300 MW 机组循环水泵的在线优化运行
- 期刊名字:热力发电
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- 论文作者:田小冬,刘福君
- 作者单位:唐山热电公司
- 更新时间:2020-03-24
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300 MW机组循环水泵的在线优化运行田小冬,刘福君唐山热电公司,河北唐山063029[摘要] 介绍了300 MW机组循环水泵在线优化运行的计算方法、模块结构及优化实施方法。优化系统投入后,解决了循环水泵起停的随意性和盲目性,节电效果较好。[关键词] 300MW机组;汽轮机;凝汽器;循环水泵;在线优化[中图分类号] TK264. I[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1002 - 3364(2008)01 - 0083 - 02唐山热电公司300 MW机组汽轮机为东方汽轮机式中:Dc为凝汽器蒸汽负荷,kg/s;Dw为循环水流厂制造的C30/220- 16. 7/0. 3/537/537型、亚临界、- -量,kg/s;h,为排汽焓;h。为凝结水焓,kJ/kg。当排汽次中间再热.两缸两排汽、抽汽供热式,配3台长沙水泵压力变化不大时,Oh=h,- he 近似不变,一般取Oh=厂生产的60LKXC - 26型立式混流循环水泵。2台泵或2 250 kJ/kg。实测的不同台数循环水泵运行时的循3台泵运行时,凝汽器真空提高,供电煤耗下降,但循环环水流量和循环水泵总耗电量见表2。水泵耗电量大,使供电煤耗上升。因此,合理安排循环表2不同台数循环水泵运行时的水泵的运行台数,对机组运行经济性具有重要意义。本循环水流量和循环水泵总耗电量文介绍了循环水泵运行台数在线优化的实施方法,以及项目,1号机组2号机组循环水系运行台数123厂23在1号、2号机组上的应用情况。循环水流量/t*h-I 17748 30240 40284 18212 30 96041 177循环水泵功率/kW 1237 2402 3498 1325 2579 3 6041循环水泵在线 优化计算方法和步骤:(3)凝汽器端差8t计算: .(1)循环水人口水温L为实测值与循环水泵运行8=一xA台数对入口水温影响的修正值相加。试验测得不同台eT8IF一1数循环水泵运行时修正数值见表1。式中:Aw为凝汽器冷却面积(18000 m?);K为总体传表1不同台循环水泵运对循环水入口水温的修正值热系数:K= 14 650qpw qqoqs ,其中:支循环水泵循环水泵循环水泵 循环水泵循环水泵φ-冷却表面清洁程度修正系数,开式循环时q=不由1台改由2台改由3台改由2台改0.8~0.85,闭式循环0. 75~0.8,不清洁时充运行台数变至2台变至3台 变至2台变至1台0.65~0.75,选取φ=0.85;循环水入口温度修正值/C+2+1.5-1.50.12q(1+0.152)q-一流速与管径修正系数:q°=(会)力(2)循环水温升Ot计算由热平衡方程可求得: .其中,Cw为循环水流速; d为冷却水管内径;1电DcX(h,-h)为循环水入口水温。DwX4. 187作者简介:田小冬 ,唐山热电公司副总工程师兼发电部部长。八E-mail:txd6280@dtts. cng.-水温修正系数:=1-.42√2(35-t1)21号机组DCS 2号 机组DCS1 000DCS路由器 |[ DCS路由器qo---流程修正系数:q.=1+T(1 - t:/35),z为凝PI双机服务器]C性能计算服务器汽器流程数。厂内管理信息ps一 蒸汽负荷修正系数:φs=δ(δ- 2),当dc> de'系统(MIS)网l用户用户2][用户3用户]时,δ=1,否则8=dc/dc。其中,dc为单位面图1生产管理系统网络结构积蒸汽负荷;de°为单位面积蒸汽负荷的临界值,de =(0.9-0.012t )de ;dc'为设计单位面从实时数据库中获取计算所毒数据积蒸汽负荷,其值为30. 1 kg/m2.(4)计算不同台数循环水泵运行时汽轮机排汽温从给定数据中获取计算所需数据度:t.=t+Ot+8t式中:,一汽轮 机排汽温度(凝汽器压力px对应的出箱坏水入口水温、循环水量变化饱和蒸汽温度),C;(5)根据排汽温度1,查出对应不同台数循环水泵通过凝结器变工况,计算出在假定的循环水泵运行台数下排汽温度运行时的排汽压力p。。(6)计算排汽压力变化对机组热耗影响。采用制由排汽温度计算出排汽乐力变化由排汽压力变化,计算出对汽轮机热耗的影响造厂提供的额定工况下排汽压力对热耗影响的关系曲线与排汽量变化拟合方法计算。计算出汽轮机热耗变化后对经济性的影啊、循环水泵耗电量增加对经济性的影响(7)综合比较汽轮机热耗与循环水泵耗功的变化,给出在线优化运行结果。给出优化运行结论團2循环水泵在线优化程序 :2循环水泵在线优化运行实现循环水泵优化运行是在生产管理信息系统上实现3循环水泵优化运行情况的,该系统的网络结构见图1。唐山热电公司1号、2号机组循环水泵优化运行模循环水泵在线优化运行计算机程序见图2。块于2006年10月30日投人运行,数据采样和模块运行周期为5 min。循环水泵优化运行指导画面见图3。系统投运后,从根本上解决循环百查名条件水泵的随意和盲目起停,保证了凝汽机组。回机组工重牧」器真空接近最佳值,大幅降低了厂用O卤环术无房行把堂电,提高了机组运行经济性。2006 年当前湾环水策运行方式(红色表示运行,是色表示停止)1号浦环水豪运行2号佛环水柔送行3号德环水蒙运行11月循环水泵电耗为0.64%,同期电环水茶运行方式优化建议耗为0, 76%,同比下降了0. 12%。T环水象百新运行状者优化计在区同蔡当前26潘环水聚运行200元/小时203.77元/小时[参考文献]流就定3台铺环水栗运行1] 剪天聪.汽轮机原理[M].北京:水-循环永茶雪托电斯金部优化运行承农益379.22元/小时66.72元/小时312.49元/小时力电力出版社,1992.热南环水蜜和康K景实时熟务力政务单位代号[2] C300/220 - 16. 7/0. 3/537/537型10机旧有功功车汽轮机热力特性书[Z]东方汽轮机电”101898.63kPa厂,2001.1都机组制追环水入口温度10.171日机组B制事坏水入口温度10.24[3]吴季兰. 汽轮机设备及系统[M].北京:8中国电力出版社,006.(下转第88页)八圈3循环水泵运行 台数优化指示画面CAUSE ANALYSIS FOR STALL OF AXIAL FANS OPERATING IN PARALLELHOU Fan- jun' ,GENG Li, WANG Jia - xin'1. Shandong Electric Power Research Institute, Jinan 250002,Shandong Province, PRC2. Huangtai Themal Power Plant, Jinan 250100, Shandong Province, PRCAbstract:The stall of a forced draft fan and a primary air fan for boiler no. 2 in one power plant has been analysed. Through test andinspection, it was found that the main cause leading to stall of the forced draft fan is reversely installed the outlet guide blades, andthat leading to stall of the primary air fan is most higher ventilation resistance and most higher outlet temperature of the coal pulveri-zer. After retrofitting, no stall appears again on the said forced draft fan and the primary air fan.Key words:axial fan; stall; guide blades; coal pulverizing system; ventilation resistance(上接第79页)PROBLEMS EXISTING IN THE SPRAYING SYSTEM OFLARGE TOOTH GEAR IN BALL MILLSLI Xiong :Guodian Anshun Power Plant, Anshun 561000 ,Guizhou Province, PRCAbstract: In operation of the spraying system for large tooth gear in the ball mills at Guodian Anshun Power Plant, some problems,such as troubles of the spraying oil pump frequently occurred, and the reversal valve of the spraying head can't automatically opera-ted etc. ,have often appeared. For this, analysis has been carried out, and corresponding measures being put forward. After imple-mentation, the troubles have been substantially reduced, ensuring normal operation of the system.Key words; ball mill; tooth gear; spraying oil pump; reversal system四0004000000000000400040.14(上接第82页)COORDINATING APPLICATION OF FUEL GASCOMPRESSOR ON MICRO - GAS - TURBINEZUO Zhi -yuan, LI Xi-ya, YANG Xiao- xiDongguan College of Science & Technology ,Dongguan 523808 , Guangdong Province, PRCAbstract:The influence of fuel gas pressure upon the performance of micro - gas - turbine has been brielly discussed, the developmentsituation of fuel gas compressor applied in coordination with micro - gas - turbine being presented. Combined with actual situation ofthe designed pressure in pipelines of the natural gas transportation and distribution system and the end - pressure of customers, anapproach to the influence of fuel gas compressor upon the strategic decision of a micro - gas - turbine project has been made, and somerecommendations for equiping fuel gas compressor being put forward.Key words:fuel gas compressor; micro- gas - turbine; transportation and distibution of natural gas; distributed energy system; pipeline pressure交(上接第84页)流ON - LINE OPTIMIZED OPERATION OF THE CIRCULATING WATERPUMP FOR 300 MW UNITTIAN Xiao- dong, LIU Fu- jun电Tangshan Thermal Power Co Ltd, Tangshan 063029, Hebei Province, PRCAbstract: The calculation method, module structure, and optimization - implementing method of the on - line optimized operation for circulating water pump of 300 MW unit have been presented. After putting the said optimization system into operation, the casualness and blindness八in start - up and shutdown of circulating water pump have been overcome, having better ectricity - saving ffectiveness.Key words:300 MW unit; steam turbine; condenser; circulating water pump; on - line optimization
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