Sustainable development of coal cities in Heilongjiang province based on AHP method
- 期刊名字:矿业科学技术(英文版)
- 文件大小:297kb
- 论文作者:Zhang Yupu,Sun Yongbo,Qin Jian
- 作者单位:School of Management,College of Economy and Management
- 更新时间:2020-06-12
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Intermational journal of Mining Science and Technology 22(2012)133-137Conterts lists available at SciVerse Science Direct$56 International Journal of Mining Science and Technology FTELSEVIERjournalhomepagewww.elsevier.com/lacate/iimstSustainable development of coal cities in Heilongjiang province basedon ahP methodZhang Yupu., Sun Yongbo b, Qin Jiangbo bCollege of Economy and Management, Heilongjiang institute of Science and Technology, Harbin 150027, ChinaARTICLE INFOABSTRACTThe sustainable development of coal mining cities in Heilongjiang province has important efferevised form 14 June 2011economic stability and development of Heilongjiang. Northeast China, and China at large.ccepted 8 July 2011he sustainable development evaluation system of coal mining cities in Heilongjiang proviAvailable online 20 March 2012on the analytic hierarchy process(AHP)method combined with operational and scientificing Saaty's 1-9 scale method to construct the judgment matrix from five aspects, such as economicdevelopment and environmental quality this paper establishes the comprehensive evaluation index sys-nalytic hierarchy process (AHP)tem of sustainable development of coal mining cities in Heilongjiang province, including comprehensivindex of industrial economic benefits and the contribution rate of science and technology. in addition,using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, a comprehensive evaluation is made on the indices ofEvaluation index systemthe four major coal mining cities of Heilongjiang. The result shows that the coal mining cities are not betare the most important indices of the targeted layer influencing the sustainable development of coal min-ng cities of Heilongjiang and their index weights are 0. 4358 and 0. 2844, respectively. These two indicesinduding comprehensive index of industrial economic benefit and the ratio of environmental protectioninvestment to gDP are the key elements influencing the two aspects.B 2012 Published by Elsevier B V on behalf of China University of Mining Technolog1 Introduction5]. Foreign literature on sustainable development of coal miningcities focus on the factors of organization and corporate gover.Chinas national 12th 5-year plan proposes to revive the China nance, while domestic interests fall in transformation and continnortheastern old industrial bases. and promotes the transforma- uous establishment of industries. This paper makes evaluation ontion development in resource-exhausted areas, Heilongjiang prov- the major coal mining cities of Heilongjiang based on sustainablence is enriched with coal resource. The four major coal mining development evaluation index system of coal mining citiescities of Hegang, Jixi, Shuangyashan, and Qitaihe have their owndevelopment advantages. They have rich coal resource whose re-serves account for 90% above of Heilongjiang's mineral resources, 2 AHP principle and stepsHowever, restricted by the traditional development pattem, theproblems of low coal resource utilization rate and imbalanced 2.1. Hierarchical structureindustrial structure of Heilongjiang province are hindering theelopment process[1-31Based on thex problems areMany coal mining cities in the world have proposed sustainable decomposed into component elements, whose attributes are sub-development plans. But, to what sustainable extent do coal mining divided into several groups, which form the hierarchical structureop, and what are the outcomes? All those sustainable [2,6].index issues of resource-based cities are discussedinese scholars. However how to evaluate sustainable 22 Generate judgment matrixof coal mining cities is still a hot research issue[4Two elements were selected each time. andof中国煤化工lr9onmeemas adris union bo: 26. 0m Y. Zhang,CNMH GS[7L2095-2686s. see front marmer c 2012 Published by Elsevier B V on behalf of China University of Mining Technologydoi:101016 himst2012.20Y. Zhang et al/intemational Joumal of Mining scence and Technology 22(2012)133-1373.-2. Static pertinence and dynamic inductionThe sustainable development of coal mining cities is either aprocess or an objective. Therefore, the index system should fullyan·amnreflect cyclic economic development status quo, and system dy-namic change of coal mining cities[11-13.2.3. Test evaluation of judgment matrix33 Representativity and comprehensivity23. 1. Element quantificationIn order to quantify the elements of judgment matrix, Saaty's 19 scale method was employed in our studyand society ofi theshould compreheaspects of ecologicalpal mining cities. In2.3.2. Consistency testIn Saaty scale method.s 1-9 are used to scale the im- and repeating indices [14]pact level of 2 indicesnent. but some scale reciprocalsare circulating decimals and rounding off may destroy the condi3.4. Integrity and relativitytion, and the consistency condition for judgment matrix, i.enon-zero characteristic value Mux=m, furthermore, when theThe elements of sustainable development systems of the coalimportance of elements ij and k are close to each other, expertsning cities are interactive and form an organic integrity, andompare the indices, maybe by bringing the outstanding problem the inter-collaborative and interactive indices are selected to fullythat j is more important than i, i more than k, and then k more than reflect the overall development situation of coal cities [15].J18]. This may happen when many indices are used. Therefore thejudgment matrixes derived from comparison of twa elements may 4. Generate sustainable development evaluation index systemsometimes be inconsistent. So, the consistency test on judgment of coal cities in Heilongjiang provincematrix is necessary. The consistency ratio CR is usually employedin AHP method, as shown in Eq(2).4. frameworκ k of indeκ sysremC=1/C: Emax=S(The index system is based on AHP method. First, identify themain elements influencing sustainable development of the coalCR=C/RI C=max-m3) mining cities, and then determine the sub-indices reflecting themain elements, on the analogy of this rule, decomposing till towhere a is the consistency index, m the judgment matrix orderthe single evaluation index in the bottom layer. A sustainableCmas the maximum characteristic value of judgment matrix, and ri development system of resource-type cities is a gradual couplingthe correction freedom index, as shown in table 1operational system and consisting of 3-layer hierarchical structure.When CR increases, the matrix consistency decrease, and viceversa. when eux=n, CR=0, the matrix is in complete consis-(1)Strategic layer A It fully reflects sustainable developmenttency: usually when CR< 0. 1. the matrix is qualified by consistrend and effects of the coal mining cities in Heilongiiangtency test otherwise, comparison should be made once more, tillprovince, and the overall development objectives of the coala final qualified test is obtained.Ining cities.(2)System layer B. The overall development objectives of th2.3.3. Determine comparative weights of elementscoal mining cities are decomposed to economic develop-If the judgment matrix is a consistent matrix then solving thement system, environmental quality system, resource statecharacteristic value A8=n8, we can obtain 8=(51, 52, ., 8)system, social harmony system, and government adminisnd its normalized results are the weights of elements. Manytration capability systemscholars have proposed other weight calculation methods, such(3)Index layer C. They are the specific elements fully reflectingas upper triangular element method and oLS, and these methodsthe activities of the coal mining cities, 30 indices in totalave their own leading edges in different conditions.4.2 Generate hierarchical structure model3.Principles to generate the index systemTable 2 illustrates the 30 indices of 5 classes in the generateAHP hierarchical structural model3. 1. Operability and sciThe evaluation index system should comprehensively reflect 5.Empirical study of sustainable development evaluation ofthe strategic objectives of the sustainable development of coal coal cities in Heilongjiang provincemining cities, the element sustainability of environmental qualityresource protection and utilization. The index selection should besing AHP method, determined the weights of system layers,based on the systematic research of sustainable development and and then determined the weights of specific indices. Weights offull understanding of coal cities(9-10Iall indices are shown in table 3The index weights were determined based on AHP method, andhen a comprehensive evaluation was made using fuzzy compre-Table 1中国煤化工 efers to the comprehen-ension 1 2CNMHGzY0.0000005809011241321411,45uKuent model is used. membership function employs Cauchy distribution, ieY Zhang rt al/Intemational Joumal of Mining Sence and Technology 22(2012)133-137Table 2AHP hierarchical structure modeltainable development evaluation index system of coal cities in Economic development, Bve index of industrial economic benefitHeilongjiang province, Acience and technology contribution rateof the tertiary industrial output to GDPCDP growth rateEnvironmental quality. Bonmental protection investment to GDP ratioaste water/waste gas emission qualification rate (industry)oal cinder rate of coal 10 thousand Yuan outputResource state, B,Total coal industrial outputSocial harmony. B1Occurrence rate of criminal casesGovernment legal implmentation degreeGovernmenta! legal complexityWeights of sustainable development evaluation index of the coal mining cities of Heilongjiang province.Sustainable development evaluation index system Economic development, B,ndustrial economic benefit comprehensive index. Cr0.18540435800224Tertiary industrial output to GDP ratia, CDP growth fate. cEnvironmental quality, Bzental protection incDomestic drinking water quality qualification rate. C23Waste water/waste gas emission qualification rate( industry ) Caemal cyclic utilization rate. C3roal industral output rate. C3bor productivity. C3000ocial harmony, BMillion tons death rateEducational investment to GDP ratio, Crabors scyears, CaRGovernmental administration Coal development and planniPublic sustainable develGovernment legal implementation degree. CuGovernmental legal complexity, ca0037(1)Decreasing distributionAx)=1/1+a(x-a)x>a(a>0,B>0)wg-YH中国煤化工CNMHGOtherwise,A(x)=1x≤Otherwise,A(x)=0x≤x6Y. Zhang et al/lntemational Journal of Mining Science and Technology 22(2012)133-137Table 4Membership of each index of sustainable development of the coal mining cities in Heilongjang province.benefit comprehensive index, C821006490added value. cindustrial output to GDP, C1u77917077320076082051290estment to CDP ratio, C2a8412omestic drinking water quality qualification rate. c001300(industry.06742laste water waste gas emission rate(industrial added value per 10 thousand Yuan). Czs DB2en thousand Yuan output of coal cinder rate of coal. C2e08163Coal industrial labor productivity. Cu0909708093039111Total coal industrial output, Crate of criminal cases, Cana97407634Medical security index.04858006659Urban registered unemployment rate, Cu0978800384964al development and planning rationality. C,886evel of decision-making capability, C330390200384cFurthermore, those of Hegang, Jixi, and Qitaihe are all under thecomprehensive judgmentaverage level, whose values are 0.8210, 0, 0, 0, and 0. 1236, respectively. This shows that the comprehensive development situationof coal mining cities in Heilongjiang province is not optimistic.Generally speaking, the two indices with regard to ratio of edu-Qitaihecational investment to GDP and labor's average schooling years ofshuangyashan04729Datong, Shanxi is obviously higher than those of four major coal06839mining cities ineilongjiang, whose values are 0.8716, 0. 0.55890.8469: 0.9110, 0. 0. 0.0384. 0.9643, respectively. The economicBased on the membership function, the membership of all sustainable development of coal mining cities is closely relatedindices of themining cities of Hegang Jixi, Shuangyashan, to their educational levels, therefore government should investand Qitaihe are shown in Table 4.ment more into educationThe fuzzy comprehensive judgment was then made based onthe calculated index weights and membership. The results areshown in Table 57. Conclusions(T)AHP-based sustainable development evaluation system is6. Results and discussioncientifc and rational consisting of five aspects of economicdevelopment, environmental quality, resource stateIn the AHP-based evaluation system, economic developmentimprovement, social harmony promotion and governmentalnd environmental quality are the two most important target-layeradministration capability enhancementindices influencing the sustainable development of coal mining cit(2)More attention should be paid to the five aspects, especiallyes in Heilongjiang province and their evaluation index weightseconomic development and environmental quality. howeverare 0, 4358 and 0. 2844, which are significantly higher than thethe comprehensive index of industrial economic benefit andother three ones of resource state, social harmony, and govern-ratio of environmental protection investment to GDP aremental administration capabilitthe two key elements influencing the two aspects, thereforeBased on the increasing Cauchy distribution model, A(x)=these coal mining cities must raise industrial economic bene.1/1+a(x-a)). it was found that the index membership of thefits and pay more investment into environmental protection.four major coal mining cities of Heilongjiang province is signifi.(3) The general sustainable development state of four major coalcantly different from that of Datong Shanxi, with regard to the spe.cities in Heilongjiang province is comparatively far from thatcific index, the GDP growth rate of Datong. Shanxi is higher thanThe ranking order is: Hegang Qitaihe
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