- 期刊名字:大连海事大学学报
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- 论文作者:王维,王新权
- 作者单位:深圳海事局,辽宁海事局
- 更新时间:2020-03-24
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第36卷大连海事大学学报Vol, 362010年6月Journal of Dalian Maritime UniversityJun.2010文章编号:1006-7736(2010)S1009204海上船舶生活污水管理王维,王新权2(1深圳海事局船舶监督处,广东深圳518032;2.辽宁海事局巡查执法支队,辽宁大连116001)摘要:通过分析、归纳、总结国际海事组织对海上船舶生活 v is that污水处理的有关公约、修正案的要求和中国的相关法律、法(1)drainage and othefrom any form of toilets and规以及 MARPOL附则IV实施以来对港口国检查的相关要求,提出对海上船舶生活污水管理的建议,premises( dispensary,sick关键词:海上;生活污水;管理bay, etc. )via wash basins, wash tubs and scuppers located in中图分类号:X52文献标志码:AchAnalysis of marine sewage water management(3)drainage from spaces containing living animals:(4)other waste waters when mixed with the drainagesWANG Wei, WANG Xin-quandefined Above(1. Ship Safety Department, Shenzhen Maritime Safety AdministrationShenzhen 518032, China: 2, Patrol and Law Enforcement DetachmentThere are following main pollutants in marine sewage wa-Liaoning Maritime Safety Administration, Dalian 116001, Chinater:Abstract: In these paper, suggestions are given to China mari(1)Bacteria, parasites, and viruses that can infect marinetime Safety Administration on the management of marine sew. creatures and human beings andhe diseases such as tyage water by summarizing the requirements of IMO conventionphoid, paratyphoid, malaria, dysentery, gastro-intestinal inand resolutions and the requirements for the Port State Control flammation, cholera and other gastro-intestinal infections andinspection of MARPOL Annexparasitic diseasesKey words: marine; sewage water; management(2)Soluble organic component and floating componentwhich has high biochemical needs for oxygen0 Introduction(3) Solid particles deposit on the seabed which can con-Marine sewage water has been considered as one of the sume a large amount of oxygen during their decay processionmain marine pollutant since the MARPOL convention adopted(4)Single or small pieces, suspensoid, and floating parti-by IMO, and a separate annex- Annex iV was set up togethcles that affect the beach environment greatly.er with MARPOL convention in 1973. But annex iv did not(5)High content of nitrogen and substances that cancome into force until the year 2003 for nearly 30 years. In this make water eutrophicationessay issues about marine sewage water will be widely and deep-The pollutants can lead to the communication of diseases ofly discussed to make the ideas of marine sewage water clearer both human being and marine creatures. They destroy the eco.for maritime administrators and issues of PSC inspection of the logical balance and the natural purification process by reducingsewage water management and equipments will be discussed in the amount of dissolved oxygen in water and making the watereutrophication. also the floating particles on the surface or in1 Marine sewage water and it harm for marine en. the water will lead to the destruction of coastal tourism environment greatly .( Customs. 2005)Sewage water can be divided into land sewage water anThere are three main pollution indicators used to measurerine sewage water according the different resources. Here the pollution degrees of water. The first one is physical indicathis essay only concentrates on the sewage water only comes tor and suspended solidity is the main one of this indicator, andfrom seagoing ships under the requirements of MARPOL An- mg/L is the unit. The second indicator is the chemical indicatornex IV. The definition of sewage water in MARPOL Annex which can be divided into Biological Oxygen Demand(BOD)·收稿日期:2010-04-10作者简介:王维(1979-)男吉林长春人,工程师 E-mail: wangwei@s,msa.gov王维,等:海上船粕生活污水管理and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and the unit of both the revised Annex IV came into force to China on 2rd Feb,these two indicators is mg/L. The last one is the biological indi- 2007. Also at the enforcing time China empower China Classicator which is often expressed as the coliform level with the fication Society to carry out the survey of the sewage waterunit MPN/100 ml. these indicators can help people give the vi- equipment of the ships flying Chinese flag and certificate forsual representation of the pollution degree of water.(Customsthem after the ships pass the survey.2.2 Requirements for the sewage water treatment equip2 Requirements of marine sewage water inMARPOL Annex ivAccording to the requirements of regulation 9 in Annex2.1 Enforcing process of Annex IV of MARPOLIV, ships required to comply with the provision should haveAnnex Iv was adopted together with MARPOL convenany one of the three sewage systems approved by the adminis-tion in 1973, but by the year 2000 the requirement of entry in-tration. These three systems are sewage treatment plant, setto force of 50% gross tonnage of world merchant shipping did age comminuting and disinfecting system with a temporarynot reach. So in MEPC. 88(44) the Committee adopted a nevstorage facilities which can hold the amount of the ships navi-revision of Annex IV was adopted and would entry into force at gation within 3 n miles from the nearest land, or a holding tankthe same time when the original Annex IV came into force. As of enough capacity. All these three sewage systems have to bethe main purpose is to push forward the enforcing of thisapproved by the Administration according the requirements innex, so some regulations were revised to lower down the somecorrelative resolutions of MEPC. Annex iV gave neither the efrequirements of to make this annex easier to be accepted by the fluent standard and guideline for the performance test for sewnumber states, such as the gross tonnage and the persons certiage treatment plant nor the standard for the rate of discharge offied to carry from 200 and 10 to 400 and 15, as well as it gave untreated sewage from ships. But they were given by anotherthe existing ships 5 years delay to carry the International Sew. two MEPC resolutions that were resolution MEPC. 2(VI)re-age Pollution Prevention Certificate. All these changes yieldedvised by resolution MEPC. 159(55)and resolution MEPC. 157gratifying results, finally 88 countries and 51% tonnage ratified(55)(IMoO,1976,2006b,2006c)Annex IV, and it came into force on 27 Sep 2003. Also the re. 2. 2. 1 Effluent standard and guideline for the performancevised Annex IVin MEPC. 88(44)came into force immediately test for sewage treatment plantafter the original one, and another revised Annex IV has beenAt first a recommendation was adopted in resolutionadopted in MEPC. 115(51)and finally entered into force on 1st MEPC. 2(VI), 1976, but till the enforcing of the Annex IV itAug, 2005. But this time changes were not as big as thetook nearly 30 years, and circumstance and technology have alrevision for example that the nearest land point etc. (IMO,ready changed so much and Annex IV has been revised for2000,2004)many times. So in MEPC. 55 a new revised resolution aboutSo what made the member States change their minds toe effluent standard and guideline for the performance test foraccept the Annex IV is that the revision was meanly made to sewage treatment plant was adopted on 13 Oct, 2006, and itdeal with the problems which Member States were facing towill come into force for sewage treatment equipment installedThe main differences between the original and the revised An. on board the ship after 1st Jan,2010nex IV were as following: Firstly, more and clearer definitionsn resolution MEPC. 159(55)standards were revised morewere given. Secondly, the scope of application was narrowedstrict than which in resolution MEPC. 2(VI)and also listedThirdly, there was a slightly decrease in the discharge stanonsiderations of testing in detail as many as possible At thdard. Fourthly, the date of existing ships' implementation wend it gave the requirement for the Administration of renewalmuch earlier than the old one. Last but not least the new re-and additional survey and the requirement for the seafarers tovised Annex IV was compliance with the Harmonized System of the familiarization of the use of sewage water treatment plantSurvey and Certification.on board. At last a sample of certificate of the type approval forAt the beginning China did not accept the original Annex sewage treatment plant. Comparing with the old standard inIV, but to the date 2rd noy 2006, China handed out theresolution MEPC. 2(VI)differences can be seen clearly fromceptance document to the general sector of IMO consequentthe following Table 1:Table 1 Comparing of two MEPC ResolutionsBOD5CoD ThermotolerantResidual TestingResolution MEPC. 2(VI) 5050No Require 2506-9 As low as possible 10Resolution MEPC. 159(55) 356~8.5<0.5Date from (IMO, 1976, 2006b)The standard for comminuting and disinfecting system can for type testing and approval. It gave the standard of size of thebe found in Resolution MEPC. 8/WP3, the standard and guide particles after comminuting and the requirement for the result of大连海事大学学报第36卷disinfecting system. Also the numbers of people on board and will be biodegraded by the aerobic bacterium and after sedimentthe relative factors have to be considered to decide the capacity ation the solid and liquid will be separated. The advantage ofof the temporary storagethis method is it can get rid of the organism thoroughly, whileSewage water after being treated through the approved the disadvantage is that equipment using this method usually hassewage treatment plant can be discharge freely, but visible float- a large size and occupies more rooms. Now a greater number ofing solids discoloration of the surrounding water was not allowed ships sewages water treatment plant using this method. Theby the Annex IV regulation 11. If the sewage water has been second method is physical chemistry method, this method main-treated by an approved comminuting and disinfecting system, it ly put the chemical into the sewage water to finish cycle,com-can be discharge 3 nautical miles away from the nearest landminuting, sedimentation, and disinfecting treatment. This2.2.2 Standard for the rate of discharge of untreated sewage method has simple process and small device but it will use a largefrom shipsamount disinfectant and without biochemical process it cannotsewage water has not been treated at all, it can only be deal with the organism thoroughly. The third method is elecdischarged 12 nautical miles away the nearest land, but "the trolysis method, that is to oxidate and disinfect the sewage bysewage that has been stored in holding tanks shall not be dis- electrochemical course. This method has small device and fastcharged instantaneously but at a moderate rate when the ship is treatment flow but it also has a complex operation, high costen route and proceeding at not less than 4 knots "(IMO, 2006a) and the color of the treated sewage not as good as the other twoAlso the requirement and the standard of the moderate rate was methods ( Cao. 2007)given in resolution MEPC. 157(55). In this resolution some 2.3.2 New technology of sewage water treatmentdefinitions, discharge rate, approval requirement, method ofThe new MEPC. 159(59)is more stringent than the oldcalculation and the compliance of rate were given in very detail. guideline and standard, this requires the sewage treatment plantAt first this resolution was just a recommendation adopted on 13 to adopt new technology to meet the new requirements. TheOct,2006. But on 13, July, 2007 resolution MEPC. 164(56), most popular new technology nowadays is sequencing batch reac-a new revision of Annex IV take this recommendation into regu- tor activated sludge process( SBR) technology and membraneLation 11. and the new revised regulation 11bioreactors(MBr)technology.Ist Dec, 2008. Thus this recommendation came to a compulso-SBR is a fill-and-draw activated sludge system forry standard for rate of discharge of untreated sewage from ships. wastewater treatment. In this system, wastewater is added to a(IMO,2007)gle"batch" reactor, treated to remove undesirable compo-2.2.3 Other revision of Annex iv of marpol convention nents, and then discharged. (EPA, 1999) This SBR systemResolution MEPC. 143(54)was adopted on 24 Mar 2006, can fit for the frequently changed quality and quantity of sewagethis resolution added Regulation 13 about the issues of PSC. water. And it also has the advantage of low running cost, smallThis additional regulation gave the port state the authority to occupation, high automatic level and high shock load capacitycarry to the inspection for the foreign ships about the sewage And it can be easily installed on board shipswater treatment systems and clearly claim the measures that theMBr is a highly effective wastewater treatment technologyort states could take to treat the ships or seafarers notwith a combination of biological treatment and membrane sepaance with requirement of Annex IV. This resolution came into ration. The working principle of MBR is toforce on the 1st aug 2007.(IMO, 2006d)terium in reactor to biodegrade the organism in sewage while use2. 3 Technology of the sewage water treatmentBy now the original Annex IV, two editions of the retwage to get rid of the smell in water. This method shareAnnex iv and a series of resolution about the revision of Annex the most advantages with SBR, and MBR is said to be the bestIv have discussed above. But in all these resolutions only type develop promising method in near future. ( Cao. 2007)approval and effluent standard were given, but not any tec3 Chinese national regulations about marine sewageogy and method of sewage treatment were given in the convenwater dischargeIn China there are several laws and regulations relative tothe developing trends will be introduced and discussedthe sewage water from ships such as marine Environment Pro-2.3.1 Traditional sewage water treatment methodstection Law, Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Preven-Up to now there were three traditional methods that people tion and Control of Water Pollution and its rules of implementaused most in the past in sewage treatment. The first method is tion, the regulations of the People's Republic of China on thebiochemical method, in the oxygen-rich condition the sewage Prevention and Control of Marine Pollution Caused by Ships王维,等:海上船舶生活污水管理the Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China on the Pre- from the holding tank to the seaIf the deficiencies were found during inspection the shipetc. But all these laws and regulations did not give a clear stan- will be requirement to make all things repaired and work proper-dard or rules for the sewage management and discharge, they ly before leaving the port. If there are clear grounds to show thejust made requirement in general.ships sewage management are out of control, seafareers are notAlso there two national standard about sewage water from familiar or the equipment out of work seriously the ship may beships, one is the national standard of marine sewage treatment detained. And in every years deficiencies list of Australia AMSAsystem specification, and another is the standards for pollutant and Hong Kong Mardep the ships detained by the deficienciesischarge by ships. All these two standards were set up in from the sewage water management and sewage water equip1980s, and up to now they still just proposal and did not come ments can be found not too much but can be found ever yearsurvey5 Suggestions for China MSA on the preventiond certificate of thewas regulated by the Regulations of the Statutory Survey forpollution from sewage water from shipsNational Navigation shipsFirst of all in the Annex IV or all the MEPC resolutions4 PSC inspection for marine sewage water manage there are not the requirement of the record of the sewage waterment and equipmentmanagement and the operation of sewage water system, but ac-According to the requirements in resolution MEPC. 143(54)coming into force on the 1st Aug 2007 port states can car. system, a good management course should have the plan,prin-ry out the inspection of the sewage water management and the ciple and a good record. So here comes the suggestion to Chinasystem on board for the foreign ships calling on their port. Usu-MSA and shipping companies, shipping companies have to takeally the these inspection can be separated into four steps. (IMO, the sewage water management into their safety management2006d)system and MSa should make rules to guide them to this andThe first step is preliminary inspection, at first psco rules of checkingshould check whether the ship meet the application of Annex IvSecond more reception facilities should be set up by theto carry a certificate and whether the type and model of the government or the port owner to comply with the requirementsequipment is the same with which approved in the ISPP certifi. of Regulation 12 in Annex IV. Besides the sample testing facilicate. After that the equipment appearance and the operation es to test the sample of sewage water from ships should be seThen it comes the instruction ofup to enhancehe ability of pollution prevention and to avoid nonthe operation, pipe arrangement, and symbol of waves andproperpipes. If all these items are satisfactory that illustrate sewage onAt last there should be more smooth communication chan-his board maybe under well management and the equipmentnels between MSA PSCo and CCS about the approval of theoperating normallysewage water equipment. During ships flying Chinese flag in-The second step is operational inspection, the familiariza. spection if problems found about the type or the performance oftion of the seafarers on operating the sewage system should be the sewage water plant or comminuting and disinfecting systemschecked in this step, according to the requirements in resolution or there may be some doubts or divarication, at thus time a bet-MEPC.159(55)ter way to solve the problem should be take to shorten the shipThe third step is maintenance inspection, Psco can check detention timethe inside condition of the equipment through the observational 6 Conclusionhole or the dosing hole to see whether the inside wall dry out. IfOverall prevention pollution from sewage water from shipit is dry out that means this equipment is out of use for a long is a very important and hard task to do. It took people nearly 30time. The record of the maintenance of sewage should be check, years to make the conventions about the sewage come into forceough this is the requirement of ISM code not from Annex Iv and they are also kept revising today. to keep a clear mindMAROPL. If the conditions allow sample should be taken after the requirements about the sewage water management can helpthe system operating for half an hour to see whether the result people to take measures to prevent pollution and have certainmeet the standard of Annex IV and the item in the certificate. reference value for prevention pollution from other marine pol-The last step is check the discharge pips to see whether the lutant and national legislationflange is the standard size and whether there a direct pass pipe
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