Comments on the editorial by Riggio & Ageloni on the ascitic fluid analysis
- 期刊名字:世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版)
- 文件大小:160kb
- 论文作者:Anastasios Koulaouzidis
- 作者单位:Day Case & Endoscopy Unit
- 更新时间:2020-12-06
- 下载次数:次
Online Submissions: wjg. wjgnet.comWorld JGastroenterol 2009 December 28; 15(48): 6137-6138wjg@wjgnet.comWorld Jourmal of Gastroenterology ISSN 1007-9327doi:10.3748/ wjg.15.6137◎2009 The W]G Press and Baishideng All rights reserved.LETTERS TO THE EDITORComments on the editorial by Riggio & Ageloni on theascitic fluid analysisAnastasios KoulaouzidisAnastasios Koulaouzidis, Day Case & Endoscopy Unit,I would like to comment on a few points presented inCentre of Liver and Digestive Disorders, Royal Infirmary ofthis editorial. First of all, I would appreciate if the authorsEdinburgh, 51 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4SA,could clarify the statement on the need for collction ofAuthor contributions: Koulaouzidis A reviewed the literature,10 mL ascitic fuid (AF) in ethylenediaminetetraacetic acidanalyzed the data, and wrote the manuscript.(EDTA) containing tube. Universally, most of the EDTACorrespondence to: Anastasios Koulaouzidis, MD, MRCPtubes ("“purple-top or red-top tubes'", used for blood(UK), FEBG, Day Case & Endoscopy Unit, Centre of Liver andcollection) have a maximum capacity of 2.5-3.0 mL. IfDigestive Disorders, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, 51 LittleRiggio & Angeloni meant the universal containers, it is myFrance Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4SA,understanding that these tubes, except for being sterile,United Kingdom. akoulaouzidis@hotmail.comthey do not contain any anticoagulant. On top of that,Telephone: +44-131-2421603 Fax: +44-131-2421618lovember 13, 2009 Revised: November 27, 2009only 1 mL of fuid is enough for most laboratories to doAccepted: December 4, 2009the differential diagnosis. I disagree with the statementPublished online: December 28, 2009that“following hospitalization of any cirrhotic patientwith newly diagnosed ascites, a diagnostic paracentesisis advised". In fact, all cirrhosis with ascites should havediagnostic paracentesis on hospital admission月AbstractThere are indeed 4 well-disseminated practicalAngeloni et al published a landmark study on the useguidelines and expert's consensus reports, but many otherof Coulter counters in spontaneous bacterial peritonitisnational guidelines have been produced as well".(SBP) diagnosis. Riggio and Angeloni have recentlyRiggio & Angeloni's comprehensive“Table 2”published an editral on the ascitic fluid analysis in should list 90 AF samples and not 47 in the study bydiagnosis and monitoring of SBP. Herein, some pointsWisniewski et al', 2123 samples and not 1041 in the studyof interest are discussed.by Nousbaum et al", and 78 samples and not 72 in thestudy by Vanbiervliet et al', although three studies have⑤2009 The WJG Press and Baishideng. All rights reserved.not been included. In addition, Castellote et al' in arecently published paper argued that the leucocyte reagentKey words: Peritonitis; Reagent; Dipstick; Paracentesis;strips may have a role in repeated paracentesis and henceGuidelines; Ascitesmanagement of SBP.Koulaouzidis A. Comments on the editorial by Riggio &Ageloni on the ascitic fluid analysis. World J GastroenterolREFERENCES2009; 15(48): 6137-6138 Available from: URL: htp://ww.w1 Riggio O, Angeloni S. Ascitic fluid analysis for diagnosiswjgnet.com/ 1007-9327/15/6137.asp DOI: http://dx.doi.and monitoring of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. World ]org/10.3748/wjg. 15.6137Gastroenterol 2009; 15: 3845-38502 Angeloni s, Nicolini G, Merli M, Nicolao F, Pinto G, AronneT, Attili AF, Riggio O. Validation of automated blood cellcounter for the determination of polymorphonuclear cellcount in the ascitic fluid of cirrhotic patients with or withoutTO THE EDITORspontaneous bacterial peritonitis. 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