The Process-based Approach in English Writing Class
- 期刊名字:中国校外教育(理论)
- 文件大小:895kb
- 论文作者:秦梅
- 作者单位:甘肃交通职业技术学院
- 更新时间:2020-11-10
- 下载次数:次
研中国校外教育.理论.探秦motivate the students to comment on and evaluate their own writing. chieve through their writing and decide how to organically organize theirAnd also the students can compare their comments with mine. Wherideas and information.adding comments, | frequenty pay more attention to phraseology.(3) The relationship between the process - based approach toStep 9. After I have read the students' second drafts, I write com- witing and the communicative language teaching approachments on their papers. If necessary, I will have a face -to -face conter-.The communicative language teaching focus on communicative pro-ence with the individual to discuss some problems in his or her composi- ficiency and make it the goal of language teaching. From the case ation. This practice is of much beneft to both the teacher and the bove, it is no trouble finding that witing is a complicated process of writ-students, because the one -to -one conversation makes it possible for ten expression. It acts just as a communicative sill, which has beenthe teacher and the student to share ideas and the student can defend embodied vidly in my witing class such as conceiving of ideas, tllinghis ideas by tlling the teacher what he is tying to communicate. The about the ideas and fnally composing them. So, the process apprachteacher can discover the underlying meaning and logic problems which is contained in the communicative teaching approach.may appear in the incoherent context and then instruct the student how4. Revision on the feedback of the process - based approach toto revise.writingStep 10. Select one or two better organized and colorful compositionsIn truth, feedback is one aspect of the communicative languageand let himself or herself read it aloud to the whole class. And then students teaching approach and also is an absolutely necessary stage in theare required to discuss how well it is. AI last ten minutes of this class, I give processof writing. However, a blemish in an otherwise perfect thing isfeedback and summarize. The whole process of writing end.that sometimes feedbacks from peers and teachers may hardly be oper-3. Comment on the process - based approachated just as step 9 in my writing class. The peer feedback refers to the(1) Background of the process -based approach:practice of ltting students review and correct the compositions for eachFor many years, the teaching of writing, to great extent, has been other. Students are asked to discuss the weakness and strengths of thethe product approach- -what the students produce. Product - based drats and make recommendations. Through discussion, they can eapproach focuses on grammar and discourse levels, such as spelling spond to their peer 's drats and this can facilitate their revision. Buerror, thetoric, sentence length or structure and witing qualiy, etc. The students varied a great deal in ability. Uually, the better students gaveteachers with the belief of it believe that students can make progress on- good feedback to the weaker students but got litle feedback in ater they are helped to recognize their mistakes. But opposite to the Some of the better students complained that they can not learn some-teachers 'good wish, the method they use always proves to be both time thing in this way. In that case, the peer feedback may become dfterent- consuming and ieffective. Obviously, this kind of approach ignores from what we have expected and likely flow to form.On the other hand,the process of witing, which the students go through to reach the final feedback from teachers is also hardly to perform, because correctinggoal. By the end of the sixtios, the west linuists bring foward the witten work is very time -consuming, particularly if we have large clas-process - based approach to writing just versus the product - based ap- ses. A face -to -tace talk with individual will spend much too time. Ac-proach. As a matter of fact , the theory was itiallyl invented by Wallace cordingly, the feedback from one - to - one conversation is barelyDouglas, a professor from Northwest University in USA. It is he who writing is a process.5. Conclusion(2) Process introduction on the process - based approachIn short, the process approach to writing has proved very success-The process - based approach is looked upon as one kind of x ful in my writig class. My students"' writing has improveda lot. In my otremely complicated mentalty cognition process and language commu- pinion, I at frst give the students an authentic information and then trynication process. The process entails several stages. So, west linguists my best to develop the four basic sills. The students can practicebegan to map out the concrete operation steps, but they haven 't speaking, reading, listening and writing skills over and again. Thereached an agreement flly. Lannon in his book The Writing Process process approach helps to establish a cooperative environment in which(1981) believes that the process of writing should include three sta- they can finish writing. The students can talk and discuss with each oth-ges- -planning, drating and revising. In China, Qi shouhua in his book er during the whole witing process. The students are becoming moreSuccess in Advanced English Witing (2000) describes inventing, plan- and more self -confident. They are not afraid to express themselves aning and dratfting, revision, editing and proofreading may be contained gain and they are less isolated from each other. Hence, the process -in the process of witing.based approach to witing is exactly efective.But most of them think about that the writing process should includeReferences:five stages- -prewriting, drating, responding, revising and rewriting.[1]Jack C. Richards and Theodore s. Rodgers 2000. ApproachesThe first stage is prewriting. It is obvious enough to show it is importantand Methods in Language [M]. Teaching Foreign Language,for us to study prewrting, which adding considerable success to theTeaching and Research Press and Cambridge University Press.subsequent writing (Emig, 1971; 20). Prewriting is the preparatory[2]John M. Lannon. The Writing Process; An Introduction 7th edativity which can help students relax and estalih their confidence. In[M]. 2000 Longman Publishing Group.this step, there are two basic strategies- -brainstorming and branching.[3)Wang shiha. Peer Review: A Way to Choose [J] CELEA JournalThe purpose of doing so is to show logical relations between and among( Bimonthly), 2005, (28): 56 -65.these ideas. Perhaps, you can wite your topic in the middle of a piece中国煤化工sh Witing [UJ] SLT Joumal,of paper and draw a circle around it. And then think of related ideas andwrite them near the circle. Connect each idea to the circle with a line.YHC N M H G华习策略的科学研究>[M.The ideas are clled the primary branches. In cassroom, when English1998,气象出版社.teacher assigns an entitled composition or raises a question, students at[6]祁寿华.《高级英语学作指南>[M] 2000,上海外语教育出版社.first should discuss in groups and set their goals which they want to a(作者系西北师大外语学院在职)研究生,单位为甘肃交通职业技术学院)6听得数据
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