Joumnal of Harbin Instiute of Technology (New Series),Vol. 17, No. 6, 2010Water quality and growth of phytoplankton for the Yellow River estuaryreservoirs- - current status of water environmentWANG Yun-bo' , YUKIHIKO Takahashi? ,DU Mao-an' , ZHANG Jie' , YASUAKI Matsumoto'王云波,高桥幸彦,杜茂安,张杰,松本恭明.(1. Shenyang Urban Construction Project ffice, Shenyang 110013, China, gaeahit@ sohu. com;2. Oniginal Engineering Consulants Co. , LTD, Japan; 3. School of Munieipal and Envionmental Engineering,Harbin Instiute of Technology , Harbin 150090, China, dmahit@ 126. com)Abstract: In this paper, the characteristics of the water quality in Yellow River estuary reservoirs were sur-veyed and the progress of the eutrophication was investigated by observing the behavior of nitrogen and phos-phorus. The results showed that the concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and total nitrogen was veryhigh in all the reservoirs , and the level of nitrogen was eutrphic state. According to Vollenweider' s type modelfor phosphorus load, the total phosphorus was close to permissible load in Guangnan and Xinan reservoirs. Butsometimes, the total phosphorus exceeded an excessive load in Gengjing reservoir. In Yellow River estuary res-ervoirs , Cyanobacteria, and Diatom phytoplankton were observed mainly , and the cyanobacteria was a the dom-inant species in summer.Key words: dorminant species ; eutrophication; Vollenweider's type model ; cyanobacteriaCLC number: X52Document code: AArticle ID: 1005-9113(2010)06-0776-06In recent years, the rapid growth of economic de- the requirement. Thus the volume of the reservoirs be-velopment has prompted the domestic shortage of water came about 4.5 x 10* m',and stable supply becameresources and the pollution of public water bodies in possible in comparison with former times.China. Since 1990, the rapid increase in the demandsThe characteristics of typical reservoirs were inves-of industrial and agricultural waters has resulted in an tigated in Yellow River estuary reservoirs, such asincrease in pollutants discharged from the Yellow River Guangnan reservoir, Xinan reservoir and Gengjing res-basin. Recently a decrease in the volume of Yellowervoir (as shown in Fig. 1).River has caused a rise in the concentration of the pol-lutants, and the concentration of permanganate index年5(CODm) has been markedly increased!1-).4As the water pollution control was very insufficientin the entire Yellow River basin, high concentrations oforganic substances,nitrogen and phosphorus were con-tained in the river water, and phytoplankton alwaysmultiplies in the reservoirs. In every summer, phyto-plankton, such as Oscillatoria sp. and Synedra sp. be-come dominant species in the reservoirs.In this paper, the characteristics of the water qual-ity in Yellow River estuary reservoirs were examinedand the progress of the eutrophication was investigatedby observing the behavior of nitrogen and phosphorus910from these results. .1 Investigation of Eutrophic Degree in ReservoirsFig.1 Sampling site at Guangnan, Xinan and Gengjingreservoirs of Dongying CityIn Yellow River estuary reservoirs, many reser-中国煤化irsberg and Ridingvoirs, including 1 large reservoir, 10 middle reser-showeredish Lakes inves-voirs, and 110 small reservoirs, were built depends ontigatic:YHCNMHGReceived 2000 -05 -01.Sponsored by the National High Technology Research and Development Progam of China( 863 Progam) ( Crant No. 2008ZX07211 -007).●776.Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series), Vol. 17, No. 6, 2010phorus in summer was high in comparison with that inTab.1 Boundary value which Forsberg and Riding showedwinter. The amount of release of the phosphorus variedin 1980with the environmental conditions such as water tem-T-N/Chl-a/perature, anaerobic conditions in the sediment, pHTrophie state(略●州)(mg.L")(g.L-I)and so on.Oligotrophic<0.40<0.0151.50>0.100>40。quality in the reservoirs will be made,and the counter-measure of the environmental conservation of the reser-The water quality analysis of three reservoirs isvoirs will be examined. .shown in Tab.2. DIN was the total of ammonium nitro-2 Vollenweider's Type Model for T-P Loadgen, nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen. The result ofmeasurement in 2001 was used here, because thereMany reservoirs of Yellow River estuary were thewere not many measurements about chlorophyll aeutrophic lakes that cyanobacteria were scen in sum-(chl-a). The concentration of DIN and T-N were verymer. Therefore, the progress conditions of the eutroph-high in all the reservoirs, and the level of nitrogen wasication of the reservoirs were examined based on Volle-eutrophic state. Especially, the level of Gengjing res-nweider ' 8 type model for phosphorus load. The surfaceervoir was hypertrophic state (Tab. 2).area, mean depth, inflow load of T-P and hydraulic re-On the other hand, the level of phosphorus wastention time ( HRT) of the eservoirs are shown ineutrophic state in Guangnan and Xinan reservoirs, butTab.3.the level of Gengjing reservoir was mesotrophic stateAccording to Vollenweider supposes:(Tab. 2). .Lc = 100+ 10Z/Tw(1)LcMAX = 200 + 20Z/T.(2)Tab.2 Water quality analysis of the three reservoirswhere Lc is the permissible load of phosphorus ( mgT-Water DIN/T-NVT-P/ Chl-a/ Chla MAX/P/myear); LcMAX is the excessive load of phosphorus ~quality (mg.L-')(mg'L-')(mg'L"')(μg°L"')(μg●L-1)(mgT-P/m2 year); Z is the mean depth (m);r_ is theHRT ( year).GuangNanReservoir1.311.420.045.4*40.7*Lc and Labout the reservoirs were calculatedby using Vollenweider' s type model and the value inxinAoin 0.96 1.36Tab.3. When Lc and Lc' AX about Guangnan reservoir in2003 were calculated, they becameLc = 0. 12gT-P/m2GengJingyear and LeMAX = 0. 24gT-P/m2 year. On the other2.692.700.022.7"13.0*hand, the surface area of T-P of reservoir at present is* Ch-a and Chl-aMAX were measured in 2001.0. 08gT-P/m2 year, phosphorus is supplied to the res-ervoir about 0. 7 times of Lc and about 0.3 times ofIn eutrophic lakes, a release of phosphorus fromLcMAX. In the same way, they becameLc = 0.14gT-P/the sediment of reservoirs can be an important source ofm2 year, LeMAX = 0.29gT-P/m2 year in Xinan reser-phosphorus for phytoplankton. As for the reservoirs ofvoir , phosphorus is supplied to the reservoir about 1. 0Guangnan and Xinan , 20 years have been passed sincetimes of Lc and about 0.5 times of LcMAX. Furthermore,their construction, the fine sand in the sediment couldthey becameLc = 0. 24gT-P/m'year, LcMAX = 0. 47gT-not removed completely in the grit chamber, and theP/m2 year in Gengjing reservoir, phosphorus is sup-organic substance such as phytoplankton would be ob-plied to the reservoir about 1.4 times of Lc and aboutsorbed on the fine sand. The release rate of the phos-0.7 times of LcMAX.Tab.3 Value of surface area, mean depth and innow load of T-P and HRT of the reservoirsSurface area/ Mean Volume/ HRT/Inlow loadSurface areaload ofT-P/ loed ofT-P/ loed of TP/ TophiePemisibleExcesiveReservoirstateof T-P/:m2depth/m ( x10'm') year(lon●year-I)(g.(m2●(g.(m2 ●(g. (m2.stateyear)凹year)~year)二Cuangnan37.中国煤化工.238Xinan6.412.00.890.92CNMHG.290MeotrophieYHGenging0.421.150.3420.236●777●Journal of Harbin Instiue of Technology (Nev Series) Vol. 17, No. 6, 2010Vollenweider' g type model for phosphorus load isshown in Fig. 2. When the value of the reservoirs does3 Dominance of Phytoplankton and Environmen-a plot in this figure, T-P in Guangnan and Xinan reser-tal Factors'voirs was close to permissible load. But, T-P some-times exceeds an excessive load in Genging reservoir.In Yellow River estuary reservoirs, Cyanobacte-From this result, the load of phosphorus need to be re-ia, Diatom phytoplanktons and so on occurred mainly,duced in Gengjing reservoir , T-P must be limited to theand cyanobacteria was a dominant species in summer.permissible load.Relationship between dominance of cyanobacteria andaquatic environmental factors such as T-N, T-P, N:P10.00ratio, water temperature, mean depth and mixing levelwere important when eutrophication was explainedEutrophie( Fujimoto et al, 1995)[4].ExcessiveIn this paper, relationship between phytoplankton1.00and DIN: P ratio, temperature were examined in the2000three reservoirs: Guangnan, Xinan and Gengjing reser-办199voirs.19991 Perisible0.101997In these reservoirs, sufficient amounts of DIN2002@" 2003( ammonium nitrogen ,nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitro-2001”1995Oligotrophicgen) remained throughout the year, but phosphorusconcentration was very low. Generally, the elemental0.01 o11.0100.0compostion of phytoplankton is C1o6 H2o0O1oNi6P. TheMean depth Zhydraulie retention time r/(m*year)C:P and N:P ratios of the phytoplankton, according to(a)Guangnan ResearvoirRedfield ratio, was 106 and 16 respectivelly. Through-out the year, the N: P ratios of the reservoirs were 36in Guangnan reservoir, 34 in Xinan reservoir, and 135in Gengjing reservoir. The DIN: P ratios of the reser-Eutrophicvoirs were 33 in Guangnan reservoir, 24 in Xinan res-ervoir, and 135 in Genging reservoir. As for the nutri-1998ent salts of the reservoirs, nitrogen was very rich condi-199Exceessivetion in comparison with phosphorus. These results sug-2000 .2099199gested that phosphorus was limiting factor with thegrowth of phytoplankton.Permiesible20013.1 Infuence of DIN:P Ratio on PhytoplanktonVariationThe inluence of DIN:P ratio on phytoplankton0.0110.variation in Guangnan reservoir is shown in Fig. 3.Mean depth Z/hydraulic retention time rT/(m*year)Dominance of phytoplankton in Guangnan reservoir is(b) Xinan Reservoirshown in Tab.4.When DIN: P ratio was under 23, the dominantrates of Cyanobacteria ranged from 50% to 100% .But, when DIN: P ratio was more than 23, the domi-Eutophic1996nant rates ranged from 10% to 40% except that one29measurement value was relative low. The difference by1994N: P ratio was not seen at the dominant rates of Green90●9200phytoplankton, and the dominant rates ranged from200310% to 40%. There was time when there was no ap-pearance in Diatom phytoplankton, though the domi-Permisiblenant rate of Diatom phytoplankton was same as Greenphytoplankton.Relationshin between the annearance rate of Cya-0.110.0nobac中国煤化工.nd DIN: P ratio inMean depth Zhydrauliec retention time J(m*year)Guan: 4. The dilference(c)Gengjing Rervoirby pYHC N M HGe dominant rates,Flg. 2 Vollenweider s type model for phosphorus load inthe dominant species was Oscillatoria sp. .reservoirs●778●Jounal of Harbin Instinute of Technology (Nev Series), VoL. 17. No.6, 2010[ab.4 Dominance of phytoplankton in Guangnan reservoirCuangnan Reservoir20022003phytoplankton71380CyanobacteriaAnabaena印p.0.12Chrococcus sp.0.190.082. 780.35 33.8 13.19 4.71Microcystis sp.0.5Myxosarcina sp.6.870.15 1.08 15.28 0.31 0. 699 Spinulina sp.0.35Toual/( x 106 cells.L-1) 2.09 1.39 1.23 0.21 2.59 0.54 1.47 18.99 1.63 35. 2631. 0237. 73Creen algae1 Ankistrodesmusp. 0.39 0.23 0.39 00.08 2.93Asterococcus sp.Chorella 8p.0.850. 0. 39Chodatella sp.0. 93Closterium ap.Celatrum sp.0.02Crucigenia sp.Gloeoeyetis sp.10 Kirchneriella sp.12 Pediastrum sp.13 Scenedesmussp. 0.46 0.31 0.04 0.02 0.12 0.04 1. s0. 2714 Schroederia ep.1.015 Selenastrum sp.16 Sphaeroceystis sp.17 Tetachlorella sp.18 Tetraedron sp.Total/( x106 cells ●L~0.630.23 0. 242. 930.77 0. 920. ss3. 24Diatom algaeAmphora ep. sp.Cyrmbela sp.Fragilaria Bp.Gomphonema sp.I0.04Gyrosigma印.) Melosira sp.lNavicula sp.0.310.390. 0247Pinnularia sp.13Synedra sp.0. 460.12 2.660.54 0.271.850.46 0.153.55 0.85Total/( x10* cells.L-I) 2.01 1.31 0.58 0.35 4. 550.81 0.77 2.08 1.54 0.3 3.78 0. 85PyrmophytaCenatium sop.3.63) 0.02 0.04) 0.23 0.08 0) 0.08( xIo*cells.L-1)ChrysophytaChyeophyte/(x106 cllsllEuglenophyta(x10* ells.L,lEuglenophyte/0.69 3.55 0.85 1.25 2.16 1.39 5.59 2.55 0.42 0.08 0.93 1.39CrptophytaCpophyaep:/ 0中国煤化工(x10* clls.l)CNMHGToal/( x10* ells.L-I) 10.51 7.49 3.29 2.06 9.58 2. 8612.61 26.634.36 36.56 36.28 43.29●779●Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series); Vol. 17. No.6. 20101000 rMicn■Diatom phytoplankton80 t. aOscillatora sp.口oOthere0↑E 40I0↑204050DIN:P rotionDIN:P ratioFig. 3 Relationship between phytoplankton and DIN: P ratio in Guangnan reservoirSmith'Sl analyzed data on 17 lakes of each placeWhen water temperature was less than 15 C , Eugleno-in the world. It was reported that Cyanobacteria wasphyla was dominant species; and the dominant ralenot the dominant species, when N: P ratio exceededranged from 20% to 70%. On the other hand, when29. This tendency was not seen in Xinan and Gengjingwater temperature was more than 15 C , Cyanobacteriareservoirs though it was seen in Guangnan reservoir.was dominant species, and the dominant rate ranged3.2 Influence of Temperature on Phytoplanktonfrom 70% to 90%. The difference by the water tem-Variationperature was not seen, and the dominant rate of GreenThe influence of temperature. on phytoplanktonphytoplankton ranged from 5% to 35%. When watervariation in Guangnan reservoir is shown in Fig. 4. As temperature was more than 15 C, the dominant rale offor Cyanobacteria, the dominant rate rose with the in-Diatom phytoplankton lowered, and they ranged fromcrease in the water temperatuire in Guangnan reservoir.5% to 45%.100: Cyanobhncteria. Diaton phvtoplankton口Others●Anabsena p导60oMicroeystis 中。510152025303:052Water temperature/CWater tenperaturertFig.4 Relationship between phytoplankton and temperature in Guangnan reservoireutrophic state. Especially, the level of Gengjing res-4 Conclusionservoir was hypertrophy state. On the other hand, thelevel of phosphorus was eutrophic stale in reservoirs ofThe mechanism of the eutrophiceation can be madeGuangnan and Xinan, but the level of Genging reser-clear by using this result. T-P concentration showedvoir was mesotrophic state.low value in Yellow River estuary reservoirs, which2) According to Vollenweider' s type model forcarried out investigation in 2003. The range of T-Pphosphorus load, T-P was close to permissible load inconcentrations was 0.02 to 0. 04 mg/L, phosphousGuangnan and Xinan reservoirs. But, T_P sometimeswas limiting factor with the growth of phytoplankton. Inexceeded an excessive load in Gengjing reservoir.future,when phosphorus concentration of the reservoirs3) In Yello River estuarv reservoirs, Cyanobac-increased, N: P ratio lowers, and the dominant spe-teria,中国煤化工on were observedcies of the phytoplankton will change. Major results mainl_rminant species inobtained from this study were:summMHCNMHG1) The concentration of DIN and T-N was very4) In Guangnan reservoir, when DIN: P ratio washigh in all the reservoirs, and the level of nitrogen was under 23, the dominant rales of Cyanobacteria ranged●780.Joumal of Harbin Instiue of Technology (New Series), Vol. 17; No. 6, 2010from 50% to 100%,When DIN: P ratio was morety characteristics in Champaign reservoirs. Joumnal of Japanthan 23%,the dominant rates ranged from 10% toIndustrial Water Association, 2004, 555:31 - 43.40% except that one measurement value was relative[2] Du M, Takahashi Y, MaJ, et al. Current status of waterenvironment -imr the Yellow River estuary ( I): The condi-low. 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