Analysis on the English language Teaching Analysis on the English language Teaching

Analysis on the English language Teaching

  • 期刊名字:科技信息
  • 文件大小:384kb
  • 论文作者:曹悦
  • 作者单位:沈阳工程学院
  • 更新时间:2020-11-22
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科技侑息0外语论坛OSCIENCE. & TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION2009年第13期Analysis on the English language Teaching(沈阳工程学院辽宁沈阳110136)CAO Yue(English Department Shenyang Institute of Engineeing,Shenyang,Liaoning 110136 China)[Abstract]This article analyzes the kind of English we should teach in school under the world globalization, whether we should teach theStandard English or non- -etandard English. Finally, generate the discussion between teaching standard and non-standard variety of English not only inChina but also other ESL and EOL countries.[Key words)Standard English;English language teaching;VretiesTalking about the issue of teaching standard variety of English is a English is鹤the second or foreign language, there is the acknowledgmentbit intricate and complicate. For I believe that we must consider the fact that English will be taught by nonnative- -speaking teachers to nonnative-that most of English users, as Strevene (1980) reports, u8cs it witha ltte Bpeaking leamers for the sake of communicate chiefly with non -nativerit local varieties with loeal accents, they are the bilingval or speakers. That is to say, for a large proportion of user, English is notmultilingual population of English. Things are no longer like whattaught or leamed to direetly deal with native speakers of the inner circle,happened in the period of time when English was the language of limitedbut as a means to facilitate people of dfferent nations and diferentnumber of people.language to communicate, and exchange information and knowledge, andIn this case, like professor Kachru the most straightforward defender it is mostly used in the domains, such as intermational trade and tourism.of teaching a diferent variety of English in diferent cultural context, It is the time for inner circle people to aware that there are manyretorted the Quik's point of view that in the Outer and Expanding applicable varieties of English which can be taught, and we舶nonnativecircle, on both cultural and linguistic base, local traditions and cultural users of the language do not need to behave and pronounce likevalues are basically conveyed via English (Kachru, 1991, eitied inAmericans or British in order to state that we are efective uers of theJenkins, 2003, p. 63). It i the most efective approaches for language (eitied in Kachru, 1992).communication.Therefore, we say that different varieties of English should be taughtEnlarging the lexicon of the English language, in diferent social and under certain cultural context. It is propitious to show culural identity,cultural contexts, many new words are gaining position in curent use of and lead to a greater understanding of other culures, more important, itthe language. For instance, the word mosquito is a Spanish word; bouquet is more suitable for the situation of English learmers in the outer andis borrowed from French; and philosophy is from Greek vocabulary. ltappears to be like Cryetal (1997) reports that while borrowing words fromother languages and culture, English is a language which virtually similar maintain his poeition for a long time. In this case, we should give a clearto a seponge, that absorbing all needed words and expressions from other understanding of the spreading usage of the language, the purpose welanguagee. And we should see this 8 the ilustration of the flexibility of leam English for, and teaching and learming our own variety of it, tothe language and to enrich its word resources (Svartvik, 1985).make the language a better serve for our culture, and ty to benefit fromIn this Bense, Kachru (1992) argues that teaching intematinal the English language.vareties of English not indicates to raises barier of the interactions; onthe contrary, it helps people from different parts of the world to[References]communicate with each other and facilitates the understandings among [1]Jenkime, J 2003. Wold Englishes: A reource book for etudente. London:nations. There could be some local vocabulay and expresions or certain Rouledge.diverse of pronunciation. However, the erammar and vocabulary of[2]Strevens, P. 1980. Teaching English“an itermationl language: from practiceEnglish are taught and learned practically devoid of any variablesto prineiple. Oxford: Pergamon Preso.[3]Crystal, D. 1997. English a a goboal language. Cambridge: Cambridgethroughout the world (Kachno, 1992).Univenity Pres.Moreover, teaching different varietiesEnglish helps to, as Cryetal[4]Kachru, B. 1992. The other togue: English necro culhure. Urbane Univenity1997) concludes that, articulate our national identitie. Under theof Ilinois Pres.atmosphere of globalization, boarders between nations are growing more [515vartri, J 1985. "Comment on Kschr, B. "Standardn, cdlifieation andcomplicated. :than before, thus grealy inluene the maintenance of oioingnisioi ralin: the Engish lunguage in the outer crle". In R. Quid, &various cultures; in this case, teaching varieties of English redound to the H. G. Widdowmon (Eda) English in the world: Teaching and learming the langusgepreservation of various cultural traits.and lientures (pp 33 34). Cambridge: Cambridge Univensity Prese.Furthermpore, Kachru (1992) state that the purpose of curent usesof English around the world playe an inmportant role in the teaching of[责任编辑:张艳芳]different varieties of the language. He ilustrate that in the world which中国煤化工(上接第178页)4.结束语期存在.MH.C N M H G面的密切关注和高度重贫困生心理问题是- -个复杂的、综合性的问题,需要国家学校、视,并采取可行措施认真加以落实 ,贫困生间题定会得到逐步解决和杜会以及贫用生本人作出努力,多管齐下,调动各方面的积极性,用系统工程的原理加以分析和解决。贫困生心理问题在- -定时期内还会长[责任编辑:汤静]
