Pragmatic Analysis on Verbal Humor in Friends
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- 论文作者:王芳
- 作者单位:湖北工业大学外国语学院
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第6卷第1期读与写杂忘2009年1月Vol. 6 No.1Read and Write PeriodicalJanuary 2009Pragmatic Analysis on Verbal Humor in Friends王芳(湖北工业大学外国语学院湖北武汉430068)Abstract:As a nature of humanity, humor is a way of communication peculiar to human beings. Verbal humor is a cate-gory of humor which is used to express humorist ideas through language, and sitcom as a unique comedy performance isan important carrier of humor. This paper applies some basic pragmatic theories, such as Cooperative Principles (CP) andRelevance Theory(RT), to analyze the verbal humor in American popular situational comedy Friends, aiming to explore thegeneration mechanism of English humor. And then a better understanding and appreciation of English bumor for Englishlearners can be achieved.Keywords: verbal humor; Friends; Cooperative Principles; Relevance Theory中图分类号: G642文献标识码: A文章编号:1672- 1578(2009)1-0008 -031 Introductiondressee to comprehend his opinion, and at the same time tryAccording to Cambridge Dictionary of American Englishto avoid the redundant, unecessary infornation. However, the(2000:426), humor is“the ability to be amused by somethinglack of information will cause the ambiguity in meaning, whichseen, heard, or thought about, somehing causing you to smileconsequently results in the humorous efct.or laugh, or the quality in something that causes such amuse-In episode 107 of Friends, one night with a blackout inment." As a nature of humanity, humor is not only the condi-New York City, under the instigation of Joey, Ross decides toment of our daily life, but also an effective defense weapon inmake a further move to Rachel. So he goes out on the balconyhe social interaction, which can make people get away fromto talk to Rachel, and at that time Monica happens to walk in,punishment, or lead hearer to accept the criticism without in-starts to go out on the balcony.dignation. Employing humor in an appropriate way can bring(1)Joey: Hey, where are you going?about surprisingly great consequence. Verbal humor is a cate-Monica: Outide.gory of humor which is used to express humorist ideas throughJoey: You can't go out there.language. Friends,an American situational comedy, is very popMonica: Why not?ular with Chinese English leamers for its unique verbal humor.Joey: Because of -the reason.Friends pictures life among the singles (twenty - something),Nomally, an exact reason is required when one is askedaiming at young adults who, during the early 1990s, wereiby the question with “why", but Joey just answered “the rea-dentified by their cafte culture, dating scene and modem inde-on”. Everybody knows there is a reason for each single thing,pendence. This paper will focus on the analysis of the verbalthe point is what it is,“what” is also Monica want to figurehumor in Friends from the perspective of pragmatics, in whichout. Joey's answer is supposed to be “because Ross anCP and RT are included.Rachel are out there, and they do not want to be disturbed2 The Cooperative Principle and verbal humor insince somebody intends to show his heart to the young attrac-Friendstive lady." However, Joey just answer in a simple and amH.P.Grice proposed that all speakers, regardless of theirbiguous way, from which Monica did not get enough informa-cultural background, adhere to a basic principle govemingtion she really want, but we audience do sense the Joey's em-conversation which he termned the Cooperative Principle. Gricebarrassment and solemnity at that moment, which brings aboutthen broke this principle down into four basic maxims: ijthethe humorous effect.maxim of quantity; i)the maxim of quality; i)the maxim of re-The above has clarified how the informnation insufficiencylation; iv)the maxim of manner. We assume that people inproduces humorous effect, and the following instance will probeconversation are normally going to provide an appropriateinto how superfluous information engenders verbal humor.amount of information; we assume that they are tlling theIn episode 207 of Friends Ross and Julie tell everybody thattruth, being relevant, and try to be clear as they can. The usethey are geting a cat together, which will live with Ross halfof the terms of maxim and principle, however, does not meanime and Julie the other half. Another point to say, Rachel isthat the CP is followed by people all the time. We do violatestill confused with the feeling for Ross.them and tell lies. When we violate any of these maxims, our(2) Rachel: Oh, well, isn't that just lovely. That's some-language become indirect, the efct of the intercourse may bething the two of you will be able to enjoy for a relly, relly,affected, but just this violation produces humor. Since the con-really, really, really long time.versational implicature is a crucial clue for the understandingRoss: Hopefully.of the American situational comedy Friends, therefore, in th中国煤化工Woah, lok at tha! Iprocess of appreciating its verbal humor, we should diseuss gottan, OK, you guys have anow humorous ffcts are achieved as a result of using tech-really,;fYHCNMH Gnd you two havea, uh,niques of violation of the four major maxims as fllws.have a, uh, really good cat.2.1 Violation of the maxim of quantityIn this conversation, Rachel seems to react too weird em-“One' s contribution should provide suficient, but not toobodying in 80 many repetition for the single word “really” andmuch information"(Grice 1975), that is to say, during a conver-redundant infornation. When American people say“date", theysation,开户数辖should offer enough information for the ad-_ actually mean a romantic meeting between a man and a wom-第6卷第1期读与写杂志2009年1月.Vol.6 No.1Read and Write PeriodicalJanuary 2009an. However, after Rachel says “date", she adds‘ with a man"Mona: You think so? I've always kind a hated it.which is completely unnecessary from the perspective of audi-Ross: aw, come on, Mona Lisa?nce. But she does it on purpose attempting to attract Ross' sMona: Uh-huh. .attention or investigate his true feelings, which gives away envyRos: Mona, uh... Clickclocken. The famous botanist? Huh?and jealousness in Rachel's heart.Oh no, she is uh- -well she's dead now. No, supposedly she2.2 Violation of the maxim of qualitywas once quite the hottie of the plant world.“You violate. the quality maxim when you deliberately lieMona: Really?! Well se? 1 never knew about her.or communicate in a way that does not reflect an honest inten-Ross: Linda Clickclocken. So, what uh, what -what tablesion" (Grice,1975). In the conversation we are required to sayare you at?things that we believe to be true or things with suficient evi-dence. However, we do often flout this maxim deliberatelymentions a person whose name completely has nothing to dowhen we employ some figure of speech such as metaphor,with Mona's. He endeavors to gather all the things that relatedirony, pun, exaggeration and other expressionsto Mona, attemnpting to establish a pleasant conversationIously untrue so as to convey the real conversational implica-tween them. Unfortunately, he fails to come up with somethingture, at the same time lead to the byproduct of amusement orinteresting and relevant to Mona except "Mona Lisa". In orderhumorto avoid the“"stage- waiting",Ross feels obliged to say some-In episode 104, Chandler and Joey company Ross to seething, so that is how Linda Clickclocken is mentioned and hu-a doctor in hospital, they have to wait outside for their turm.morous ffect appears.And the day is just the anniversary when Ross has the firstIn episode 803, everybody except Ross knows that Rachetsexual relation with a woman. He can not help recalling this pregnant with Ross's baby. Ross then perceives somethingvery details when he and Carol were together.weird in Rachel's behavior, and thinks she just wants to go(3) Joey: he's right, enough, already. What's the big dealback to old days when they were together. So one time, he isabout today? So you slept with her for the first time, so what?conscientiously enforced to confess to Joey and Phoebe that heYou slept with her for seven years after that.lived together with Rachel one night a month ago.Ross: Look, it is just a litle more complicated...(6) Ross: Well, we said we, we'd just do it that one time,Chandler: well, what? What? What is it? That she leftbut, but now I think she may wanna start things u again.That she likes women? That she left you for anotherJoey: I don't think that's what it is.woman that likes women?Ross: Why? What, what else it could be?Ross: Litle louder, okay. I think there is a man on theJoey: Oh, wow, 1 don't feel well.twelth floor in a coma that wouldn't quite hear you..Ross: 1 am tlling you, I am elling you. That's what itHere, Ross feels kind of awkwardness when his friends is. No wonder she was looking at me all funny during thequestion his sexual life in front of the public with loud She didn't say anything to you?But he does not require them to be quite, instead, he saysPhoebe: (to Joey) Maybe, it is something you ate,"louder" 50 that the man“on the twelth floor in a coma”canIn this conversation, Joey and Phoebe try to guide Ross tohear him, which is definitely not the intent of Ross, and actu-percept that Rachel's pregnant, but at the same time they doally no man in a coma can hear anything, With irony and ex-not want to be the person who give away the secret sinceaggeration, this remark brings about humor effect.Rachel insists doing it by herself. So when Ross asked whetherIn episode 605 Chandler is eating in a restaurant, and heRachel tell them something, Joey just says he is not feelingorders a piece of medium-well steak, but he is not satisfiedwell which is totally irelevant to the topic, Phoebe is in thewith the steak.same case when she is appointed to reply. The around way to(4) Chandler: Boy, if this is medium well, do they stilltalk make the audience to laugh.alk around when you order it rare?2.4 Violation of the maxim of mannerWell, we all know that even if the steak is completelyThe maxim of manner is not only a pragmatic principle,rare, it will not walk on the ground, needless to say thebut more of a social interaction norm: making your utterancecooked one. From his exaggeration, we can get a clue that theas polite, brief, clear and orderly as possible and avoid thesteak must be too hard for him. Instead of complaining in estatement that is obscure and ambiguous. However, in practicaldirect way, he deliberately fabricates a situation -- -a steakinteraction, considering about the face of hearer, people some-walking around that never. happens with violation of the maximimes adopt the euphemism even tedious discourse to conveyof quality. We can not help laughing by Chandler's irony waytheir real thoughts, and avoid direcly pointing out other'sof speaking and the image of a walking around steakshortcoming or publicizing their own merits excessively, which2.3 Violation of the maxim of relationdoes not observe the maxim of manner as well as brings aboutWith the maxim of relaion, speaker should offer relevantsome humorous efct.and correlative information to the concemed topic. Occasionally,In episode 108, at the funeral ceremony of Loss and Mon-people disobey this rule for the sake of avoiding from awk- ica's中国煤化工ther Mrs. Geller are re-wardness or direct reply.callingner is living, and Mrs.In episode 801, on the wedding ceremony of Monica and CellrMYHCNMHGgrownupwithapesonChandler, Ross comes across an atractive lady named Monawho is“critical of every single thing you say".and he tries to talk with her.(7) Monica: That is a wonder, so tell me something, Mom.(5) Ross: Oh, hello, uh, Mona from her rsarart..Mona, If you have to do it all over again, I mean, if she was herewow, what a, what a beautiful name.right now, would you tell her?第6卷第1期读与写杂忘2009年1月Vol. 6 No.1Read and Write PeriodicalJanuary 2009Mrs. Geller: Tell her what?and Phoebe- -Rachel's intended meaning is“Do anyone of youMonica: How she drove you crazy, picking on every litleknow where my engagement ring is?" while Phoebe, in a wom-detail, like your's eyes, believes that she wants to show off her ring.Mrs. Geller: I'm not sure I know what you' re getting at.4 ConlusionMonica: Do you think things would have been better ifHumor is a kind of art that generated from the advancedyou'd have just told her the truth?development of language. This paper has applied pragmatieMrs. Celler: ..No, I think some things are better left un-theories, namely Cooperative Theory including the maxim ofaid. I think it's nicer when people just get along,quantity,the maxim of quality, the maxim of relation ,theIn fact, Monica is striving to create a great opportunity tomaxim of manner and Relevance Theory, to conduct a pragmat-inform Mrs. Geller that she has the same feling for her justic research on the production mechanism of verbal humor inas Mrs. Geller for her grandmother. With this purpose, shthe American sicom Friends, which is a very popular indoorspares no eforts beating around the bush with the view to .comedy and where all the data(dialogue) come from. It also al-guide her mother into the right place suitable for her to maketempts to reveal the relations between pragmatics rules and hu-a“confession"tell her that she does hate ber to be fussymor so that the English humor can be better understood inabout her hair, her ears, her dres.all the trivial unimportantcommunication and the teaching of English. It. can be conclud-things. Bul, unfotunately, Mrs. Celler sees through her litleed that various violations of CP can generate humorous efect.trick and rejects her with an unexpected simple word“no” atMeanwhile, verbal humor lies in the gap between optimal rele-last .Monica's failure in this attempl- with so much effortsvance and maximal relevance. With the inner production mech-suddenly all in vain, causes the audience to pity for her andanism of the humorous utterance concluded by the pragmaticlaugh at this poor girl.analysis, the readers will have a clear picture of the generation3 The Relevance Theory and verbal humor in Friendsmechanism of English verbal humor and they can comprehendSperber and Wilson's Relevance Theory holds that interac-and appreciate the English verbal humor in this sitcom as welltion is an ostensive-inferential process, in which the ostensiveas other English materials for the speaker while the inferential for the listener. In thisReferences :process, the information that speaker provides is called the op-[1]Cambridge Dictionary of American English [M]. Shanghai:timal relevance while the listener, in order to comprehend theShanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2000.information, must seek for the maximal relevance so as to re-[]Peccei,J.S. Pragmatics[M]I. Beijing Foreign Language Teachingduce the process effort. Verbal humor just lies in the gap be-and Research Press, 1983.tween optimal relevance and maximal relevance. The extra pro-[3]Sperber, D. and Wilson D. Relevance: Communication andcessing effort given by listener to bridge this gap formulatesCognition 2nd ed. [M] Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching andthe fountain of the humor.Research Press, 2001.For example, In episode 102, Rachel suddenly comes ou[4]陈春华.会话幽默的语用分析J].解放军外国语学院学报1999,from her own bedroom into stting room, where everybody is(1).[5]昊清合作原则和情景喜刷中的幽默0].江南大学学报(人文社(8) Rachel: Has anybody seen my engagement ring?会科学版), 2005,(02).Phoebe: Yeah, It's beautiful.In this case, Phoebe's‘ answering not be asked" creates作者简介:王芳,女,湖北工业大学外国语学院讲师,硕士,主要the humorous effect since there is a mismatch between Rachel从事修辞学及翻译理论与实践研究。(上接4页)References:Finally, the teacher must choose and orchestra a rich mix of[1]Chomsky, N,Syntactic Structures [M]. The Hague: Mouton. ,classroom activities, involving a variety of group sizes, content,1965.nd contexts. The responsibility of the teacher is to ollet[2Howat, A. A history of English language teaching [M]. 0x-materials and to design their uses. These materials, accordingford: Oxford University Press, Krashen and Terell, are based not just on teacher's per-[3]Hymes, D. On communicative competence [M]. Philadelphia,onal perceptions but on elicited student needs and interests.PA: University of Pensylvania Pres, 1971.7 Conclusion[]Kly, L C. Centuries of Language Teaching [M] Rowley,As suggested in the above sections of paper, some schoolsMass: Newbury House , 1986.25of methodology see the teacher as ideal language model and[5]Krasen, S. & T. Terell. The Natural Approach: Languagecommander of casroom activity (e.g., Audio-Lingual Method,Acquisition in the Classroom. Oxford: Pergamon., 1983.Natural Approach,) whereas others regard the teacher as back-[]Larsen -Freeman, D. Techniques and principles in languageground facilitator and classroom colleague to the learners (e.gteachi中国煤化工sity Press, 1986.Communicative Language Teaching). But in SLFL teaching[7]Riec:ppraches and Methodsmethods are not unchangeable, on the contrary, as linguistsnLc N M H Ge Cambidge Univenityand educators move further to know the nature of language andPress, 1986.language leaming, pedagogy of SLFL must also keep its pace.Language teacher's roles in the SLFL classroom are deter-作者简介:李垂佳(1968- )男,汉族,湖南衡阳人,广东农工商职.mined by the teaching approaches.业技术学院,讲师,硕士,主要从事英语语言学和二语习得研究。.- 10-
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