A Brief Analysis on Improving Oral English Ability
- 期刊名字:科学时代(上半月)
- 文件大小:377kb
- 论文作者:Li Ming,Li Ming
- 作者单位:Xingtai College
- 更新时间:2020-12-06
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J教育教学方法研究| JAOYU JIAO XUE FANG FA YANJIU I按钮。上右键单击鼠标,选中“动作设置"。3.在随后打开的控件选项界 面中,选择“Shockwave Flash4.弹出的窗口中选择“单击鼠标"或“鼠标移动”两个Objet"选项,出现“十"字光标,再将该光标移动到PowerPoint标签都可以, 再点击“对象动作",下拉菜单中选择“激活的编辑区域中,画出适合大小的矩形区域也就是播放动画内容”, 最后单击“确定”。完成了插入动画的操作。的区域,就会出现-一个有X的框。第三种,插人超链接的方法。4.双击这个框, 出现b界面。其中的属性窗口中有个“自这种方法的特点是简单,易于使用适合对于PowerPoint定义"属性,点自定义旁边的三点,出现属性页。在wovIE不太熟悉的老师。 同时它还能将*.EXE类型的文件插人到幻URL中输人Flash完整地址,按确定即可。要注意的是输人灯片中 去。的路径中必须完整的填写后缀名。1.运行PowerPoint程序,打开要插人动画的幻灯片。第二种,插人一个对象的方法把一个flash插人到幻灯2.在其中插入任意-一个对象,比如一段文字,一个图片片中。等。目的是对它设置超链接。最好这个对象和链接到的动画这种方式在播放幻灯片的时候是弹出一个播放窗口,的内容相关。它可以响应所有的Flash里的鼠标事件。还可以根据需要在3.选择这个对象,点击“插入”菜单,在打开的下拉菜播放的过程中调整窗口的大小。它的缺点是播放完了以后单中单击 “超级链接”要点击关闭按钮来关闭窗口。4.弹出的窗口中,“链接到”中选择“原有文件或WEB页",点击“文件"按钮,选择到你想插人的动画。点击“确2.在菜单中选择“插人”选项,从打开的下拉菜单中选定" 完成。播放动画是只要单击设置超链接的对象即可。撣“对象"。就会弹出“插人对象”对话框,选择“由文件.参考文献:创建",单击“浏览",选中需要插人的Flash动画文件,最[王树亮关于课件制作的研究江苏技术师范学报2007.后单击“确定”返回幻灯片。3.这时,在幻灯片上就出现了一个Flash文件的图标,我[2]王崇凯赵莹高职体验式教学中CAI课件的制作中们可以更改图标的大小或者移动它的位置,然后在这图标国成人教育 2008.3A Brief Analysis on Improving Oral English AbilityLi Ming/Xingtai College, He Bei Provnce, Xing Tai City, 054001)[摘要]作为语言交流最基本的方法,英语口语越来越多地被人们所使用。英语口语能力的提高也就变得更加重要。在文中,通过叙述和议论学习的实际因素,作者主要说明了学习英语口语的外部条件和内部条件,并且通过指出学习过程中的问题所在,以广泛讨论的形式提出提高英语口语能力的办法。[关键词] 荚语口语交汤语言人类提高[Abstract] As an essential method of communication, oral Eng1ish is used more and more frequently. The improvementof oral English ability of an Eng]ish learner becomes more and more important. Inthrough the narration andargumentation of the practical factors of learning. the author mainly f1lustrates both the external ancinternal conditionsof learning oral English. And by pointing out the problems exsit in the learning process of oral English, the author putsforward the methods of how to improve oral Eng1ish ability in the form of extensive discussion on the whole.[Key words] oral Eng1ish communicationlanguagehuman beingsimprovementL ItroductionDuring the period of cllege education, an English major leams a reading and writing would be acquired and should be kept increasinggreat amount of knowledge so as to enrich oneself and improve the during the process of learming And these four factors, the listening,ability of studying to meet the need of oneself and to make preparation speaking, reading and witing can be regarded a5 the basic functions offor the future. In the process of learming English, one would face lots of alanguage and the basic necesities and elements ofleaming. AlI humanporblems that haven't been met befor. One ofthe many pmblems ishow languages have these four functions so that the simplat purpose, that is,to get as soon as possible scientific and eficient ways of learning ofthe interpersonal communication, as an example, can be accomplished. Inrelative courses. The study of diferent courses of English will make the the course of communicating, people use certain ways to express them-English majors specialized and unique in English in comparison with selves respectively. But the ability of speaking is the most important, theother ones who major in other departments. According to the target ofmost expressive and direct method of communication. Voice is the mosteducation there are many courses that should be completed such略,powerful expression of language. So oral English which plays an impor -nd special sense inete. These courses would endow an English major a good ability of the leam中国煤化工sthat souldbe leamedEnglish if one studys hard and makes a great effort in the process of in clleHc N M H ally,sohle cume-8 the gratest posibi-lerning. And throuph the study of these courses the ability ofEnglishof ity to lean English major would be cultivated and strengthened gradually. An oral English is all the more important in English studying87科学时代 ●2010年第03期教育教学方法研究JIAO YU JIAO XUE FANGFA YANIUthe motivation of study would stimulate a leamer's interest ofleaming related with the learning of other courscs like listening, extensive read-most posibly, help form a learmer's habit oflearming and soon 80 asto ing and grammar etc. The study of these courses can help enich one'simprove the ficiencey of leaming And the motivation ofleamingis also knowledge and improve one's level of English on the whole, and alorelated with the whole process of lerming. It is the continuous force of stimulate the leaming of oral English. The third one is the psychologicalleaming oral English. And these are all in view of a learmer.condition. A leamer should have a positive and aggresive atitude to-2.Leaming methodward oral English leaming One should have the preparation of facingA learner should pay attention to the method of learming, if onevarious kinds of difculies and the decision of learming a well. On thetries to learm oral English. Compared with other factors, the leaming basis of the present learning conditions, the best way of leaming oralmethod is the subjet matter in leaming oral English, and inluencesalot English is try to practise one's oral English with a foreign Englishin the process of leamning. Scientific and corret method of learming teacher. This is the best method of improving one's oral English abiliy.would make the learming of oral English more eficient.In a word, a learmer should ty to look for or create the possible 0cca-8. Cultural backgroundsions of al-English environment. And these can all be regarded as theA leamner has to pay atention to the cultural background of the cireumstances of oral English.English countries. All human languages have relative culturald. The learming processbackgrounds. At the beginning, human beings created language. Andduring the long period of hunan development and because of difent tered mode of teaching is eficient and good to the learming of oralcircumstances or conditions, culture, that is special to certain groups of English. Nevertele, it has not been put fonward and popularized inpeople is gradually produced and formed. And culture infuences the every college or university yet. So a leamner should try one's best to leamdevelopment of language along with the development of human beingsas by oneself. There are some factors that are valuable enough to be noticed.well. Culture and language aflet each other mutually. Because ofthe One is the teaching material in which a learner would find many knowl-differences among culures, there exits also great diferences among edge point. The knowledge points in a piece of teaching material can belanguages. And culture can be regarded as the "eradle" of language. In divided into several kinds. What a learmer should do is try to concludeorder to leam a language, one should first acknowledge the dfferences and summarive the knowledge points in the teaching material. Enargingof culture. This is because that under the condition of one culture, there one's vocabulary, commanding the fixed pattem of one type of expres-are series of ways of thinking, modes of behavior, ideas and opinions of eion and taking notes about 8mall knowledge points can all be regardedlife that make the people under one culture specialized to it. And when as correct methods of learming. However, except for all of these silscommunicating with other groups of people these would all apeartobe one should be able to change one's method oflearning fexibly accordingobstacles that influence the communication among people from dflrent to dferent kinds of knowledge points 80 as to acquire more knowledge.cultural backgrounds. The term "culture shock" fully shows this. ItIV.Conclusionrefers to the shock and surprse brought by the culture of a foreignNowadays, English is a language which is used more and morecountry to people when he or she comes to a frign county, epeciall frequently. The function of English in iteational conmunicationbe-for the first time. And it is a sufering almost all of the time toa pergon comes more and more important. Oral English is the easiest form ofwho comes to a foreign county without any understanding ofthe culural English. It is the verbal form of English which caries the characterisiesbackground of the county.ofEnglish, and most possibly conveys the meaningof an English speaker.b. VoeabularyWithout oral English, the English language can not be defined asaIn learming oral Engish, one needs to use words which is the form language. This is also a common feature of the languages of humanofexpression ofa lanuage to express one's intentions, ideas and thoughts. beings. In learning oral English, a learner should have the ability ofHowever, for a beginner who has not menmorized enough words, one can analyzing, pocessing and absorbing in order to learm oral English well.not speak so much rlatively. Vocabulary is the basis of learning oral The final purpose of learning oral English is not just to improve one'sEnglish. From the point of view of language, the words of a languagecan ability, but to turn one's ability into use 80 that one can make morebe regarded as a decisive factor. If one commands a large scale of progresses. And the best method of improving one's oral English is to putwords, one can express oneself as more clearly as possible. On the itito use. There is no need to wory about one's poor oral English abilitycontrary, if one does not posses a large scale of vocabulary one cannot when practising oral English with others. It would be better and betteruse words to express oneself clearly. Vocabulary is the basis of leamning through concrete practie. And only by practice can one's oral EnglishEnglish and it surely influences the learming of oral English.ability be improved.e. Circumstance参考文献:Under certain advantageous conditions, the ability of oral English[I]H. H. Sterm.1997,Tenth Impressin. Fundamental Concepts ofof a learner will be improved greatly. These conditions include theLanguage Teaching.上海:上海外语教育出版社;language environment, the condition of learming and the paychological[2] Cook, V.1991. Second Language Leaming and Languagecondition of the leamer which are all relaled with the leamingoforal Teaching London: Edward Amold;English. First, the environment of language refers to the details oflear-[3] Marton, W.1988. Methods in English Language Teaching.ing like listening to the class in which a teacher uses English to teach Prentice Hall Intermational (UK)Ld;completely, always using English to do the after -class exercise, trying[4] Richards, J D. and Lockhart, C. 1994. Reflective Teachinginto create a good enviroment in certain places to practice one's oral Seco中国煤化Inidge Uivrniy PrmesEnglish ability, looking for the chance of practicing oral English withone's classmates, teachers or foreign teachers whenever possible. TheYHC N M H Gespetostudy: Engishcondition of learming is the second factor. The ability of oral English is Teaching89科学时代 ●2010年第03期
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