value and the shortest fer-after fermentation. According to the Liyanxia's re-ment中国煤化工inoculating micro-search!", pH value of the mature compost was 8.0-9.0.organYHC N M H Grmote the matureIn the whole process treatment T, T2 accorded with process of the organic materials (Fig. 2).E-mail: xuebaoenglish@neau.edu.cnHUANG Yaxi et al. lnoculating Microbes Effet on Composting Process of Dairy Manure Under Low Temperature.27.1210乱6毋T2.女T,;上123,45678,111315Time (d)Fig2 Changes of pH value in the composting process under dfferent treatmentsIn a word, T, with the shortest fermentation time,into CO, and H,O, the sharp decrease of water content,the highest germination index and the lowest pH value,and the falling of total dry matter weight was signi-was the best way to compost.ficantly faster than that of the total nitrogen, whichresulted in the relative rising of total nitrogen.Changes of N during compostingThe changes of nitrogen in the composting process are3.0 rcorrelated to the odor, fertilizer efficiency and the loss25-of nitrogen nutrients. In the process of composting, the2.0量T2production and volatilization of NH, is related to the★Tcomposting temperature, pH, and microbbial species1.0 tand distribution in the compost. With the ongoing of0.5the composting reaction, the organic substances are052continuously decomposed by microorganisms, thechanges of the total nitrogen are ilustrated in Fig. 3.Fig. 3 Changes of total nitrogen in the composting processTotal nitrogen increased slightly in T, to whichunder diferen treatmentsmaturation accelerator was added. However, in T, andT without the maturation accelerator, total nitrogen Conclusionsdecreased sharply in the first four days, and then rosea litle. The total nitrogen content order wasT>T>T,Inoculating microbial agent raised the compostingat the end of composting. In the whole process of temperature from 38.1C to 40.6"C in 24 and 48 h, .composting, the total nitrogen of T, was higher thanwhich were 23.1C and 25.1"C higher than the con-that of T, and T, indicating that adding the matura-trol, respectively. Duration of the high temperaturetion accelerator decreased the volatilization of NH,was longer, and the fermentation period was shorten-and promoted the effect of deodorization (Table 2).ed to 12 days. In the control, without the microbialOn the contrary, in the compost without maturationagent, the composting temperature increased slowly,accelerator, anaerobic metabolism was intensive, andthe nitrogen evaporated seriously, and the compostingthe organic nitrogen was decomposed rapidly, leadingprocess was hindered. 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