Analysis of the Structure of Shakespeare’s Sonnets Analysis of the Structure of Shakespeare’s Sonnets

Analysis of the Structure of Shakespeare’s Sonnets

  • 期刊名字:科技视界
  • 文件大小:628kb
  • 论文作者:李鹏
  • 作者单位:昆明学院
  • 更新时间:2020-11-22
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外语论坛科技视界科技.探索●争鸣Analysis of the Structure of Shakespeare s Sonnets李鹏(昆明学院,云南昆明650214)[Abstract]The sonnet is a kind of lyrics with restrict forms which cannot depart from the contents. Shakespeare's sonnels are like a valuableflower blossoming in the England poetry garden during the age of Renaissance and a bright pearl sparkling in the world' s poetry treasury. This paperwill analyze his sonnets from the perspective of the structure and then interpret the meanings behind those words, which can demonstrate theimpotance of the comne[Key words ]Shakespeare's Sonnets;Structure analysis; Forms and contentsBrief Introduction of Shakespeare's SonnetsTime doth transfix the flourish set on youth,And delves the parallels in beauty's brow,Poetry is an integer united highly by the content and its form. ThFeeds on the rarities of nature' s truth,ormn which content and theme are connected well can play a role ofAnd nothing stands but for his scythe to mow.carrier to expatiate and depict, and then can explore and convey theAnd yet to times in hope my verse shall stand,sulbject with deepening and improving the thenPraising thy worth, despite his cruel hand.diversity of poems, the sonnet is a kind of lyrics with restrict forms whichShakespeare emphasized the cruelty of time to serve as a foil to thecannot depart from the content. When a poet produces a sonnet, he willeternality of his own poem. In the three quatrains, the poet focused onpay attention to not only the words he has chosen, but also the form hethe cruelty of time. In the first quatrain, the poem started the view ofhas adopted, because the form will be important in expressing the poet' srapidly running of time and strenghened such point of view in theideas as well as the diction.The sonnets originated from those ballads of Italia and became moresecond quatrain by talking about that time would tear its presents toshreds. And then in the third quatrain, the poem went further about thisand more farmous for the series of love sonnets of Petrachey. Al first, itview that time would destroyed all the things in the world. In order towas Sir Thomas White introduced the sonnetsinto the EnglislLater on, Henry Howard has changed the original rhythm into abab cdedstand out the theme, the poet gave us some real examples to demonstrateefef gg with the fom made up of four stanzas, that is, three quatrains andthe cruelty of time in these quatrains in which the speed of timedestroying the things became more and more rapid and the power of thatone couplet. Afer him, writing sonnets became more and more popular inbecame more and more strong, and for the result, the conflict becameEngland and especially Shakespeare was the most prestigious and he hasmore and more intense. Until the twelfth line, the poem goes up itsput forward the sonnets to the summit.2 The Structure Characters of Shakespeare' s Sonnetsreaphook of time. Reading this line, you will feel hopeless for theFor the rhythm, Shakespeare followed the one of Henry Howarddescription of time's cruelly has been reaching the limit. But al thatwithout any changes. However, he has sessully conquered andmoment, the poet turned suddenly and pointed out that there was stillonly one thing could fight with time, that is his own poetry by which hisexceeded the sonnet 8 form on the basis of original structure and byfriend will cary on his beauty forever.using it silfully,l therefore, his sonnets are something uniquely beautiful 2.2 The Logicality of the Structuredifferent from other regular ones. As a successor and explorer,Shakespeare has reformned the strueture of the sonnet according toShakespeare inherited and developed the sonnets of Edmund Spencer.the characters of English language and at last made sonnets more2.1 The Unity of the Structbrilliant. The thinking model of English people can be said as Three -stages including put forwarding the point, arguing for it and then drawingstarting, holding, changing and closing through the structure of threethe conclusion about it. Shakespeare s sonnets have characterized suchquatrains and one couplet by focusing on one subje. The couplet eches kind of thinking model wih arguing for the same point from threethose quatrains each other for the purposes of concluding the wholedifferent aspects. In the end of the sonnet, he would concluded by asonnet, indicating the theme and making the finishing point and becomescouplet. We can lake his Sonnet 73 as an example.into the epigram of this sonnet usually. His sonnets will argue one issuein the three quatrains and put the conclusion into the last couplet whichis the sumnit of logie rationing. In the three quatrains, the ise or theWhen yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hangconflict will be introduced in the first quatrain, and be argued in theUpon those boughs which shake against the cold,second one, then be argued further in the third one, and until beBare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.concluded in the couplet, ending with an epigram. Following we willIn me thou see' st the twilight of such dayanalyze Sonnet 60, a sonnet with perfect structure. .As after sunset fadeth in the west,Sonnet 60Which by and by black night doth take away,Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore,Death's second self that seals up all in rest.So do our minutes hasten to their end;In me thou see' st the glowing of such fire,Each changing place with that which gs before,That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,In sequent toil all forwards do contend.As the death-bed whereon it must expire,Nativity, once in the main of light,Consumed with that which it was nourished by.Crawls to maturity, wherewith being crowned,This thou perceiv' st, which makes thy love more strong,Crooked eclipses' against his glory fight,To love that wvell which thou mst leave ere lnngAnd time that gave doth now his gift confound.中国煤化工YHCNMH G作者简介:李鹏(1980- -),女 ,四川射洪人,硕士,昆明学院外国语学院,讲师,研究方向为商务英语、英语语言文学。Science & Technology Vision 科技视界| 205科技.探索●争鸣科技视界外语论坛This poem discussed the last months of one person. The structure of friendship by using such kind of structure of ilustrating inner tensility.4-4-4-2 is obvious. The three quatrains have consisted of 12 lines by In beginning of this sonnet, the poet described a common personthe dusk of sunset and the flame of fuel going out. All these metaphors socielty. The controversial and complicated psychology of the person hashave shown us a picture of the person will die correctly and romantically been depicted vividly. However, such person will change into another oneas well. The last lwo lines are the turning point and have drawn the totally different whenever he reminds his friend, from a person buryingconclusion that you will become more faithful because your lover is himself into the dust to a lark flying high into the sky, singing anddying. It can be said that the structure of Shakespeare' s sonnets can hovering in the endless sky. At that time, the poet showed disdain for themake the poet spout his deep feelings and express freely without any things on this earth and even he would not exchange his own to thelimitation. When the inner felings of the poet have reached the summit, wealth and position of the distingished king. It can be seen from thisthe poem will end without any hesitation through the couplet, clearly, poefficiently and decisively. All these have demonstrated the super power of by Shakespeare's structure of balloon, which makes the readers becomethe poet' s control of the feelings of his own.into the poet to feel the dramatic psychology full of conflicts.2.3 The Cortollability of the StructureShakespeare's sonnets are like the balloon and the string. Just3 Conclusionimagine that in his sonnets, the poet describing or arguing his point ofThe special structure of Shakespeare's sonnets has developed aview by the twelve lines is like one is charging to a blloon. As the kind of tensility express a certain strong feling and even thedevelopment of the poem lines, the poet express the felings more andcontradiction and confict. Therefore, the strueture here is necessary.more strong, which is like a blloon becomes from a small one into a What's more, the structure has played a very impotant role in expressinglarge one. The lwelfth line is the summnit of the poem and thatislikethe the real felings of the poet, exploring the theme of the poem andballoon has bulged to its limit. If one will charge more to the blloon, itimproving the thoughts. Especially, “the couplet has left the readers awill break immediately. At this moment, the poet ended the poem at once kind of undoubted impression with a powerful conclusion." Furthermore,and concluded the poem. The ending and concluding of the poem is like“"the couplet usually designed uniquely with surprising words, which isthe string pricking the bllo and plays an important role in the forming the eye of the whole poem and also can be said an aphorism.”of the whole blloon. If there is no such string, the shriveled blloon will Undoubtedly, the theme and conception ofnot appear and exist in a full form. For that, we can read Sonnet 29 and impartant but not perfect without other aspects. The poem will show itsfeel it.attraction fully through its real unity by the strueture and content.Sonnet 29Shakespeare’s sonnets have connected the deep thoughts and excellentWhen in disgrace with fortune and men' s eyes,artitry with both the structure and spirit, bringing the readers foreverI all alone beweep my outcast state,happiness and vivid resonance. They will keep the distinguished stalus inAnd trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries,the lyric treasury of England and the world. SAnd look upon mysel, and curse my fate,W ishing me like to one more rich in hope,[参考文献]Featured like him, like him with friends po[1]Chen Jia. Selected Readings in English Literature[M]. Beijing:The CommercialDesiring this man's art, and that man 's scope,Press, 1986.With what I most enjoy contented least,[2]Li Mingqiang. Shakespeare's Sonnets Edited, with Notes and ChineseYet in these thoughts my self almost despising,Translation in Prose[M]. Kunming: Y unnan University Press , 2008.[3; ]Qian Zhaoming, The Sonnets[M]. 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