- 期刊名字:大连海事大学学报
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- 论文作者:邓露,李萌
- 作者单位:江阴海事局
- 更新时间:2020-03-24
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第36卷大连海事大学学报vL.362010年6月Journal of Dalian Maritime UniversityJun.2010文章编号:1006-7736(2010)S1010203船舶生活污水处理现状邓露,李萌(江阴海事局a办公室;b.VTS中心,江苏江阴214431)摘要:通过对 MARPOL AnnexⅣ适用船舶、处理设备和排放 stituted International Convention for the Prevention of pollution要求等方面的概述对现阶段船舶主要采取的几种生活污水 from Ships, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto处理方式和我国船舶生活污水处理及排放的国内立法等方( MARPOL73/78), the Protocol amending them in Annex w of面进行介绍,为IMO在船舶生活污水处理方面提出建议,Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from关键词:船舶;生活污水;处理现状Ships. As the technology development, more and more countries中图分类号:U664.92;X327文献标志码:Awith the conditions of entry into force of this annex. UntilOverview of ship sewage treatment statusMarch 13, 2000 Environmental Council in IMO adoptedMARPOL Annex I by the MEPC. 88(44)73/78, acceleratedDENG Lu, LI Mengentry into force of this annex. Finally, in September 26, 2002(a. General office: b. VTS center, Jiangyin MaritimeNorway accepted this annex, and the total reached 88 countriesSafety Administration, Jiangyin 214431, China;the total tonnage of the fleet meet 51% all over the world. Ac-cording to MAROL73/78 Article 15, Annex I came into forceAbstract: This paper mainly describes requirements of sewage in September 27, 2003. Then, MARPOL Annex N became atreatment on ships, equipment and discharge requirement fromthe aspects of MARPOL Annex N and introduces both severalompulsory annex. This paper mainly describes requirements ofsewage onboard treatment ways and legislative drafts in domestisewage treatment on ships from the aspects of MARPOL Anneships treatment of sewage disposal and discharge standardN, the main principle andLast, there are some recommendations for IMO in sewage trboard, and an overview of sewage treatment in China. At lastment on boardhere are some conclusions and recommendations for IMoKey words: ship; sewage; treatment status1 Requirements of MARPOL Annex i to sewage1.1 The definition of sewage by Annex N0 IntroductionMARPOL 73/78 Annex N regulation 1 of chapter 1 deNowadays, as the development of economic globalizationfines"Sewage"as: drainage and other wastes from any form oftoilets and urinals; drainage from medical premises( dispensaryserious pollution to marine environment at the same timesick bay, etc. )via wash basins, wash tubs and scuppers locatedage pollution problems from ships attracted people's attention in such premises: drainage from spaces containing living angradually. Sewage onboard which contains a lot of pathogens mab; other waste waters when mixed with the drainages de-and bacteria from washrooms and toilets flow into sea directlfined abovemay have great damage to people who have activities in theFrom the definition of Annex N, sewage on board shipnearest sea, or cause the eutrophication of water bodies, and mainly comes from the daily lives of the crew drainage.Fromlead to a sharp increase in plankton that may make a largethe definition, waste waters on board from different sources areber of fish dead or relocate to other places. How to reduce sew. divided into two kinds, one is black water, mainly from bath-age discharge from ships is a hot issue to shipping industry for room, clinic, or living place of live animals; another is grey wa-ter, which includes waste water and waste from the kitchenIn 1973, International Maritime Organization(IMO)con- laundry room, basins and bathrooms in accommodation of收稿日期:201003-24作者简介:邓露(1983-),男,重庆大足人,助理工程师,Emal:denglu@163.com邓露,等:船舶生活污水处理现状103crews. In this paper below, sewage is not for grey water but for ample, in port of Gdansk, the port reception surcharge is fromblack water10 EUR to 15 EUR per cubic meter. Compared with sewage1.2 The application of Annex l to shipstreatment plants, it is much expensiveShips which involve in international voyage are 400 Gt or 2.2 Discharge treatment equipmenover, shall meet the Annex N requirements in September 27, 2.2.1 Biological treatment plant2008. And after that it should be surveyed and certificated byAt present, the biological treatment plant is in use aerobicclassification or administration compulsorilybiological treatment method of the activated sludge and biofilm1.3 Sewage equipment reqnirementprocess. Fig. 2 illustrates a process of aerobic biological treat-Regulation 9, 10 in Chapter 3 of MARPOL Annex N es- ment plant. The advantages are simple structure, easy mainte-tablished a series of technology standards that each ship (in ac- nance, limit pharmaceutical usage, low cost, small volume ofcordance with requirements in Annex N)should has one of sew. sludge after treatment. However, the aerobic biological treat-age treatment plant, sewage comminuting and disinfecting sys- ment needs oxygen in the process and large volume tanktem, holding tank, which shall be of a type approved or satisfiedby the administration; and discharge flanges which connectedith shore facilities or other ships should satisfied the minimum1.4 Discharge requirement of sewage in the seFig. 1 shows that the reasonable distance of dischargingrage in the sea. Still in MARPOL Annex I, there are nony requirements about grey water discharge. Thus grey watercan be flow out of shipcase and any place in legalFig. 2 An example of work principleOCEAN2.2.2 Chemical treatment plantChemical treatment plant is still an essential component invage treatment schemes. Normally, the purposes of thechemical treatment are pH adjustment, removal of suspendedsolids from sewage( Precipitation), removal dissolved materialsin the sewage( Coagulation/ Flocculation), and improve waterquality(Clarification). It is faster and more efficient than bio-Fig 1 Discharge requirement areas of sewagelogical treatment plant. Because bacteria in biological treatment2 Sewage treatment methods on shipsneed a period of time to increase in action tank. While chemicalThe treatment methods of sewage from ships have two ma- treatment only needs some chemical materials to reactin ways: non-discharge treatment equipment and discharge 2.2.3 Physical-chemical treatment planttreatment equipment. The main process to deal with sewage isThe principle of this treatment method is the process of co-described below. Firstly, sewage passes filters to fill into holding agulation, sedimentation, filtration to eliminate water and othertanks. Some ships store the grey water and black water sepa- solid materials, with the dissolved organic matter to reduce therately. Secondly, holding tanks settle down sewage and separate BoD5(Biological Oxygen Demand in 5 days)from the value ofsolid from liquid. Thirdly, solid particles are transferred into the remaining effluent through activated charcoal or other pharsludge tank. Liquid sewage are filtrated by fine filter and fed in- maceutical treatment disinfection, deoxidation, finally dis.to disposal tank. Then the liquid are disinfected using chemicalsor other eq3 Prevention of sewage pollution in China2. 1 Non-discharge treatment methodsNon-discharge treatment style requires ships to set a holdChina has been handed over the application to IMO Secre-ing tank large enough to collect sewage on board and call for ary-General on November 2, 2006 to ratify the revisedorresponding reception facilities like reception boat or collecting MARPOL Annex N: according to relevant regulations, it is en-pool in ports. This is suitable for some short liner shipping. tered into force on February 2, 2007 formally. All internationalHowever, most of ports have no corresponding reception facili- voyage ships over 400 gross tonnage or carry more than 15 per-ties,or the incept fee is not cheap for single discharge For ex- sons have been installed sewage treatment plant or holding facili104大连海事大学学报第36卷ties which ratified by administration to meet the requirement of Ships Regulations of Jiangsu Province(2005). This regulationIMO, and got the International Sewage Pollution Prevention requires ships in Yangtze River should have enough volume(ISPP) Certificatetanks to hold sewage from crew, passengers, and animals. B3.1 Domestic legislation system before the entry into force of fore the Three Gorges Dam began to work in 2008, China Mari-time Safety Administration( MSA)took measures to require allActually, Chinese government has takeen certaInoperating passenger ships should install effective holding facilitiesto prevent sewage from ships before MARPOL Annex Nor treatment plants on board. For instance, Chongqing city hasinto force. Especially, the inland water vessels in China, some installed sewage pollution prevention system on a total of 56exsewage treatment plants have been used from late 1960s. And isting inter-provincial passenger (tourism)ships in Marchme domestic laws and regulations for prevention of sewage pol- 2009lution from ship were constituted graduallyIn April 1, 2000, Marine Environmental Protection LawTo sum up, MARPOL Annex N is implemented efficientlyof the Peoples Republic of China(2000)came into force andby contract parties. One reason is the amount of sewage is not asArticle 62 required ships in port should discharge sewage to much as ballast water or oily water on board, and the sewageshore facilities, And some regulations, such as Water Pollutiontreatment technology is more mature than others. That meansControl Act of the People's Republic of China, Water Pollution ship-owner can only spend less money to ins migne hent onControl Act Implementation Rules of the People's Republic of ship to meet the standard in contrast with others. a greatChina, Regulations of Prevention of Marine Pollution from Ships amount of onboard water discharged by plenty of passengers onof the People's Republic of China, required ships should set rel. cruise ships consist of dark water and grey water. The formercan be treated by sewage treatment. And the latter, normally inaboard. Meanwhile, China established national standardsseparate holding tank, has not been defined by IMO as sewage(GB10833-89)in January 1, 1990 to require the parameter of and discharged over board directly. As the development of econ.sewage and discharge areas for coastal and inland water waysomy, there will be more cruise ships in the future, and grey wa-3.2 Prevent sewage pollution in inland waterlarge amount of phosphorus froIn inland water ways, like Yangtze River, millions of peo- aboard, flows into sea without disposa in some sensitive watersple pump the water inside as daily consumption. So in May 28, like Yangtze River. Water in those areas may be eutrophication1996 Shanghai established a local regulation as The Regulation and blue-green algae cause in rivers. IMO should add grey waterof Prevention Pollution from Ships in Shanghai Port(1996)into Annex N as revised resolutions. It is critically that trans-and entered into force in September 1, 1996. In 2005, Jiangsu forms water saving technologies on board, and makes grey waterPrarried out Inland Waters Prevention of Pollution fromand clean dark water have better recovery and utilization
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