- 期刊名字:考试:高考文科版
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- 论文作者:邹家宏
- 作者单位:不详
- 更新时间:2020-03-24
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高寓偈國难度系数:0.5创绿习口邹家宏关键词高考英语完形填空原创练习Hodgkins lymphoma. Too 13 to write,There is just a small pile of 1 half ai he just managed to 14 the strength todozen cards and a couple of labels from i sign a faltering(摇晃的)“Dady”Christmas and birthday presentsThe girls, who now live with theirCharlotte Matalon produces each of the items i grandparents, carefully returned the cardsfrom her Special Box, which she keeps beside i back to their boxes and 15 them awayher bed, as if they are 3 jewels.for theyre very precious to them. They eachShe looks at the card 4 October have My Mummy Me and My Daddy1996. "My darling Charlotte, "she reads, Me photo albums, which they scan while trybarely needing to look since she knows it by 3 ing to grasp any fresh insight into their par6. "I am writing this card because I have ents,or 16 the lives they hadas a tami-recently found out that 6 I will not be ly.with you on your 10th birthday…”The cards Debra has left them 17 aSix weeks 7 writing this tragic mes- mixture of practical advice for growing girlssage, Debra Matalon, Charlotte's mother i and simple 18 of a mother's love for her8 from breast cancer. She was just 35,i children. 19 those words, the sistersbut she has9 a unique legacy(遗产)feel, was to discover that their mother seemsBefore she died, Debra wrote birthday i to be 20 with them.cards to each of her two daughters, ChaBoth often think of what their motherlotte, now 11, and 10-year-old Katie, for i has said in her cards, "I want you to knowthem to 10 every birthday. It is these i that you have always been very special and Igifts that have helped the girls come toi have and always will love you dearly. ".11 with their terrible sorrow1. A. more than12 they have each received two mes-C. no more than D not more thansages from their mother. The2. A andB. butcouple more cards in their sad little boThese are from their father Alan, sent3. A pricelessB. worthlesshe, too, was in hospital, suffering from non-valuelessD. selfless》高英悟4. A. writtenB. read11-15 DCCAB 16-20 DDBACseenD dated解析:B heart1. no more than“仅仅、不过”,与句中的Djust一词相呼应。 more than“多于”, less thasadlyB breathlessly“少于”和 not more than“不多于”均与前后文D actually不符B when2.虽然礼物少,但 Charlotte从保存在床C. afterD before边的特别的箱子拿出了特别的礼物。8.A.B fled3. priceless非常珍贵的。 worthless和C. leftD. diedvalueless均为“无价值的”之意。而 selfless9. A providedB achieved意为“无私的”。C acquired4. the card dated Dctober 1996= the10. A. discoverBcard that is dated October1996.“被标上C. closeD. untie1996年10月的卡片”。11. A decisionsB. conclusions5. know sth by heart“把……熟记于心”,agreementsD. terms用head,mind和 spirit替换 heart均不表达12. A. Before long B. Long before此意。C. So farD. By then6.妈妈 Debra在给女儿写信时已知自己13. A nervousB. angry在女儿十岁时将不在人世,所以很悲伤。C weak7.妈妈 Debra是在写了令人悲痛的信息14. A gatherB之后去世的。C applyDly因………而死”15. A. takefrom和 fled from…均为“从……逃走”,而C.carryD throwleft from表示“从……离开”。16. A. remindB.9. She was just 35, but she has providedC replaceD. recalla unique legacy.“她虽然仅仅35岁,然后她却17. A combineB express给孩子们提供了一份独特的遗产”。C. hideD10.女儿 Charlotte和 Katie只能在她们18. A explanations B statements生日时才能“打开”妈妈写给她们的生日卡片D impressions11. come to terms with…是固定短语,意19. A Reading B Observing为“接受…不愉快的事”或“从……阴影中走C. hearingD. Touc出来”。evenB.12. so far“到目前为止”,是后文中现在完成时 have received的时间状语。 beforeKeys:1-5 CBADB6-10 ahdab long不久, long before很久以前, by then到高督《鑿那里为止,它们都不能与现在完成时搭配。18.妈妈 Debra给女儿们写的卡片中还13.爸爸因身患重病而身体虚弱,不能}有妈妈对他们的爱的“陈述”。写字。19.“读着”妈妈写给她们的话。14. gather the strength爸爸虽然身体虚20.女儿们感觉妈妈“仍然”和她们在弱,但还是聚集力量来签名。一起15. put them( the cards)away“把卡片作者简介:邹家宏,高级教师,执教于湖北收好”’因为后文为 for they re very precious}省宜昌市夷陵中学。国家基础教育实验中心to them (the girls)优秀研究员,国家级论文评比一等奖3篇,指16c间忆起女儿们看着“妈妈和导学生参加全国英语能力比赛,获国家一、二、我”,爸爸和我”的影集她们不由自主地回}三等奖若干人次。忆起”完整的一家人时的生活。17.妈妈 Debra给女儿们写的卡片中“包责任编辑张丹凤含”很实用的女儿们成长的建议难度系数:0.55完形壤空一则□罗成勇关键词高考英语完形填空原创练习people who could not 5 noticing me阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1一i went to my sons school 6. And he20各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出 would always come and7 me in the col最佳选项。orful clothes. 8, when my son was six,I was a single parent with my son in kin-i he told me quite seriously that he had todergarten.jobs 1 me an apartment, food,Mother, do you have any sweaters thatand child care payment. Little money was10?” I said,“No,Idon't.”for clothes, but Ikept us nicelyOh, I wish you did. So that yon coulddressed. LovingI bought for myself i wear them to my school. "Then he continbeautiful reds and oranges, and greens and i ued, "Mother, could you please only come topinks. And quite often I wore them in mix- school 11 they call you? "Then I realizedtures which 4 surprise to the eyes of i that my attire(E=)(n)1
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