- 期刊名字:价值工程
- 文件大小:783kb
- 论文作者:周霁
- 作者单位:武汉航海职业技术学院
- 更新时间:2020-09-18
- 下载次数:次
Value Engineeri171·战争分析The Analysis of War周霁 Zhou ji(武汉航海职业技术学院,武汉430062)Wuhan Marine College, Wuhan 430062, China)摘要:本文首先从历史和灾难这两方面阐述了战争的性质,然后讨论了未来战争发生的潜在原因,最后做出总结,战争是人类社会组织必不可少的一部分,它永不会消除,Abstract: In this paper, the nature of war is studied, by virtue of the history and endless catastrophes. Then we discuss the potential factors for theoccurence of wars in the future. It concluded that war may be integral to the organization of human society and it will never be eliminated.关键词:战争;消除;人类Key words: war; eliminate; human beings中图分类号:E82文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-4311(2010)33-0171-01not the go-called "win-win"or"lose-lose"as we would like to talkLooking up the encyclopedia we can easily find out the definition about The final result of the cold war is that one party suddenlywar:"a conflict involving the organized use of weapons and physical declined, while the other party suddenly gets an unprecedentedforce between states or other large -scale armed groups".But no one powerful position. In that case the powerful party will involuntarily takeknows actually how war is correlated to the existence of human beings. full advantage of its privilege as the unilateral-polar Adams andkinds of conn which is iss y found that the history of war is the Bosch, 1987 It is good enough to make all the people to worry aboutHowever, in retrospectkinds of conflicts having happened in the history of the humanity is still strengthening constantly. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization(Stearns, 2001 ) War, exciting some of us while making others feel (NATO)Eastward Enlargement is a typical examplehorrible, never stops its steps.3 The potential wars in the future1 The causes of warBased on the9 mentioned above and the currentWhy does war happen all the time even though people fear it? intemational situation, we can find that some potential threats for thebreak-out of wars still existDue to the economic, political, and social difference caused by For quite a long period from the beginning of this century, withculture or religion, geography or class, group differences have been their strong predominance in politics, economy and advancedexisting, which easily cause resentments, and ambitions ( Stewart, technology, the developed countries will try to expand and consolidate2001 ) Under such circumstances, the goal of war is to redress. From their leading authority in international affairs, and to constitute rulesthis point of view, inequalities are a major cause of war. For the same for the intemational behavior once again. In the future internationalreason, privileged groups will worry about their privileges which could relations, the struggles between control and revertive control, and thebe the motivation to start watstruggles between foreign intervention in domestic affairs and2 The influence of warmaintenance of national sovereignty will be very fierce.As we think about war, a picture of homeless children and ruin The swift development of the weapons mayalways come over our mind. However, the influence brought from war between the big countries, which will promote further spreaddoes not only include one side. In fact it deeply shapes the human weapons of mass destruction in develsociety. Here we just focus on the war happened in the latter half of new factor to influence the globalhuntries, and it will be abalance and to cause20th centuryFirst we move onto the former half of 20th century because it is4 Conclusionhard to ignore its influence to the situation of the latter half of 20th It is clear that war seems to be as old as the history of humancentury. There are two world wars that happened within just 20 years, beings (Steams, 2001).As long as the addiction to war does not endwhich bring people endless suffering and painsect theThe Cold War is the result of such a situation. It is a very special history of society, and we shall find that war has been being with thewar in which no sides dare to take initiative to start a war but they had civilization of human beings.never give up to go against each other with any possible wayWar was necessary not only for the reality of human society butIn the second half of the 20th century, the rivalry of two also for logic because "state"meant war. So long as the mankindglobalization of virtually all aspects of human life cono framework, the exists, the possibility of war exists accordingly. War is still the lasted. However, country, the military means is still the last guarantee to safeguard thethe cold war thoughts, imperialism and nationalism brought new national interestunstable factors to the world中国煤化工After the breakup of the Soviet Union and the ending of the cold [JVeCNMHGd Military Thought [J].Cassellwar, balance between the two poles has disappeared, leaving only one Wellingpole, and such a kind of situation appears, where the one can strike[2 Martin Shaw. Dialectics of War in the social theory of total wariolently, and where one can pursue the unprecedented sole absolute peace M)j. Pluto Press, 1988military superiority[3)Small, Melvin and Singer, David J Resort to Arms: Intemational anAll of these further improve that the final result of the cold war is Civil Wars, 1816-1980JJSage Publications, 1982.
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