![An Analysis of the Image of Shylock](http://www.cnmhg.com/e/data/images/notimg.gif)
![An Analysis of the Image of Shylock](http://www.cnmhg.com/e/data/images/notimg.gif)
An Analysis of the Image of Shylock
- 期刊名字:科学导报
- 文件大小:379kb
- 论文作者:张熙强
- 作者单位:朝阳师范高等专科学校 辽宁 朝阳
- 更新时间:2020-11-22
- 下载次数:次
经验交流An Analysis of the Image of Shylock张熙强( 112000朝阳师范高等专科学校辽宁朝阳)Abstract: The Merchant of Venice is one of my foot, and the ducats in her cffin!"Shakespeare’ s most famous comedy in the world. While2.2 He is a victim,in other words,Shylock is a creation ofShylock is a classical figure and analyzed a gain and again. circumstanceBefore, especially in 16th century, many people think2.2.1 F rom objective viewpiont,Shylock has reasonable andShylock was a greedy, selfish, crue1 and so on, and his complex motivations to the Antonio’ s revenge.Actually Antonio isfinal result is a reason that this play is called comedy. As an obstacle for Shylock' s fortune seeking and for his own sourcetimes goes by, people begin to re- analyze Shylock. They of income.In that social condition, many people hate the Jews, andfound when we analyze this play from Shylock’ s angle, it push out the usurer like Shylock. Like Shylock said in the play“foris a tragedy. Shylock also has other characters which was suferance is the budge of all our tribe” . What he does is just wipenot discovered before and gradually accepted.This article his face with his sleeve, and watch at Antonio’s back with the hatefulattempts to analyze Shylock in a positive way .Apparently feeling in his eyes. Why, as an ancient Chinese saying“A litleShy7ock is a true villain,but with careful analysis on the impatience, a great ship”,facing Antonio, how does Shylock to use to .social background,it ’s obvious that such viewpoint is fight against Antonio? He can do only with patience. There is no muchquite biased.Thus justice and fairness should be returned to justice in society, I think Shylock has a good character -endurance,Shylock.just for this character make him process many ducats in that time.key words:Jews;vict im;tragic character;revenge spirit2.2.2 He is an afronted Jew who suffered much in the hands of theChritians.Why does Shylock engage in lending money rather than other1 Social Backgroundoccupation?Because of the existence of anti- Semitism,Jews' room inThe Merchant of Venice was writen by Shakespeare in 1596. the occupational choice was getting smaller and smaller. From the endDuring these years,rtish social contradictions gradually sharpen of the century onwards ,the decree of the prohibition of the Europeanup.At that time,the oppressions that Jews were suffering in British ,no Jews to own land appeared,which made agriculture became the firstless than that Jews sufered in any other countries in Europe.From 1290 areas that Jewish economy wag rstriced.At that time,the Christian wasJews began to be expelled from British and until 1649 in which the prohibited from lending money ,so there is a vacuum in this respect.British Commonwealth was established,this injunction was abolished. People had no choice but to go to fill any Jews,so more and more JewsJews lived in British at that time lived a difficult life.At that time,marginalized in the commercial areas began shift lending industry.Christian was in the driver’s seat, the Jews had their own belief, so2.2.3 Shylock is a brave avenger who was trying his best to supportthey have not social status and usually were persecuted.an oppressed nation’s dignity.Even though he failed to challenge that2 An Analysis of Shylock' s Characterssociety,I admire his revenge spirit very much.As we know, Shakespeare is a master no matter past or now, he leftAs a Jew living in Venice,Shylock’s social status is very low,andmany wealth for people.Shakespeare’s Shylock image is fresh forever he has lived an afronted and damaged life for a long time under theas other classical figures. Shylock in this play is the antagonist. He is social atmosphere of racial discrimination and different religiousthe model of usurer. Most people read him as a bogeyman, a clownish beliefs.The residents of Venice and Christians even their servant callJewish stereotype. He is selfish, curtly, avaricious and niggard. Once them” Jews” and even Jewish dog.These indignities hurt his nationalhe has the chance to revenge his foe. He will try his best to make the felings badly and in turn become the deep- rootedother into deathtrap. In the court, he is clam and wisdom, even fightshatred against all Venetian and Christians.So when he has thefor several Christian ’s joint attack. But most of his speech is coarse, chance to spit out the grievances in his heart,he could not help to .and sometimes‘'mean” . All of this makes people take unkindly to asking those Christians who claim that they are mercy.him. But with the several aspects sagacious with Antonio, it makes him3 Conclusionbe a mult-personality figure.1 Hateful Shylockin 16th and 17th century.The hero- -Shylock is a gainful money lenderShylock is a representative of the cruel and greedy money and a greedy miser,but he is more a pitiful Jew and a brave avenger.lenders.In the play,Shylock doesn' t demand more than several timesIn chapterl,I mentioned the social background of the work help to .Shylock has a strong sense of revenge,which means once he catched Next,in chapter2,1 focused on analysis of Shylock’s character,whicha chance,he will insanely revenge to anyong who is adverse to him. is the main part of this paper.The Merchant of Venice is one of the mostBeing greedy and stingy, he reprimands his servant greedy and treats famous comedy in the world hut when we think of Shylock, we have to .his daughter also stringy. When he knows his daughter escaped with asay it is a tragedy. \中国煤化工uples of lover, wChristian, and takes him many ducats, Shylock shouted in the street“My certainly rememberHCNMHGralkinthesreet.daughter! Oh, my ducats!”and curses“I would my daughter were Everything has its own reason, I' peopie must say ne was selfish, cruel,dead at my foot, and the jewels in her ear! Would she were hearsed at first, they have to know its background and social condition in that-312-经验交流用心谱写爱的乐章朱玉芳(张家港市沙洲小学江苏苏州)班主任是学生,人生道路的引领者,班主任工作虽然是一项有父 母常年在外的孩子,对他们的物质帮助不能取代精神上的十分平凡而繁琐的工作,但却蕴含着重大的意义。作为班主任,关注,于是我每次都抽出时间陪陪他们,谈谈开心的事儿,谈我始终认认真真为班级的每一个学生着想, 以自己的知识和人谈苦恼的事儿,做孩子情感的真诚倾听者,让他们的心灵没有格魅力去影响学生,用真诚的爱去感染学生,始终关注每个孩羁绊 和阴影。面对那老是犯错误的孩子,我不仅没有一-丝的不子的成长。在每个孩子在心灵成长的历程中,我把爱传递给他们,耐烦, 相反要更理解呵护他们。对于他们一-次又一次的错误,为学生铺上一条阳光心路,让他们感受更多的美好,让他们更我坚持用温切的话语,慈爱的眼神,耐心地、细细地分析引导,愉悦地健康成长。经过多年的历练和总结,只要做到下面的几点,呵护那特别的心灵,让他们体面下台,这样既不会导致学生的我认为每个人都有可能做一名轻松快乐的班主任,使学生被你逆反心理, 又容易拉近师生心灵距离。经过我的耐心教育和引导,的快乐所感染,在班级中愉快生活。整个班级呈现出团结和谐、积极向上的良好风气,得到领导和一、爱护学生,做学生的朋友老师们的一-致肯定。教育首先是一-种保护。 班主任管理工作是师生之间每时每三、开展活动,增强班级的凝聚力刻的心灵与心灵的接触与碰撞。我注重每一个瞬间, 用特别的班级的凝聚力在班级的集体训练中形成,我们的班级集体温情呵护这些娇嫩的心灵。“谁爱孩子, 孩子就会爱他,只有意识、集体凝聚力也是在开展集体活动中巩固。一个吸引学生用爱才能教育孩子。”因此,本学期我主动接近孩子,体贴和的班级必须经常开展丰富多彩的少先队活动,除了参加学校的关心学生,和他们进行亲密的思想交流,和他们交朋友,让他各种集体比赛活动外,我觉得在班级开展各种活动是培养班级们真正感受到老师对他的亲近和“爱”,使他们从心底里信服,荣誉感、凝聚力的好办法。为此,我们制定了全员活动计划:使学生能够积极、主动地完成老师:布置的任务。每周由各小组轮流更换黑板报,自定主题;每月举行-一次古诗接过这个班的班主任后,我首先从了解班风、学风人手,配画或手抄报展览;每周举行- -次主题活动,如标本展览,讲故了解全班主要的优缺点并分析其原因所在,了解家长普遍的文事比赛,诗歌朗诵,情景剧,庆祝节日活动等。精心设计丰富化层次,找到急待纠正的弱点。研究学生的个性特征,了解个多 彩的活动,调动学生多种感官参与学习活动,让学生亲身经人的生活环境,掌握哪些是积极分子,哪些是特别需要注意的历体验过程, 在活动中,锻炼了学生的能力,培养了学生的情操。学生等等。我通过每周举行-次主题班会,经常与学生讨论完同时, 我还不失时机地结合班级实际情况,开展“我是班级的善班级班规,从多方面逐步形成学生自我管理的习惯,培养学一 员” 、“我为大家做点什么”、 “我 班将为我骄傲"等系列生主动自己解决矛盾的习惯,学会反思自己的缺点错误,增进活动, 强化学生的班级意识,增强了学生的集体荣誉感和班级师生、生生之间的友谊,形成和谐的班级风貌。的凝聚力。班级中“活儿”很多,孩子们很辛苦地打扫着这样那样的四、经常沟通,协调好与课任老师和家长的关系卫生,我看在眼里,疼在心里,但是这些工作还需要学生去做,多年的班主任工作经验,使我认识到只凭自己的威信和力而且要做好。为了爱护学生,我用粗布毛巾做成了黑板擦,并量是不可 能取得教育成功的,还必须力争本班课任老师和家长示范学生怎样擦黑板减少飞舞的粉尘;冬日里准备了几副手套对学生有 -致的要求和态度,并时常同他们交换意见,才能更供学生戴;每次打扫卫生我都与学生- -起欢笑着劳动。 我们每全面地 了解学生。该班级原班主任就是因为和家长处的关系不次都是及时发现问题并想方设法改进各类问题。太好,才导致工作被动。因此,本学期开始,我针对学生出现二、耐心疏导,做好思想教育工作的各种情况,及时与家长沟通,多谈学生好的表现,提出希望,现在的孩子多是单丁独苗,被父母娇惯宠溺,心灵脆弱极增强家 长的信心,让家长和学生知道,老师是多么重视他,对易受伤,个性孤僻极易叛逆。我们面对的是有个性差异的儿童,他充满了很高的期望。这样就融洽了与家长的关系,调动了家.他们有很多不规范的行为,我从没冷漠和忽视过。我针对学生长的积极性,配合学校教育好孩子。接手- -年,赢得了所有家特点在班级内开设每周- -次“心语课”,与学生聊天,促进师长的信任 与赞扬,也受到了全班同学的爱戴。与生之间、生与生之间的沟通交流,说心里话,用知心激情的陶行知先生曾说过:“真教育是心心相印的活动,唯独从钥匙开启学生心灵之锁,用尊重、理解来呵护学生纯洁的心灵,心里发出来的,才能打到心的深处。”只要我们心中是真诚地告诉他们用真善美面对问题,面对人生,面对世界。为孩子,为孩子的健康成长而付出爱心。最终,孩子定会“弹奏”总是忘不了班内几个特殊的孩子,有失去双亲单亲的孩子,出最美的乐章!time, and then, I' ll tll you Shylock is pity, clever, courageous, tough, [2] 刘炳善.英国文学简史河南人民出版社,2007frank, rich national spirit, and I have reasons to say that.[3]张伯香.英美中国煤化工1999Bibliography:[4刘意青.刘炅外MHCNMH G本[1]吴伟仁.英国文学史及选读第一册北京外语教学与研究出版[5]Shakespeare, Will. 《威尼斯社,1988商人中英对照》, 梁实秋,2001, 中国广播电视出版社.-313-
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