- 期刊名字:中国地理科学(英文版)
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- 论文作者:ZHANG Ji-shi,ZHANG Yong-qiu,PU
- 作者单位:Environment Department,Cold and A rid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute
- 更新时间:2020-07-08
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CHINESE GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCEVolume 15, Number 3, pp.238- -244, 2005Science Press, Beijing, ChinaSAFETY ANALYSIS OF WATER RESOURCES ANDECO-ENVIRONMENT IN SHIYANG RIVER BASINZHANG Ji-shi-2, ZHANG Yong qiu', PU Rui-feng, CHEN Ren sheng',CHENG Zhong shan! ,WANG Ming- quan'(1. Enwironment Department, Lanzhou Jiotong University, Lanzhou 730070, P. R. China; 2. Cold and Arid RegionsEnwironmental and Engineering Research Instiute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, P. R. China)ABSTRACT: The research on the present situation of soil and water development and utilization in Shiyang RiverBasin shows that water resourccs and eco environment situation in this area are near the edge of collapse. Since thewater crises occurred in the 1970s,problems caused by continuous decrease of water resources have been becomingserious year by year and eco-environment crisis occurred as a consequence. Up to now,10 380ha of rrigated landshave been abandoned due to sand coverage and water shortage in the basin. Ground water was over exploded inWuwei and Minqin because of water shortage. Ground water table in many places dropped under 5m (which is the e-cology water table level), thus about 3000ha of Elaeagnus angustifolia forest come 10 dead and another 5800ha becomefeeble, and wind-drift sand near the oasis become alive. According to the curent situation, if water utilization scopewas not enlarged, a water transfer volume of 600x 10*m/a from other areas will be suitable to keep water resources andeco- environment safety in the basin, and also 70x 10*m/a will be left as spare water. Under this condition the water re-sources and eco environment of the basin can reach the critical safety line of 2.032x 10*m/a; or if 180x10^m3 of watercan be transferred from other areas, the water resources can reach the safety warning line of 1.732x 10*m/a.KEY WORDS: water resources; water resources safety; Shiyang River BasinCLC number: P641.8Document code: AArticle ID: 1002-0063(2005)03-0238-071 INTRODUCTIONnese Govermment in 1999 to pay much attention to Wa-ter resources security. KANG Er-si, professor of ColdFresh water has been attracted more attention since theand Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Re-1990s,people may scramble for fresh water instead ofsearch Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, throughpetroleum in the 21st century, meanwhile with movinglong- term study on the water resources variation fore-of big enterprises from developed countries to develop-cast, considered that there exists the maximal indeter-ing countries, more and more rivers in developing coun-minacy of the response of water resources to global cli-tries will be polluted, which will cause water resources mate change in Northwest China. LIU Chang-ming, ancrisis. In July 1998, Mr. L R BROWN,' director ofacademician of Chinese Academy of Sciences alsoAmerican World Watch Institute published the article raised his opinions on water resources security and rea-"China's W ater Shortage Could Shake W orld Food Secu- sonable water resources development and utilization inrity" after his previous article "Who Will Feed China".China in the 21th century (LIU, 1995; LIU and HE,The articles have caused a sensation throughout th1996). Water resources issues in Northwest China wereworld and a new round of China Threaten Theory, always the focal point of govermment and scientists. Inmeanwhile more attention have been attracted on Chi-recent years, severe water resources crisis occurred inna's water resources (BROWN and HILWEIL,1998; Northwest and North China have made the HuangheKANG and OHMRURA, 1994). Mr. ZHANG Guang-(Yellow) River be cut off, therefore, eco environmentdou, an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciencesdeterioration the in Tarim River, the Shiyang River andand Chinese Academy of Engineering suggested Chi-the H中国煤化工cted much more at-Received date: 2005-05-29TYTHCNMHGFoundation item: Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation ofChina (No. 40235053) and Lanzhou Jiaotong Uni-versity "Qinglan" FoundationBiography: ZHANG Ji-shi (1963-), male, a native of Tongwei of Gansu Province, senior engineer, specialized in water resourcesand climate change in Northwest China. E-mail:; zhangjs@mail.lzjtu.cnSafety Analysis of Water Resources and Eco-environment in Shiyang River Basin239tentions from domestic and abroad (SHI and CHEN,Autonomous region of Inner Mongolia2001). In 2000, Ministry of Water Resources conductedconcentrated water transfer program in the HuangheN+ -E、号(Yellow) River, the Tarim River and the Heihe River,Badain Jaran Desert,and it raveled out the problem of the Huanghe Rivercut-off. Thus eco- environment deterioration situationsin the down stream of the Tarim River and the HeiheZhangyeJinchang-River were preliminarily controlled under the droughtHongyasban Reservoirconditions of that year (ZHANGet al., 2001; 2002;Yongcbang2004). This action shows to the world that China hasthe ability to deal with its water resources security. Wa-ter resources and eco-environment crisis in ShiyangRivre Basin accounts the first in China,but water re-sources and eco-environment security. situation inQinghai ProvinceJingtaiShiyang River Basin are still remain unchanged whileTianzhusame problems in other river basins have been pri-Legend●Yongdengmarily solved. The water distribution plan of MinistryReservoirof Water Resources does not include Shiyang RiverProvince boundaryBasin,so people are more concerned about eco-envi-WatersystemCityronment problems,ecology disasters and ecologyrefugees caused by water resources shortage in ShiyangFig. 1 Sketch map of the Shiyang River BasinRiver Basin.2 STUDY AREAgolia in administration. Though some water was trans-ferred from the Datong River, the main water sources ofThe Shiyang River Basin is located in the east part of Jinchang Basin is come from the Dongda River and theHexi Corridor in Gansu Province, China; and the river Xida River, and both of them join together at Jinchangoriginates from Lenglongling of Qilian Mountain and fi-~ basin. The Gulang River, the Huangyang River, the Za-nally disappeares in Tengger Desert (GUO et al, 2000). mu River, the Jinta River, the Xiying River join togeth-The basin mainly includes 3 basins,namely Wuwei er at Wuwei, then go through Minqin Basin and finallyBasin, Minqin Basin and Jinchang Basin (FU et al,disappear in the downstream of Minqin.1999; KHEM et al., 2001; LIUet al, 2001; ZHU et al,2001 ). According to detailed topography materials, the3 WATER RESOURCES .VOLUME AND ITSbasin faces Qilian Mountain in the south, Dahuang CHANGE TRENDMountain in the west, Longshou Mountain in the northand Helan Mountain in the tast. The Shiyang River o- Like other inland rivers in Hexi Corridor, the Shiyangriginates from ice glacier and finally reaches the desert, River also originated from Qilian Mountain. After com-and the whole basin almost consists of humid, semi-hu- ing out from the mountain, the river respectively goesmid, semi-arid and arid regions (FU, 2001; GUO et al, through aluvial fan, southem basin and finally goes to1999; SHI, 1999).Minqin lake area in Minqin County. Because the bead-The river basin area taken for water resources re- ed and closed basin structure, water resources in thissearch is normally 41 600km2 in the Shiyang River area has a same source and is repeatedly transformedBasin, where there are 8 rivers, namely the Dajin River,and used, which ensures the use rate of water resourcesthe Gulang River, the Huangyang River, the Zamu Riv-reaching the highest in the world, over 170% in theer, the Jinta River, the Xiying River, the Dongda River, Shiyang River Basin.and the Xida River (Fig. 1). Each of the rivers has itsisolated outlet, hydrology stations were set up at each 3.1 Wat中国煤化工uet of Mountainoutlet, and the 8 outlets can control over 95% of water AccordinlYHC N M H Gydrology materalsout of the basin (SHI, 1999. The Shiyang River Basin for 49 years (1952- -2001), the long-term average runoffbelongs to Wuwei City, Zhangye Prefecture, Jinchang at the outlet of the mountain for 8 rivers in the ShiyangCity of Gansu Province and Alxa League of Inner Mon- River Basin is 1.293x10*m/a. The water use volume240ZHANG Jishi, ZHANG Yong-qiu, PU Rui-feng et al.for industry and agriculture within the control area of 3.2 Changes of High and Low Water Resourceshydrology stations is 32.47x10*m/a,and there are also The water resources change procedures at the outlet of48.1 x10*m2/a of water in all streams out of the control the mountain are special in the Shiyang River Basin.of hydrology stations and 58.3 x10*m'/a of water origi- According to composition procedures at the outlet ofnated from water producing area in front of the moun- the mountain (1961 -2001), water resources volume istain, thus the total water resources volume at the outlet slowly decreased in general, but the change is various inof the mountain for the Shiyang River Basin is 1.432x different decades: in the most sufficient years of the10m3/a, out of which the long term average runoff from1960s,the outlet water resources volume was 1468.2 xJinchuanxia hydrology station in the Xida River and 10m?/a; in the ordinary year of the 1970s, 1342 xShagousi bydrology station in the Dongda River is re-10°m2/a; in the slightly sufficient year of the 1980s,spectively 133.2x10m/a and 297.6x 10*m/a.1442.9x10*m/a; and in the extremely drought year ofAfter the calculation based on the observed data at the 1990s, 1253.7x 10*m2/a. Since the 1990s all the yearssame time from the two hydrology stations,the long are in drought condition except 1993,a year with sufi-term average runoff at the outlet of the mountain re- cient water. In addition to water resources reduction,ceived by Jinchang Basin is 430.8x10*m/a (1961- water demand increase caused by enlargement of iri-2001),and that received by Wuwei Basin from the Gu- gated land is also main reasons for eco-environment de-lang River, the Huangyang River, the Zamu River, the terioration and desertification in Minqin County (Fig. 2Jinta River and the Xiying River is respectively 322.7x and Fig. 3).10*m2/a,134.3x10*m3/a, 225.9x10*m/a, 134.9x106Currently in the middle reaches of the Shiyang Riverm2/a and 63.1x10*m/a,thus the long term average wa- Basin, wasteland near oasis were over-cultivated, as 8ter resources volume at the outlet of the mountain will result, transition zones between oasis and desert disap-be 880.9x 10*m2/a (Table 1).peared, consequently cultivated lands lost their ecologi-Table 1 Water resources volume for cach river within Shiyang River Basin (X10*m/a)Jinchuanxia Shagousi JiutiaolingNanyingZamusiHuangyangGulangDajingTotalReservoirrunoffObserved runoff131.20287.40321.00133.10223.20125.0059.7012.501293.10Water use amount2.0010.181.711.222.779.823.361.4132.47Restored volume133.20297.60322.70134.30225.90134.9063.1013.901325.6018+ Shagousi + Zamusi0「- + Composite water discharge of8 rivers60 t50 t120tWwlh.01940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010YearFig. 3 Composite water discharge of 8 riversFig. 2 Water discharge in Shagousi and Zamusiin Shiyang Riveral prevention belt and were easy eroded by sand andover-burdened.wind. Situation in Huqu, the east part of Minqin Coun-ty is not only the death of Populus euphratica and somebushes, but also a situation of people moving backward4WA”中国煤化工2ING CAPACITYwhile sand moving forward, therefore water resourcesLongJIYHC N M H Gr volume in Shiyangand eco-environment crisis broke out all around. So wa-River Basin is 1432x 10*m/a,and net shallow groundter resources and eco-environment are not in a securitywater volume is 530x10*m/a. Total population in thesituation in the basin. The entire situation showed thatbasin was 2.4x106 in 2000,with per capita water vol-oasis area is over-burdened and water resources areSafety Analysis of Water Resources and Eco environment in Shiyang River Basin241ume of 816m/a,which is far below the "lacking line"ficult to rapidly cut down the water resources demand ifof 1000- 1700m?/a accepted in the world, and there are water resources development and utilization reach to a634 000 big domestic animals and 3 413 000 small do-certain standard. We can see from Table 2,in the ex-mestic animals in the basin. From the view of averagetremely drought year of 1991, water resources develop-per capita water volume, water resources in the Shiyangment and utilization is still at the level of 2424.6 xRiver Basin are under the security warming line. Within10*m/a,with a use rate of 261%. Water resources de-the oasis in Hexi Corridor, multiple crop and intercrop- velopment and utilization include considerable groundping index reaches to 70%, the higher multiple crop in-water, but the ground water ordinarily means shallowdexes with higher water demand. Water resources de-water,within 50m underground, which is almost thevelopment and utilization in Wuwei and Jinchang has reappearance of surface water. The depth of water wellsfar over the maximum limit. So the surface water re-for domestic use has reached to 300m, and this kind ofsources in the basin are over-burdened. In the recent 10 water is not the recycle of river water but un-restorableyears, ground water development and utilization indexancient sealed the basin remains at 12,every year 670x10'm' ofWe can see from Fig. 4, natural water resources vol-ground water was over-explored, thus ground water isume does not match water resources development andalso over-burdened. Even if we take the reuse of waterutilization volume in the Shiyang River Basin, and wa-resources into consideration, the current water re-ter utilization volume is about 2 times of inflow fromsources are still not in security situation. Especially inthe mountain. Reuse of water resources ensures waterMinqin Basin, water inflow reduced from 350x10*m3 20resources utilization volume in the basin remained at ayears ago to less than 100x 10°m3 in recent years. If plusrelatively stable level of over 2400x 10%m2/a (exclude120 x10*m/a of transferred water from the Huanghe rural domestic water, which are not on the record of wa-River, total surface water volume in the basin is stillter resources statistics, and water from self-served wateronly 200x l0*m3/a, the water resources and eco-environ- wells in some companies and organizations, 200x106ment situation are nearing the edge of collapse.m/a in total) and also increased water use efficiency,but it directly brought about sharp dropping of ground4.1 Water Resources Development and Utilizationwater and eco-environment crisis (Table 2-Table 4).ScopeOver exploration of water resources in Shiyang River[ + Wateruse _+ RunoffBasin is mainly concentrated in Wuwei and Jinchangcities, but water resources development and utilizationin upper stream is very small. Like other inland rivers,2.0 tthe water resources development and utilization in the1.6Shiyang River Basin is continuously increased since thefoundation ofP. R.China in 1949, but it had a relativelyg.10七slow increase speed before the year 1984, and increased0.81990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000faster after 1984. The increase speed slowed down after1995 because of the influence of water resources short-Fig. 4 Water use quantity and runoffage, but still in a trend of increase. It shows that it is dif-Table 2 Water utilization and water inflow in recent 10 years in Shiyang River Basin (X10*m)Year199119921993199419951996199719982000Water use2424.62456.92512.32473.02492.02515.02480.82436.22430.7Runoff928.11173.71612.11219.41211.11190.1182.61146.81073.61234.7Table 3 Water uilization in diferent sctions in 2000 in Shiyang River Basin (x10^m)GulangWuweiMingin中国煤化工aTotalAgriculture127.721047.48653.272275.28Industry0.9016.68:YHCNMHG105.57Urban domestic use2.6535.4213.875.6157.55Others0.728.299.01131.271100.3512.64 .36.0313.902447.41242ZHANG Ji-shi, ZHANG Yong-qiu, PU Ruifeng et al.Table 4 Water supply volume of water resources engineering projects in 2000 (x10m)ProjectsGulangWuweiMinqinYongchangJinchuanAlxaTotalWater storage79.27467.5364.73391.911003.44Water transfer196.7833.40230.18Electrical well52.00435.99588.5487.3336.031199.8913.90131.271100.30653.27512.642447.414.2 Soil and Water Resources Balance Analysis4.3 Water Resources Security AnalysisTotal irigated land in the 2000 in Shiyang River BasinThe Shiyang River Basin has a large population,vastwas 232 750ha, with total water utilization of2447.41x land and is in shortage of water resources. Water re-10m/a, and per unit area water utilization of 9779 sources security issues are mainly focused on shortagem2/ (ha.a). Agriculture irrigation situation in different of water resources and eco-environment deterioration incounties are: 127.72x 10*m2/a of total irrigation water in the downstream. Some researchers think that eco-envi-Gulang,with per unit area water utilization of ronment in middle reaches of the basin is also becoming4871m/ha; 1047.48x10*m3/a of total irigation water worse, but actually it is not true. Although eco-environ-in Wuwei,with per unit area water utilization of 10 ment in some areas of middle reaches has been de-661m/ha; 653.27x 10*m2/a of total irigation water in stroyed, the main reason is not shortage of water re-Minqin,with per unit area water utilization of sources but the enlargement of land by local people. In11433m/ha; 410.78x10*m2/a of total irigation water in general, oasis planted by people in the middle and upperYongchang, with per unit area water utilization of reaches of the basin have expended a lot,so we can not9816m3/ha; 36.03 x10*m3/a of total irigation water in reach a final conclusion that eco-environment in oasis isJinchuan,with per unit area water utilization of becoming worsen. Eco-environment deterioration and3908m/ha (only 6400ha of land were actually irigated decline in the downstream are really caused by over ex-with per unit area water utilization of 5630m/ha). We ploration of water resources in the middle reaches.can see from above mentioned information that Gulangand Jinchuan have the lowest per unit area water utiliza- 4.4 Critical Line and W arning Line for Secure Wa-tion volume compared with other regions. Gulang is lo- ter Resources Development and Utilizationcated ncar the Qilian Mountain,with a cooler climate,Water resources and eco-environment system in theso it has a lower irigation water demand than other ar- Shiyang River Basin are not in security situation. Thereeas; Jinchuan is located near the edge of the desert, it are two ways to solve the problems: one is to reduceshould have a similar irrigation water demand with cultivated land, conduct reasonable water allocation be-Minqin County,but due to the severe water resources tween agriculture, industry and eco-environment, to ad-shortage conditions, per unit area water utilization is just products structures. If we reduce irigation water bynear the lowest limitation, similar with the standards in means of using water saving technology, it is not practi-Israel. If we see from above information in general, cable because there is no water saving spaces in theWuwei has a large water utilization volume, similar Shiyang River Basin under current technology condi-with Minqin near the desert,but multiple crop index in tions; another way is to transfer water from other areas.Wuwei is more than 70%, if we take this into considera-’To solve water resources security problem,the onlytion, the per unit area water utilization for single crop is way is to transfer water from other areas. According toonly 6270m2/ha (Table 5).investigations, total water demand of different sectionTable 5 Water utilization volume in diferent irigation areas of Shiyang River Basin in 2000Imigation area F armland23.8892.7T38.457.22219.40(x10ha)Foresty1.245.61中国煤化工1.109.15Orchard1.103.2GrasslandHCNMHG0.926.2298.3241.809.22232.75Total water utilization (x10*m/a)127.721048.20410.782276.00Per unit area water use (m/ha.a))4871.0010661.0011433.009816.003908.009779.00Safety Analysis of Water Resources and Eco-environment in Shiyang River Basin243in current stage in the Shiyang River Basin is about 5800ha of Elaeagmus angustifolia forest and Populus2950x10*m3/a,and water supplied by water resources euphratica forest become feeble (FENG and CHENG,engineering projects is remained at a relatively stable 1998; FENG et al, 1999; FENG et al, 2000).level of 2400x 10*-2500x l0%m3/a in recent 10 years. IfDuring recent 20 years, the ground water level in theplus rural domestic water use and self-served water Shiyang River Basin was ordinarily dropped 5 - 10m.wells of some companies, the total demand will reach The funnel area in Wuwei is about 34km?,and in the2650x10*m/a,water shortage gap is 270x10m/a; if center of the funnel ground water level is under 75m;take consideration of 260x10*m/a of over exploded funnel area in Yongchang County is 37km2, and groundground water, the total water shortage gap in the whole water level in the center of the funnel is under 62m; inbasin will be 530x 10'm/a. It will be proper to transfer the downstream of Minqin Basin,the situation is even600x 10*m2/a of water from other areas under the condi- worse, and water wells for rural domestic use have ation of keeping current water utilization scope, thus we depth of 300m. By the year 1995, 6670ha of cultivatedcan primarily solve water resources and eco-environ- land were abandoned due to over-exploitation of groundment problems, and still have 70x 10'm/a elastic spa-water, and 3710ha of cultivated land were abandoned:es. So water resources and eco-environment security due to water shortage and windy sand, of which 3150hacritical line is: to keep water utilization at 1800x10°- were in Minqin County. It causes ecological refugees1900x10*m/a,or to transfer 600x10*m?/a of water to and ecological migrations (FENG et al, 1999).the basin, and to make the surface water resources reachAt the same time, oasis in middle reaches of the basin2032 x10*m/a, as a result, there are some elastic space gradually moved to the upper reaches because shortageleaved for agriculture imigation, and eco-environment in of water resources,as a result water resources reservethe down stream can be rehabilitated step by step.forests in mountainous area were destroyed,grasslandIf we do not consider transferring water from other shrink back, soil and water were severely eroded. Ac-areas, water utilization amount of less than 2300x106cording to investigation, people lived in mountainousm2/a will be the security warming line for water re- area increased from 90 000 in 1950 to 260 000 in earlysources and eco- environment in the basin. In drought 1990. About 3000ha of natural forest were destroyed inyears, if less than 260x10*m3 of ground water are over varying degrees, of which 800ha were severely de-explored, then the ground water table can be restored toa stroyed. Bushes and grasslands were also destroyed, to-reasonable level of 2- -3m during water sufficient years. tal destroyed area reached 53 400ha in recent 20 years.Through this way it will not cause soil salinization and At the upper reaches of the Xiying River, the Zamu Riv-secondary salinization. If we do not reduce irigated land er, the Jinta River and the Huangyang River 12 900ha ofarea, and transfer another 180x10m/a of water from land were brought under cultivation, 670ha of land inother areas, to ensure water inflow to Minqin County Huangcheng andabout 3330ha of land inreaching 320x10*m/a, water resources and eco-environ- Caoyuanzhong were also brought under cultivation.ment can also remain at security warming level.These activities have severe influence on ecological bal-ance in the middle and down stream. Moreover ground5 CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSIONwater environment is also become worsen, mineral in-dex in ground water over- exploration area has increasedWater resources crisis in the Shiyang River Basin has to 3- 10g/L in recent years, in Huqu,down stream ofgone on since the end of the 1970s, and increasingly be- Minqin County, mineral index even reach to 18g/L, wa-come worsen. Water resources shortage situation of the ter quality problem is extending from south to north andbasin ranks first in China and very few in the world. caused extremely difficulties for living (FENG et al,Because over exploration of water and land resources in 2000; CHRIS et al, 2001; LAN et al., 2000).the upper stream, some springs, with suficient waterAs a summary, water resources and eco-environmentbefore the 1970s, gradually come to drought; inflow to in the Shiyang River Basin are not in secure situation.Minqin County reduced year by year; water quality be- One reason is that global warming caused less precipita-come worsen; a vast land in Minqin County were COV- tion;中国煤化工,over developmentered by sand or become saline land. Meanwhile, be- and ur: and water resources,cause shortage of water resources,ground water in all thec N M H Gand co-enironmentWuwei and Minqin was over exploded, thus ground wa- crisis. 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