A High-quality Peer-rcview Process Incredibly Important
- 期刊名字:中国科学院院刊:英文版
- 文件大小:336kb
- 论文作者:By Lonnie G. Thompson
- 作者单位:Byrd Polar Research Center
- 更新时间:2020-11-11
- 下载次数:次
菌BCASVol.26 No.2 2012A High-quality Peer-review ProcessIncredibly ImportantBy Lonnie G. Thompson(Byrd Polar Research Center, Ohio State University)First let me say that I am honored to be asked for advicespirit. We live in a world where people live separate lives,and suggestions as a Foreign Member of the Chinese Academyin separate cultures, and with different belief systems, butof Sciences.we are bound together in a common humanity. We areI have been working in China since 1984, first withtruly a global community and the problems of one are thethe Institute of Glaciology and Geocryology located inproblems of all! Education is an essential key to raising theLanzhou and more recently with the Institute of Tibetanstandards of living and hopes of all humanity.Plateau Research in Bejjing. I think the Chinese AcademyIn this era of increasing international uncertaintyof Sciences should be commended on its recognition of thewe must all make an increased effort to get to know theimportance of science and scientists to the future well beingcitizens of our world community. This is the best way toand development of Chinese Society. Your investmentsbuild understanding, trust and a sense of community. Thisin both institutions and infrastructure have truly beenis an absolute requirement for combating what will, in myimpressive.opinion, be the greatest challenge ever faced by humanityAs we move into the 21# century this becomes evenand that is dealing with mitigation, adaption and sufferingmore important and, I believe, is indeed a requirement forbrought about by climate change. Having spent a lifetimethe future development for all countries as it is only throughstudying glaciers and the climate history stored in theseeducation and research that we can build the capacityarchives, I have become more and more concerned aboutfor our collective future. I believe the key challenges wethe reality of climate change as well as the inability offace are centered on the ever increasing environmentalnations to make any real progress on this serious and long-changes that place stress on our local, regional, nationalterm problem. There is a growing recognition of theseand international global support system. This system nowissues and the impacts on the Third Pole Environment. I amsupports 7 billion people but by 2050 it will be required tovery pleased to have had the opportunity to sustain my longsupport at least 9 billion people. We must appreciate thatcollaboration in China with Professor YAO Tandong. Hewe all share a common humanity.and I have now joined with Professor Volker MosbruggerI have had the opportunity to travel and work in manyof Germany to help organize and launch a program tocountries and learn from many people and cultures. Wedevelop the scientific knowledge, cultivate the scientifichave worked together under the best of conditions andtalents, develop new technology and make suggestions forunder the worst, most extreme conditions. In this lies myadaptation strategies for the sustainable development ofabiding belief in the goodness and greatness of the humanthe Third Pole region as it confronts global environmental. This is a ltter from Lonnie G. Thompson, a Research Scientist with the Byrd Polar Research Center, Ohio State中国煤化工。Iseanat Se entt Coperaton Award of CAS in 211 He was witing to acomna arequestor rmmfHCNMHGof this article144 Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
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