The Analysis of the Chinese Character “Shang”(上)
- 期刊名字:海外英语
- 文件大小:598kb
- 论文作者:ZHOU Yu
- 作者单位:Department of Fundamental Courses
- 更新时间:2020-11-22
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hwsy@overseaen.comISSN 1009- .5039http://www.overseaen.comOverseas English海外英谓Tel:+86 -551-5690811 5690812The Analysis of the Chinese Character“Shang"(上)ZHOU Yu(Department of Fundamental Course, Tianjin Foreign Studies Univernity, Tianjin 300204, China)Abstract: Based on semantic theories this paper discuss and explains the diferent meanings of the Chinese character' *shang” (上) in fiveChinese phrases- "shang ji"(上级) ,“shang mian' (上面),“shang fang’(上访),‘shang xue" (上学) and“shang ban' (上班). The author triesto analyze the usages of the Chinese character“shang" chrough vivid examples. In the end she categorizes the usages and meanings of theKey words:“shang"(上); meaning; morpheme中图分类号:H03文献标识码:A 文靖 编号:1009 -5039(2012)01- 0279-031 Introductione.g.上面派了两名干部到我们这儿帮助工作。Two cadres have been sent from above to help us with the work.Morphemes are the gmallest units of meaning. Although6)“Shang mian" means elder generation of one' 8 family; the“shang j"(上级),“shang mian"(上面),“shang fang"(上访),' *shanxue" (上学) and“shang ban"(. 上班) all contain the morpheme"shang" (上), it expresses different meanings in these words. ht' 8of; on the surface of, 2) above- mentioned; aforesaid; foregoing; pre-necessary to analyze and calegorize the usages of the Chinese char-ceding, 4) aspect, 5) higher authorities; higher ups and 6) elderacter "shang' (上) in the five Chinese phrases through tests and ex-generation of one ' s family; the elders,‘"shang" and' mian" can notamples.be separated, because they are combined to expre8s meanings. But2 Different Meanings of the Chinese Character when "shang mian” means surface of something, “shang” means“Shang"(上) in Five Chinese Phrasessurface; top, and“mian" means part or side.2.3“Shang fang"(上访)2.1 "Shang j*(上级)"Shang fang”means to requeet an audience with a higher au-"Shang ji" means higher level; higher authorties; one' s supeni-thority to air one' g grievances and seek help in solving the prob-or. The word "shangi" can refer to organizaions or leaders at the high-lems; to apply for an audience with the higher authorities to lodge aer levels. The morpheme“shang”shows us the extent of the grade andcomplaint and appeal for help.“Shang” means to a higher authoritymeans high or higher. The morpheme ji' means rank or level.and it is an adverb.“Fang”means to air one' s grievances and seeke.g上级领导应该深入基层。help in solving the problems and it is a verb.Leaders at higher levels should go down to the grass- roots lev-2.4 “Shang xue"(上学)els to see how things stand there.“Shang xue" mainly has two meanings.2.2 "Shang mian"(上面)1) The first meaning is to go to school; attend school; be at“Shang mian" has a lot of meanings., “Shang”here means to go to; to atlend. It is a verb.“Xue"1)“Shang mian" means above; over;of; on th? Burfacemeans school. It is a noun used as the object of "shang”".e.g. 小河上面跨着一座石桥。e.g.我每天早晨七点上学。A stone bridge sits astride a stream.I go to school at seven every moming.2)“Shang mian”means above-mentioned; aforesaid; forego-2) The second meaning of "shang xue" is to start study at aing; preceding.fixed time.“ Shang”is used a8 a verb. And* xue" here means prima-e.g. 上面举了各种实例。ry school. " xue" is still a noun used as the object of "shang' .In the foregoing we cited various examples.e.g 这孩子上学了没有3)“"Shang mian" means surface of a thing.Is the child at school?e.g. 墙.上面贴着标语。2.5 "Shang ban"(上班)SloganB were pasted on the wall.4) "Shang mian" means aspect.“Shang ban"e.g. 他在品种改良上面下了许多功夫。1) The first meaning of“shang ban" is to go to work. “Shang"He took great pains in improving the breads.means to go to.“Ban" meane work.5)“Shang mian" means higher authorities; higher-ups. At this2) The second meaning of“"shang ban” is to start work.point,‘shang mian”has the same meaning with "shangji" .“Shang means to start and" ban meang to work." Shang i8 al-收稿日期:2011-11-10修回 日期:2011-11-30中国煤化工作者简介:周五(1979-),女,讲师,研究方向为英语教育。MHCNMHG栏喷任偏辑:谢嫒矮通公279Overseas English荡外美语2012年01月ways used as a verb and“ban" is used as a noun.3.2 Putting the Chinese character “qu" (去) before thefve“Shang” is used as a verb in the two phrases“"shang xue" andphrases“shang ban”and means to go to or to start. The nouns afer the verb“shang” in the two phrases make the meaning of the two phrases dif-“Qu shang ji"(去上级) is not crret. Albhough“qu”isa vertbferent from each other. Both“shang xue" an; xue" and‘shang ban”are verband it can have is ohjets Bcoringtoaccording to Chinese grammar, suchphrasena; and the usages of them should be the same. So they can be kind of expression doesn 't accord with Chinese customs.calegorized into a group which has the same granmatical and prag.“Qu shang mian' (去上面,“qu shang ban"(去上班),“qumatic features.shang fang' (去上访and“qu shang xue"(去上学) are acepable,3 Further Ilustration of the Diferences in Meanings andbut the meanings and usages among them are dfferent.In the phrase “qu shang mian", “eans toUsages in the Five Chinese Phrases by Using Some Testsplace to anoher place. Although "shar“shang mian”has a lot of mean-3.1 Putting the Chinese character“de' (的) after the five phrasesings as mentioned above, only its first meaning which means above;over, on top of; on the surface of and its third meaning which meansWhen the Chine character “de" (的is put after the five surfre of a thing are suilable when it is used inhe prase,phrases, all of them are acceptable.shang mian".“"Shang fang de' (上访的),“shang xue de" (上学的) andIn the phrases “qu shang ban", “qu shang fang" and“qu"shang ban de' '(上班的) usually refer to sb. And they are used a shang xue",“qu”is used before anothenouns or used as adjecties to modify sb. or sths to be about to; to be going to.1)来上访的很多很多。The meaning of“shang fang”in the phrase“qu shang fang" isHere' "Shang fang de* is used asa noun and it idicate“上访 not changed. But the meanigs of“shang ban" and“shang xue"的人”。the phrases“qu shang ban”and“qu shang xue" mean to go to work2)我们要帮助上访的群众解决他们的困难。and to go to school repetively.“'Shang” is used as a verb whichHere“Sheng fang de" is used as an adj. to modify“群众”".means to goto.e.g去哪儿?去上学。The second meaning ofe.g. 1) 在我们家,不论是上学的还是上班的都回家很晚“shanexue”8 to start study at a fixed time. When“shang”meansHere“shang xuele de"”and"shangbande“shang ban de" reler to the persons to start in the two words“"shang xue" and“shang ban", "que" can .ho go to work or go to school.not be put belore them. That is because“qu”means to be about to;3)他上班的公司/上学的学校离家很近。to be going to, while "shang” means to stant. The meanings of the .Here *shang xue de" and“shang ban de" are used as adjc-two morphemes‘"qu” and “shang” are conflicted and make peopletives io modify company and school respectively,confused.“Shang ji de"(上级的) is used to modifsth. as an adjective.eg.我们应该认真领会上级的文件。ture to indicate an action that will star. When the morpheme“qu”This test shows that the phrase "shang j" usually can not beis put after the five phrases, this lime only "shang ban qu"(上班used alone to express meanings in sentences.“shang ji de" can be去)“shang fang qu"(上访去) and "shang xue qu"(上学去) are ac-used as an adjective to modifty sth.ceptable.eg.干什么去?上班去。The reson is that“shang mi-“Shang mian de' (上面的) can be used as a noun which refersan" and “shang ji" are noun phrasesphrases and they can not be put beforeto sb. or sth. or can be used as an adj. to modify sb. or sth.u" or use“qu" to modify them.e.g. A:哪个盒子是我的?B:上面的。3.3 Putting the Chinese character “zai" (在) before the fve“Shang mian de" here is a noun which means“上面的盒子”.This expression can avoid repeating the former words.“Zai shang mian' (在上面,“zai shang ban"(在上班) and“zaishang xue" (在上学) are apropriale. In the phrase "zai shang mi-B:上面的盒子。an',*zai" indicates where a person or; and only the first“Shang mian de" is used 8meaning oindjcate where aperon orae.g. 站在上面的是谁dan adj. to molif "the box".B mian” which means above; over, on top of; on,the surface of and the third meaning of“shang mian" which means“Shang mian de" is used as a noun which means“上面的人”。surface ofa thing can be used in this phrase. In the :hraeces “zai .e.g. 站在上面的人是谁?shang ban" and "zai shang xue",“zai" indicates an action in prog-“Shang mian de" is used 8s an adj. to modify the person.ress.“"Zai shang ban" and“zai shang xue" mean sb. is studying atThe results of the above tets are shown as the fllowing.school or working at some place reectivele“shang" in theRwophrases doesn't mean to go to.respe' n rfictoc.rated. The two Chinese characters should be regarded as a whole to"Shangfngde","thangxue de*" ad "hangbande"express the meaning of“shang xue". Here “shang xue" means tostudy at school. In the same way“shang" and "ban" should be com-\呜mdifyb.bined logether to express its meaning, 80 "shang ban" means to"Shmgjide" →膊mdifa边hrork.'且retarsto的b)啦3.4 Potig the Chinese character “ma" (吗) anter the fve"Shangmimde"pbrases、傅modihat)/雌Ma" is ued at the en中国煤化工Exceptfor "shang ji ma"(上级吗),:fYHCNMHGreasor280 711111111i栳目责任鲸耩:崧嫒嫒2012年01月Overseas Englsh海外鲜语able, becaue the phrae“hang ji" uauly can not be used alone 4 Conclusionto express meanings in sentences. So we can only use“ghang ji de"(上级的) as an adjective to modify sth. as mentioned above.e.g. 你就住在上面吗?playe that“shang mian de" can be used as a noun which refers to .Here“shang" means above.sb. or sth. or can be used as an adjective to modify ab. or sth, bute.g.你准备上访吗?"shang ji" ually can not be used alone to express meanings ineg你-会儿上班吗?sentences. *shang ji de" can only be used as an adjective to modifye.g所有人都上学吗?sth. And because of this, the teats of puting "ma”and "qu" afterThe second and thethe two phrases show that "shang ji ma”and “qu shang j1" are notird example“"hang ban" means to go to. The fourth exampleacceptable.s fang" still means to a higher authori-ty and“fang" is used as a verb.3.5 Putting the Chinese character "guo" (过)”afer the five. shang ban" are the Bame. The morpheme‘shang" in the two wordsphrasesbelongs to the 8ame group. Meanings of "shang" in the phrases of“Shang xue guo"(上学过),“shang ban guo"(上班过),“shang shang fang" and' *shang xue"/" *shang ban" are not the same. Themian guo "(上面过),and' shang ji guo"(上级过) do not make sensetests of adding' 'zai" and "guo” into the phrases show that "shang”and only“ shang fang guo"(上访过) is correet. That is because in shangxue and* "shang ban" means to go to;“shang" in“shangthere is a rule for the Chinese character "guo"--"gzuo"is usedaf. fang means to a higher authority and "fang" is used as a verb.ter a verb to indicate a past action or state. The resulisof the estbyThe usages and meanings of“"shang" change on different occaJuC”“i apastacuon or state. nIhe results of the test byuing this rulesions, 80 the morphemehould be analyzed according tobal phrases, and“xue" in the phrase“shang xue" and“ban" in thephrase' "shang ban" are not verbs. 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