Thematic Progression and Text Analysis
- 期刊名字:课程教育研究(新教师教学)
- 文件大小:170kb
- 论文作者:范杰
- 作者单位:青岛农业大学外国语学院
- 更新时间:2020-11-22
- 下载次数:次
教改敏研 掘程教育研究和观金。真正把教学看作是师生共赛的生命历程,共创美好的体和观念,如何解答这道题,.兰、 把握节赛,教会学生方法,使政治课更加多元化方法,让学生在以后的学习中能做到学会自主学习,触类旁通,在课堂上的四十分钟,必须把握好节奏,充分利用好,不仅举一反三,符合新课程理念的“以学生为主体,培养学生学会自要完成当堂的教学任务,还要达到新课程标准,践行新课程理念,主学习”。政治课是一门活生生的课,它需要现实的生活中的例取得良好的效果。在教学实践中,我主要采用“学案导学”的教它需要我们在现实生活中去运用,我们不能只是让学生局限于书学方法和“小组合作的方法”。首先,学案导学法更加注重学生本,局限于课本中的知识点,而是要让学生掌握学习的方法,不课前的预习和训练,在课堂上是学生根据老师设置的问题或以后的学习中这也正是所谓的“授之以渔”远比“授之以鱼”更者情景活动,根据自己已经完成的学案讲讲,不懂的或者有疑问具有实在性和更显得有意义。总之,古人云“吾日三省吾身”,这就是告诫人们如果要不断进步,就要不断反思、反省,作为教师,我们只有在教学过程获的。在节省时间的同时还能提高效率,何乐而不为呢?但并不中不断反思,发现向题、分析问题、解决问题,不断改进,学会总结,才能不断提高自己的教师专业水平,才能更好地适应社会是讲完了,学生理解了就是成功了,还要课堂练习,这一环节还发展的需要,也才能更好地履行自己的职责,发展和完善自己.是至关重要的。教师讲得再好,学生当时即使掌握了,如果参考文献[1]国家教委《普通高中思想政治课程标准(实验)解读> [S]北题最好是近几年的高考题或者是模拟试题,规定在一定的时间内高:人民教育出版社,2005[2]刘频《构建政治课有效课堂的思考》[D].《中学政治教学参完成,接着请几位学生上台写出自己的答案,给学生打分,经过考》2006-5核对答案,了解到学生完成的情况,对于答对的学生请其说说他Thematic Progression and Text Analysis范杰(青岛农业大学外国语学院山东青岛266109)[ Abstract] Based on Thematic Progression of Functional Grammar, this paper attempts to demonstrate the application of ThematicProgression in text analysis. By analyzing the Thematic structure of a text and the patterns of Thematic Progression, we can gain an insight intothe writer' s underlying concermns and better understand the text.[ Key words] Theme ; Rheme ; Thematic Progression ; text analysis[中图分类号] HO-0[文献标识码]B[文章编号] 2095-3089 (2012) 05-0092-021. IntroductionTn (=Tn-1)一-RnHalliday in his book Functional Grammar proposed that, fromii) Linear Progression (the Rheme or part of the Rheme of thethe viewpoint of textual function, a clause can be divided into towirst clause becomes the Theme of the next)-Theme and Rheme. Many linguists joined in the studyof Thematic structure, especially in 8 text or in a paragraph. TheT2(-RI)- -R2Theme and Rheme of each clause in a coherent text are related toTn(Rn-1)- -Rneach other in various ways, Danes refers to this rclation as Thematic进) Constant Progression (the Rhemes of all the clauses are theProgression. Many Chinese scholars such as Xu Sbenghuan have alsoame but the Themes are different)explored the different patterns of Thematic Progression. By showingthe definition of Theme and Rheme and the patterns of Thematic-R2 (=R1)Progression, this paper attempts to demonstrate the application ofTo - -Rn (-R1)Thematic Progression in text analysis.v) Crossing Progression (The theme of the first clause is theeme of the next clause)According to Halliday, Theme is one element in a particularstructural configuration which organizes the clause as a message.T2- R2(=T1)Within that configuration, the Theme is the starting-point for theRn(=Tn-1 )message; it is the ground from which the clause takes off. The4. Application of Thematic Progression in textremainder of the message, the part in which the Theme develops, isana lysiscalled Rheme, as shown in (1) and (2By analyzing the Thematic structure of a text, we can gain an(1) You (T) "\ probably haven' t seen that flm. (R)insight into its texture and understand how the writer makes clear to(2) Last night (T) ll I weat to the cinema. (R)us the nature of his underlying concerms. When we deal with a text,3. Thematic Progress ionwe can locate the Theme and Rheme of each sentence. Then we canA text or a syntactic complex whole consists mostly two or moresee what the writer mainly wants to say, from where the writer beginsclauses that are related to each other. And there is cohesion amongand where the writer picks up a new topic, etc. Thus we can betterthe clauses. Therefore, there will be some connection among theunderstand the whole text. To ilustrate this, let' s see the followingThemes and Rbemes of the ncighboring clauscs. This is referred to asThematic Progression. As the theme progresses forward, the wholein 1863, the Football Association approved a game thatXu Shenghuan (1982) proposed fout Datterns ofThematieoutlawed carrying and kept the ball at men' s feet. The game stillProgression:watheans matcogo.oweverpenorenwouraoe berowwoani) Parallel progression (within a text, all of the clauses have theCup. Whole tea中国煤化工rd on the feld withsame Theme and different Rhemes)the ball kept cloTHCNMH(asses or long kicks,and some of thell nearer rugby thanT2 (=T1)Rfootball. By the early 1870s, however, the fast, exciting, and open92 2012年第5期.
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