- 期刊名字:机械工程学报
- 文件大小:752kb
- 论文作者:Xia Qinxiang,Susumu Shima
- 作者单位:Department of Mechanical Engineering
- 更新时间:2020-12-06
- 下载次数:次
CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING●376.Vol.16, No.4, 2003ANALYSIS ON THE SPINNING FORCESXia QinxiangDepartment of Mechanical Engineering,IN FLEXIBLE SPINNING OF CONESSouth China University of Technology.Guangzhou 510640, ChinaTBI24 ASusumu ShimaDeparment of Mechanical Engineening.Abstract:. Flexible spinning is a new type of spinning process where sin-forming is performedwithout using a mandrel. Combining shearing and rlling processes, the calculation formulas of theKyoto Universiy,spinning fores in flexible spinning of cones is presented. The effects of the main processing parame-Kyoto 606-8501, Japanters, such as gripping force G applied to the blank by the inner rllr, the feed rate of rllers and theroundness radius of outer roller Fo on the spinning forces ate analyzod experimentally and theoreti-cally.Key words: Spinning force Flexibility Spin-forming Cone(2) In the rlling deformnation region. the plastic deformation0 INTRODUCTIONis caused by both the outer and inner rollers. It is assumed that thecontact stress is equal to each other on the two sides of the blank[3]With the development of industrial technology and the im- because of the small contact area in this region.provement of the living standards, the variety of product is neces-(3) In the pure shearing deformation rgion, the deformationsary for enterprises to win the market competition. In recent years, is caused only by the outer roller. It is assumed that there is onlythe incremental forming process with large. fexibili, which is the pure shearing deformation along the axial direction.suitable for the. various small batch productions, has been inten- 1.1 Calculation of contact areas between rollers aod blaoksively studiede. Conventional spinning proccss is a typical in-The contact and projective areas between the blank and roll-cremental forming process, where only the mandrel is designeders are shown in Fig.2. The contact area S between the inner rollerfor the produer, therefore it belongs to a kind of semi mandand the blank iis related to e, the depth of the inner rller, pressingforming processcs. In order to improve the operating efficiency into the blank (see Fig.1 and Fig 2b).and reduce the cost of such product more effectively, SusumaShima et a|4] have developed the new spinning process, flexiblespinning, where spinning is perfored by a pair of rollers withoutSousing a mandrel. Forming cones by flexible spinning was carriedout as follows (see Fig.l)( Biank1 Roller pathK大Rhearin"Rolling nrea (1)Outer rollerfFait一Inner roller(a(b)Fig.1 Schematic drawing of flexible sinning(1) Rotate a circular sheet metal blank as in the conventionalspinning.(2) The rotating blank is gripped by a pair of rllrs.(3) The rllers gripping the blank move along the same paths the shape of part, so that a required axis- symmetric shape canbe formed.aS1 FORMULAS OF SPINNING FORCESarecomg,十r.(1-sina)The following assumptions are adopted in this paper.(c)(1) The flexible spinning proccss is treated as a combina-Fig.2 Contact and projective areas between the blank and rllerstion of shearing and rolling processes. The total deformationzone is divided into two regions by line oP, as shown in Fig.1,Because S is small, the shapc of the blank near the contactwhere point 0 is the center of the roundness of the outer rllre area can be asumed as a plane, hencepoint P is the contact edge point between the inner roller andS.≈0.5ab1)中国煤化工2)3)[HCNMHGa| piecivcaeReeived January I1, 2002; received in revised form March 21. 2003; acceptedvhere "i讷2; u wH en4 ugental projofSJune 1s, 2003CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING●377.a,b.- Maximum axial and tanganial contat lenghs be- shearing region aretween the inner rller and blankSr2=Sor - Sur(10)f一Feed rate of the rllrs(1I)a:=√e(2r-e)Sor=Sop- Sou(12)b;≈√e(2R,-e).2 Calculation of spinning forcesThree components Fin Fsin Fsio of spinning force P of the一Roundness radiusinner rller are (as shown in Fig.1a)R:一Radius of the inner rollerFsy=Fx(13)According to the platic principle, when contact stres σ be.tween the inner roller and blank equals to K(2+r), plastic defor-Fu =1.483σ,eb,(14)mation occurs, where K is the yield stress of the pure shearingFsio = 1.4830o,ef(15)deformation!. Using Mises yield condition, K=0.577σ,,so in theIn the rlling region of the outer rlle, according to the pre-rolling region of the inner rlle, σ:=2.9660, Sn=F/o. where, 0vious assumption, the contact stess σol between the outer rolleris yield stess of the material, G is gripping force applied to theand blank equals to a. The radial, axial and tangential compo-blank by the inner roller. Hence, contact area S between the blanknents Fsorl, Fsax1 and Fsoa of spinning force F。1 of the outer rollerand inner roller is obtained.Total contact area S。between the outer rller and blank isin the rolling region areshown in Fig.2c. Radial, axial and tangential projctive areas Sor,Forn=Srσ,(16)Sa,Suq ofS areRa=Sσ,(17)Sow≈0.5r.R cosax(4Poon =SoaoS。。0.5r。R,(l1-sina)(5In the pure shearing region, the deformation work则of theSa≈0.5fr(1- sina)(6material iswhere r。一 -Roundness radius of the outer rollerW=1.154π Rnfoσ, cos(a + Qa)R一-Radial distance of the initial point of the deforma-tion zoneSa = arcsi2θ一Tangential included angle of the deformation zone)x- - Half- cone angle of the workpicceR=0.5d。+ zsina +r。cosaWork Wz done by the tangential component Fmo2 of sinningforce Fo2 of the outer roller isb2w2 = 2π RnFo02θ= accswhere n一-Rotation speed of the blankW=Wthusn1=。-f cosaFour =0.577σ,fto cos(a + OQ)b= 2(R。-0↓7 - (ncosB) - rsinβ|+a'Hence, radial and axial components Fornr, Fsa2 of Fo2 in thepure shearing region ared,--Diamcter of the workpiece bottom(20)z一Coordinate value of the ending point of the def-Fsau2 =SarOw(21)ormation zone on the slant wall of the workpiecewhere σov一Average contact stress in the pure shearing regionRadius of the outer rollerbetween the outer roller and blankInsaling angle of the outer rollereFxz_ 1.154s.ft. cos(ax + Da)Radial, axial and tangential projective areas Sort,Sal, Som offr(1-sina)-La。contact arca Sou between the outer toller and blank in the rollingIn the actual spinning process, the contact stress is small inregion, as shown in Fig.2c, areSor]≈0.5sa。b。(7the initial positon of the deformation (point M in Fig.l) and islarge near the rolling region (point N in Fig.1). Thus, Fgor in .Soel≈0.5hb。Son≈0.5La。(9Eq.(20) is less than the actual one, and Fxar2 in Eq.(21) is largerthan the actual one, Using two modification cofficients C, C
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