- 期刊名字:中国船检
- 文件大小:374kb
- 论文作者:徐剑华
- 作者单位:不详
- 更新时间:2020-11-06
- 下载次数:次
Market GuideThe Destinyof Containerized Transportation of CoalBy Xu JianhuaIt is reported recently that the leading ZhoushanSecondly, if the voyage from Ning Bo to Tian Jin is loadedshipping industry-Deloitte Group is preparing to investwith full boxes, so what cargo is loaded in the boxes? Inits own capacity into the containerized transportationmy opinion, no matter what kinds of goods are loaded,of coal and is setting its foot in the new mode of coalthe cleanness of the inside of the boxes is the basictransportation, injecting "new blood" into the local shippingrequirement, let alone some sensitive goods such likeindustry. It can be noticed that coal containers arecomputers and clothing. This will involve the cost of boxgaining more and more emphasis by coal transportationwashing since they have been loaded with coal. If thisenterprises. There are Wan Zhou Port Group, which isexpenditure is borne by cargo owners, the coal price will bethe first to eat crab to transport bulk coal in container,pushed up which will pass on to consumers Ifit is borne byand Zhou Shan Deloitte Group which is recently planningDeloitte Group, could it digest?to open up the shipping line from Tianjin to Zhenhai,Ningbo for containerized coal transport and has reachedJudging from the current situation of the global containerpreliminary cooperation intentions with several enterprises.shipping, the ratio of containerization of mature marketsThose who think highly of this term it as "containerized coal(mainly Europe, North America and Japan) is closing totransportation opening up the new transportation mode”.the critical point. But in the emerging market, due to theSo, what infuence this transportation mode will have onimperfect infrastructure and low management level, manythe future market? Whether this transportation mode ishigh value goods cannot be transported by containers,sustainable from the prospective of returns?thus there is still room for improving containerizationrate. Judging comprehensively from the situation of theThe fllwing questions are worthy to be discussed. Firstly,two markets, definitely it is not the turn for coal to bethe coal voyage from Tian Jin to Ning Bo is a forwardtransported in containers. Therefore, the author believesvoyage or a reverse one? The containers loaded in Ningthat the containerized transportation of coal is just a stoneBo and bound to Tian Jin are empty or ful? If they are fll,of no value touched unexpectedly when crossing the river,is the freight enough to compensate the shortage of theeither from the perspective of the development processcoal freight? If they are empty, is it feasible that the freightof the container shipping market in the world, or from thefor one-way coal transportation enough to compensate theperspective of the actual situation of certain parts of ourcost of the round voyage and have profit? Perhaps, thesecountry, and it should be better to throw it away as soonquestions have been studied and calculated in detail whenas possible. Itis just a中国煤化工notDeloitte Group was planning this course, and we wish thata hairy crab. It may be0HCNMH G'utthe author's worries are unnecessary.definitely is not an innovauve mode.2012.11 CHINA SHIP SURVEY中国船检131
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