An Analysis of the Current Development of English Vocabulary
- 期刊名字:读与写(教育教学刊)
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- 论文作者:柯蔚青
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- 更新时间:2020-11-22
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第7卷第5期读与写杂恋2010年5月Vol.7 No.5Read and Write PeriodicalMay 2010such s“可口可乐”、“百事可乐”etc.as“雪碧”drink which means “cool and favorable to the eye.Secondly, the brand names should be simple and easy to Similarly, French farmous"Poison” perfume feeley translated intobe remembered. In modem Chinese, isyllabic words are“百爱神",which means “Goddess loved by all people", suchdominant. Most Chinese brand names, including translated onesone really strikes the Chinese consumers, for it conforms tare formned with two characters, such a“美 通”Bestone," 海neir aesthetic and culturalpsychology.ther examples尔"Haier and so on. Generally speaking, the length of Chinese“Rejoice" (飘柔)andbrand names should not exceed four characters.both vividly and efectively convey the characteristics of theLastly, the beauty of a brand name mainly comes from itsshampoo. So free translation does reach the goal of a #functionmeaning. People always hope to get something more than goodsequivalent",yet it must be used carefully to avoid false(eg luck and auspiciousness) when they purchase, that is whyinformationof the products.they would rather choose those products with beautiful brandnames, and 80 the translated ones should also meet theseThis translation method of brand names is the mostexpectations. For example, "Gilette” is a strong brand for advocated one for it can not only keep the flavor of thesafety razors. In China, the name is rendered as"吉利", whichoriginal, but also convey the products' functions and features.is similar to the original one in pronunciation. Meanwhile, itFor instances, “耐克"( Nike)sports shoes, Very vividly analso means‘ *lucky and auspicious' 。3”,ttherelfore this brand ismeaningfully, the translation not only keeps the similarwelcomed in Chinese market.pronunciation of the original, but also demonstrates that the4 Methods for brand name translationshoes are of durability and capability of standing wear. ThereReferred to the methods to translate brand names, thereare quite a lot of other successful examples, such as“are many different thoughts. Mostly there are four mainWhisper" (护舒宝)female tsue paper, “Safeguard"(舒肤佳)translation methods, namely, transliteration, literal translation,soap,"Pampers"(帮宝适)diapers, "Colgate" (高露洁)toothpastefree translation and a combined translation of sound and etc.meaning. .If most translated brand names could keep these features4.1 Transliterationsound and meaning together), more products with the properTransliteration is to translate the brand names according totranslated names would sell well in the intermational market (onts pronunciation. ht is the common way of brand name condition that the products are of good quality).translation, which can keep the beauty of the original wordsConclusionand show the quality of products. France is a romantie countryBrand names embody different cultural features in dfferentfamous for its clothes fashions. Some brand names such as nations, societies and times, for each nation has its own way of"Louis Cardis"(路 易.卡迪),“Piere Cardi"(皮尔卡丹), arelife and mode of thinking, and its own culture and so on. Aull of French flavors. Likewise, French famous winegood brand name not only arouses consumers’ interest and“Hennesy" is also transliterated into“轩 尼诗”, maintainingstimulates their desire of purchasing, but also conveys its ownthe original scent and luxuriousness of the products. Similarly,nation's styles and characteristics.ome Chinese famous brand names are transliterated intTherefore, brand name translation should cross the culturalEnglish by using a lot of coined words, such够“ Waxam"(美boundaries in order to maintain the similar response 昭in the加净)cosmetic, "Midea" (美的)air conditioners, "Clanza"(格 兰original market. In the comprehensive process of translating仕)microwaves, all these translated ones conform to the brand names, advertising features and consumers’ aestheticspelling and pronunciation of English words.psychology should be taken into consideration. Further more, it4.2 Literal tanslationshould always conform to the habitual use of target markets.Literal translation is to translate the brand namesAnyway, a consumer . -oriented or ffected - oriented translationaccording to its literal meaning. It is the primary method ofmethod should be always kept in mind.translating brand namnes.This method can maintain the featuresof the original and convey its exact original mesages directly[1]Eugene A. Nida. Language Culture and Translating [M].and accurately. For instances, Shanghai famous watches “钻石”Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1993.are literally translated into "Diamond", which suggests that the[2]Eugene A. Nida . Toward a Science of Translaing [M].watches are precious and exquisite; Japanese well-known carsLeiden: EJ. Bill, 1964.such as“Crown" is translated as “皇冠”,this namenough[3]贺川生.商标英语[M].长沙:湖南大学出版社,1997.to show the cars’ excellence and luxury. All these examples[4]何田田.论英文商标翻译[J].重庆工商大学学报,2004.are very suitable to their products.[5]蒋磊.英汉文化差异与广告的御用翻译[].中国翻译,20024.3 Free translation(3).Free translation is‘ one that provides the general. meaning[6]刘汝荣.等效翻译理论与英汉商标词的翻译[J].江西师范大of the original, but it might be far from the exact wording of学学报,2004(2).the original."国 It provides a great freedom in translating, butthe purpose is always the same: making a strong impression or作者简介:杨丽华,广东湛江人,广州康大职业技术学院应用外TL consumers and arouse their desire of purchase. For语系教师(助教),在职研究生,研究方向:英语教育,对外汊语教examples, "Sprite" was not translated 幽“精灵”but rendered育。(上接3页)[3]Baugh, A.C.& Cable, T. A History of the English Language.not only as a historian's work, but also 韶a function ofBejin中国煤化工Research Press ,2001.language itel.(4ICosNortheasterm University ,References:1998.[1]Bing Chen. A Nation of Tabloid Spellers{J].English Language[S]MinMYHCNMHGohemian? n EngliahLearming,2003.1.Language Learming, 2003.9.[2]Eschholz, P. et al. Language Awareness. University of作者简介:柯蔚青,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为语用学及应用Veront,2000.语言学。一16一
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