Economic analysis of freeway town of Yunnan
- 期刊名字:生态经济(英文版)
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- 论文作者:Zhao Junquan,Zhang Haixiang
- 作者单位:Yunnan Agricultural University
- 更新时间:2020-11-22
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Ecological Economy (2009)5:82-90Empirical StudyEconomic analysis of freeway town of YunnanZhao Junquan, Zhang HaixiangXunman Agricultural Universiry, Kunming 650201. P R. ChinaAbstract: Freeway town in Yunnan is driving 10 promote the economic development ties. The development alongthe highway in the town will become the central point of the performance the high-intensive economy in space andwill increase new economic growth point along highway the vertical and horizontal development of the area aroundthe gradient the proliferution Point and Area. The highway town will develop l0 speed up the urbanization procesand China should accelerate the development of the freewuay lown. Eincouraging farmers will shifi ihe highway townwhere some good conditions will build to form a regional economic development and growth. This will be the promo-tion an inevitable choice of progress und rational way of China's rural economic and social prosperity. In particular,freeway town will bring more added vulue of other social services of accommodation and catering industry of wholersale aund retuil of transporlution and warehousing. Highway town and agriculture industriulization development willincrease agriculture industry chain to improve agriculturul products value und will enhance agricultural eficiencyin Yunnan. The concentration of the non-agricultural industries of the speedway town will form pillar indhustriesof highway lown and will promote of terliany indusry development of hotels of insurance of finance of business ofsports of culrure of education of communicutions of transporlation. Rural areas of Yunnan will adjust to optimize theinchustrial structure. It is estimuted that a total 10 consrruction of the highway town of Yunnan will increase 0.8-1 billion yuan revenue euch yeur.Ceywords: Freeway town; Economic radiation; competitive industries; Industries gathered; Around industry,1. Introductiongate goods supply difficulties of traffic congestionof living in crowded of factories concentration ofFreeway town is the basic industries of the na- large urban population density and will aceler-tional economy of Yunnan, and transportation is an ate significantly the city along the road economicimportant symbol of modermization, which is driv-rapid development. After operation, improving ofing economic development to promote economicthe environment of along the urban transportationties in Yunnan. Highway will suffice convenientwill optimize the industrial structure and form newpasses; the prominent characteristics and role of industries of facilitating the exchange of marketeconomic comfortable of high-speed security of theinformation in a timely manner of technological oflarge-flow traffic and changing of road transport the area between the cities. Practice has proved thatorganizations in the way has greatly improved eff-where there are highways where economic devel-ciency of use vehicles at the same time to promote opment is much faster than any other regions. Thethe automobile industry; revolution has effectivelypaper will integrate requirement of governmentpromoted the development of road transport in- departments and will develop utilization of servicesdustry. The freeway town will connect major cit-to promote along regional economic developmenties and towns by expressway and a central role ofthe rule the preliminary economic analysis.the urban economy radiation is very conducive toexert satellite cities and highway town resourcesI.1 The basic function offreeway towndevelopment utilization. Speedway town will miti-The freeway town will rely on the establish-ment the administration planning of freeway andReceived Dec. I, 2008: Accepted Dec. 31, 2008will establish the highway town that is Freeway* Corresponding author.E-mail address:中国煤化工y Indusrial BeltAuthor: Zhao Junquan (1957. ), male, PhD, professor, special-of HFrhe developmentized in ecological economy and regional ecology.alonYHC N M H Gwill become the82ZhaoJ. Q. Zhang H. X. / Ecological Economy (2009)5:82-90central point of the performance the high- intensive 2. The development economic ties of freewayeconomy in space and will increase new economictowngrowth point along highway the vertical and hori-zontal development of the region around the gradi-The theory of factor economy can be used toent the proliferation Point and Area by highwaystudy freeway towns the industrial belt formationand other roads each other. Enterprises of the pillarand the development economic theory foundationindustries have been founded to lead other serviceof freeway towns. In the area of transport lags be-industries of medical, of catering, of consultation, hind economic development, speedway town willof transportation, of commerce, of insurance, of fi- inevitably impel along areas traffic the predomi-nance in gather the vicinity and will form a varietynance to form industries development objectiveof powerful concentration effects.conditions. According to factor economy theory,the industrial belt formation of the freeway town is1.2 Functions ofreeway towninevitable.The formation of highway town is market forc-2.1 Theory of economic growthes intertwined with a concentrated form of a certainarea in a variety of economic power and the role. ItFrom the technical economic conditions, highshould have a certain level of a moderm industriallevels of economic development will inauguratebase in the surrounding rural areas talent showingtechnical and instutional side and a strong abilityitself and will form open relatively independent so-the region development for more suitable produc-cial and economic systems. Freeway town will be-tion growth and development. In the growth, acome the region of a number new socio-economicnigh concentration of talent, information, energy,function of economic and cultural center of a cen-material, and capital will compete with each othertral facilitate the re-optimization of the factors ofproduction. The optimization and upgrading of the1.3 Agregation function offreeway townwhole system will promote a good effect of trans-port and cultural center of information and trade,Conglomeration of highway town is socio-and promote economic production. The majorityeconomic activities correlation elements a certainrural areas of Yunnan is the only balanced wayspace aggregation and the main function willespecially in remote rural areas and will build thegather management factors of human resources, local freeway town of appropriate priority the de-information, technology, materials, and the urbanvelopment to promote economic development ofindustries. The aggregation of non- agricultural in- surrounding rural areas. The use several highwaysdustries and labor of rural areas will utilize naturalin Yunnan has made transport quickly convenientresources and primary products. The significanceand agricultural products fresh. The commercial-of conglomeration is not only the exchange inter-ization of agricultural products has been improvedmediary role of the urban but rural areas produc-to reduce motor transport cost to increase transporttion factors, and the role of more important exer-efficiency. At the same time, agricultural produc-tion will synthesize the birth or upgrading of non-tion has given machinery and chemical fertilizersagricultural industries. The self-enhanced synthesis and pesticides and has speeded up the modemiza-of freeway town will enhance the forces of devel-tion of agricultural production. The features andopment which will have the effect of Impulse Side advantages of highway traffice is higheffective andEconomy and Rich People Side of Built a Townhas not only brought improvements of the structureand Development Group Industry at a number ofof tran中国煤化工noted along thepriority-point economy concentration increases inoptimiand regionalYunnan ".econoYHCNMHGtownhasnot83ZhaoJ. Q.. Zhang H. X. / Ecological Economy (2009)5:82-90only brought the people materials flow but also facturing enterprises establishment of travel of cityfinancial flows of infrmation and cultural. Its eco- population living. Speedway town of the type willnomic and social benefits will promote industrial establish central city to close contact with largeand economic development.and medium-sized cities around the specializationof the network. Most of freeway town should vig-2.2 Role of promoting economic developmentorously develop the tertiary industry to raise thelevel of highway town's economy especially theThe elements in the fields of information,center stage of taking economic construction. Theequipment, person with ability of bankroll andspeedway town in the region of a good economictechnology will be assemble when the strength of foundation is relatively high status that it is neces-economic growth has developed to a certain level.sary to utilize labor-intensive indutries of miningExpressway of Kunming-Ruili of Chuxiong of and other resources of the agricultural productsDali of Baoshan has formed the regional economyprocessing of mineral resources development. Theof Speedway Industrial Belt and was provided a full advantage of the various areas agriculture willnecessary condition of economic development for become a regional development growth point thethe region and other regions. Most of the people direction large and medium-sized cities the devel-in Yunnan has realized Demand Richer and Build opment.Road with Road Operation and Better BusinessLeading enterprises development of the en-by the practice of first-hand experience. Freeway hancement highway town will heighten the com-tone will promote socio-economic developmentpany with farmers business model of the agricul-vastness role in addition to its own advantage. The ture industrialization and will greatly extend thespeedway town construction in Yunnan will impelindustrial chain of agriculture that is not only tothe areas along tourist business of foreign exchange increase the agriculture comparative advantage toof the goods flow of agricultural development of enhance farmers income but the conducive to ex-the resources expansion and along the radiation of pedite agricultural science and technology progresseconomy market formation will give people's liv- to promote traditional agriculture changes moderming standards to improve effect immeasurably.agriculture. The key of agriculture industrializationmanagement can implement the role of leading en-2.3 Cultivating feature superior industryterprises to lead with a base and will carry out thebase even farmers into the market to order the pro-The preponderance of advantage industry is duce various segments coalescent to fom an indus-superiority of the relative a dynamic that will trial chain. Pattern of industrialization of leadingactualize production factors and resources pos- enterprises with farmers is another form of drivingsessing same with a variety of ways by opening functions exertion of highway economy under the conditions. The marketat different hierarchies and in all types is between3. The regional economic development of theever-changing of supplement each other of the con- highway townnection and each other. The advantage of predomi-nance industries is always with generation the suC-The geographical distribution of regionalcession of changes. Freeway town of Yunnan will economy industry is the region economic systemintegrate its own location to foster pillar industries spatial structures characteristics embodiment andand the characteristic superiority of creation will production allocation of industry distribution willdevelop with the advantages of self-competitive decide reasonable industrial layout to enhance theindustries. Highway town of a better environment regi中国煤化工Id output results.the city near can develop industries of high qualityT:sessing economicliving environment and will attract high-tech manu- devTYHC N M H Gcive other regions84.Zhao J. Q.. Zhung H. x /Ecological Economy (2009)5:82-90the difference to form an advantage concentrationrational way of China's rural economic and socialand will lead freeway town regional economic de-prosperity. Especially the highway town of in thevelopment.west of China is not only industry produce scalebenefit but also to promote the development of ter-3.1 Society economic inevitable trendtiary industry.The rise of freeway town is socio-economic the 3.2 Industry gatheringinevitable trend that is also the inevitable transi-tion of traditional society to modern society andPorter in 1998 viewed that enterprise commu-an inevitable rural population migration aftermath.nity was concentrated in specific regions in busi-Freeway town will heighten the income of farmerness related to a group interrelated institutions the process for reducing difference of urban andThe industry aggregation of freeway town is therural of income and living and employment of thepredominance industry the development importantworkers and peasants in Yunnan. The investmentcondition to manifest the form of assembly devel-policies and measures of trade, taxation, produc-opment. The trend of advantage industry aggrega-tion, population, and land will around highwaytion development is the law of modern industrialtone development. The socialization services ofdevelopment important and industrial clusteringpre-production and the collaboration the patternevolution will obtain huge economic benefits ofof post-production processing sales will rely onexternal and internal BI. The advantage of geo-the freeway tone to expand the link between rural graphical proximity of the same trade enterprisestowns and cities and will realize harmonious devel-in freeway tone will utilize marketing and otheropment of city rural areas.activities of joint venture production of alliancesFreeway town in Yunnan will be able to build ato economize the units transport cost. The effect ofcombination of traditional agriculture and will ac-agglomeration will aggrandize the market capac-tualize investment of rural development strategiesity of the intermediate industries availability andand other subsidies measures to increase farmer'swill divide the work the fner with the cumulativeincome. Highway town will actively explore thecycle process. With the expansion of the assemblybasic mode of modern agriculture harmony devel-more local farmer through training and employ-opment and will push the combination of urban ment of foreign skilled workers to atract them willand rural areas. Speedway town will become the form a labor supply adequate regional markets. Thelink bridge between urban and rural area and willemployment management and technical staff ofrely on to accept large and medium-sized cities theenterprise in the long-term will based on their pro-technology radiation of bankroll of person withduction needs in a timely manner to adjust workersability that will be gradually integrated urban andnumber and will reduce wage costs and the side ofrural industrial structure and market system. Thelabor social security.urban-rural gap of the reducing worker-peasantIndustry close correlations are associatedcan get effectiveness of varying degrees. Highwayenterprise related agencies together and are ag-town will accelerate the urbanization process andgregation of industries in the space with profes-will promote the modermization of agriculture andsional features. A leading industry and the corerural.the industry in general will accelerate a seriesChina should accelerate the development ofof innovative activities and will bring along thefreeway town to speed up the urbanization process.development of whole the region and relevantEncouraging farmers will shift the highway townindustries B. The gathering independent of the in-where some good conditions will build to form adustry中国煤化rprises relevantregional economic development and growth. Thisinstitu:ommunity andwill promote an inevitable choice of progress andwill deMYHCNMHGcyofbeneftto8Zhao J. Q. Zhang H. X / Ecological Economy (2009)5:82-90create the organization the form of a competitivesocial life progress of the socio-economic take-off.advantage spatial. The conglomeration of indus-As we all know, Demanding to the Rich, Buildingtry will generated the contacts and incentives of to the Road and Constructing to Freeway, Gettingknowledge of continuous competitive advantageRich Quick is the masses the people the practicesource in a specific area and is the long-distancefirst-hand experience in Yunnan "。The construc-competitors not achieved. A large number of indus-tion of highway town will take the development oftrial enterprises will the conglomeration of related a series production industry and will bring the im-support space agency to form a strong sustainablemensity benefits of regional economic and wholecompetitive advantage.socio-economic generated in Yunnan.3.3 Regional economic development4. Increase around economy of freeway townThe transport infrastructure of currently econo-The impact of the surrounding industrial belt ofmy development in Yunnan can not satisfy nationalspeedway town will impulse the mobile of resourc-economic development requirement and will restrictes of information of capital of human resources andeconomic development in some aspect. First of all,will accelerate the resources allocation optimizationthe relations of partial and overall of better ableto reduce passenger and logistics costs to improvedisposal macrocosmic and microcosmic on cogni-the region along the competitiveness and conducivetion will analyze the microcosmic direct economicthe industry groups flourishing development. Abenefits and a macro socio-economic developmentdecrease of passers-by of the transport costs of thedirect and indirect benefts impact in freeway town.goods the exchange will shorten the production andThe traffic and transport will impact a deep far-sales relative the distance time to impulse commer-reaching influence on the social life development.cial development to hasten the regional economySecondly, the theoretical study of the need to further along the radiation and the transfer of rural labor toimprove the system in theory will build speedwaycities and towns.tone macro socio-economic benefits to improvetheory research method and to investigate the region4.1 Radiation of economic developmentsocio-economic development in highway town,In theory, the indirect economic benefits ofThe region of the relatively high level of eco-freeway town along the highway the surround-nomic development and the modernization willing areas are speedway town building along thepromulgate capital talent of technology of marketregion's economic development role and will bringinformation of movement ideas of thinking waysthe economic effectiveness of the chain. The directof living habits to spread the region's relativelyeconomic benefits and indirect economic benefitslow of the economic development and modermiza-compared is more valuable and extensive.tion. Through further the flow and disseminationFreeway is with science and technology de-will enhance the allocation efficiency of economicvelopment and a certain level of social productionresources to improve the ideas of thinking waysindustrialization achieving by socio-economic de-of people and living habits. With a higher level ofvelopment the objective requirement the inevitableeconomic development of modernization in areasproduct. In a sense, the level of development of and the city radiation the scope will depends onthe highway has measured the level of a country'smore economic development level and more theeconomic development. The higher level of pro-greater the scope of the radiation to impel the entireduction socialization of a country or region hasregion's economic development and modermizationrelied on the speedway transport network and theproc中国煤化工"tions of transportwell-developed highway. On the other hand, the of ra1 decide more therapid development of highway town will accelerate level|;TYHC N M H Ghigher radiation8ZhaoJ. Q.. Zhang H. x. / Ecological Economy (2009)5:82-90efficiency. The distance inversely proportional of town more appropriate rural industries the charac-the radiation power is the radiation power smallerteristic. Rural industries are basically labor-inten-of farther the distance so that the radiation short- sive enterprises and the quality of the local farmersdistance will flow the costs less of natural resourceshas strong adaptability. With the convergence theof market information of human resources of tech-development of speedway town of rural industry di-nology of capital to increase radiation efficiency.rection will attract surplus rural labor transfer to theThe radiation of area will form powerful radia- freeway town while agricultural production specialtion and the core theory of economic radiation is and institutional factors will require us through ex-through composition the huge radiation networkertion the market resources configuration featuresof the radiation of area of string of point. The cor- and the employment rate return a normal level. Therelation region of freeway town of small cities ofappropriate path of the urbanization must considercentral cities will link to play their own radiation the rural industry general and the reality but alsosystem in the market mechanism role and will drivetake the agricultural surplus labor force realizationeconomic efficiency the ultimate force and willthe comprehensive transfer.speed up each level of economic modernizationThe characteristics of close farmers of theprocess. It is clear that the indispensable importantindustry and the space of freeway town of willcomponent of small and medium-sized town of centralize the remaining elements of agriculture tothe radiation network of freeway town is the areasthe small town and will be able effective real non-of population denseness of the majority poor thatagricultural jobs the transfer rural labor force. Withdeveloping speedway town is a very importantthe economy establishment of speedway town willsignificance. The backward areas surrounding the actualize most of the surplus agricultural laborradiation power of freeway town will larger thanforce the transfer of industries.far the major medium-sized cities in these areas ra-diation.4.3 Economy of scale4.2 Economy of labor marketWith the expansion of production scale morespecialized division of labor and more personalAccording to the space allocation law of mar- skilled technology have reduced the stock of indus-ket-oriented resource has changed the agriculturaltrial and raw materials to improve enterprise pro-industry structure to require the transfer of agricul- ductivity. As the freeway town of the commercialtura! surplus labor and speedway town will be buitcirculation center of regional and rural will link thethe space carrier of surplus rural labor that is alsomarket networking of communication of transporta-a practical choice of the current employment situa- tion and will reduce the difference of between thetion. The developing countries of the labor resourc-urban and rural to expand the information flow ofes abundance of China is the prevalence of excess resources technology of goods of people. With thelabor whether urban or rural areas. At present, theelevation of space transitivity of speedway townincome level of farmers is also very low and thewill boost the rural resources effective develop-cultural quality very poor, even if their access toment and will be able to promote the production ofurban life, their economic level can not be settled small to large markets. From the impact extent ofin big cities and their cultural quality will be diffi-the scale Economy of freeway town will achievecult to adapt urban life and work. The constructioneconomies of scale inherent in the form of econo-of freeway town would be to promote the urbaniza- mies of scale and extemal economies. The causes oftion process showed a very important position andintemal scales economics is the realization form ofwill shoulder to absorb agriculture surplus labor the the fac中国煤化工-terprises econo-main responsible channel.mies aI economies isAgricultural surplus labor will transfer freewaythe whMYHC N M H Ge melioration of87ZhaoJ. Q. Zhang H. x / Ecological Economy (2009)5:82-90the industry the business environment will reduce 5.1 Optimization of promoting industrial structurethe individual enterprises the average cost- effectiveand the economy scale will divide technical exter-The professional market building of freewaynal and financial. The scale economies of technicalown will provide an impetus the developmentextermal is the human resources and informationof rural economy and the wholesale market willof transportation of service of repair of the indi-increase the flow speed advantage of the marketvidual enterprises will gain non-monetary factorsradiation wide of bargainer face to face of large-convenient condition to caused the decline costs tovolume transactions. The wholesale market can beincrease to change shorting goods of the overstock hereof producing area backlog and agricultural prod-5. The development of accelerated economy ofucts circulation caused will arose the productionfreeway town in Yunnanrotten and contradictions of produce and sale. Theconstruction of freeway town professional marketThere are more than 43 million people of 26will be change to a closed type patterm of the localnationalities in the mountainous frontier provincesproduction sales of traditional of the rural areas in-of Yunnan that is not very development of lo-herent that will not only improve the modermizationcal economic and social ". Speedway town willlevel and rural areas the professional business toupgrade traditional industries and will focus onactualize the national goods great flow to impel thefostering leading enterprises in Yunnan. The farm-development of the third industry of Yunnan.ers relation most closely and extensive coverage inThe development of promoting real estate in-the expressway town will form the key of farmers dustry of freeway town will be driven directly thethe income and an important role that is the de-region economic development. A large number ofvelopment of biological resources in Yunnan. Thefarmers of the ingress speedway town will buildassembly of the characteristic industrial and cor-themselves rooms of buy a house and renting soporation will bring along well-known brands andthat realty industry will rise to bring the prosperitythe radiation effect. The comprehensive productiv-of building materials industry and related indus-ity and production market competitiveness willtries. The increases of farmer income levels willincrease farmer income that will be building a newaccelerate consumption and all this will greatly ex-socialist countryside the most important industrypand the market demand to drive directly regionalsupport.economic development.The environment of more optimize tourism de-The construction of freeway town will stimulatevelopment of freeway town will intensify the tour-to expand domestic demand the urgent require-ism management that exploitation construction andments and will play an important role of rapidtop brand-name products will actualize sustainedgrowth side of sustained of promoting nationalhealthy development in Yunnan. In particular, theeconomic. Startup investment demand of speedwayother social services of accommodation and cater-town will develop the infrastructure facilities ofing industry of wholesale and retail of warehousingroads of electricity of water and will include theand transportation will bring more added values.investment construction of individual businesses ofThe conglomeration area of agricultural productsindustrial commercial enterprises to invest housingprocessing industry gradually of speedway townconstruction great potential. One of the main mo-will rely on natural resources-rich region that thetives of saving is the purchase of a building hous-traffic belt will be able to produce a number of keying of rural residents will move highway town resi-enterprises and famous brands. New industries ofdence by non-agricultural employment rural youthfostering a greater number potential will promotedrea中国煤化工using of farmerslocal healthy development of national economy andandintegrating willmake a positive contribution.boosTYHC N M H G whether farmers8Zhao J. Q.. Zhang H. X.1 Ecological Economy (2009)5:82-90into self-built housing to buy housing in the townficiency compared with the same time, but alsoThe real estate industry of freeway town high-the promotion concentration of non-agriculturalway will become the local rural economy and industries to form pillar industries in the freewaythe national economy a long-term growth The development of tertiary industry willFarmers of highway town will change way of life hasten hotels of insurance of finance of business ofproduction that the original production of theirsports of culture of education of communicationsown agricultural industry will gradually shift the of transportation to adjust and optimize the indus-purchase to increase the agricultural industry andtrial structure in rural areas of Yunnan. The impulsedaily-use industrial market capacity.agriculture the appropriate scale operation andagricultural modernization will heighten agricul-5.2 Development of agriculture industrializationtural labor productivity to promote effective ruralsurplus labor force to find work in business. TheFreeway town construction and the agriculturalexpansion of farmer's per capita arable land willindustrialization development are the development enable farm master-hand convergence to obtainand reform issues that will relate deepen rural re-the scale the operation at the same time, expeditingform economic development to resolve deep-seatedagricultural machinery will generalize high-tech tocontradictions and inevitable requirement impor-introduce advanced management methods and thetant way in Yunnan. It is the revitalization ruralimplementation productivity improvement.economy to reduce differences between urban-ruralareas to promote social progress profound revolu-5.3 Economic eficiencytion a great strategic significance.The development of the agriculture industrial-Kunming-Ruili Expressway lines will buildization and freeway town will accelerate aggrega-total five freeway town on each of town planningtion of rural industries of Yunnan on speedwaypopulation 30- 50 thousand people and 30 km2 oftown and will impel the development of the tertiary land area. Kunming-Jinghong highway lines willindustry for the rural surplus labor force transfer build total five freeway town on each of townwill afford a large number employment opportuni-planning population 20-40 thousand people andties so that they can more effectively transferred20 km2 of land area. The construction of speedwaysecondary and tertiary industries. It is a long chaintown will go beyond the critical size of the popula-of Yunnan agriculture industry to enhance value-tion and will exert effectively the population scaleadded agricultural products and agricultural ef- and economic interaction. The indexes are mainly1800160060000 t出5000120004000030000800006000200000100000L-中国煤化工Fig1. Population and govermment revenue the frMHCNMHG8ZhaoJ. Q.. Zhang H. x. / Ecological Economy (2009)5:82-90reflected concentration of different cities and vari- City, Fengyi Town of Longlin County, Longshanous socio-economic. From the city-size theory will Town of Ruili City, Nongdao Town. The 10 town'sreach 50 million yuan/km2 on consumer density population and government revenue in 2005 alongof 7.5 million yuan/km' on the capital density of I two freeway 8] have been used to make a regres-million yuan/km2 on the economy density and will sion analysis R=0.385. Although the regressionplay better economies scale benefit 146!. The con- analysis is not very significant but the descriptioncept of competitiveness of urban agglomeration the town near the tourist areas such as the economyshould be considered the value coupling of cities is relatively developed Dali City, Fengyi Town andtown groups decisive the whole significance and it Jinghong City Menghan Town (Fig.l). The build-is neither a city-town's competitiveness and simple ing of professional market of freeway town willthe value addition summation and nor is it gener- provide an impetus rural economic developmentally hard-soft factors assembled. An overall layout that Kunming-Ruili Expressway lines will establishof highway town will gradually form a strict func- on each town planning population 30-50 thousandtional distinction between both closely linked to people to use 30 km' of land area and Kunming-each other and unique geographical features. The Jinghong highway lines will construct on eachhighway town will actualize harmony develop- town planning population 20-40 thousand peoplement of economic social of positive interaction of to use 20 km2 of land area. It is estimated that theenvironment of resources of population and willconstruction of each route five towns will total con-avoid the ecological crisis 0. The reunification of struction 10 highway town to increase revenue 0.8-1the formation between man and nature harmony billion yuan in Yunnan.will insist on the path of sustainable developmentand will strive to enhance a modern city the com- Referencesprehensive service functions to form the center ofbusiness travel services of financial on freeway [ Qin GR. Yunnan eventh-ive programming sratagemresearch. Kunming: Yunnan People Press; 2005 (in Chi-town.Construction of freeway town must adhere[2] Porter ME. 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