Analysis of“Zhen Huan Style”
- 期刊名字:科技视界
- 文件大小:770kb
- 论文作者:王晓妍
- 作者单位:杭州师范大学
- 更新时间:2020-11-22
- 下载次数:次
科技.探索.争鸣科技视界外语论坛Analysis of“Zhen Huan Style"王晓妍(杭州师范大学,浙江杭州311121). [Abstract]A popular TV series in 2012, "Legend of Zhen Huan”ellecting the Harem struggle of Qing Dynasty was broadeasted by several TVstations time aferer tme,obaining high audience raing.With the improovement of the popularity,the" Zhen Huan' s Mania"phenomenenon occurred in manyaspecs.This thesis will describe the structure of Zhen Huan style,and ofer a linguistic account of their popularity in the cyberspace.[Key words] "Zhen Huan style"; Network language; TV media; NetizenIn 2012,TV play series"Legend of Zhen Huan",the most popular one long sentene.The efet of is thetorical expression is mainly relected byin 2012,was broadeasted by several TV stations time aftet time,obtaining its rhetorical format of mild tone.It is a fantastic part of this series andhigh audience rating. With the improvement of the popularity,the “Zhen the play has become a new and unique hit,atracting the atlention ofHuan' 8 Mania' phenomenon occurred in many aspects,which has had many netizens by the unique and antique lines and their literarysweeping popularity in the Chinese mainland over the past years.performances.At the same time.people lamenting the play of language 80This series is adapted from a novel of the same name by Liu Lianzi,much that they are deeply attracted and spontaneously summarize itsnd the story centers on the schemes between Emperor Y ongzheng's language characteristies,and fllo the way the characters speak.Finallyconcubines in the imperial palace during the Qing Dynasty.The pure and this style called* Zhen Huan style' 'is getting fashionable.innocent 17-year- -old Zhen Huan is chosen for the emperor's harem,andTo be honest,I have watched“Legend of Zhen Huan' for twice,whichafter entering the palace,she finds herself caught in the fierce infighting takes me into deep thinking about many things revealed in this TV series.between theempress and the concubines.Realizing that the palaceBesides.I summarize the main features ofl"Zhen Huan Style”To begin with,the characters in the play must say some words tosometimes by unscrupulous methods.With her wits and talents,Zhen fights define themselves before talking.For example,Emperor should say “朕”her way through and wins the emperor's affection,ultimately becoming the instead of" 我”,and Emperess should describe themselves as“本宫、臣妾、most powerful concubine in the imperial palace and ascending to嫔 妾"according to the people she talks with,while Emperor' s motheruparalleled glory and wealth.However,she also becomes a woman with always define herself as“ 哀家”Secondlythere are some fixed from offew true friends at her side,even afer she is rid of all her enemies. speaking," 若....想必是极好地, .....倒也不....Ay.y.youDirected by Zheng Xiaolong and sarring Sun Li and Chen Jianbin, good will be apreiatatd).Thirdlyoverapping. word is often used to make"Legend of Zhen Huan"has been praised as one of the best historical modifications words such as“ 这真真儿是极好的”,which someonedramas in the Chinese mainland in recent years.translated it into a funny way"this really really good enough. "But I thinkThrough the amazing and thilling story,audiences can learn about it can just be translated as"That is really good."ancient Chinese history,etiquettes.poetryand most inportantly,we can acquireIn addition,he network's popular “Zhen Huan style"*also needs a .some knowledge related to the linguistic since we have leamned the linguisticeversal- “a talking"from the,irect expressionproduced owing to the crazy imitation of actors' lines and people summarized speaking style widely used by the characters on the TV series that isit together.t has its own unique ancient language feature.widely associated with how people in their station would speak in thatIn dialogue,when communicating with each other,actors always speak historical period.Think of it as the difference between how the nobilityin the ancient tongue,half text and half white,but the audience can stillmay speak versus the average commoner s vermacular.It is more or lessunderstand what they want t0 express.Lines are sometimes chosen from similar to humor in English that may employ haughty false accents orwith classical literature,combined with expressive interpretation of the speech to give off an air of sophistication.actor,intonation and reasonable manner,proper speaking speed and calm"Zhen Huan style' is not only novel but also unique,in which thedemeanor and composure.audience is full of curiosity and this kind of fresh style has great effectsFor example,the show also features many refined dialogues that on people,epecially among the netizens.They imitate its creation boom,become trending quotes among its followers on the internet.愿得- - 人心,which resuls a time of“Zhen Huan style" published on micro-blogging,白头不相离(I'd like to have some one who can love me even our hairstatus,posts and other major explosion of red on social meda,ineludingtur white)嬡環一袅楚宫腰 ,正是臣女闺名(As my nameHuan,take itliterary,means a beautiful gil with a grace waist)别人帮你,那是情分。不帮你,那是本分(You are blessed if others help you,but they are not other areas,and even many celebrities also fllw the trend.At this point,oliged to.)不偏爱,懂节制,方得长久(No favoritism.no excesses,one will“Zhen Huan style,"along with the television series "Legend of Zhenlas).以色事人,能得几时好(One who savors seduction,won't last.)Huan" has become one of the broadcast network buzwords in 2012. 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