Design of Coal Mine Integrated Automation System Based on NetLinx
- 期刊名字:中国矿业大学学报(英文版)
- 文件大小:414kb
- 论文作者:DING En-jie,ZHANG Shen
- 作者单位:College of Information and Electrical Engineering
- 更新时间:2020-06-12
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Journal of China University of Mining TechnologyVol 13 No. 2Design of Coal Mine Integrated AutomationSystem Based on NetlinxDING En-jie(丁恩杰), ZHANG Shen(张申)College of Information and Electrical Engineering, CUMT, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221008, China)Abstract: A network structure of coalmine integrated automation system based on NetLinx was proposed. Thefeatures of three-layer-network structure were discussed in detail. The mechanism of time determination of thenetwork was analyzed. a design example of the integrated automation system for a real coalmine was presentedKey words: integrated automation; field bus; network; databaseCLC number: TN 915 Document code: A Article ID: 1006-1266(2003)02-00154-05The main production process of coalmine. and decreases the reliability of the whole systementerprise includes a series of taches, such as Because of the separated features of each system, itmining, tunneling, ventilation, air pressing, is difficult to optimize the operation anddraining, lifting, power supplying, refining and management of the coalmine and it also cannotshipping. To ensure safe production of match the request for integrated production of coalunderground, it is necessary to build different mine. To solve the problem the only way is to buildmonitoring andsystem (IAs)communication systems. The systems usedWith advanced network techniques andunderground are integrated monitoring system for theories, the principle of designing an integratedwork face, underground environments monitoring automation system based on Netlinx is to connectrolledcontrolling system, ventilation monitoring and uniform integrated network platform structured bycontrolling system, power supply nets monitoring three-layerwithnetworkand controlling system, binding pipe gas monitoricommunication and database. NetLinx is a kind ofsystem, convey system controlling, stratum open network system, which includes, three-layervibration audio monitoring system, etc. Except open network techniques: Ethernet, ControlNetdispatching telephone communication system, there and DeviceNet. Taking Jining 3"coal mine as anso severral other commed example, we designed a integrated automationnd, such as carrier phone system, system based on NetlinxinductiveDesign of Information Layercommunication system, radio communicationsystem, paging phone system, etc. Up to nowMine Iasthese systems are independent to each other. eachnformation layer adopts industrial EtherNet/system has its own transmission cable and medium. IP, which connects ControlNet through surfaceThe information cannot be integrated for gateway to build a monitoring and managementapplication. As a result, it costs multi-investment of applictransmission cables, increases maintenance work industHH中国煤化工P,viz. Ether NetCNMHG, Is arReceived date: 2003-07-10Biography: DING En-jie(1962-), from Qingdao, Shangdong Province, Doctor, associator, engaging in the research on computer basedDING En-jie et al.Design of Coal Mine Integrated Automation System155network standard developed from commercial and open properties. But commercial databases areEthernet. It uses the communication chips, physical difficult to match the demand of real time controlmedium and TCP/IP sets. Control and information Not only to satisfy the real time property of dataprotocol (CIP)is embedded into its application layer access and processing, but also to keep its standardin order to realize real time control, network and open property, coal mine IAs uses SQL Serverconion and data sampling. Fig. 1 gives the as a database platform. and on the platform, a realnetwork structure of information layertime database managing system (RTDBMS ) isEtherNet itself is not an ascertainable network. developed to manipulate real time data in memoryIt is due to its medium access model and the capable Fig. 2 shows the access process of coal mine IAsof conflict existence. But with the help of Ethernet database User's program can visit memoryswitching technique the possibility of data conflict database only through RTDhas been decreased dramatically. The capability of Server commercial database, user can access thedata transmission has been increased greatly on the database using Structure Query Language or usingEtherNet. Otherwise the data from switch is ODBC interface or through RTDBMStransmitted duplex to decrease the data conflictApplicationfurther. Therefore in the design the switches are4 RTDBMSused instead of hubsThere are two servers to store and retrieve dataSQL server for NTRAMand to manage the database They backup eachother to enhance the reliability of database. TheFig. 2 Coal mine IAs database access processgateway server takes the charge of connecting withthe intranet of the mine and the company2 Coal Mine IAS ControlNet designThe main control systems use two terminals tobackup each other. When one breaks down, theCoal mine ias ControlNet network, shown asother can start automatically to prevent data from Fig. 3, is divided into two parts, undergroundlosing or from unwilling controllingnetwork and surface network. NetLinx is adoptedTwo engineering workstations are used toin ControlNet. Shield fire resisted optic cable is usedconfigure and modify the network and subsystem.communication medium. There are 31ControlNet connects with industrial EtherNetsubstations divided into three kinds undergroundvia surface gateway to realize the sharing of theand 12 stations with two kinds on the surfaceInformationServerlNetworkFromCoal washeryTracks posiFrom surface gateway口,Egrworkstation 2中国煤化工Operator stationFig. 1 Coal Mine IAS information layer network structureCNMHGStructure of integrated automation systemIn the design of database in coal mine IAs, thein Jining No. 3 Coal Mincommercial database is used because of its standardsFig 3 CoalIAS ControlNet structure156Journal of China University of Mining & TechnologVol 13 No. 2ControlNet is a kind of open, high speed real3)ControlNet MAC frame structureme industrial control network. The main purposeFig. 5 shows ControlNet MAc frameof the network is to solve the high speed real time structure Each MAC frame is composed of headercontrol problem in factory controlling. ControlNet starting symbol, source MAC ID, 0--510 bytesupports intrinsic safe, therefore it is veryble data in data link layer, CRC and end symbol. Asfor coal mine underground use. The technical pointed earlier, each node can only send one MACcharacteristic of ControlNet is listed as followsframe in the time of nut. It can include o to1)ControlNet medium access techniqueseveral data packets. The Mac frame is calledIn most cases there are two kinds of data in empty frame if there is no data in MAC. Eachcontrol systems, real time control and I/o data and packet in MAC can reach every nodes in thenon time limited data(such as program downloadnetworkIt is hoped that control and I/o data are notaffected by non-time limited data. Generally it isLamble delimiter MAC ID 0-510 Bydes crc delimiter Irealized by assigning different priority to the data inorder to ensure the real time transmissionControlNet uses CTDMa technique to processControlNet MAC frame structuremmunication medium access. CTDMA re-divide4)Producer/ consumer communication modelthe network bandwidth resource according to theProducer/consumer communication model isimpendency of the time of daproposed to solve the problem of source/ destinationreserved a bandwidth of real time data for each point to point communication model. It can performnode. The bandwidth is called planned bandwidth. not only as p to p communication, but also as groupBandwidth is time certain and periodic. The and broadcast communication. In the producer/emailIngconsumer model, each node decides if receiving theNon-planned bandwidth is assigned on demand data by tag instead of source/ destination address.instead of reserved for some nodes. Non-planned Therefore the data packets transmitted in thebandwidth dose not affect the transmission of network can be received by several nodes. It isto the benefit for the data synchronization, adjustingmechanism ControlNet realize ascertainable real time controlling of the network and enhancing the realdata transmissiontime ability and usability of network bandwidth2) The definition of CTDMA2. 1 Underground network designThe definition of CTDMa is given in Fig.4The center of underground optic cableNUT is refresh time in the network, that is, the companied with underground gateway is located attime between two-planned bandwidth. NUT=0. the central transformer station according to the5-100 ms. In the time of refresh of NUT, each direction of mining tunnel the underground cable isnode has a chance to send data. Each node shares divided into 4 ControlNet rings, that is east ring,the non-planned bandwidth in robin method. In the west ring, north ring, and 16th mining area ringprotection bandwidth, the information of network Underground monitoring systems are connected tomaintenance and correspondent are transmittednearby ControlLogix substation via DH + andtransmit to the surface through ControlNetIn east ring there are east belt convey control中国煤化工CNMHGtransformer andFig 4 The definition of CTDMAdrainage substation, west mining area transformersubstation, and 4 safe monitoring substations.DING En-jie et aL.Design of Coal Mine Integrated Automation System157In north ring there are central transformer and cablemain tunnel is broken or otherdrainage substation, west belt convey control communication defect occurs the managementsubstation, north belt convey control substation, software in ControNet will reroute and communicate4th mining area transformer and drainage along auxiliary tunnel. Therefore the ring structuresubstation, and 6 safe monitoring substationitself is a kind of redundancy networkIn 16th mining area ring theere are16thIn addition, ControlNet supports mediumarea transformer substation, 16th mining area redundancy to enhance the reliability of the system.drainage substation, 16th mining area gateway, But this method is influenced by distance, and16th mining area belt convey control substation, should consider the application environment andand 16th mining area work face substationconditionUnderground main network goes up to surfacethrough underground gateway and connects with 3 Design of DeviceNet in Coal Mine IASsurface gateway. Through surface gateway thenetwork connects with switches and further moreDevice Net is a kind of iso network It is basedenters the etherneton CAN technique and embedded CIP protocol of2.2 Design of surface networkNetLinx in its application layer. Can provides theThere are 11 substations in the surface base layer easy, quick and economic communicationControlNet network. They are two ventilation method CAN has faster response time Its 8 bitssubstations, air pressure substation, main well data packet is more suitable to send a few data, butlifting substation, auxiliary well lifting substation, need node response speed, real time, and reliabilitysurface combining pump and water proceBut construction Device Net is based on thearea transformer development the wide use of intesubstation,workiarea transformer executors and equipments. According to thesubstation, 3 working area transformer conditioncoal mine undergrounsubstation, boiler substation, water process and difficulty to use device Net widely underground. Butheating nets substation, living waste water and rainhave devicewater processing substation. These substations can interface, such as frequency variety controller andbe with controller or without controller according to motor soft starter of AB company. They can bethe demands. It can enhance the ratio of function to connected with Device Net directly. Some devicesprice and ensure the advanced ability and reliability.have intelligent control function and communicationSurface main network is connected to switches interface, they can be connected with Device Netvia surface gateway, and further more enters into through an interface.industrial ethernet4 ConclusionCoal refining factory and surface transformerstation are directly connected to the dispatchingThe situation of coal mine automation iscenter ethernet via surface switchesanalyzed in the paper. The characteristic of threeAlthough Fig. 3ially designed for Jining layer network is discussed. Based on the analysis a3coal mine, it is also suitable for all shaft mining design of integrated automation network for a coalcoal mines. The only differences are the numbers of mine is given. It is pointed out that using ringsubstation and the mining direction. The structure in coal mine underground is more suitablemonitoring contents are almost the sametha中国煤化工 ollIty. I he worK oThe ring structure is adopted in mine IAs theical meaning forshows as Fig. 3. The purpose of ring structure is to infoCNMHGawgn and rebuilding ofenhance the ability of anti accidents. When the optic shaft coal mine158Journal of China University of Mining TechnologyVol 13 No. 2References[]邬宽明.CAN总线原理和应用系统设计[M].北京航空航天大学出版社,2000.18-32[2]丁恩杰,煤矿井下光纤综合传输系统关键技术的研究[D]徐州:中国矿业大学信电学院,1992.[3]张申,煤矿井下ISDN网络结构及其无线接人关键技术的研究[D].徐州:中国矿业大学信电学院,2001.5[4]张申,丁恩杰,黄平,等,煤矿环形综合业务网中路由算法的研究[]中国矿业大学学报30(2):188-190.[5]丁恩杰,张申,武增,煤矿井下综合业务数字网设计[].电信科学,2003,19(7):6-10(Continued from page 153)References[1] Moe Z Win, Robert A. Scholtz. 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