An Analysis of the Character of Mrs. Morel in Sons and Lovers
- 期刊名字:新农村(黑龙江)
- 文件大小:101kb
- 论文作者:李海英
- 作者单位:西南财经大学经贸外语学院
- 更新时间:2020-12-06
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2011年第5期XINNONCCUNAn Analysis of the Character of Mrs. Morel材in Sons and Lovers会金李海英(西南财经大学经贸外语学院,四川成都611130)Abstract: Many of Lawrence's novels based on the bi-sex relationship and applied the method of psychological analysis to the descrip-tion of reality, which was pardly due to his living background. In the novel, the relationship between the two leading characters, Mrs. Moreland her second son Paul was the epitome of relationship between Lawrence and his mother in reality. The thesis from the analysis of thewriting background and the complex relationship revealed that the disastrous infuence on person's personality.Keywords: Industrial revolution distorted human nature harmonious socieryI. Introductionmother as well as a subtle relationship, which we could seeIn the course of learning English these years, I foundin most of his novels, such as his Sons and Lovers.that it is necessary to dip yourself into a pure English envi-N .The Analysis of the Characters in Novelronment. And that doing some research on English litera-Paul was the second child in his family, during histure is one of the best ways to do this. When 1 began to whole life there were three women having relationship withlearn the course about the literature of England, 1 was veryhim, the first woman to attract him was Miriam Levier andinterested in the novel, and then 1 began to study to re-the other was Clara. However, in his heart, his mother, Mrs.search the novels of D.H Lawrence. In the process of Morel occupied a very important place. For since he wassearching for material, 1 decided to study the research fromborn, he had a dedicate body, so his mother devoted allthree points, including the background of the novel, theherself to take care of him.reasons for Mrs. Morel character, and what we can learnWhen Paul became a grown-up, he found that he be-from the novel.came so dependent on his mother that he felt bored when heII .Researches on the Theme of D.Hwas alone.Lawrence' s Novel from Background of HisHis mother, Mrs. Morel devoted all her love to Paul,Creationand sometimes what she did for Paul beyond what a motherDavid Herbert Lawrence was born in 1885 in a miningshould do for her son. To Mrs. Morel, Paul was her lover infamily in a small town. But he lived just a short period ofher heart but not Walter Morel. When Paul fell in love withlife, forty five years old. He was regarded as one of theMiriam, his first girlfriend, Mrs. Morel tried every means togreatest figure in the literary circle of Britain. His fatherprevent his son from staying with Miriam. She even treatedwas an uneducated miner, but his mother was a middle classher as her enemy. So Paul was very distressed, for onewoman with higher education. He lived in a rather complexthing, as a man, he was eager to find a girl whom he couldenvironment, which provided with him the best resource forspent his whole life with, for another thing, he had to pleasehis mother because his dependence on his mother, so he sup-his creation.During his short life. Lawrence, who produced apressed his love towards other girls. He could not even kissworld- wild known novel named sons and lovers. He washis girlfriend. However, his inspiration of work came fromone of the most productive and influential figures in theMiriam, when he stayed with her, he was always had the im-20th- century literary world, best known for his novels, atpulse of creation. She was like the female God in his life.the same time, he was an outstanding poet, short story writ-VI. ConclusionNow in this article I want to analyze the reasons whicher, essayist, critic, and traveling writer.lI.The Creation of His Sons and Loversled to the alienation of bi-sex relationship, so we can dis-The age between nineteen century and twenty centurycover the impact of economic development on the develop-was a period full of tremendous change, at that time, pro-ment of people so that we can learn lessons from the novelductive force has been speeded up rapidly. With the inven-and we also have to know how to develop the society andtion and use of the steam engine widely, the industrial rev-improve human nature neck by neck, which was a challeng-olution which had a far-reaching effect first took place ining problem needed all of us taking into consideration seri-ously.The consequence of the industrialization was therapidly expanding cities, the population increase in which1]The |中国煤化工nd Expesion. Ssewar,was much faster than that in rural area.Besides, When he was a child, his mother taught him howJackF.TYH. CN M HGq9g.llinois:to read and paint at home, which contributed a lot to his[2]杜隽.论D.H.劳伦斯的道德理想与冲突[].外国文学研究, 2005.success, so he appreciated his mother in his deep heart, and{3]韩梅译. D.H.劳伦斯.虹. (M]北京:北京燕山出版社, 1988.finally, this kind of feeling converted to reliance on his185 I
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