Research on the Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources of Jinan City
- 期刊名字:中国人口·资源与环境(英文版)
- 文件大小:829kb
- 论文作者:Tian Aimin,Jiang Feng,Dong Nin
- 作者单位:Municipal and Environmental Engineering College of Harbin Institute of Technology,Chemistry and Environmental Engineerin
- 更新时间:2020-07-08
- 下载次数:次
Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment Vol.8 No.4 December 2010Research on the Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources ofJinan CityTian Aimin', Jiang Feng?. Dong Ning', Tlan Ajieg, Jiang Anxi'1. Municipal and Environmental Engineeing College of Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin Hellonging 150001 China;2. Chemistry and Environmental Engineering College of Shandong Univerity of Science and Technology,Qingdao Shandong 266510 China;3. Translation College of Shandong University, Weihai Shandong 264209 China;4. Petrochemical Branch College of Jinan Institute of Technology, Jinan Shandong 250022, ChinaAbstract: The study on the sustainable utilization of water re-resources, environment, society and economy, but also sat-sources of Jinan city is a research hotspot in the urban sustainable isfies the contemporary and descendant's needs of water sodevelopment field. How to use a scientific and rational evaluationthat city water resources can maintain sustainable develop-index system to analyze the sustainable utilization of water ement (Chen, 2000). Water resources are a kind of renewablesources of Jinan city and then guide the development and utiliza-dynamic resources which have restorability and renewabil-tion of water resources becomes particularly important. Based on ity. Traditional development and utilization of city waterthe theory of sustainable development this study introduces theresources is the production of rapid economic development.method, basic steps and evaluation indexes of the asessmseat of Excessive development and utilization of water resourcesthe development and utilization of water resources. By systemicleads to the exhaustion of water resources and deteriorationanalyzing the exploitation and utilization standards of water re-of ecological environment and constrains city development.sources and economy and society in Jinan city, the evaluation andAs a result, researcher and evaluation of sustainable utiliza-index system of sustainable utilization of water resources in Jinantion of city water resources can provide a reference basiscity can be constructed and index weight can be confirmed, andfor city water resources regulation and management.then, the standard of sustainable utilization of water resources indiferet years can be analyzed comparably Thus, the deicincy 2 Situation of water resources utilizatlon In卜of lack of rflection of coordination extent in water resources de-nan Clityvelopment standard, society and economy in traditional evaluationmethod is settled eficieatly. The paper takes the sustainable utili-Jinan is located in the middle of Shandong Provincezation of water resources of Qingdao City in 2008 as the standardbetween latitude 36°0I' and 37032', longitude 116911' andto compare and assess the water resources utilization in Jinan City.117944'. The total area is 8177 km2. The total populationThe paper also cllects data of water resources in Jinan City fromin Jinan is 6.0485 milion, 3.5271 million in municipal200 to 2007. The result indicates that evaluation method is ofdistricts, which accounts for 58.47% of the total popula-feasibility and it is efective to the implementation of sustainabletion. The GDP reached 266.281 bllin yuan RMB and perutilization statey water resources in Jinan City.capita GDP was 39 261 yuan RMB in 2007. The major riv-Key words: water resources in Jinan city, sustainable utilization,ers in urban area are Yellow River, Xiaoqing River, Xingjiindex system, synthesis evaluationRiver, Hongxigan River and La River. The large reservoirsare Mengia Reservoir, Jjiangshuiquan Reservoir, Xinglong1 IntroductionReservoir.The current situation of water resources in Jinan CitySustainable utilization of city water resources is a kindis not favorable and this is reflected in following aspects.of suitable utilization method in water resources develop- (1)Tbe total amount of water resources in Jinan City is low.ment, utilization and protection, which means that it notJinan is one of the most water deficient cities among theonly supports the coordinated development of population, nation.cupation in Jinan中国煤化工Recived 14August 2010; aceplede 9 Ocober 2010fYHCNMHGCorresponding aubor: Tan Aimin ( Journal of Population, Resources and Environment Vol.8 No.4 December 2010is 269 m' in 2004, less than the average standard in Shan- excessive water consumption from residents, groundwaterdong Province; it accounts for only one sixth of the waterexploitation. Reasons for restored gushing in 2001 wereresources per capita in the whole nation and is 731 m' less that: constructing two reservoirs, closing 117 wells, savingthan the intermational water resources per capita limit value water by citizens and so on. Another reason was adequateof 1000 m'. With the economic development and the im- rainfall in 2000. There is a gag between high water levelprovement of household living standard, the water resources of groundwater and adequate rainfall. Measures such ascontradiction between supply and demand is prominent in. building dams in leakage point and valley around the springcreasingly. (2)The storage and utilization of water resources groups to collect surface water, and increasing the amountis unbalanced. The ability of water resources for sustainable of surface water that converts to groundwater to improvesupply is low. The amount of groundwater in Jinan City has underground water level can restore gush of springs (Li,been keeping an amount of 0.325 bllion m' for many years2003).and the amount of surface water has been 0.267 billionm'. Jinan's water resources utilization is mostly based on3 Research methodsgroundwater for a long time mainly because of the instabil-ity of surface water. The exploitation ratio of groundwater3.1 Optlon of evaluatlon Index of sustalnable ulizationand surface water is 7:3, leading to groundwater funnel inof water resourceslarge areas, whereas the utilization ratio of surface wateraccounting is only 37%. (3)The space-time distribution ofOn the basis of analyzing dialectical relationship be-water resources is uneven. The major source of water in Ji~ tween sustainable utilization of water resources and urbannan City is atmospheric water. But the precipitation changessustainable development, considering development andgreatly in diferent years and in one year. The maximum utilization China's urban water resources, the paper estab-precipitation reached 845 mm in 1992- -2007, whereas the lished index system of sustainable utilization of urban waterminimum precipitation is only 448 mm. The precipitation resources in Jinan (Zuo, 1996). There are three targets, ninechanges with seasons. The precipitation in July and August Criterions and 24 indexes, shown in Table 1.are half of that in the whole year. Directional distributionof precipitation is uneven, which decreases gradually from3.2 Princlples of evaluation standard of sustalnablesouth-east to north-west. Yet, the evaporation intensity in-utlization of water resourcescreases from south-east to north-west. (4)Water quality de-According to following principles, standard of indexteriorates gradually. Jinan's water pollution is serious. Thesystem was put forward for measuring the urban water re-quantity of wastewater efluent is high, but the treatmentsources utilization: (1) Use existing national standards orratio is only 44%. Water quality of more than 20 rivers inintermational standards of indexes, or general internationalsevere contamination, and the Xiaoqing River's contamina-evaluation indexes as possible. (2) Reference to domestiction reaches 5-grade or more for many years (Wang, et al,cities and regions of the relevant data respectively (such asJinan is known as“City of Spring". There are four clus-Eleventh Five Year Plan of Economic and Social Develop-ters of spring in urban area of Jinan, which consist of 72ment of Jinan City) to determine its values. (3) Evaluationsprings. Because of excessive urban water utilization andstandard values should be consistent with the value of thegroundwater extraction for the industrial and agriculturalcurrent state and the local policies researched (the water-development, the springs bave stopped flowing severalsaving city appraisal standards, the national water-savingtimes, and even lasted more than one year. Springs are theprogram and ecological city construction index). (4) The in.symbols of Jinan. Dried-up springs not only decrease en-dex with incomplete statistical data but important in the in-vironmental quality, but also damage the fame of“City ofdex system should be determined by expert advice method.Spring” (Zhang et al, 2003). Baotu Spring cluster stopped3.3 Comprehensive evaluation method of sustainablegushing on March 2, 1999, and restored gushing on 17tilization of water resourcesSeptember, 2001. Water level of this restored gushing was26.96m and the discharge of Baotu Spring was 1.5m'/s.Acc |中国煤化工le uilizaion ofur-Reasons for the 926 day cutoff were rainfall deficiencies, ban w:resuts were made,YHCNMHG56Chlnese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment Vol.8 No.4 December 2010Table 1 Index systen of sustainable uilization of urban water resources in JinanTarget HierarchyACriterion Hierarchy BIndex HierarchyCCI Per capita water quantity (m/person)BI Water resource conditionsC2 Water production coffcientB2 Water resources development and uilization C3 The penetration of rnning water (%)B3 Water resoures inputC4 Per capita cost of city maintenance and construction yuan RMB)_C5 Industrial water reuse rate (%)B4 Urban water savingC6 Water consumption per 10000 yuan RMB ( m/10000 yuan RMB)Al Urban waterC7 Per capita daily water consumption(L)utilizationC8 Water quality compliance rate of urban water in functional arca (%)C9 Industrial wastewater discharge standard rate (%)C10 Drinking water quality standards rate (%)BS Urban water environment protectionC1I Drainage density (km/km)C12 Green coverage scale of built-up area (%)C13 Urban sewage treatment rate (%)C14 Per capita public green space (m/person)CI5 Natural growth rate of urban population (%0)B6 Urban developmentC16 Urbanization level(%)C17 The mount of cllege students in per million persons (person)A2 Water, economicB7 The quality of lifeC18 Engel coftcient of urban residents (%)C19 Gini coficient of urban residents (%)development levelC20 GDP growth rate (%)of coordinationB8 Economic developmentC21 Tertiary industry value added in proportion of GDP (%)C22 Per capia GDP (yuan RMB )B9 Economic beneftsC23 Per capita revenue (vruan RMB)C24 Per capita disposable income of urban residents (yuan RMB)steps as follows (Wang, 2003):Restricting indexes for fuzzy membership functions:(1) Analyze the efect factors and establish index sys-X≤Atem of sustainable utilization of urban water resources andF()={(B,-X)(B,-A) A
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