![Correlation Study of Toxicity of Substituted Phenols to River Bacteria and Their Biodegradability in](http://www.cnmhg.com/e/data/images/notimg.gif)
![Correlation Study of Toxicity of Substituted Phenols to River Bacteria and Their Biodegradability in](http://www.cnmhg.com/e/data/images/notimg.gif)
CORRELATION OF TOXICITY AND BIODBGRADABILITY85Eq. (1) and 40% for Eq. (2).REFERENCES100厂. Tabak, H. H. and Rakesh, G..《1993). Prediction of biode-8y= 0.79x+ 9.93gradation kinetics using a nonlinear gIoup contribution method.Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 12, 251-260.R2= 0.7922. Dearden, J, C. (1996). Descniptors and techniques for quan-}titative structure- biodegradability studies. SAR and QSAR nEnvironmental Research 5, 17-26.3. Lu, G. H,, Cheng, X. J, Yang, S. G,, and Zhao, Y. H. (2001).40-Corelativity study on the biodegradation of partial substituted◆benzenes in the river water and strucure parameters Environ“20Chem 20(4), 333-337. (In Chinese)4. Wang. J. L. (1988). Environmental microbiology. Beijing,Higher Education Press. pp.30-31. (In Chinese)5. AIsop, G. M., Waggy, G. T.. and Conway, R. A. (1980).04(5000Bacterial growth inhibition test. J Wat. Pollut. Com. Fed, 52,Exp. BODT24526. Xi,D.L.. Sun,Y.S. andLiu,X.Y.(1995). EnvironmentalFIG. 2. Plot of predicted values by Eq.2 VS experim-monitoring,Bejjiog, Higher Education Press. 82-84. (Inental BODT.Chinese)7. Gerike, P. (1984). The biodegradability testing of poorly watersoluble compounds. Chemosphere 13(1), 169- 190.CONCLUSION8. Jin, Z. G, Zhang, T., and Zhu, H. L. (1997). Biodegradation ofpollutants. Shanghai, East China University of Science andTechnology. pp. 118-119. (In Chinese)The biodegradability of substituted phenols to9. Damborsky, J. and Schutz, T. W. (1997). Comparison of theQSAR models for toxicity and biodegradability of anilines andbacteria from the Songhua River can be predictedphenols. Chemosphere 34, 429 446.using pKa and X"(R'=0.889). There is an obvious10.Moore, S. A,Pope, J. D.. and Barnett, ]. T. (1989).correlation between the toxicity 0og 1/tCso) ofStructure-activity relationships and estimation techiques forphenols to bacteria from the Songhua River and thebiodegradation of xenobiotics. EPA/600/3-89/080. U. S. EPA,Athens, GA. pp. 109-113.steric parameter (4X") (R=0.902). A new QSBRmodel can be developed using log 11ICso and pKa.(Received August 8, 2004Accepted March 4, 2005)中国煤化工MYHCNMHGCORRELATION OF TOXICITY AND BIODBGRADABILITY85Eq. (1) and 40% for Eq. (2).REFERENCES100厂. Tabak, H. H. and Rakesh, G..《1993). Prediction of biode-8y= 0.79x+ 9.93gradation kinetics using a nonlinear gIoup contribution method.Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 12, 251-260.R2= 0.7922. Dearden, J, C. (1996). Descniptors and techniques for quan-}titative structure- biodegradability studies. SAR and QSAR nEnvironmental Research 5, 17-26.3. Lu, G. H,, Cheng, X. J, Yang, S. G,, and Zhao, Y. H. (2001).40-Corelativity study on the biodegradation of partial substituted◆benzenes in the river water and strucure parameters Environ“20Chem 20(4), 333-337. (In Chinese)4. Wang. J. L. (1988). Environmental microbiology. Beijing,Higher Education Press. pp.30-31. (In Chinese)5. AIsop, G. M., Waggy, G. T.. and Conway, R. A. (1980).04(5000Bacterial growth inhibition test. J Wat. Pollut. Com. Fed, 52,Exp. BODT24526. Xi,D.L.. Sun,Y.S. andLiu,X.Y.(1995). EnvironmentalFIG. 2. Plot of predicted values by Eq.2 VS experim-monitoring,Bejjiog, Higher Education Press. 82-84. (Inental BODT.Chinese)7. Gerike, P. (1984). The biodegradability testing of poorly watersoluble compounds. Chemosphere 13(1), 169- 190.CONCLUSION8. Jin, Z. G, Zhang, T., and Zhu, H. L. (1997). Biodegradation ofpollutants. Shanghai, East China University of Science andTechnology. pp. 118-119. (In Chinese)The biodegradability of substituted phenols to9. Damborsky, J. and Schutz, T. W. (1997). Comparison of theQSAR models for toxicity and biodegradability of anilines andbacteria from the Songhua River can be predictedphenols. Chemosphere 34, 429 446.using pKa and X"(R'=0.889). There is an obvious10.Moore, S. A,Pope, J. D.. and Barnett, ]. T. (1989).correlation between the toxicity 0og 1/tCso) ofStructure-activity relationships and estimation techiques forphenols to bacteria from the Songhua River and thebiodegradation of xenobiotics. EPA/600/3-89/080. U. S. EPA,Athens, GA. pp. 109-113.steric parameter (4X") (R=0.902). A new QSBRmodel can be developed using log 11ICso and pKa.(Received August 8, 2004Accepted March 4, 2005)中国煤化工MYHCNMHG
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