A Research on Chinese Thinking Influencing English Writing Process
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科技侑息O外语教研0SCTENCE & TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION2008年第32期A Research on Chinese Thinking Infuencing English Writing ProcessZhao Hongjuan(Qingdao University of Science & Technology, Shandong Qingdao 266061)[Abstract]12 writing proces is a bilingual event. 12 wriers have both LI and 12 at their dispoeal when they composing in L2. The tendency ofLI ocurence varies with individuals compoeing activities.12 Wrters are more likely to depend on LI, when they were managing their witingprocess, generaing and oganizing ides; but more likely to depend on 12 when undertaking task--examining and text- -generating acivties. Thispaper focuses on the influence of LI on L2, and the purpose is to demonstrate that Chinese thinkingdecreases with the improvement of Englishproficiency, but the amount of Chinese thinking decreases by a different margin.(Key words ]Chinese thinking; inluence; English witingPrevious studiesless than 150 words within 50 min.L1 thinking is an etremely nomnal phenomenon in L2 composing. IhData ollectionis a hot question about how to deal with the relationship betweenData collection was divided into three stages: at first, the studentsLlthinking and L2 witing in reent twenty yer. The fous of atenion were inquired how they deign the conet and structure of thehas mainly on the sianities of LI and 12 writing proces, however, lee compsition,n 10 min was used; and then the students were asked to draftattention has been paid to the unique features of L2 writing.out the writing within 10min. At this slage, topic sentence and keywordsKKohayashi and Rinnert (1992) aked 48 Jepanese university -levelshould be written out, and Chinese could be used if there was somestudents to report on how much Japanese was used in their mind whendifculty to use English. At he last slage, students were ordered to writethey witing an English compostion drely. The resulh showed that 17% and revise their writing wihin 30 min. Pricipants should hand in theirstudents rported using more than 75% Japanese; 48% of the students witing in the sated timne. Afier the wing the deta of three slagesreported using s0 - 75% Japanese, 27% of the students felt they used 25 would be analyed." 50% Japanese, and only 8% reported using less than 25% Japanese.Data analysisThis is the stemp to be made to measure the amountofLl uBe in theL1 thinking and 12 writing process When will the students use12 composing process.LIthinking in the process of their writing? Please looko at table 1 andUzawa & Cumming (1989) made a studly about ten Anglo Canadian table 2.students taking an "intermediate Japane" coure and found that eightTable 1_ The coding tor the subjectleamers used English extensively to genernte ideas, Bearch for topics,freshmanophomoredevelop concepts, and organize information when composing an esay in钱是幸福之源。Hwe haveFor some peuple money meantJapanese.75% students said they wrote out rough dnafts or notes ineheycangpa名骨.权力和认可。 iEngish and then transposed them into Japanese text. 25% students said适的house实华丽的elothes,makrs Ponsihlefor thentolive节作的that they prepared their ideas mentally in English before writing them线是directly into Japanese.tent |On the other hand . mu is lhe rooWang Wenyu and Wen Qiufang (2002) made a study to invesigate| deign |甚至到死用Somr ftlere 受贿| o evil In som eprne响落and犯攀the writing process of sixten tertiary- -level English majors in China,mvoinion生活需要线,钱In曲word, no one can live withoutthrough a combination of research techniques such 8 thinking aloud,是万能的h way or康钱安台适,依靠自已努力才可以过的I beomes困扰in me dont know如何理observation, retrospection, and interviews. It reveals that the L2 writingprocess is bilinguadl event and the tendency of L 1 ocurene varies withWe will wrie three parypraphs, Inindividuals composing activities.the first pungraph, the finst sentenceGuo Chunjie and liu Fang (1997) made a study and atempted tolure|富路为好策二段写m踩i the topic发nLenee, and the lftestimate the amount of L1 use in the L2 composing procese. They asked design 处,最后 -段tmyopinion the fimt sentence i the lopic one,10 high school and 2 university students to compose aloud a story basedon pictures provided幽the writing prompl. The results showed that 92%students use LI for cognitive operations;60% writing contents wereTable 2 The dratt of the wrting: topic sentence and keywordsconstrucled in LI.MethodsophomoreParticipantsFor some people money meansParticipants in this study were 20 non -English majors who areSome peple tinkpoo everything. Monry is the source offreshman and sophomore from Jiangsu University in China. They were tenmale and ten female, and their average age is 19.5 years old. At the timesentencethink money i the rot of all evile.ad mastered the knowledge ofmoney, but too much money cancan't buy eryhingEngish Band two; and year 2 students had finished the courses of Bandfour. Before they enteing the univernity all of them had lemt English foreight years.l Go wherever comfrtableWriting tasksThe wring task of this research is to write an English argument,keywordegeneration crimebleome handleand the topie i Can moneyhappinecsa? For someone think thatCNMH(happinFYHmoney is the source of happines, and othen think money isevil, what about your opinion? The partieipunts were required to write noAccording to analysis for table 1 and table 2, we can get the- 306科技信息0外语教研OSCIENCE & TECINOLOGY INFORMATION2008年第32期conclusion that when the student writers were controlling their writing organizing, text -generating. and proces - controlling These activities areprocesses; they were most likely to think in their first language. When connected with linee and bidirectional arrows. indicating no rigidthey were consideringthe content and the organization of thesequential order among individual composing activitiesthe recurnsivecomposition, they might use both their first and second language, though nature of wring.the first language was still prefenable. However, these wrilers tended toThe lask-examining activities can occur before and during drafting.use more 12 than LI when they were constructing sentences and writers first read the writing requirement and analye it for an accuraleresponding to the wmiting tasksunderstanding .The idea -generating and idea- organizing activities oceurL1 thinking and English proficiency levels. English proficiencyin the initial planning stage andor during writing. These two composinglevels can infuence L1thinking? Please look at table 3activities are drawn in the lliseses and this means LI use dominales inthese intances.freshmansophomore2.12 thinking increasing with the writer's I2 develpmentSone people hink tht money iFor some proplrs nrepororThis research also found that the higher -level writens tend tohavea lot of money, youcan g| money they can gain loyaly. pumerdepend less ofen on the LI than the lower-level witers. 12 writers willadopt less and lee LI for generating text 88 they become more and moreproficient in their L2. In addition, the way writers generate text changeswith L2 development: less profcient writers consiruct sentences throughn the oher side of the spectrum.|Su-.So the development of ability for L口text consiruction could be anitingcontinuum, beginning with the LI -10o-L2 translation pattem and endingwith the direct L2 construction pattem.Limitations of researchThere are some limitations in the design of this study. First, theduring the summer holidays. For it is too hot so that Bome students can'tfinished the witing patiently, B0 perhaps the result has eror in somemeaning lie with our eforts.| buy happineextent. Another limitation is the partcipants come from diferent classea,80 we can't know about their English proficiency on the whole. ToBy the comprison of the writing of yeer1 and year two, wecan get conclude, we have tried our best to do the study and hope it couldthe concluion that English proficiency will infuence LI thinking .The becomne a useul pert of future sudy.freshmen are more likely to depend on LI thinking; they often uBeChinese to organize and think about sentences and then translated them[Reference]into English. However, year two students use less LI thinking and even[1]Cuo and F. ls, A dynamie rearch into u influence on L2 writing XiandaiWaiyu 1997, (78):30- 38.completely 12 thinking[2]Chen hui, A research on Chine thinking imfuencing English writing 贝ConclusionJourmal of Univenity of Science and tchnology of Suzhou, 203.4):134 -136.1.English writing has bilingual characters.[3 ]Cunning, A wring expertise and second language proficiency [0 LanguageThis reearch shows English writing has bilingual charater. inLeaming 1989, (39):81- 141.other words, in the procese of writing students often combine LI thinking [4]Wang Wenyu and Waung Lilei, L2 writing research : ten yean' retropectionand 12 thinking, which is a great character of English writing Like the and expectationJI, Foreigp Language Word, 20043)51- 58.Hayes - Flower model of LI writing, this tentative 12 composing process [s ]Cumning Mealinguitic and ieainal thinking in econd langunge corpoingWitten Communcaion 1990.,7: 482 - 511.processor, and the writer's long -term memory. The tank environment[6]Wen Qiufang. LI use in the 12 composing procas: An explonalory study of 16includes the input for the witing task, and the output, ie, the textChinere EFL. wrien M Joumal o second language witing 20212/1225-2 -246produced so far.The composing procesor, the second part of the model, depicte 12作者简介:越洪娟。山东雄坊人。青岛科技大学外国语学院助教,主要从事writers’ mental activities during the composing process. Based on varous美议对比与翻译研究。aspects of writen' concems, the prent model idenifie five categorniesof composing activities, i.e., task -examining. idea -generating, idea -[责任编辑:张新霄](上接第283页)是和谐社会的特征之- - ,实现社会公平需要从社会整[1]王岩.试论社会 主义市场经济条件下的集体主义重构.《哲学研充)2003年第体利益出发建立合理的利益协调机制.对社会成负的基本生活权利给[21<邓小平文选)第2卷第175页。予保障。1993 年.党的十四届三中会会通过的(中共中央关于建立社[3]王搬芹论社会主义市新经济条件下集体主文遭德原则的有关问题.《社会科.会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》把建立社会保障制度作为社会主义市场经济基本框架的五个组成部分之一,明确了我国社会保障体03 +文化信医制江西村会科。200年第4期、系的基本内容。2005年以来,我国社会保障制度发展进入统筹城乡、财政" <光明H报)2008全面覆盖综合配套统一管理的阶段,使全体社会成员享受到集体主年10月中国煤化工又的共同利益,促进f社会公平。年10月综上所述,集体主义的原则贯彻于:十年来的改革过程,表明改YHC N M H G.研究方向:历史、马暂、德革开放的伟大事业始终坚持社会主义的方向, C[参考文献] .[责任编辑:张麓]30
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