Sustainable development and upgrading mode of coal industry in China
- 期刊名字:矿业科学技术(英文版)
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- 论文作者:Gao Zhenguo,Gao Zhenguo
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- 更新时间:2020-06-12
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and Technolory 22(20125335-340Contents lists available at SciVerse Science DirectInternational Journal of Mining Science and development and upgrading mode of coal industry in ChinaGao Zhenguohool of Economics. Wuhan Universiry of Technology, Wuhan 430070, ChineZhengzhou Coal lndustry(Group)Co., Ltd, Zhengzhou 450007, ChinaARTICLE INFOArticle historyHe online 22 May 2012Upgrading modeticee 2012 Published by Elsevier B, V, on behalf of China University of Mining Technology1 IntroductionAmong them. the product upgrading referred to the expansionand extension of a range of products, process upgrading referredCoal is an important non-renewable energy, which has a keyther skills and beesign improvement and ability to producing and marketi constanthe presence and impact of the above problems (as very impor-elink tohigher value goods and services, including sup-ly chain forwards and backwards contrment ofetween the departments, that is, from lotpromotingss of coal industry, which [6-8). On the basis of this classification, Humof coal industry have an important practical and theoretical upgrading. through expense managemintroduction of advanced technology for transferring the inputs toIn the late 1990s, foreign scholars introducedthree categories: product, process, and functioniYTH中国煤化工CNMHGting, or giving up the existing lowTel:+8637187783166E-maladdressgaozg56789163.comlast is upgrading within the departments, ie. applying the ability2095-2656s-see front matter o 2012 Published by Elsevier B V on behalf of China University of Mining Technology.anathat gets from a particular part to a new field or a new GvC, alsotry as whole is at low level of technology, smy of industrial upgrading, the upgrading ofprocess lags behind, thproduction enterprises accounted for about 25, 6% of theng conditionsomestic coal in 2006. In sharp contrasthe cogy for coal safety production, extending the coal industry chains.lizing the transformation from low added value to the higminingm如和期间ww, andThe developmental trend of Chinas coal industry in recentyears can be presented in following three aspects:hand it cannot formm very good(1)Acceleration of construction of large base enterprise, Since2003 the state beganof the coal industry is closely relmetallurgy, chemical and building materialsindustries and winter which is relatively a seasonal salelilt up a batch of large coal enterprise groups, industrialIn summary, there are three types of the domestic coal industrial upgrading methods: first, with large coal enterprises as thmain body to promote the upgrading of the coalvalue and low efficiency " coal-based" principlion tons, large coal production base reached 2.24 billion industry upgrading: bringing the large scale state-owned coai(2)The acceleration of transformationngitudinally advantages the coal industriversities of the industry. Only by the way that the coal as a downstream industries, spins coal-based industry chain, adjuscould lead the industry to realize sustain. new product and makes coal resource to maximize its beef(3)The resource concentration is continuously perfecting.In recent years, Hebpeepdhe upgrading coal industy But to certain level it orientatescoal enterprises reduced to 52. Analysis of the mechanism of sustainable development in thecoal industrynterprises since 2004. The coal resource outputhan 90% in t21 Connotation and characteristic of sustainable development in theacity of up to coal indusnSustainable development of the coal industry means realizing中国煤化工 ry througneeds to recognize the following existing problemsCN MH Ghrough perfecting and improving(1)The overall level of technology is low. After years of develop- improving the quality and ability to develop the industro improving, and social sustainable developments, Sustainable development isbut compared with developed countries, China's coal indus. based on protecting nature, and adapting to the bearing capacitycoof the resource and environment It decreasesl22.Eental qualityoutraging thepacity at the same time keeping developmental progress of industry are manifested in four aspects: resource environmenonomy and society (Table 1)nly in the23. Competitive sustry.velopmentent of the living standards of human, improve behavamongst the coal enterprises. Thus, analyzing the competitiohich en-that the people enjoy rigeducateded con, On theIts economic growth mode does not only pay attention to the inindividual competitors turn teThe forming process of coal industry competitiveness is exss of the coal industry assets x compcoordination with giving full play to theof the environment x competitiveness ofThe adjustment of the structure of coal industry must focus onin the environment of the bearing capacity so as to save energy the degree of association and development of coal-related industryand reduce wastage, protect the environment, optimize ecology, chain. The degree of association refers to the relation which ise demand and supply of coal products among condustry and other industriesThe essence of upgrading the coal industrial cluster is thphasizing the needs of parketing goods, aneet the baspeople, to all who provide the opportunity to realize beautiful liv.ustment of industry and product structure. Thusxtroverted degree and brand are three key factors for buildingindustrial duster(1)The development of sustainability. On one hand the interior3. Analysis of the upve innovation: on the other 3. Principles of upgrading of coal indusnhe upgrading of coai industry, the principles ofresources industry and environment should be within the development mode are as follow(2] The ecologization of(1)Insistatus, choosing theinction of finding. It can find the demand of the market,dustry chain extend from low to hightects the environment and at the same timeded value and high profit margin, so as to raiseasts and the consumption of water pump to promote(3)The concertedness of development. The development ofation is given by the market. On the other hand,guidance. It is the gatheringstrial development. that is constantly spanningtations and common cooperate thinkthe size of the market will grow larger. The two functions中国煤化工wmCNMH Gays the comparativ e a dan age ofw added value and low market profitability to highhand, coal is basic energy: it plays a fundamental role foradded value and high return change, finally achievingthe development of social economythe industry's ascension.Z Gao/nrematiena Joumat of Mining Sciemce and Technolo 22(2012)335-340tion indexes af coal inIndexResource Support the development of coal industry and satisfy the needs af present and future induEnvirenment In fluence to the environment around coal minesof air qualEcanomy Economic benefits of coal industry development, and theof regional economySooietyInfuence of local society development and imprevement of living environmentImprovement of workers living standards(2)Insist on taking enlarging size of market as a goaL. Thindustry chain and develop the deep conversion of coular economy system with"resource[4)Insist on takinghe industrial upgrading of coal industry. especiallof the costarted from the reality of the local的出hole and forefront, wend focus for its own chaals of other products.Then an industrial system with its own characteristics iscoal and steel are in this relationship, vertical integrationmatted to make comprehensive development and utilizationhere coal mined at later date and become the material forof coal resources while industrial system of the enterprise isdusttainable development and competitiveness.Ich in a relationship.Finally, the enterprise economy can be higher and develop-ment prospects can be broadction material 3. 2. Development made of coal industryAccording to the abinciples, we can put forward theoal industry development mode of coal industry model in following five(3)Insist on taking th(1)Construction of high-efhicient modern mineschnological progresschnology. Since long-term, high consumption, low outpnd efficient management to the cogh yield and high efficiency modern mield and high effciency. The secondlevel of coal safety production and improve labocan realize clean production, re中国煤化工 efficiency mines second situation.d mines through using modernCNMHGuinvauon or large coal enterprise groups is the mainoal product finishing technology research etc. annust be favorable to liberate and develop the productivity.we can put the coal industry as the yeast to give birtConstruction of large coal groups is also the basic requireand promote to, the non-coal industryment of market economic system. However, the adjustmentZ Gao/Intemational Joumal of Mining Science and Technology 22(2012)335-340Decision support and business intelligenceDSS+BInt information serviceoffice automation EnterpriseresourceSCM+CRM回=曰Mineral resource management, resourcekel and evalustionProcess autg. 1. Logic hierarchy structure of digitalized mines.t involve the benefits of 4 Conclusionsaspect, which may intensify the old contraddictions. Therefore, harmony and (1)It is a complex engineering system to research on thestabilization is an important principle in cultivating largeroblems of upgrading the coal industry, which is relatedts. Overall planning, promotional coordination(3)Imple1998, Chinese government began to close small coalurrent situation, the coal industry not only faces theutputhe central government and each province have been conall coal mines are disappearing and large-scale(4)Developing coal circulaCoal industry should focus on compreocessing. efficient utilization and cycling deylonger period and will have a rare opportunity for theopment of the industry, and imof the coas producing and 2)actively that teregional economy, resources and environment.(5) Carrying out capital operat中国煤化工 From the overall inteenterprise systems to China s coal industrCNMH Gpt the effe tiva development andve. The main patterns of capital operation for coal enterthe developmprises are: going public, M&A, joint venture, and intangibletry steadily and continuously to enhance the sustainabledevelopment capacity of the coal industryZ Gao/ intemational Jounal of Mining Science and Technolog 2Z(2012)335-340References8)Zhu M. On economic globalization of coal and mine group Coal Mineces on merchandise prices inSu ps Industrial Economics. Betjing: Higher Education Press: 2000nd growth: a comparativerock mass in gob area based on Euler model of control vol以如mhmm23mamH白 Australian coal industryH中国煤化工CNMHG
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