Analysis on Features of News Headlines Translation
- 期刊名字:英语广场
- 文件大小:454kb
- 论文作者:庞丹笛
- 作者单位:湖北工业大学工程技术学院外国语学院
- 更新时间:2020-11-22
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Analysis on Features of NewsHeadlines Translation口庞丹笛湖北工业大学工程技术学院外国语学院|器Abstet: This paper is blding the purpose of sunming up the tcores and methods baed on may cxmpleswhich dcmostrate principles, features and technique skills in news headline translation. We know that theraslatio of Dews hedics which is cnsiered as tbe eyes and window of news ppears very esenial as marypeople do not have enough time to read the whole text from begnining to tbe end. They tend to browse beadlieis at造first ad then pick u the Dews in which the headline atacts tbem Fom the paper, we can drew a cocusion thatEnglish ncws beadie tanslation is not an casy task, and we need more study and patice to make it beter and doour utmost to help Chinese reders when they are reading Englisb newspapers or magazines.Key words: important role; news headie; caracerisic; tasaion[中圈分类号|H315.9 [文献标识码]A [文章编 号] 10010701202-0029.0001 Introductionits contents and forms. Nevertheless, now the majority ofEnglish-language newspapers tend to use main beadinesTo begin with, this paper intends to give a briefmore frequently.场introduction about the citeria of translation.2.1 From Aspects of Forms and ContentsFrom the perspective of its definition, translationHere, I mainly give a compreheasive explanation of it学consists in reproducing in dhe receptor language the closestfrom four purts as fllows,natural equivalent of the source language message, first in2.1.1 Abstactterms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. As it is .Such headlines focus on the vital points andknown to al, the purposes of translation arc to communicatehighly summarize the main contents and they are mostwith other people, to leam culures of the rest of the worldstraightforward and commoaly used forms of afrmative29and to promote the developnent of our society.sentences.Yan Fu, the educator and translator, an "advanceda Girls Dic in JapanChincse", searching for truth to the west in moderm Chineseb. Taiwan Recognizes Mainland Currencyhistory, firstly put forward the translation standards, "those2.1.2 Rhetorical Questionare fithulesexpressiveness and elcgance."Y严复,A. It predicates something is possible to happen in the1998:13) Faithfuncss means full and complete conveyingfuture.or transmission of the original content and thought.a Oil Price to Rise?Expressiveness means being clear and flowing without anyb. OPEC to Raise 0il Output?grammatical mistakes or confused logic and sense. EleganceB. ltquestions the auetcity of something,.means the use of casical Chinese or English. Take somea Korca Unity in Five Years?examples respectively. “The commuter dies with tremendousb. A Europe“With One Vvice"?mileage to his credit. (E.B. White: The Three New Yorks)c. Police Allowed Jailbreak?In this sentence, the most fithful meaning is that the workingC. Reasoninglife has a remarkable lftine joumey. "From there I could seea Murder on Campus: Can It Be Averted?the wbole valley below, the fields, the river, and the vllage.b. Why Congress Don't Work?It was all very beautiful, and the sight of it flled me with2.1.3 Quotationlonging." N. S. Momaday: The End of My Childhood) WeA Words that people think are reasonable.should understand it in this way, looked down from there, the"We Owe Our Lives to Our Pilot"entirely vlley at a glance, tbe felds, the river, and the vilage,B. Directy quote the original words of the spekers, theall beauiful, really make me be fascinated. In the translationreporters and the interviewers.process, we must keep these three principles in minds,a "We Have to Save Our People”b.“We Won't Quit”2 assifcxdo ofHeadioec.UY中国煤化工C.Uor some wordsThere are various categories of pews headlines fromfrom aticlTYHCNMHG收稿目期: 2012-3-6叮I Have A Dream”World2.1.4 Double TttesMF = Intermational Monetary Fund (国际货币基金组This kind of headline is often for a big event. For织)example:e. MIT's Leader Shape ProgramIt Isn't the Cow Are MadMIT = Massachusetts Insitute of Technology (麻省理It's the People That Are Going Mad工学院)2.2 From Skills of LanguageB. In addition to agency abreviations, there are someUnder the normal circumstances, we use simple orother forms of acronyms.complex sentences, which is the same situation as that ina. No Hope for 120 Crew of Japan Subheadlines translation.Sub = submarine2.2.1 Concisenessb. Universty Entry Hard for Would -be Vetsa. Anything but Bee(The Economist)Vet= Veteran (退伍老兵)b. Battle for Brains (Financial Times)c. Put the Sci Back in Sci-ti2.2.2 TediousnessSci = sciencea It Must Be a Victory on Which Peace Can Be BuiltFi= fiction(The Sunday Times)d. Korea's Exam Anxietyb. Hcavy Losscs Are Reported io Fighting in SouthExam = examinationLebanon and along the Coast (The Sunday Times)Here, what we must attach much attention to is that thespelling of acronyms is fixed, we can Dot compile it at our3 Caraceristics in Headline Translationease.3.2 Artistic ProcessingThe news headlines often use various language sills,Here, we give an explanation of it from the followingsuch as the wording of the use of small words or even somefour parts.new created words and abbreviations. In addition, the use3.2.1 Figures of Speechof rhetorical devices and classics, which make the newsMany beadlines are atative, not only for they are briefheadlines more vivid, atactive and appealing to readers.and concise, but also through the use of various techniques3.1 Wordingof figures of speech. On one hand, it belps to deliver theHere, we describe it from the fllowing two aspects.subtle and hidden information effectively, on the other3.1.1 Small Words and Monsylabic Wordsband, it allows readers to enjoy the beadlines from aspectsIn order to make the words well arraoged and moreof sound, form and meaning. Therefore, when we translate30pleasing to the eyes and also reflect the important contentsheadines, we should try as much as possible to remain thein very limited space, some common small words andrhetorical features of the original languagc, such as metapbor,monosyllabic words have the characteristics of newspun, rhyme, alliteration, contrast, metonymy, hyperbole,headlines.personification, irony, etc, and so that the readers will havea. The Gems of Waralmost the same feeling toward the original text and the targetWe use“gems" instead of *jewels"oDe.b. Dayton Acord Reacheda.“No Bllas"寥寥粉黛诺贝尔We use "accord"* instead of "agreement”"“No Bellas" has the same pronunciation as Nobel,3.1.2 Abbreviations and Acronymsbowever, as we all know, Bella is a name for female. HereTo save space, editors usually use abbreviations and,we use pun to express that for hundreds years; few wormen isacronyms in news beadlines.awarded Nobeil Praise. Besides, the translator uses metonymyA Agencies.when it is tanslated into Chinese.Some important political, military, economical, cultural,b. Soldiers Salary Soarseducational and some other instutions are fequently used inEvery word begins with letter“S", so aliteration isnewspapers and magazines. In addition, in order to read theused.news headlines in a very sbort time, its much more essentialc. Small Business, Big Experience小企业,大经历for us t切kmow sorme important intemnational organizations.Here, we use conrast. It makes readers have a verya. EU'S Future: The Vision and the Slogvivid image,EU = European Union (欧洲联盟)d. A Wow to Zip His Lips誓将守口如瓶b. NATO: Who, Whar, Why?Here, hyperbole is used.NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Onganization (北大西洋e. Where is Owr Money?公约组织)Here, rhetorical question is used.c. OPEC to Raise Productionf. Dam Work Brings Flood of Debate大坝建设工程招OPEC = Organization of the Petroleum ExportingCounties (石油输出国组织)中国煤化工t ne dcate aboud. World Bak, IMF - Do They Help Or Hurt ThirdTYHCNMHGg Greee Bids Games Farewell雅典告别奥运会北京结果五环旗4 Ways in Headie TraslationHere, personifcation is used."Hleadline is a specific demonstration about theNews headline is the first window to help the readers tocomprehensive level of laoguage and literacy skills ofget the key points of the Dnews contents; therefore, the newseditors and reporters. Some beadlines are simple with justheadline boosts its own unique translation feanures.a few words, sorac are lengthy and tedious while some are4.1 Omission of Functional Wordsstraightforward, some are full of art kills and rhetorial“"From the syntactic perspetive, every headline is adevices,.(周学艺. 2003:65)complete sentencc. However, in fact, the omission situations3.22 Slang, Idioras and Literary Qwotationoften occur in headlines. Functionat words oftea omit,]1 adds more interests to readers and looks moreamong which are articies and tbe verb“to be" , fllowed by死appealing to readers.prepositios, conjunctios, auxiliary verbs and pronouns.a. Lame -Duck Presideat: A us Oddity跛鸭总统;美Somctimes, even the verbs can be omited,vithout fcting国奇闻the understanding of the whole meaning" (周学艺2003:66)Here, Lame-Duck is slang, meaning the term of thosea. lalian Ex-Mayor Murderedofhcials whose term is full but not reted= (An) lalian Ex-Mayor (ls) Murderedb. The Liberals' Goldcm Oldies (美圖)自由派的金牌b. Marmied Women to Get Care Alowance老朽们= Married Women (Are) to Get Care AllowanceHere, Golden Oldies is a idiomn, to stirize Americanc. Rail Chaos Cetting WorseLiberals.= (The) Rail Chaos (Is) Geting Worsec.ToAmorNottoAm-ThatisAQucstion(英国警d. No Survivors in Gulf Air Crash寨>选择武器还是不选择武器,这是个值得思考的问题= (There are) No Survivors in (the)GulfAir Crash1 borows alusiou from Shakepeare's matrpiece4.2 Simplifcation of Tenses"Hamletr, the farmous sentence,“t be or not to be, that isa .Verb teuse usage in the headline is simplfeda lot.question"A. Present tense is almost used everywhere, this is aso1. Refugees in Dire Straits (Reuter)another important feature of beadline. "News ofteo talks“in dire straits" is an idiom, meaning "in a dificult orevents which happened just nowc happening or willdangerous situation."happen, i should use the corresponding tense according to3.2.3 Using of Literary ClassicsEnglish grannatial nules." (刘其中. 209:34)Bu in orderWhen we translate news healines, we can ppropriatelyto make the readers feel timeliness, we often use preseatapply some famous poems and sayings which are familiar totense.31readers. It will be helpful to arouse readers' intimacy.(1) Events happened in the pasta. Pride aod Prejudic-Fim Locatin (Geographicala. Jeweler is SlainMagzine)b. 30 Die in the Air CrashPride and Prejudice is a famous book witten by a(2) Events are happeningfemale English writer Jane Austin.SchoolAsk Parcnts for Money Toward Booksb. Farewell to Arms (Tme)B. To use the infinitive to indicate future tease.The aricle talks about the former Soviet Presidenta Pecking to Fire Test Rocket to South PacifcMikbail Gorbachev sugested the former American Presidentb. At Least 5 to Leave Cabinet as Clinto Begins NewReagan completely destroy the nuclear weapon. Here, theTransitionwriter quotes the name of Hemingway's famous novel. AC. Past Participle.Furewell to Ams.(1) To indicate the present situation.c. Liberty is the tue mother of iveation (US. News &a U.S. Car Makers Viewed as Threat by EuropeansWorld Repor)b. Case Probedh sresses the importance of liberty to invention and(2) To indicace the past sinuation,borrows the famous saying "Necessty is the true mother ofColombian Sent to U.S. for Dnug Trialinvention."(3)To indicate the happening situation.3.2.4 New WordsBrazil Elite Forced to Make LoansIn the language use and dvelopment pocess people(4)To indicatc the finished siruation.will continue。create new words as it is needed. So inPetrol Bonb Found ouside Cardif Conservative ClubEngish, Chinese also do so. Hence, when we translateThe statc of the infnitive and the past pariciple in theEnglish Dews beadlines, for those newly created words, webeadlines is of DO dierence with the daily Englisb. We willcan find the corresponding words to replace them in Chincse.understand it when we have a lok at it as long as we haveStgfation in Moscow莫斯科卤临滞涨问题a solid foutrw”detemmie whatHere, stafation is a combinatioao word of stagnation(停kind of st中国煤化工n is mainaly。滞)and infaio(通货膨胀).see the lca:YHCNMHGommon sense.4.3 PunctuationAbstract: Semantic translation and communicative"The frequently used punctuations in news beadlines aretranslation are two stratcgies incommas, colons and quotation marks." (刘其中。2009:47)Newmark's translation theory. This aricle begins with aA. Comma has the same function as“and".discussion on Newmark'sa Woman Kills Husband, Selftwo translation methods, and aims at providing a theoretical= (A) Woman Kills (Her) Husband (and) (Her) selfbasis for the combinedb. Volunteer, Terrorist Killed in an Ambusb (USAapplication of both methods in translation of tour guideTODAY,2006)manuals.= (A) Volunteer (and) (A) Terrorist (Are) Killed in anKey words: semantic translation; communicativeAmbushtranslation; English translation; tourB. Colon is usually used after verbs or to lead quotationguide manualspart, or to substitute verbs or link verbs.[中圈分类号] H315.9 [文献标识码]AMao: We Should Support Third World Counties[文章编号] 1009-6167(2012)05-0032-03= Mao (Says) (That) We Should Support (the) ThirdWorld CountiesC. Colon sometimes can substitute verb "to be".The 2008 Olympic Games were sucessfully held"Chinese Cooks: Masters at Turning a Turnip into ain Beijing, and China was deluged with foreign visitors.Flower" (周学艺,2003:67)The growth in tourism brings an opportunity as well as a= Chinese Cooks (Are) Masters at Turning a Tumip intochallenge to the development of the national economy. Toa Flowerpromote opportunities in the tourism industry, it is esscntialto standardize the tourism market and raise the quality of5 Conclusionourism service. This includes the unifed English translation oftour guide manuals and English itroduction to scenic spotsIn the composition of news, headline is tbe patt andTransating is one of the most complex and creative thinkingparcel. In an effort to present a better understanding ofEnglish news headlines, tbereby helping to find ways toactivities that provides a great sense of accomplishment. Todevelop principles and criteria of hceadlinc translation and theotranslate clealy, efectively and aristically is the translators'deal with the actual problems fftivcly, this paper introduceshighest pursuit. According to Peter Newmark, who rejectsthe criteria and methods of translation, types and functionsthe proposition that translation is a science, translation isof headlines, and provides a comprehensive explanation onrendering the meaning of a text into another language in thefeatures of English news headlines from lexical, grammatical,way that the author intended in the text (Newmark).32rhetorical devices and formns. On the basis of analyzing a greatThis article briefly introduces the Newmark's translationnumber of examples, this paper also summarizes the methodstheory, makes a contrast between tbe two strategies, andof English news headline translation, and intends to guidestudies the combined application of both methods intranslators to reproduce a good headline with conciseness,translation of tour guide manuals. A case study of Eoglishoriginality and atractivess Moreover, metbods discussedintroduction to sccmic spots in Nanjing is provided, outliningin this paper serve to help translators use them electively inthe basis for the use of the combined transation nethods intranslation practice and to enhance the cross comunicationstour guide manuals translation.and publicity of dfferet readers to the outside world.1 Dullsm ofNewmark'sTranslation Theory参考文献[1 A, Orengo. Language and Intercultural Comunication[M].Peter Newmark is a world-famous translation educatorAmerica: Routlegc, 2005.and tbeoretician from the UK. Every student who majors[2] Bobby, Schweizer Newsgames: Journalism at Play[M]. America:in translation should be familiar with his translation theoryMTI R 2010.which was first advanced in Approaches to Translation[3 Charles, Riten. Friting for Broacesting[M] Ameries: Rowmanpublished in 1981. In this book, Peter Newmark has made n& Litefeld Publishers, 2005.马[4] 陈宏微, 李亚丹.新编汉英翻译教程M].上海:上海外语敏育出important contribution to a better understanding of the realnature of translation. A wide acquaintance with the literature版社,2010.[5] 陈明瑶, 卢彩虹. 新闻英语语体与翻译研究[M].北京:国防工业on translation theory, many years of teaching experience and出版社,2006.work as a professional translator qualify Peter Newmark to[6] 刘宓庆 汉英对比研究与翻译[M]江西:江西教育出版社,1991.advance his translation theory, a masterpicce in the translation刃刘其中. 新闻英汉翻译M]L北京清华大学出版社, 2009.field.8] 严复.禾演论[M1.冯君豪译郑州;中州古籍出版社,1998.Difference between Semantic Translation and[9] 周学艺英美报刊导读{M].北京北京大学出版社,2003.中国煤化工_ution in Approaches t0H. C N M H Gof semantic taslation
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