Discourse Analysis and Language Communication
- 期刊名字:科技信息
- 文件大小:169kb
- 论文作者:韦钧玮
- 作者单位:广西大学外国语学院
- 更新时间:2020-11-22
- 下载次数:次
科技信息人文社科does not describe all of the discursive practices that occur in educational sel-s0 of importance information science. Nornan Fairclough ofers a simple (pos- tings. An analyst is required to rcogpize the dfferent situations in which dis-sibly too simple) description of this farmil: "Critical approaches difer from cursive practices are enacted. The admission of the inluences of the socialnon-critical approaches in not just describing discursive practices, but also situation on identity and the ways identity is expressed is another way to re-showing how discourse is shaped by relations of power and ideologies, and thespond to the challenge of itrpretation. The will to knowledge is manifest inconstructive effects discourse has upon social identities, social relations andinstitutions, but it is not redefined in the instiutions; examination of educa-systemns of knowledge and belief, neither of which is normally apparent to dis-tional settings demonstrales variability within institutions.couse participants" (1992, p.12). These treat discourse first in the context in5. Summarywhich it occurs and, second, with regard to more specific purposes.An article by Siobhan Stevenson (2001) focuses on the social uses and familie are different in kind and in purpose. There are, 8 has been noted, .social efets of discourse that have political and idelogical elements. Steven-similarities between the two families. In each the emphasis is on discourseson says, "The three dimensions of this idelogically oriented model ineludeanalysis- - the examination of discourse a it occurs. In each there is an at-text, discourse practice. and social practice ”(2001, p. 53).Coordination, whichtempt to study the effects of the discourse-- what it means within the contextrequires a search for mechanisms that coordinate conversation exchanges andin which it occurs. The effects of the discursive practices are also a matter ofrequrfocus on the structure of discoure, cognitive nules, and resoure exchangeinterest. With the first family a purpose is to guuge the eficacy of linguisticmodels of discourse; and cooperation, which views communicators as active,goal seeking agents in understanding the production of conversation and isvant information in a reference transaction). A part of that purpose extends toconcerned with cooperative dinlogue and contexts for conversation. A compli-assessing the understand ability of exchanges (whether one person under-cating factor, acknowledged by Barbara Johnstone (2002) and indicated earli- stands what the other is saying). That objective may be achieved by examininger, is that discourse is both a product of social relations and produces socialthe discourse to see if the participants demonstrate understanding or by exam-relations, is both a produet of language and gives form to language (p. 9).Theining actions that can rllet understanding of what is said.historical development of each perspective is sketched, and within each one ofthese some theoretical approaches concerned with conversational coherenceReferencesare discussed.[1 ]Brown,G.,& Yule,G. (1983).Discouse analysis. Cambridge:Cam-Ron Day provides a description of the complicated itrelations of dis-bridge University Press.course and istitutions:“The lliance between pefessional discourses and of-[2]Day, R.E. 200.Tropes, history, and ethics in proesionil dis-ten conservative and dorminant ideological and cultural forces is not just a re-course and information science.sult of ... accidental class aliances. ... Critical studies of professions need to[3]De Saussure, F. (1959),Course in general lingisticsNew York:reach out to a broader social and cultural context in order to understand pro-Philosophical Library.ducts 0of social forces other than themselves" (2000, p.471[4 ]Fairclough,N.(1992) Discourse and social change Cambridge: Poli-can more readily agree that part of our identities is socially influenced that in-fuence extends to our discursive practices in different social situations. One is[5 ]Grice, P(1989).Sudies in the way of words.Cambidge, MA: Har-likely to speak diferently in, say, a comittee meeting than in a casual con-vard University PesJourmal of the Society for Information Science, 51 (5),versation with a clleague. The infuence futher extends to the language that469 - 475.is likely to he deened appropriate to certain sttings. The specife setting may[6 ]Johnstone, B.(2002),Discouse analyis.Malden, MA: Blackwell.relleet fairly clearly defined power relations. The classroom may be one such[7 ]Stubbs, M.(1983).Discourse analysis: The sociolinguistic analysis ofpower slting. The teacher may apeak from the authority of the position (whichnatural laguage. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.nd dele of sate finded comu-knowledge (which uually means that the leacher in more learned than thenity information centres: A textually oriented discourse amalysis. Canadianstudents). An examination of the discourse that occurs in a classroom would Joumal of Information & Library Science, 26(2/3), 51 - 75.have to acknowledge these reltionships). of course, the preceding example(上接第152页)也多用地名来命名品牌。说明产品特点,又具优美含义.富有联想,那-定可以使消费者间接联德国品牌命名一个特 点是将父子两人的名字共同作为品牌名称,想到商品或服务的优点。如:瑞登梅尔父子公司Rttenmaier&Sons,爱尔福特父子公司Erfurt&(5)在中国文化中应该没有不良,消极的含义:比如:望瑞门,在中Sohn等文中的意义也非常吉样。大众汽车的Vento在德国卖得- .切正常,但在四、德文品牌中译的原则意大利它的意思是“屁”。这个名字在意大利大众汽车的经销商看来是优秀的品牌名称既体现了译者的独具匠心,又充分展现了商品的不能忍受的。这就要求品牌的译名设计要考虑各种语言的适应性。特色。"Coca -cola"在中国译成“可口可乐" ,既利用了谐音,保持了原词文化习俗,价值观念和象征意义等在不同国家存在差异并且反映的音节和响亮,又把喝过这种饮料后痛快淋漓的感觉充分反映出来,使在翻译和其它跨文化交际中。品牌名称翻译实际上是一-种再创作,尽可人一听便知是饮料品牌,同时又接近中国文化中可乐-词给人们的美能地挖掘其品牌表征和译语文化上的相似特征,尽可能向译语文化贴好联想,可以说译名的效果超过了原名。甚至“可乐”已经成为现代社会近。使其具有自然天成的味道,这就要求翻译要以译语文化为基础,商中饮料的代名词.可见其译名在文化中的渗透力,作为品牌的外语翻译品及品牌形象借着优秀的翻译也能插上有力的翅膀翱翔在许多国家典范,“可口可乐”有力证明了优秀的品牌名称也可以是生产力。再比如中,为更多的消费者接受。这样可以把国外更多商品介绍到中国,让中一个纯粹 音译的例子. Bertelsmann,市场上的译名为“贝塔斯曼”,若不国更多商品走向世界。是对品牌的熟悉,有谁会把这个名称与它所代表的产品联系在-起呢?品牌的译名要有灵感和创造力,同时也需要有总的原则和标准.这参考文献些原则和标准有着不同的出发点,品牌译名一般不能全部满足,因此要[1]钱敏汝.跨文化经济交际及其对外语教学的意义.《外语教学与根据品牌定位和要求有目的的加以选择。研究)1997,第4期.综合以上的研究分析,给德文品牌设计- -个优秀的中文名称,并不[2]钱文彩,从汉德对比看语言学问题.《外语教学与研究》,1986第4是一件简单的事情,一般来说要满足以下特点之一-:期.(1)简短清晰,便于识别和记忆:比如:奔驰短小精干,朗朗上口。F外语教育出版社, 1985.这是一一个普遍存在的命名规律,有利于传播和记忆,对品牌的识别性有中国煤化工仪语教学》北京:北京语古帮助,能加强品牌的显著性特点。文化(2)容易拼写 和发音:比如:大众.容易发音的品牌名称有利于该品MYHCN MHG&u)上海,同济大学出版社,牌的口头传播。200人(3)能够 提示产品的特点:比如:欧司朗、保时捷等就直接反映了整[6]丁金国 .汉英对比研究中的理论原则,《外语教学与研究>.1996个产品属性。(4)能给人以有益的、美好的联想:比如:宝马,如果- .个译名既能第3期.-154万方 数据
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