科学时代a P的。必须时刻心系学生,用心去揣摩工作,不断的向别人请 生的大学生活方式,颠覆学生的固有思维,以各个阶段的目教好的工.作做法与经验,不断的去探求工作的新思路和新标作 为前进的内动力,不断的进行大学及人生的规划,完成方法的,以此来提高T.作的效率和质量,提高服务者的“服一个又一个目标,顺利成长成才。只有学生明确了自己的目务质量"标,才会为之去努力,不浪费学校的教学资源,逐渐使得学二工作方法-把常规工作做到极致生群体中形成良好的班风、学风。学校领导在工作会议上提出“要将常规工作做到极2.建立学工人员与任课教师之间良好的沟通机制,及时致", 听到这句话的时候,真的有点震惊,居然要把常规的掌握学生的学习状态工作做到极致,对照自己目前的工作,很多地方都存在漏任课教师不仅是学生们的传道授业之师,更能从学生洞,更别谈极致了。然而认真的反思后,你会发现把常规的的听课状态、课堂表现、课后作业、考试成绩等方面全面的工作做到极致其实正是一个思想政治辅导员的最本质工作,了解学生的学习状态,这些是学工人员所不能比拟的,因此没做到位就是失职,常规的工作是我们赖以生存的根本,对必须 长效的与每-位任课教师建立良好的沟通机制,只有于学生工作来讲,有的时候根本没有捷径,只能一一步一步的这样,所做的学生工作才更有针对性与侧重点。首先通过多走,不能落下一个台阶,否则所有的工作都等于“零”,比种渠道听取任课教师的意见,针对所出现的问题及时处理、如在学生各种情况的统计、学籍处理、学生的安全工作,任及时反馈。其次每学期应联系任课教师对于所带年纪学生何一项工作的疏漏和大意,不仅是把自己送到穷途末路上进行各种科 目的测试,时刻提醒学生学习的重要性,并针对去,更是对学生、家长和学校的不负责任。成绩较差的学生,与任课教师一起研究对策因地制宜的制学生工作其实并不在于多么宏大、多么壮丽、而在于以定培养方 案。再次定期开开任课教师与学工人员的经验交小见大,从点滴积累中堆出卓越,要有肯吃苦的精神,要有流会, 对学生中集中出现的问题、教学中需要改进环节、当较真的精神,要有负责的态度,踏实的心态。在于从思想根前学生整体的状态交换意见,以给学生提供最优质的培养本认识到学生工作的本质,时刻心系作为一一个服务者的服体系 。务对象和服务的宗旨,做好学生工作就要全身心的投入到3.以就业工作为牵引,大力开展大学生职业生涯规划工作当中,明确自己的职责,分清工作的主次,消除- -切安目前毕业生人数正逐年递增,如何解决大学生就业这全隐患与不稳定因素,把工作做到极致。- -高校“出口“问题,是高校工.作者都应为之努力的方向,三、帮助大学生上好每一堂课作为学生工作人员,应大力开展大学生的职业生涯规划,将1.深人开展大学生思想政治工作,帮助学生树立正确的就业 工作尽早的对学生进行渗透,让学生不仅对于就业进学风导向.行规划,更对于整个人生进行规划,不断的向着自己的梦想大学,无疑是每一个莘莘学子梦想的彼岸,然而进入大发起冲击。 只有学生明确了职业的方向,才会留意课堂上:的学应该如何发展、如何规划、如何再去继续学习好像在高中点滴, 才会用心去聆听老师的牧诲,以此建立-一个良性的循以前从未有人提起,这便导致大多数学生在步人大学后,缺不。乏日标,没有明确的方向,甚至不知所措,空闲的时间一多,更不知道应该如何度过这人生的美妙时光,久而久之形成(1] 《识读大学一- 个老辅导员的心声》 人民出版2006懒散的生活习惯。对此作为学工人员应从其根本引导学生,年出版 作者:曲建武帮助学生确立明确的人生目标,使学生逐渐完成从没有目2]《大学生人学教育》广西人民出版社2007年出版作标、完成班级寝室的目标、初步建立自己的月标、完成自身肾:凌雪峰的发展规划及职业生涯规划,四个阶段。以此来彻底改变学On the Process of Cultural Awareness'sDevelopment张艳娟邓凡丁1解放军炮兵学院[Abstract] With the development of international globalization, the international comunications have increased, thichneeds us to develop the cultural awareness. Cultural awareness has gone through several stages and in this paper the focuswill be on the process of its deve lopment.[Key words] culture awarenesslanguagebusiness communicationcreated by culture and which in turn have implications for the business, tion to the environment, and harmony with the environment. The firstin varying degree of significance. Take worldview for example, it can philosophy, which explains most! of the Westem cin,n emphasiesinluence all apects of one's perception and consequently afects one's the power of human being over nature. The second philosoplay, subjuga-belief and value systems as well as how one thinks. Even a manner in tion to the envirorment. rerards human beings as less powerful thanwhich a culture conducts business can be rleced in its worldview. Thenatue.1th中国煤化工eingsin the lognlink between worddview and lchnoloy can be seen in business. There depends ovirnment.are three fundamentally dfferent philosophies of humans' relaionshipsCultY片C N M H leteirpereption,with their physical environment on the basis of which all cultures can be and their abilty to communicate and understand. In business科学时代.2010年第01期1321 问题探讨WEN 11 TANTAOorganizations, culture comes into play at the point of interaction anong At this stage of cultural awareness, the person knows a few basic facts.members and between members and organizations. The atitudes and These facts stand out and often serve as the basis of stereotypes. Stereo-values that managers and other employees hold will determine their types are ofensive because they imply that all people from a certainttitudes to power and authoriy, the ability to cope with uncertainty andculture have the same characerstics. At this stage of culural awarenese,ambiguity, atitudes to participation in cllctive activities and soon. All when stereotypes are keenly felt, the personis highly ethnocentic (focusingof these mean that understanding cultural dfferences and developing on his or her own culture 8s the nom of what is "ight "and comparinglonhurehacthecultural awareness in alll aspects of business are very inportant to the the new culture with the'operation of intemational business, even become the basis of success inStage Three: Growing understanding and possible conflictany business.In this stage the learner begins to be aware of more suble, some-Definition ofCulturetimes less visible traits in the foreign culture. For example, a studentCulture is a concept that flls our thinking, books, magazines, leams that a given culture focuses on the family far more than on gttingperiodicals, and newspapers. It is said that there have been at least over things accomplished. He or she begins to appreciate the huge impor-150 definitions of culture,t none of them seems to be able to tll us tance of family value in this culure. This understanding helpseverything about the culure. Generally speaking, culure is a learmed, to see why things operate the way they do, but such an awareness doesshared, comelling iterelated set of symbols whose meaning provides not always bring aceptance. In this stage the person is sill ehocntic,a set of orientations for members of a society. It covers the ways of comparing the culture that is "new" to his or her "old" home culure -thinking of the members of a society, as well as their knowledege, beliefs, and usually felig that his or her own culture is much btterand values. It also includes a society's legal and social institutions, andStage Four: True empathy and cultural respectits art, music, and other forms of aesthetic expression. Finst, culure isThis level is the height of cultural awarenes. To atain this stage,shared. The focus is on those things that members of a particular group the learner must actually live in the foreign culture for some time. Theshare rather than on individual dfferences; therefore, it is possible to amount of time the leamer must live in the culure to reach this stage isstudy and identify group pttems. Second, culure is compelling, Behav- variable, depending on each individual. At the fth stage, the learmerior is determined by culture but individuals are not aware of the inlu- does not just see things itlluallyly from the viewpoint of the cultureence of their culture; understanding culture is important in order to some or most of the time. Instead he or she actually feels part of theunderstand individual's behavior. Third, culture is iterrelated. Althoughculture, respects the culture fully, and empathizes emotionally withvarious aspects of culture can be examined in isolation, they should be those who have lived all their lives in that culture.understod in the context of the whole; a cuture needs to be studied 8 aConclusioncomplete entity.Just what is said above, cultural awareness's development is aFour stages of cultural awarenessprocess. From stage of no understanding to the stage of true empathy andThe definition of culure guggests that one can leam other cultures cultural reepecl, the leamner must experience these five stages to achieveand that culture can detemine people's behavior. Under the circum- true understanding and acceptance. Then we can communicate withstances ofintermational globalization, intercultural communication be- others better in the international communications.comes more and more frequent. Only by developing the cultural aware-Bibliographyness can we communicate with other people. As Samovar said, "cultural[1]Samovar, L porter, R.E, & Steani. LA Communication be-awareness refers to an undenstanding of one's own and other' culure tween Cultures(3rd ed) Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Re-that infuence people's thought and behavior." (Porter, R and Larry search Press, & Brooks/Cole/Thomson Leaming Asia. 2000Sarnovar, 1985:47) Just like lerming a language, developing culural [2] 庄恩平.跨文化商务沟通案例教程[M].上海:上海外awareness 0ccur step by step.语教育出版社, 200Stage One: No understanding[3]王正元国际商务文化[M].沈阳:辽宁教育出版社,This stage involves no awareness of the new culture. The culture 2001might as well be on an unknown planet in outer space. The person does作者简介:not know anyone from the culture.张艳娟,女,合肥炮兵学院助教,研究方向:英美文化ialunderSupericial邓凡丁,男,合肥炮兵学院讲师,研究方向:英美文学In this stage, people understand the foreign culure superfially.大学生心理求助行为决策及其对教育的启示曲福华/ 1、山东师范大学2、滨州学院[攮 要]当前,大学生心理健康问题是社会关注的焦点之一,如何帮助大学生应对心理危机,有效解决心理问题,提高心理健康水平是当前高校教育工作者和心理健康工作者面临的一个急迫课题。雨心理求助是一个内部决策的过程,是大学生积极、主动应对心理困扰解决心理危机的最佳途径。本文借鉴江光荣等有关心理求助阶段一决策模型理论,通过分析每个阶段影响个体心理求助行为决策的主要因素,为高校的思想政治理论工作和心理健康教育工作提出一些意见和[关键词]大学生心理健康心理求助行为决策中国煤化工1前育着社会YHCN MH Gu重化和上升的趋大学生的心理健康问题一直是社会关注的焦点,而且随势。 特别是马加爵杀人事件和刘海洋伤熊事件发生后,大学133科学时代 ●2010年第01期
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