Computer Aided Drafting, Design and ManufacturingCADDMVolume 22, Number 2, June 2012, Page 47Algorithm of automatic generation of technology process and process relationsof automotive wiring harnessesXU Benzhu, ZHU Jiman, and LIU XiaopingSchool of Computer and Information, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, ChinaAbstract: Identifying each process and their constraint relations from the complex wiring harness drawings quickly and accurately isthe basis for formulating process routes. According to the knowledge of automotive wiring harness and the characteristics of wiringharness components, we established the model of wiring harness graph. Then we research the algorithm of identifying technologyprocesses automatically, finally we describe the relationships between processes by introducing the constraint matrix, which is in or-der to lay a good foundation for harness process planning and production scheduling.Key words: automotive wiring harness; wire harness graph; identification process; constraint matrix1. IntroductionThe method of generating process automatically isone of the important research issues of the field ofBefore the production of automotive wiring harness,CAPP, the more common methods are based on vari-you need to analyze the harness drawings [1] whichant method [6] and generative method [7-8]. However,contain the types of processes as well as its quantity.the variant method based on the derived principle re-Then you should have reasonable process planningquires the parts of the series structure are similar and[2-3] and make an efficient process route [4-5] in or-processing-shaped surface is also relatively close toder to improve the efficiency of the actual production,each other. During the process of automotive wiringfinally through a series of complex processes such asharness, the characteristics of different types of wiringthe wire cutting, crimping, assembling and so on , itharness components differences significant, and if thecan be processed to complete. However, a me-parameters of the same widget are different, the com-dium-sized automotive wiring harness used to containposition of the processes will also be changed signifi-the number of processes as much as several thousands.cantly, so the method is diffcult to apply to the fieldTo get the processes from harness drawings by ana-of automotive wiring harness. The method that basedlyzing manually, which not only is time consumingon the generative requires for modeling of parts model,but also the accuracy often can not be guaranteed, so itand simulating process design artificially, which causeis difficult to meet the needs of the actual production.the versatility is not good enough, and the wiring har-Therefore, there is important theoretical and practicalness process design requires the participation of op-significance to study the method of identifying thetechnology processes from harness drawings auto-erator in and has a strong field character so that it needto re-modeling and solving. Paper [9] studied thmatically. In addition, the constraint relationship be-typical process sequence is generated based on asso-tween the processes is the basis for the developmentciation rules, and this method can effectively excava-of process routes and production scheduling. Explor-tion associated with a high degree of sequence ofing the method of generating the logical relationshipprocesses, but while the. nrocesses of some relevancebetween processes is an essential part of identifyingis not obvious,中国煤化工processes and making them used to arrange the pro-duction directly.CurrentlyfYHC NM H Gsting of spe-cialized automatic recognition automotive wiring har-Project Iten: Supported by Chinese national Science Foundation (61070124), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Unverities (2012HGBZ0195).Correspongirg author: XU Benzhu, E mail: bzxu@hfut.edu.cn万万数据Computer Aided Drafting, Design and Manufacturing CADDM), Vol.22, No.2. Jun. 2012ness processes and their relationships, although thereC,C={r2,"",Ck} stand for there are k connectorsare some large-scale software abroad such as Harn-c(1≤i≤k) is connected to one of the node of V, and itWare, VeSys and so on , which have process identifi-has n ports, which can be inserted m(m≥0) wires. If C;cation module, but the technology has not relevant lit-is a sheath, then n≥1; Ifc; isa ground, then n=1.erature. To study the method of identifying process ofautomotive wiring harmess automatically recognizesthe important practical value. Automotive wiring har-ness process has a strong field characteristics, and the6。1鲁一1.25composition of the technology process and their rela-tions are closely related to characteristics of harness欲贸components and process of production rules and.8.25process knowledge [10] and other. In this paper, firstly,1212 QH 221the wiring harness graph model is established throughDTHNS :H6188 0209the analysis of the wiring harness drawings, then weFig. 1. Example of connectors.combine harness domain knowledge, and the auto-matic generation algorithm of the process is given.Finally, the article made the definition of the logicalIt is shown in Fig.1 are example of connectors,relationship between the processes and gives the algo-which not only contains some wire information suchrithm for solving the constraint matrix of the relation-as wire number, color, diameter and its name and itsship between the processes.type, but also implicitly contains a lot of wiring har-ness process design feature constraints, including the2. Model of wiring harness graphmodel can crimp terminals, the wires need to wear2.1. The definition of wiring harness graphwaterproof bolt, whether the port plug waterproofWiring hamness graph is the source of most of theblock and line-side need to spray the color. These im-data which was required in the actual production [11].plicit information in addition to the properties of theOn the wiring harness graph, connector connected toconnector itself, but also closely related to the wireeach other with wiring harness segment, to whichand its connection properties and process require-wrap and fasteners were attached. If we exclude con-ments.nectors of the wiring harness graph and other wiringConnectors is the process feature vectors of end-harness components, and just to study the part of wires,point, it can be used as the basis for the extractionthe harness can look as a connected acyclic graph.process processes, which will be used in the processesHere are the definition of node, wiring harness andbelow. For example, the right graph in Fig.1,S1 is dueconnector of wiring harmess graph:to the wire, color and diameter attributes as same as(1) Node: The node of wiring harness graph is the13A and 58, so it needs to increase spraying processescollection of the harness segment endpoints andin order to distinguish them correctly assembled in thebranch points. Set V stand for the nodes of the wiringworkshop when the process is generated according tothese characteristics of information.harness graph, then V= 0 or V={v,2,"",m}, v(1≤i≤m) stand for one of the nodes of V. If the degreeWhile the concept of node, wiring harness andof V; is 1, it means V; is an endpoint which is the col-connector has been introduced, the definition of wir-lections of more than one wire; otherwisev; is aing harness graph can be given:branch point which is the connection point of moreDefinition 1 Wiring Harness Graph (WHG) is a tri-than one wire harness.ples (V, E, C), V is the conections of node,E is the(2) Wiring harness: If| V| ≥2, thenV u,v∈V(uconnections of wiring harness, c is the connections of≠v) stand for two different nodes of the wiring har-connector. All the connector of C is connected to oneness graph, the edge e=(u, v) is a wiring harness. Wir-of the node of V, and it is the properties of the corre-ing harness is a bunch of wires containing one or moresponding node, connectors connect to each otherwires. The collection of wiring harmess of wiring har-through wiring harness of E. In addition, wiring har-ness graph is E={er,e,"",en}, e(1≤i≤n) stands for ness is attached to the carrier of packages, fasteners,one or multiple overlapping with wire.etc. in the中国煤化工(3) Connector: The connectors of wiring harnessAccordiI YHc N M H Gge of automotivegraph is a collection of the sheath and ground, whichwiring harness and the process characteristics of wir-is expressed as C. C; stand for one of the connector ofing harness components, the wiring hamess graph hasXU Benzhu et al, Algorithm of automatic generation of technology process and process relations of automotive wiring har-nesses12the following characteristics:ple physical wires that connect to each other and can(1)V v∈V, If degree(v)=1,Then there is one andconduct electrical signals, which is called CLonly one c∈C, meet c→v, That is connector C con-CL={wn,w,"",wn}, wn; is one of the wires of CL,nects to node v; If degree(v)≥2,it need to crimpwhose endpoint locate at the port of connector, andconnection terminal beside the branch point v, and de-corresponds to an endpoint of wiring harness graph.CL is an undirected connected acyclic subgraph ofgree() stand for the degree of v.wiring harness graph, which can be expressed as (V",(2)V e∈E, e is a bunch of wires, and the number ofE", C), itis clear that V"CV, E'CE, C∈C, and theits internal wires contained greater than or equal to 1.edge of CL just is a wire.(3) Vc∈C, c records all the information of wireIf the CL just contains a wire, it is called single line.outside of the length, including line number, color,The collection of all the CL of the wiring harmessdiameter, etc. C Contains a large number of processgraph is called CLS, CLS ={CL,CL2, "',CLn}.information and is an important basis of identificationLoop is not only an important basis for decomposi-process.tion wiring harness of wiring harness graph, but also is(4) While connectors are connected to nodes on thethe basic unit of the process design, such as the con-wiring harness graph, the end of the wiring harnessnection design, which determine the location of theneed to crimp a terminal.crimp terminal in order to determine the properties of(5) For any of packages and fasteners of the wiringthe branch point in the wiring harness graph one byharness graph,3e∈E, makes them dependent on theone in the loop wires.wiring harness e.Fig.2 (a) is a simple wiring harness graph, and its2.2. The expression of wiring harness graphtopology is shown in Fig.2 (b). V~V are the end-points,which connected respectively with sheathThe wiring harness of the wiring harness graph isM01~M07. Vg~VI are branch points. We can extractone or more root overlap wire, and wiring hamessloop through circuit extraction algorithm from thegraph is a connected graph [12]. Triples (V, E, C) thatconnected graph set, in order to show that the logiconly show the topology of the wiring harness graphconnection relationship of wring harness graph, asand process attributes of the endpoint. In order to ex-shown in Fig.2 (c) below. The reason why the wirepress the logical connection relationship of the wiringnumber and its port number are recorded in the table isharness graph, we give the introduction of the conceptthat it can improve the efficiency of the lookup ofof loop.process and its process parameters according to theDefinition 2 Loop is the collection of one or multi-wiring harness technology constraints feature.风| 0.5 | 0.3 ]0.851B2A 5] M01H9C2-021-NH0902-05-R|BB0.50.303HO MO3HO6 MD6H0902-05F-N15DH01 MONO2-301501 100300200.00.. HMOBC91116- 26000150C91116-28000p00茹71A3A 430D405R|Br0.510.85 0.3 ]030.5 IH0902-01F-NHO902- 03F-NNO4.H0902-0240YH08 408HO2 M02RH07 M0715 |b850.5103103H0902- -01MW中国煤化工H0902- -04FWMHCNMHGH04 NG4(a) Sample wiring harness graph50Computer Aided Drafting, Design and Manufacturing (CADDM), VoL.22, No.2, Jun. 2012acteristics of M01,there are five characteristics/2V:F2a={f, f么, fs, f{n, fs}, f: wire color is black (B) andwire diameter is 0.3 mm; f2: one end of the wire con-nect to the 2nd port of M01 and its terminal type isDJ3042-1; fs: the other end connect with 2B and 2C,V1o-V8V10 V11oV7and wire diameter is 0.9 mm; f4: M01 is waterproof ,so the wire endpoints need to do the waterproofingtreatment;, fs: there are wires that have the same prop-erties as the wire 24 in the sheath ports , so it needs0for spray color processing.V5/6Definition 4 Process refers to the sum of one or a(b) Topology mapgroup of workers in a workplace of continuous opera-CL-NO. WN-NO. EndP Cncter HoleNO.tion on a number of objects to complete the produc-1AV1M02tion activities. The process can use the four-tuple1BM01P=
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