- 期刊名字:环境科学研究
- 文件大小:293kb
- 论文作者:夏训峰,张军,贾春蓉,李曹乐,席北斗
- 作者单位:中国环境科学研究院,西华师范大学国土资源学院
- 更新时间:2020-09-30
- 下载次数:次
第25卷第10期环境科学研究Vol 25. No. 10012年10月Research of Environmental sciences0ct.,2012夏训峰,张军,贾春蓉,等.基于能值方法的甘薯燃料乙醇产业生态系统分析[J}.环境科学研究,2012,25(10):1187-1192XIA Xunfeng, ZHANG Jun, JIA Chunrong, et aL. Analysis of pachyrhizus fuel ethanol industry ecosystem based on emergy method J]. Research ofEnvironmental Sciences, 2012, 25(10): 1187-1192基于能值方法的甘薯燃料乙醇产业生态系统分析夏训峰',张军2,贾春蓉2,李曹乐1,席北斗1.中国环境科学研究院,北京1000122.西华师范大学国土资源学院,四川南充637002摘要:发展燃料乙醇已成为替代能源战略下的成熟模式,但传统燃料乙醇生产的污染问题严重影响了燃料乙醇的生存和发展因此建立以燃料乙醇生产为核心企业,包括由原料种植者、乙醇生产者、分解者、资源回收利用者等一系列利益相关者组成的产业生态系统,已成为燃料乙醇可持续发展的有效途径.根据燃料乙醇生产过程中对废物处理和资源化利用情况,将其划分成传统生产方案(方案I)废物处理生产方案(方案Ⅱ)和产业生态系统方案(方案Ⅲ),并采用改进后的能值分析方法及指标体系对3种生产方案进行比较分析结果表明:与方案I相比,通过废物处理和中水回用,方案Ⅱ的s(能值产出率)提高了59.37%,επ(环境负荷率)降低了75.39%;延长产业链,增加循环利用方式后,方案Ⅲ比方案Ⅰ的εεγ提高了86.19%,εε降低了8298%,3种生产方案的可持续发展能力为方案I<方案Ⅱ<方案Ⅲ关键词:能值;燃料乙醇;产业生态系统;可持续性中图分类号:F061.5,X24文献标志码:A文章编号;1001-6929(2012)10-1187-06Analysis of Pachyrhizus Fuel Ethanol Industry Ecosystem Based on EmergyMethodXIA Xun-feng, ZHANG Jun, JIA Chun-rong, LI Cao-le', XI Bei-dou1. Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China2. College of Land and Resources, China West Normal University, Nanchong 637002, ChinaAbstract: As an alternative energy strategy, the development of fuel ethanol has become a mature method of substituting fossil-basedliquid fuels. However, pollution from traditional fuel ethanol production seriously affects the survival and development of the fuel ethanolndustry. The establishment of an industrial ecosystem which is based on fuel ethanol-producing enterprises, including growers, ethanolroducers, decomposers, collectors of renewable resources, etc, has become an effective way to sustainably develop fuel ethanolAccording to the waste treatment and resource utilization, fuel ethanol production models may be divided into three cases: traditionalproduction (case I), waste treatment case I) and industrial ecosystem( case I). In this paper, these three cases were studiedcomparatively by the improved emergy analysis method and index system. The results showed that compared with case I, the emergyyield ratio of case I was increased by 59. 37%, and the environmental load ratio was decreased by 75. 39%, through waste treatment andintermediate water utilization. With an extended industrial chain and increased recycling, the emergy yield ratio of case Il was increasedby 86. 19%, and the environmental load ratio was reduced by 82.98%, when compared with those of case I. For these three prcases, the sustainable development capacity was ranked in the order of case I
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